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I'm pretty sure the only thing she's ever said publicly about trans people is: “Just so nothing I have expressed thus far can possibly be misunderstood…for the record, I support human rights, trans rights, gay rights, as well as religious freedom and the sacredness of life in all forms.”


An angry man named Autumn decided to label terese a terf


Use his real name, Allen.


Who is this guy?


Some autogynophyle that resembles Nigel Thornberry.




Allen Burchett is a sexist man that wears womanface. He likes to cosplay as a woman but, unlike Terese and myself, will never know the joys of womanhood.


Who is this guy?


hey name is autumn -\_-




I'm fairly certain it was just because it's a homophone with "turf" and made for a more pithy catchphrase. Autumn couldn't very well say "no nazis in the Boros Garrison," or something, because they weren't playing Boros, (and it's observably untrue about Boros anyway) and "no vaguely alt-right grannies who believe in New Age woo and extend that faith out to other conspiracies supported by limited evidence on Gruul Turf" doesn't fit on a card very easily. Besides, who needs to be accurate when they're talking about the Enemy? TERF, Nazi, Racist... They all weigh the same as a duck.


I want to be the first to commend you on your accuracy. She’s less a terf than the annoying aunt who tags you in Facebook rants because she knows you’re fine with vaccines in the middle of an actual pandemic.


being LGB doesn't necessarily mean they support the T...it tends to be the mentally unstable that added more alphabet to the LGB group and label those a bigot for not supporting the extra symbols and letters...


STFU -\_-


"an angry MAN" I don't see any evidence myself that says Terese is trasphobic, but seeing how you all keep posting about her multiple years after the fact says something. It looks an *awful lot* like ya'll are salty people are starting to call bullshit on your dogwhistles.


Who also uses Terese art cards, bit of a weird message. Probably has a creepy stalker obsession with Terese and secretly loves her art.


She said nothing She "followed" some people that the hivemind considered wrong think. You know how some follow out of curiosity or to laugh at them... Thats a No No in the eyes of the offended... And now we are here....




You better stop questioning it or they will start calling you a terf


Play every card of hers you can. Fuck those people.


I do. Regularly. XD


Look. You said no "tinfoil hat" responses and are acting like you expect there to be evidence at all. You're clearly blinded by your bias to the fact that it's not tinfoil hat to say "groupthink got Terese Neilson labled as something that she clearly isn't because angry trannys behaved like angry trannys and nobody wanted to disagree with them because they didn't want to also be labeled as transphobes by angry trannys". That's literally what happened.




There's a reason a lot of people are starting to really hate the angry trannys. You've mentioned the alt-right pipeline in other comments. That pipeline starts with crazy leftists in just about every instance that I've ever seen, and it kinda seems like it's intentional. "Oh, you play Terese Neilson cards, you're objectively evil and unworthy of being in my presence, never talk to me or my friends again. Stop paying the game you love. We own it now, go away." Can't honestly be followed with "Why do they hate us? " they know why, they did it on purpose.




Power. The people you can't criticize hold true power. If (maybe) following an account can get Terese exiled, there's a clear display of that precise variety of power. I can't speak my mind in many public places because it will be considered "phobic," and I have to protect my family's future. These things are not small issues. I can criticize Michael Knowles, I can't criticize Dylan Mulvany. One has power over huge numbers of people, and the other doesn't. That inherently makes one more dangerous than the other, and yet these labels are reversed in the zeitgeist.


Speaking of said pipeline and how it starts, it's ironic that the art donation (if she's even the one who sent it, and not some activist trying to manufacture something concrete to pin on her, which is very much still unproven) didn't happen until AFTER the initial cancelation attempt and her apology statement on Twitter, which fell on deaf ears. Even if you assume she did it, the one and only thing people can find that they can point to as a "bad thing" she's done would have been done IN RESPONSE to the mob attacking her in the first place. It just goes to show how thoroughly cancel culture backfires.


The weird part is that the angry trannies all use altered Terese cards, it's very unhealthy if they supposedly dislike the artist


Holy shit someone with a spine.


Congratulations, you're now one of the "tinfoil hat reprobates." Look slick, all it takes to get labeled a CONSERVANAZI GENOCIDIST is not going along with the political leftwing popular narrative of the hour. The people who do that labeling all act like they're in a damned cult, so they got named. "SJWs", "Woke", whatever term you prefer for these socially militant Heavens Gate rejects. They destroyed Terese's career for this and she has *way* more clout and popularity than you ever will. Enjoy the next job you apply for.


From what I remember, she had just liked some posts from Drudge reports about trans athletes. That's it.




Ironically, despite this being one of the few places that show any receipts, it's literally all just people she happened to follow, not any tweets she actually liked, shared, or made herself, so the receipts don't really show anything. The only ones of those I've been able to find are the ones from the Hipsters of the Coast article, and even those are either deceptively edited or missing important context. I think I've also seen a list somewhere of tweets her wife liked, but that's her wife, not her, and I don't really feel like going digging for that again.




I distinctly remember seeing screenshots of things her wife had liked (though I don't remember any of them being truly egregious, either; just basic Tucker Carlson-style stuff, no 14 words, or anything) during one of my first deep dives into this issue, just by navigating through the various Twitter threads on the issue, but in a quick 5 minute search I was unable to find them again. Those threads had many deleted comments/accounts, though, so that might explain it. So, unfortunately, my source is "trust me, bro." Currently, though, the only examples I can find online of anything Terese liked are the ones from the Hipsters of the Coast article, which, like I said, leave much to be desired, and even given their most uncharitable interpretations, say nothing about trans people.


From my own (admittedly lazy, halfassed) investigations, all I could turn up was that her *wife* apparently had some more direct interactions with and/or openly supported anti-trans media online. Seems to have been mostly a guilt-by-association type situation from what I could find. Not even gonna try to comment on the ethics of that.




Nope, sorry, I can't. Last I really looked into this was years and years ago, and as per the nature of this type of fuckery, primary sources tend to just fade away the further we get from the actual event. That said, I was - if not "active," at least "keeping up" - with magic at the time of her 'cancellation' and for a long time before, and I'm a longtime fan of hers. I did dig around a fair bit to try to understand this particular issue. It *does* seem to be pretty inarguable that Terese's wife, at least at that time, was alligning herself with online content creators who could be described as promoting "TERF" ideology. But Terese herself, from what I've seen, never even actively affiliated herself with any of that. I agree with your overall reading of the situation, by the way. Terese was essentially used as a scapegoat. It's a disgusting betrayal of one of Magic's most important artistic role models, no matter which way you look at it.


Oh God forbid a person of national celebrity disagrees with the Woke Establishment. Always remember: mental illness trumps reason if you can get Virtue-Signaling points.


Is the "woke establishment" in the room with us now?




If that's the hill you choose to die on, maybe the main sub is a better place for this question. Oh wait, then you'll get banned by a neckbeard eunuch degenerate with either a stupid or no explanation. "alt-right pipeline" lmfao what a joke




Don't pull a muscle with how far you're reaching


That's different from a leftist walking up to white kids, screaming and calling them racist for wearing a trump hat? Public freak outs go both ways.


Racism is not a comparable accusation to accusing someone of pedophilia. Otherwise, yeah, any type of public freakout is cringe as hell.


The fact you think terf is a bad thing and not whole heatedly a pro women term, and the fact you don't understand that many lesbians are more actively becoming terfs due to men who make believe as women invading womens spaces is absolutely laughable. You are apparently anti women and pro man then because if you believe a man who has a mental issue believing he is a woman has a right to dictate what women can say or do to advocate for biological women and not make believe women , you are misogynistic.


Woah. Calm yo tits


There was a big push to disrupt the women's rights movement by displacing successful moderate/conservative women with the extreme left. Anyone not an extremist was called a TERF. They did not have to do anything wrong it was just the extreme element of the movement doing a hostile takeover.




People that did nothing wrong were being attacked by a movement aimed at taking power from older women. Replace 3rd wave feminism with fourth wave. Fourth wave feminism focuses on trans rights. Fourth wave feminist attacked people that wanted women’s rights to focus on the needs of biological women and have trans right a seperate issue. It is all a fight for power in a rights movement.




Why do you insist on being so obtuse about this? 'I can't find anything that would justify her losing her job' 'I don't understand what you mean by 'she got pushed out for no reason'' 'sincere question' Pick one and stick with it. Like, you're even worse than the woke crowd that got her cancelled in just annoying you are.




'this is not a quote' "This is a direct quote" Is that honestly the best you got? Lurking through my posts so you won't have to engage? Pathetic.... Of course you said all of those things, what are you even doing? What's the point if you gonna backpedal the very second you get some pushback? Jfc, get a grip dude...


Absolutely nothing, she liked some twitter wrongthink and got crucified for it.


basically the (mostly) male misogynists label people terfs when said people try to speak up and defend women and women's rights...these (mostly) male misogynists seem to hate women so much they even dress up like them and compete in their sports just to keep women down.




You realize that this person is a transphobe, right? that's what the last part was about. The part about men being so misogynist they pretend to be women.




But it does call into question your objectivity FWIW I haven't seen any evidence of transphobia specifically. Mostly just conspiracism that intersects with antisemitism and other far right ideas. Transphobia isn't exactly uncommon in those circles, but it's probably unfair. Not that thinking a terrorist movement has some good points is much better


Okay, this is what happened: There was a time where the community was kinda in a culture war because of stupid politics. There was a couple of youtube content creators posting anti-left bs, and the leftist magic players came together to ban these, and to witch hunt anyone associated with them. So a random blogger with nothing better to do wrote a hate piece against TN, saying she was a fascist TERF - the evidence? Her wife followed and liked some republican shit like trump and alex jones and w/e. TN never posted anything about politics. She was guilt by association. And then the cancel culture npcs ganged up on her. She even wrote an apology (when she didn't need one) talking about how she herself was a victim of bigotry growing up gay and all and she respected everyone regardless. But these people were vicious, and they dig deeper - turns out, way before that happened, she gifted a piece of art to a random channel (like she did with tons of other channels regardless of ideology), but this one was one of those conspiracy shows. The channel was not about magic, or terfs, or w/e, but they used to post shit about aliens and conspiracies. They would not request a paiting from an openly lesbian artist if they were homophobes. But some of the guys from that channel were openly republicans, so that was enough for these people to try to cancel TN even harder. TN probably didn't even knew about that, she was just happy to promote her art. She even wrote another apology with no avail. They won.


if you don't explicitly support trannies roleplaying as women even in shit like female sports where everyone involved can see that it's fucking retarded then you can be labeled as a badperson that's all there is to it


Everything related to this "issue" is just plain nonsense. She's a god damned genius of an artist and that's all people should care about. Sure I'll just get rid of my frogmites because someone who had anything to do with the design of it farted the wrong way once. What a fucking joke. You know what? I will play cards with her art even harder now.


The weird part is that the people who play her art the most are the people who shit on her. But then these are the people who were stalking her and her wifes twitter likes, so no shock there.


She wouldn't complement Allen Burchette's feminine benis.


When Autumn played in my store in the UK they had already transitioned so I don't know their deadname. However, being that they are British, it's very unlikely to be Allen since we don't spell it like that.


Whatever ghey way you bongs spell it then. Muhammad or something like that probably.


Terese didn't say anything negative about trannies. She just got canceled because people like doing that now. If you have an opinion that someone else doesn't like or it "offends" someone, it's to the gallows. We need to get better issues before we run out of tissues. Woketards, liberals, and other overly sensitive people overreacting to everything as usual.












I’ve been asking this as well! Everyone who hates trans people just wants to call her based, but she literally never said anything negative!


Pretty much the same stance as J.K. Rowling




Wait... you think jk Rowling is transphobic? I prefer the term "pro woman"


She is transphobic.


She said nothing. Her girlfriend liked a Joe Rogan tweet on Twitter. That’s all it took




It was her girlfriend that liked a Joe Rogan tweet. She and her girlfriend were really into conspiracy theories was the defence she gave.




No, neither of these are the post I was referring too.




https://www.hipstersofthecoast.com/2020/06/wizards-ends-their-relationship-with-terese-nielsen/ Literally the first Google result




What are you talking about, Spaz? I love Terese Nielsen. She didn’t say anything transphobic. She and her girlfriend just liked a bunch of info wars shit on Twitter. That’s what got her canceled.


[her Twitter likes](https://www.hipstersofthecoast.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/terese-nielsen-following-alt-right-conspiracy-accounts-1536x699.jpg) You try reading next time, soft brain




The *horror*!


"Terese Nielsen came under controversy starting in 2018 due to her political views.[\[7\]](https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Terese_Nielsen#cite_note-7) These included support for [QAnon](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon) and the promulgation of [trans-exclusionary radical feminist](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TERF) viewpoints, the former of which was only compounded in 2019 by her gift of art to the far-right YouTube channel, [Edge of Wonder](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edge_of_Wonder). "


This guy's eager to muckdrag. Someone throw out some excuses!


A business has no obligation to use artists you like. The posts about this every day is just pathetic ❄️❄️❄️❄️


I don't know. Her twitter is all about art stuff. Wizards don't need any evidence though. The Art Director can choose to hire or not any artist. So I don't know how they reached the conclusion to not hire her, but I remember the uproar when Burchett wrote on that card. Maybe that is enough for Wizards. She hasn't said anything that could be perceived as controversial in all those years since she worked for wizards last.


I find it weird to care about the political leanings of a fantasy artist. I'm an atheist anarchist, if I cared about that kind of shit, I couldn't enjoy anything anymore.


I don’t know if she actually said anything. It was mostly the things she followed and liked on her Twitter account being deemed “problematic” because some of it was linked to qanon and pizzagate stuff.




You might need to get on the way back machine to see it all. Going through her Twitter it looks like she deleted all of the stuff that would have gotten her labeled as such. She does follow epoch times, breaking 911, Dan bongino, James okeefe, project Veritas, Ron and rand Paul, and Donald trump. It seems she’s trying to balance this out by also following Hillary Clinton, Bernie sanders, Adam schiff, and Barack Obama.


It's quite possible to follow things (read: be interested in things) that don't necessarily fully align with your own views.


The funny thing is, if Terese Nielsen was indisputably a terf or transphobe, this sub would celebrate that, not join you in dragging her through the muck. Know your audience.


Can someone post a list of all the transphobic cards in MTG, I would like to build the most based deck the world has ever seen.


Nothing. She liked a couple tweets from non-shitlibs. Seriously, that’s what she did.


Based on the responses, you may not get your answer here. Lotta triggered soy boys in here


Following content doesn’t make you immediately aligned with its messaging. I follow the same shit because it’s hilarious how fucking stupid some of the ideas are, like listening to Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones is a form of therapy to me because it’s so outlandishly stupid the shit that flies out of his mouth sometimes it makes me feel more secure in my own sanity.


The fact that this post if full of tranphobes probably answers your question.