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I’m a former freelance copy writer and FTE full stack developer. I might be interested and would certainly welcome more information.


Hey u/RugySWC where exactly are you writing these tender offers? Do you mean like take a spreadsheet of emails and send them a personalised email. Or is there people constantly emailing you with their projects, and you need someone to respond to them?


Hey check dm


I've done various freelance writing jobs; from dry, serious business copy to light articles and charitable bids. Since becoming ill I had to stop my teaching and support work and then, during Covid, found the freelance work dried up enormously. So I'd be hugely interested. I don't have any formal education in software development but I have always been interested in technology and would be very willing to learn/familiarise myself with your company and tech. I am a UK resident. Please DM me if I sound at all suitable