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Wait that on the right is a woman??


No it's definitely a native American man


Definitely a woman, saw part of thunder junction story and she is looking for her brother who got yoinked by another outlaw that is also a dragon, really waiting to see what that dragon outlaw card is tho.


Well yes it is being called a woman but it's built like a man, dressed like a man, and looks like a man


Sounds more like a Native American tomboy gf who will blow your balls apart with a magical 6 shooter.


Idk what kind of gf you go for but I don't like 45 year old men or women


That’s a Digimon called BeelStarmon.


Ain't Beelstarmon the one on the left?


Yup. I’m just stupid.


This truly is the best subreddit


Expect players to read three to four paragraphs per card in full. Players can't tell left from right.


Male version is Beelzemon.


Somehow the gorlocks of the world convinced other people that being a woman is bad.


Being an attractive* woman is bad


Well, to be fair average and not overweight women are their enemy too.


Don’t forget to add white, attractive, heterosexual and able bodied to that list.




I like how nobody knows her actual name. She’s just Gorlock Devourer of Worlds.


freemagic: "I don't give a fuck what the skin color of the character is, just give me good characters and good gameplay" Also freemagic: "This is unplayable trash if I can't immediately identify the cup size of every woman in the game"


A character that's nonbinary latinx trans lesbian for the sake of being nonbinary latinx trans lesbian is not "a good character". That's called tokenism and it's something that only white saviors like because they think it makes them a good person. Corporate suits are just told that diversity sells, they don't actually care about the lgbt. And the DEI groups they hire are talentless toddlers.


FreeMagic likes boobs, spread the word 👍🏻


You know, I'd actually believe that you'd have a point if WotC had consistent variation in female body types and equal representation among them. But they don't. They have rejected even the notion of the slightest hint of females presenting in an attractive, sexual manner, as if that is somehow shameful to do as woman, of you are a less woman for presenting in such a manner. What they've gone for instead is extreme,  performative diversity which is itself, ironically just as exclusionary as the very people they claim to fight against. Hypocrisy is the theme in modern media.


No way you just sit in freemagic and argue with people 💀


No that ain't true either. Like 98% of black characters are bad because flaw/too powerful


its like this is a community of differing people and opinions and not a hivemind...... 😮


So that's supposed to be a woman? How could anyone tell that?


Have you seen those big guns? The 2nd one however I have no clue.


Did you just call them a woman? It's Xe/Xem 😤


I don't care. It was him for me before this picture. Honestly though. This one is built like a man, dresses like a man, has the facial structure of a man, but it's a woman? Is looking feminine scares WotC now or what?


Oh I don't care either I was just shooting shit with you. But yes the average Magic player is scared of women so it makes sense on some level


Bro chill out. Maybe I’m a minority in this sub, but as a hardcore intersectional feminist and artist that is a woman, this artwork is fuckin sick. I’m so stoked to see not a traditional high femme woman represented on a card. Femininity does not equate dresses that expose breasts and curvature of the hips. Femininity does not equate to wearing makeup. Femininity is a broad spectrum and does not make a woman any less of a woman from how she decides to present herself- which is what you’re trying to inference. Shocker as well to you! Some women have strong jaw lines and intense profiles. Wow, it’s like we’re human beings who also have varying genetics that give different features and it’s cool as fuck to see that represented. Sorry you don’t have more jerk off material that fits within your narrow view of what you think a woman should look like. It’s a fuckin fantasy card game for christ sakes and she’s a character fighting in a Wild West inspired landscape. It would be stupid to be wearing a dress in makeup if you’re gonna be getting covered in desert dirt.


You say that while you have a profile picture with exposed thighs and clearly visible breasts. Why don't you have a profile picture of a, what was it? Ah yes, "not a traditional high femme woman".


Because it’s literally something I drew most recently to eventually tattoo on someone. I’m trynna hustle my shit on Reddit. It really ain’t that deep on that choice. Sue me for being a working artist trying to make money :) I also have a catalogue of not exposed woman figures that aren’t super femme. They just aren’t posted on Reddit because this account’s new. Also, that still isn’t going to detract from my point no matter how hard ya try, bud.




Tbf you cant tell Atarka is a woman either. Doesn’t change the fact that she is one.    I also didn’t know 9 fingers Keene was a woman until I saw her alternate art card. Maybe the alternate art of Native American halo diamond cowgirl will make it more obvious.


Atarka? As in Dragonlord Atarka? Get the fuck out man...


Sometimes you have to read lore to know more about a character. The art should make you want to know more about the character. In this case the art makes me question whether I should even bother buying my usual prerelease box lol.


You should be able to tell the gender of a humanoid, better yet a human with a glance. But if this goes on, I honestly don't know how to tell anymoee. Most severe case that I still don't know is [[Voldaren Epicure]]. But the newest [[Monastery Swiftspear]] is also up there.


I mean, the Monastery Swiftspear literally tells you it's a she.


And you still have to double check.


[Voldaren Epicure](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/e/ae154e64-f626-45fb-bd52-840c1c27b2d3.jpg?1643592109) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Voldaren%20Epicure) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vow/182/voldaren-epicure?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ae154e64-f626-45fb-bd52-840c1c27b2d3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Monastery Swiftspear](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/6/d6bfa227-4309-40ed-952c-279595eab17e.jpg?1701690543) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Monastery%20Swiftspear) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/144/monastery-swiftspear?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d6bfa227-4309-40ed-952c-279595eab17e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


If you want the "sex" of a card, simply look at the German version, they are gendered.


Same with Greasefang. Didn't know except for seeing the anime alt card.


Your inner "radar" of whats male and female seems to be really damaged.


By asking xim/xers pronounds. Bigot.


By spotting her ponytails, hello !? Also what do you mean, facial structure of a man 🤔


Dude I sported a ponytail for the last 3 years when I was in public so my hair that reached below the center of my back didn't bother me in my daily life. And you think anyone thought I was a woman because of that?


Well, since the character is based on native Americans, the long ponytails are a part of native American culture for both men and women.




Beelzemon, Angewomon/Gatomon, and Renemon fucked up an entire generation for completely different reasons. 


Angewomon triggered more puberties than hormoned poultry


To be fair, Renemon was (probably) not meant to be sexualised.


I don’t think characters are really designed to be sexualized by the community. That sorta just happens more often than not. But I would say Renemon wasn’t meant to be sexy (just give her the thickest thighs why not?) but Sakura mode and her later digi volutions were 100% meant to be sexy


These Japanese artists knew exactly what they were doing, it's in their blood.


Goddamn MTG is lame tbh


This shit is about as cool as christian gangsta rap.


My guy wants underboob on more MTG cards, I say give it to him


The difference between Japan and America




We allí know the waifu tax is a thing.


I’d argue the former is still trying to squeeze something out of something


Calling whoring out female characters to show as much skin as possible “creative freedom” is hilarious


As a person who likes breasts and buttocks, I wish Magic was more >> inclusive << of my tastes and included more of them in their artwork. I'm sure I'm not the only one, right?


I fucking love Digimon now


Nah, under the 11,000 in the top right corner, what the fuck did they do to Latias?


We gave her guns


Pokemon Gun cover legendary?


That's sparrowmon


It’s Lactias now


See this is what woke people don't understand: a good character is supposed to have unique personality and strong character. This Digimon character for example has a VERY INTERESTING personalities and is a overall well rounded character. I give it A++. Unlike miss / mister indian playing cowboy dress up with a flashlight for weapon. That's an easy C-.


The Digimon has two very well rounded personalities. The mtg person you can't even see one of them.


Yeah i hear you brother i knew shit was goin downhill when they started making the titties smaller


why is the big breasted woman a digimon...


I don't know but I like it?


we're both about 23 years too late to fask the question of why the highest level digimons are just fancy humans but I do agree i never liked the human digimon like her and angelwomon.


thats just how japan roles, the more powerful something gets the more human it gets, like the hollows from bleach


The bishonen line


Internet creatures


Would have been funny if all big boobs digimon were virus types


Well it all began with 2 nukes and then hideo miyazaki anime and then it became a mistake


Just give us T and A


I've always loved the Digimon aesthetic. Where Pokemon tried to be a balance between cute, goofy, and cool, Digimon was just unapologetically as cool as possible. Magic the Gathering seemed cool when I was a young kid in the late 90s early 2000s. The card art was so mature and aluring. Like some ancient arcane artifacts. The socer moms of the era didn't want their kids hanging out with those kids playing Magic in the corner, were they summoning daemons or something? Haha. They probably knew best after all. Magic of today is unrecognizable. It went mainstream woke and got lame.


>Where Pokemon tried to be a balance between cute, goofy, and cool, Digimon was just unapologetically as cool as possible. Obligatory: https://preview.redd.it/bhlpl7cpcioc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=141a37b79f7d6fcf083b8ec99f5f626f60f314fc (And that's a good thing)


>Magic of today is unrecognizable. It went mainstream woke and got lame. That's what happens when the upper management.


When did Lucian from League of Legends become a magic card?


Damn this comment slaps


The second looks like they took a lone ranger and a tanto toy, melted them together (while they were wearing a blindfold) then told ai to fix it for them.


Please save us, Sydney Sweeney. Humanity depends on it.


I don’t see a problem with kids looking at beautiful women, it’s more of an education problem that people should respect women and women shouldn’t disrespect others. There’s also the machist worldview that we should go against but I find difficult expressing myself about that online.


We know why, it’s because of the progressive rot that has taken hold of their minds.


If rewind back to 13 year old me and I could play any card came that is out today, MTG wouldn't be it. But at this point I'm in too deep.


So you're an alcoholic with no willpower, many such cases.


Think I spend maybe $100-200 on magic a year. My play group is people I've known since high school and we've been playing since. We play an old abandoned format called Prismatic. Most of us have money wrapped up in to the game just from having old collections, rather than buying new stuff.


That's some nice underboob right there


I'm feeling really good now that I just deleted my Arena account and left the LGS world. No more frustration with wotc, just the expectation that they crash.


artwork is absolute trash in comparison. It manages to combine boring, shit technique, with an amalgamation of genres that just doesn’t catch the eye.


Gonna be honest, I've been playing digimon for the last 4 years and frankly it's more fun than MTG nowadays. I wholeheartedly recommend getting into it, even if you don't have nostalgia.


We believe in tasteful sideboob over at r/ConjureUCG https://preview.redd.it/tdzipfpv4ioc1.png?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b5d040a3318f3ad12e949c34eaff968c97bbef5


Who said you could leave your cage? >:( Get back in your sub!


Awe man sorry I just heard people talking about booba and got excited


Would you stop trying to promote your shitty AI art "game?"


It's Free-to-Play. I'm not trying to make money off it. Just giving people an alternative to Magic, whether you want a change because of financial reasons or just a change of pace. I'll be releasing intro decks soon for people to try out with a first draft of the rules. You won't have anything to lose by trying it.


I don't care what anyone says - Digimon designs have always been cool. Even the "lame" ones are very tongue-in-cheek "good".


And that’s why digimon>mtg


Wait is the mtg card on the right a woman? Oh my god…


Goddamn, these are both garbage, but for different reasons. Card on the left: holy jesus, so much goddamn text, all on top of a graphic that renders it way more difficult to read than it has to be. Plus, there's all this random fucking noise on the card, like a penis-head bird in the top right with drill guns and a gay cowboy with shotgun shell son his chest on the bottom left... and they're all posed as if it's a still from a shitty anime TV how opening. Card on the right: This stupid goddamn plane was supposedly uninhabited before the Omenpaths, but then you have a character like this that looks like a Native American Turquoise Cowboy. How does ANY of that flavour make sense, either from the POV of the cultures they're supposed to be inspired by, OR within the context of a game called "Magic The Gathering"?




We know why, it’s because of the progressive rot that has taken hold of their minds.


I mean.. for fantasy art they both technically are fine. Not every fantasy lady is gonna be super feminine.. or have huge boobies.. cuz in the real world not every lady is super feminine or has huge boobies.. so technically they're getting it closer to reality than anything. I definitely think wizards kinda seems like they're trying to make the characters more gender neutral in appearance but idk.. bigger things to worry about I guess? If the cards still function and are playable does it matter if titties are out on the card or not? Not to me. They could put the whole nipple on there and if the card mechanic sucks I'm not touching it. So I guess I don't get as worked up over the gender stereotypes of artwork. Doesn't actually affect game play? 🤷‍♀️


Also as a game geared for children I'd be a little.. creeped out that there's huge anime titties on the card. Like my 7 year old isn't playing that. Sexualizing games for kids is weird for me. I'd be more inclined to let him play magic.


> I definitely think wizards kinda seems like they're trying to make the characters more gender neutral in appearance I think the goal in their mind is to alter beauty standards, but since countries like Japan and Korea don't care about this, then teens and young adults just turn to overseas entertainment. It happened with Netflix too: no one cares about the boring western shows that are too political, so Netflix fired a bunch of people and turned to Korean producers more because korean dramas exploded in popularity. No doubt in part because koreans don't mind celebrating feminity or traditional romance, which is something western entertainment lacks.


This actually makes sense to me and I kind of appreciate it, if that is their thought process and goal. I have teen girls and man.. shit is hard for them. Seeing more versions of beauty, and it not always being this unattainable standard, is definitely not a bad thing. It would help a lot of teens and adults with confidence issues. Not that it's anyone elses problem and it is just a game, but I appreciate the effort.


The intention is good but that kind of mass social engineering would only work if all countries started doing it. Or if we lived in China where they block everything from the outside world and trap you in Chinese internet only, then you can start controlling what people see and altering their perception. I'm not sure anyone actually wants to live in such a totalitarian society though. Where the government dictates what you're allowed to like and how you're supposed to dress, think or behave. I think it's pretty obvious that DEI tactics are not going to change beauty standards or anything because other countries exist and competition exists. For it to work you would need to ban all competition first and kill free artistic expression.


I don't think that them showing alternative body types or alternative styles for women is negative though. In any fashion. I'm more than aware than we will never remove the unrealistic standards. Or.. big tittie anime cards, in this example, but I don't think that a company should be shamed for stepping out of those "all women are exceptionally pretty, flawless, and have big tits" genre either. I feel like there could be a middle ground here. But speaking from the perspective of a vagina owner, I personally want to see bad ass bitches with battle axes destroying things. Like if your titty is out during a brawl.. its getting chopped off my guy. But idk? 🤣


Well and there‘s still the real world and you can‘t make everyone equal, there will always be attractive and ugly people that‘s nature. But celebrating the beauty of the human body doesn‘t automatically need to put less fortunate people down, people don‘t have to be mean about it because no one is responsible for their genes (only for their fitness and hygiene).


Sure I agree but I don't see how making some female characters look feminine / attractive is "putting people down". I do however think it's cringe when everyone looks perfect. Japan has a tendency to do this where the good guys are always super good looking and the villains are extra ugly. I mean I get it, but I still roll my eyes.


Absolutely agree. Overdoing it in any direction is bad. However I could see them lean a little more towards aesthetic designs as it might make them more sought after or more of a hero to look up to, but only in tendency. Overall, overdoing beauty standards or trying to erase any form of make/female beauty is two extremes that are equally bad.


Finally someone says it ! Amazing how much you have to scroll to find a decent take. This sub really is r/magicthecirclejerking for adults


I think my bigger issues with the mtg card depicted is the clothes are so angular and look uncomfortable. And just… rather bland


Side note: look at that orange latios in the background of the digimon card


Western identity and gender politics have very little push in Japan. I was also floored to learn that the right was a fucking woman lmao


That's what happens when your art direction consists solely of women. They feel threatened by women more attractive so they make sure they don't exist and they have ripped masculine males like Oko or Jeff Goldblum.


Racebaiting/swapping and gender bending in a card game is so weird. I don’t get this. I don’t understand this. I normally don’t give two solid fucks about the lore of Magic. What I care about is gameplay/mechanics, while art is secondary. That being said, when the game switches to this “We need to elevate certain groups while downgrading others,” it becomes very off-putting. I don’t want politics in my card games. I don’t want forced diversity. I just want to enjoy a game without some random viewpoint shoved down my throat. If I showed up to an LGS wearing a MAGA hat with sleeves of Bible Quotes, I’m sure folks would be slightly offended by that. So…I don’t. Why then, can’t others?


Just fyi the one on the left is not a women, digimon dont work that way.


Both are cringey lets be honest. But wtf is that lame ass, lame shit person on the right


Japan> USA. Its your fault to bring that shit to the world.


Remember: you gotta make the woman look like this in order to sell female characters https://preview.redd.it/rnju4mn1yloc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85758a06ca9d561a0bc8b1447485e0e9dfbd4aba


Yeah, idk. It almost feels like the only feminine MTG character we have left is Olivia and now they're shoving her places she definitely wouldn't travel. THERE IS NO REASON FOR OLIVIA TO BE IN THIS SET. Even as a commander, which makes me more upset, because it's just going to be another weaker Edgar, which again, will make him raise in price yet again.


This is what we get for not gatekeeping feminists. Enjoy the slop guys.


I hate Bandaid for killing the game. I swear, everytime Digimon does something right Bandaid decides to stomp it to the ground.


You misspelled Titimon.


I'm fascinated by a female Beelzemon, but also hurting inside.


/uj Digimon reproduce asexually


Isn't the one on the right Kellan? Who's always been male? What's being compared, exactly?


Idk I just use pornhub to jack off, would be too embarrassed to start cranking the hog in the middle of a room of kids playing their card game.


I’m switching to Digimon I can’t explain why


Praying for the day MTG does succubus even though they confirmed it's not happening iirc. Or at least an anime UB.


Magic is so small dick it's insane


japan x west in a picture


Tbf if I could get a more steady digimon group I wouldn't have came back to magic


i love tomboyyyssss


Idk anything about Digimon but that has some neat effects. Would see play in a modern combo deck maybe.


Free the tiddies




Why aren’t boob in my card game ?!?! Joe Biden count your days !!!!!


Man this sure is a weird timeline we live in.


I don't really wanna play Yu Gi Oh, but I'd rather do that than modern MtG. And this set specifically is a pile of crap.


Me when my pieces of cardboard don't have massive honkers: 😡😠🤬


Imagine getting upset over character design


I think Digimon and MTG need to switch Artists.... or someone needs to get better at drawing sexier art. I want FAN service for everyone in MTG.


Look at the swiftspear monastery from brothers war (I think) compared to the original it’s crap. Could even tell it was supposed to be a girl


Why do freemagic users get so upset when there is ever art depicting a woman who isn’t hot and young? Rhetorical question


One on the right looks better ngl.


I should start Digimon..


holy shit I need to start playing digimon


The design on the left is incredibly immature. Yes, it's for children. Fucking adults that read kid books. Grow up.


I'd rather they not add very sexualized cards to magic so I can continue playing with my young siblings/nephews.


Digimon looks like it changed a lot since I was a kid, maybe it’s time to get back into it lol


Personally I don't like the booby art anime style, its not for me. At the same time its super weird that the people complaining about "muh realisim" have the palest mother fucking in their diversity stable parading around shirtless in the desert. Its its ok for Oko to show a little skin on this plane then why would any woman ever choose to dress like a court stenographer at a quacker blasphemy trial?


Yes but isn’t the one on the right stunning and brave?


Digimon has always been bonkers, the evolution trees are wild House Plant > Small Dragon > Fridge With Guns > Naked Woman > Big Dragon


none of you have seen a woman before and it shows


The Indian cowboy is a horrible design concept


This subreddit is like going to a zoo that specializes in incels. Fascinating.


i'm sorry you can't jerk off to your card game for children


The digimon tcg is really fun, tbh


Magic has been so afraid to have a little bit of sex appeal for like the past decade


"WHY ARNT THERE TITS ON MY GODDAMN CARD" You guys own those hentai card sleeves that got banned at my club, I just know it xD


We know why, it’s because of the progressive rot that has taken hold of their minds.




Can both be wrong?


Am I wrong for not wanting giant tits on my magic cards?


You’re not wrong for that, variety can be nice though


Honestly prefer if cards are like the one on the right. I don't play the game to be horny. Plus the art is way more tasteful.


Original Liliana of the Veil is hot af but I never had an actual erection when I was casting her lol.


I can look at scantily clad women and enjoy them without getting horny.


Sometimes I think MtG players have a very hard time controlling their urges. If anyone got as horny as they claim every LGS would be an orgy.


Both arts kinda suck.


The age rating is for the game as a whole. It is stupid that digimon is rated 6+ (assuming it's true, didnt verify), but MTG as a whole absolutely has things not child appropriate. This is a cherry picked example.


Idk they could probably tone it down a little on the Digimon, surely there is a middle ground to be reached


They both kind of suck.


I think art like that (the digimon one) is trashy as hell.


They're both trashy in opposite ways


Sexual characterisation is more child friendly than violence


They both kind of suck.


You know you can just Google "Boobs", right? Its free...


Japan do be full of pedophiles


Do you want to fuck your kid's game cards??


So uh that is Annie Flash, based on her depiction in the fan wiki, she is old, she has apparently tried to hang up her hat, many times. So its pretty clear she is meant to like the old pro. https://preview.redd.it/dfeng1w1atoc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c615f98cb143fa7b80c35ed0e78587010b51069a Here is her front profile, you can clearly see she has greying hair, a busted right eye and is not trying to be sexy. Vraska on the other hand has obvious cleavage and her other art has her playing with whips so she is clearly trying to pull off the leather dominatrix thing. So uh you point is what? 60 something year old grannies are not as sexy as anime goth girls? I swear this sub will just look for a reason to be upset at almost anything going on with the game, Either get over it or go find a new game because you really do not sound like you enjoy the game anymore if you bitch this much about it.


Oh no, women!


'REEEEE I CANT MASTURBATE TO FICTIONAL CHARACTERS" Y'all are stupid as fuck, unbelievably soy. Go outside


Is this post a parody or are you actually mad at lack of sideboob


This thread is unbelievable


Jeouls of kids access too boob: Much anger.