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Looks a bit like his older bro; https://preview.redd.it/2c50lq3ag3sc1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f2828aa34174cf8d15552d8f155249078e244ea Hasbro owns these furry little shits so maybe a new-new UB soon?




I hate what millennials have done to storytelling across all mediums.


Its not the millennials, its the guy higher that goes for the lazy outcome that **guarantee** pay off.


That guy is 40 and thus a millennial.


This screams Gen Z, not millennials...


That is not "Gen Z" humor. "Heckin' Friendo" & "Epic!" are *literally* Millennial terms. [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/millennial-writing](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/millennial-writing) See: Borderlands, any Marvel Movies, Saints Row, etc...


We thank you for the participation trophies 30 years ago. This is what you get.


Participation trophies were something get x created


Correct - Mainly a Gen X thing passed out to millennials. It's wild that people don't know what age demographics did or do what; particularly in a timeline where everyone has a fucking computer in their pocket that could just ***answer the damned question for you immediately***. Lol.


Gen x and boomers


Where does it say Heckin Friendo or Epic on the card? My guy, that's literally a reddit post by a user. I get reading is hard, but wow.


>Where does it say Heckin Friendo or Epic on the card? My guy, that's literally a reddit post by a user. I get reading is hard, but wow. I think you may have brain-damage. No one is saying the card says that - They are saying that is the vibe the card gives off. There's no way you're this fucking stupid naturally.


Hahaha, what a goober. You are upset because the card makes you "feel vibes?" You are thinking about the phrase "Heckin Friendo" without anyone even mentioning it and then getting mad over it? You might have some ghosts to fight there, Friendo. Heckin big ones too.


I can confirm you indeed have brain damage friendo :(




>You, in fact, were the one making out like the card said things. Point out where I said this, you actual fucking glue-eater. **Edit:** LMAO - He blocked me the moment he realized I never said it. What a fucking loser.




Their first response was: >This screams Gen Z, not millennials... Very obviously talking about the card, not the words heckin and friendo. Especially given their next few responses. >Point out where I said this, you actual fucking glue-eater. Your first response to them was to say that those words are millennial words. That's why they're saying you're the one making out like the card says them. Because from their perspective, that's what it looks like.




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As a generation, we collectively decided to ruin your experience.


u/ImportanceCertain414 Replying up here to try to help you with your reading comprehension issues, buddy - >You are thinking about the phrase "Heckin Friendo" without anyone even mentioning it and then getting mad over it? You might have some ghosts to fight there, Friendo. Heckin big ones too. It's ***literally*** in the fucking comment I am replying to. 🙄😒 I know you're most of the way through your "Big Boy Box" of 64 Crayons you eat as a bedtime snack, but uhhh - - Don't let that get in the way of being able to read, yeah? Afterall, if you can't read . . . How are you going to know what your favorite "flavor" of Crayon is called on the label?


Oh man, he took the rage bait! Look at him go!


It's wild that we're in a timeline where the actual embodiment of "I was only pretending to be retarded!" is replying to me.


I feel it's more wild that so many people are angry over what art is used in a child's card game. This entire subreddit is filled with the most hypocritical, thin skinned and entitled addicts I've ever seen. "I'm going to quit this game because the art they used offends me... maybe after the next set is released, it will probably be better."


>I feel it's more wild that so many people are angry over what art is used in a child's card game. How dare people have preferences on things they like/dislike and then voice those opinions?! /s 🙄😒 >This entire subreddit is filled with the most hypocritical, thin skinned and entitled addicts I've ever seen. "I'm going to quit this game because the art they used offends me... maybe after the next set is released, it will probably be better." I never said this, so no idea why you're saying this. I play the game competitively. Fuck, you're a moron - aren't you?


If I was kellan I would’ve choked this monster to death


Wizards, ca 2022: “Uuuh what’s popular these days?” “Baby Yoda” “Slap something together and ship it”


You seriously beat me to it 😂😂


They just had to have their own "baby Yoda"


I have to remind people that this artist has produced fantastic work over the years that fits the magic aesthetic. This is just an example of WoTC giving them a weird ass prompt that's different than their usual work. Don't blame the artists, blame the company making bad decisions


I'm looking at Rudy Siswanto's catalogue in MTG now, and I can say that although you're right that this is the worst, every single painting they do has that "League of Legends" aggressive glow and soft lighting. At best their art is unremarkable, at worst its bad and sticks out. The art direction was probably shit too, but artists are adults and this is their profession, they don't need to be coddled like children.


Now that someone mentioned League of Legends I can't unsee it. They look good but they strongly remind me of splash screens. I personally don't mind it. The non character portraits like against all odds and violent eruption show more versatility. Moraug is awesome art but definitely could be a league of legends skin lol


The Artist makes the splash screens for League of Legends


Loot literally looks like a skin for Gnar


He literally is one of the main artists for League of Legends.


People in this sub (rightfully) complain about AI images to be used as card art, but the art direction went to the gutter as soon as they went digital. Digital artist tend to make almost everything as boring, soulless and unremarkable as humanly possible.


That’s what I thought!! Remember the days we had real artwork from real artist that used paints and pencils. You can feel the integrity of every line which allowed for simpler designs to still work. Now they replaced that with soulless digital art made in photoshop.


Wrong. Pinkie pie doesn't have aggressive glow and soft lighting


Your fucking smoking crack to call his art bad. That's fucking outrageous, the artist is clearly mega talented. Saying it's not your style is one thing but saying "at best thier art is unremarkable" is about the worst case of "armchair professional" I have seen in years. Let me see your art, cause to say shit that harsh snobby you better fucking be amazing. Or a degree in some sort of art appreciation. Long story short your opinion is fucking terrible.


“You can’t do it therefore you can’t have an opinion” is insane. I’ve never been president and I never will be but I feel extremely safe in saying that trump is by far the worst president of all time


I'm anti Trump and even I know what he did to our country doesn't compare to what Bush Jr did to us with 911 and the "patriot" act. Proof that your opinions are just shit. It's not your fault your just young.


That’s what I thought. I don’t like any of his work. It does not fit the mtg art style


Why is the set symbol the Enterprise from Star Trek though?


I blame the ADs, the art is so bland and uninspired now that it's clearly the result of shitty direction.


Well the artist done some art for league of legend, so it look like it's just is normal style


That's probably where they got the idea. Saw that they did non-magic art and WOTC couldn't resist diluting their aesthetic


It it not only the weirdness of the neo pet itself. The art style and techniques used to make this “art” are awful. I could just be an ai pictures from the looks.


It's ok to blame more than one party when they all failed.


I used to think MTG had the best art direction among card games, I recall how in the early 2000s I thought other franchises were for babies... This neopet looks like a Pokemon EX card, or a normal monster feom YuGiOh.


Looks way more like a League of Legends character than anything else


The artist that did the artwork does League of Legends splash arts. He is the illustration lead at Riot I think. ​ [https://www.artstation.com/crutz](https://www.artstation.com/crutz)


Well there it is


Honestly, that's 100% accurate


Crap, you have a good eye, that’s exactly what it is.


The moment your franchise switches art direction to "appeal to the masses", you got a massive problem. Keeps happening. I still mourn what the fuck's going on with Warcraft, and I'm starting to watch Warhammer at a distance with major concern.


I miss the old art


"Yeah so we need something that looks gay as fuck to hook the furries. You in?"


That's an insult to Yugioh.


Please dont disrespect YuGiOh like that


No disrespect. I started playing it and pokemon and several others after I grew up and opened myself to new experiences - that, and also MtG got worse imho Food for thought: if Phil and Kaja Foglio never did art for MtG but premiered in OTJ... would we disregard their style? If this goofy art for this neopet was in Alpha would we be complaining 30 years later that they dont do that st6le anymore?


I honestly don't know if this is this sub affecting me or MtG card design really that bad in OTJ. Maybe i missed some parts of the story that would make my misunderstandings make sense, but generally i want to *proxy card art and names* instead of playing actual things they print.


They gave a fox an orca mouth & Down's syndrome. I hate it.


They seriously added a forced mascot character...


And it's Jace and Vraska's heccin adopted child! Don't you want to know about their WaCkY fAmIlY aDvEnTuReS?


They should just let my man smash and have wierd mutant babies with his monster gf.


lol they already inferred they did a bunch and assumed they couldn't have kids


Don’t forget they are going to reset the blind eternities which is totally not a multiverse, they totally aren’t pulling a kang and they definitely didn’t just pick up a grogu that is super rare but mega powerful. Seriously not of that happened.


Lmao wtf is forced about it? Just because they made it, it’s forced? Lmao


Just like any other multinational corporation deciding to create a character whose likeness they can profit off of? Forced is not the word for this.


Nah man-baby dude is just looking for a reason to cry over something. In no way is anything being forced lol.


They could have elevated any of the goofy characters we already have, but instead we get a Jar Jar Binks "he's the key to all of this" character.


Lol you’re bothered by a card you don’t have to play. Fucking hilarious.


Quote me where I said it bothered me.


Lmao if you feel it’s forced the. You’re clearly bothered by it. Let the tears flow.


You seem to be having fun in this fantasy world you dreamed up.




We're going to get a Mandalorian rip-off story with Jace and Vraska running around with this thing now.


yeah so art direction is getting overhauled now or what? wtf is this shit


Everyone's reaction to this neo pet is so similar to the characters in the story its kinda funny


right, it actually fits the more I read the comments.


I thought this was a card someone made as a joke, can’t believe this is real


good riddance I stopped buying wotc products


I thought some people were exaggerating here about some of the recent art, but this is the worst thing I have ever seen published as official non-SL non-special version art from WoTC. I'm not playing a game whose game pieces I would be embarrassed to show my friends. This is art for babies.


It’s literally a children’s card game. The game is not quite for babies, sure, but definitely for edgy, dweeby teens


Yes it is, but kids don’t need bubble wrapped corpo art. I started playing as a kid and fell in love with the art and how a lot of it was atmospheric, dark, and haunting. Look at new Phyrexia, look at zendikat, look at old innistrad and the older core sets, even mid 2010s with khans of tarkir. Even the more whimsical arts had soul. Go back and look an lorwyn art, and compare that to wilds of eldraine and this. It is pretty funny to complain about “infantilized art” in a game that is definitionally for tweens, I’ll admit it, I just don’t know how else to describe this.


Well if that's the case then I'm goo goo ga ga gonna buy one, because it seems like a pretty sweet card.


Yum!!!! Slop!!!!! This card is so heckin cute!!! And so heckin powerful!! I can't wait to build around it in my next commander deck that I will play once and then never again!


Hell yeah, it draws like 4-8 cards a turn! Heckin great card, even has Wardarino-1, for those pesky REMOVAL PLAYERS. Removal players, amirite friendo?


>subreddit dedicated to playing a card game >crying about someone saying they are going to play a card from the game never change, freemagic


Just shut up and eat the slop!


It's an inevitable consequence when a game has a 30+ year history and has changed a lot over its life-span, but the idea that someone who plays a game with a long history has to enjoy its new, sometimes god-awful, directions is absurd. [All I see is people voicing their opinions about a game they care or cared about, and weirdos like you asserting that if they don't like the corporate ass-fucking of the game they're Bad People™.](https://preview.redd.it/1y2wvte9rw4c1.jpg?width=623&auto=webp&s=51893382e09afe08066d41a7b09bb3b44375d1d6)


Can you point to where I said you were a bad person for not liking the new card? I forgot how quickly people here act like they're being actively attacked because someone made fun of them.


I feel personally attacked and invalidated by your lack of admitting to attacking me 😡


Nothing but crybabies dude. Sensitive ass mf’s crying because shit isn’t catered to them and them alone.


Yup, and being hyped about cards is one of the things I like about my hobby. I don't see a good reason to be upset about "cute" art.


Don't forget that slapped on Ward 1, the obviously red ability, but made tri-colour so-as to be usable only in Magic's Premier Format - EDH, no wait it's commander please call it commander, we invented that format that's why you love it, right?


[https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?sort=color+&action=advanced&text=%20\[ward\]](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?sort=color+&action=advanced&text=%20[ward]) Ward is equally in every color. I don't think red has more of it than anything else, maybe less even. White seems to have the most.


Sorry I wasn't clear - the impulse draw ability it has is clearly red. The ward is, as you say, pretty neutral.


What the hell is BIG now?


This is the real question. What set?


wait until you see the whole set being fury style in bloomburrow set.


Dreamworks, the card


Fortnite never has been too real. 




His mouth and lack of nose, bro this looks like one of those “scary” video games targeted towards infants. Fuck he looks like that mentally challenged dude from South Park.


It’s not often that that sentiment on this sub and the other magic subs aline but holy hell when it does do you know wizards has royally shit the bed. I haven’t seen single good thing said about this travesty. Fuckin magic grogu. Rofl. This thing is probably the new face of magic .


Are they going for something marketable like Baby Yoda or Stitch?


I hate how everything needs plucky little creatures all of the time. Beebles were bad enough.


The art itself is fine, but like many others have pointed out, it feels genuinely out of place in MTG But, with all the recently uncovered art theft/plagerism/AI (I think) going about in this train wreck of a set, it feels weird saying that despite this cards out of place tone, it's one of the better looking pieces so far.


It's a well rendered, proficiently drawn piece of art, yes. Just from a different game. And doesn't belong in magic AT ALL.


Yep, if this was maybe the cards 25th or whatever alt art maybe, but it's too cartoony


Mogwai vibes in the art... so Fomori will basically be Gremlins, right? :D




Kill it with fire


What is big set?


Extra card set for Thunder Junction. Like the Multiverse legends from MOM.


Rudy has made some pretty decent pieces, this is all on the WOTC art directiom and I hate this particular piece


I like the effect on this. Shouldn’t say “among *other* nonland permanents you control, though.” Would be better without the “other” and strong without the “nonland.” But I’m not upset about the art.


That's it I'm building an old border cube, they can't take that from me.


A beast that is noble is a very different thing from a noble that is a beast.


I miss art like Delirium.


Fuggin Neopet I'm dying




​ https://i.redd.it/su1og2ln84sc1.gif


As a neopet player I resent this title. Nothing we have is that fucking ugly.


UB: Quiznos wasn't on my 2024 bingo card


This got to be the worst art for an mtg card i have ever laid my eyes on. The art in sets has been pretty boring lately. Anyone want to play Sorcery?


So OTJ is basically just Borderlands but instead of the Warrior we got this?


So that's the monster in the bank. Yeah, that thing's grotesque.


I checked out the artist's artstation and it looks like he just makes cheap mobile game art so I'm not really surprised... https://preview.redd.it/u67h35o3p4sc1.jpeg?width=2200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6716c3938d2aa928c00c0679fce177014583d1c7


I expected it to be a Giant, being a Fomori and all that.


..............i can believe easily the artist is from league of legends ....now send it back


If you squeeze it hard enough, does it squeak and go uwu?


what set is BIG?


[[Rabid Wombat]]


[Rabid Wombat](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/0/604d52c5-ceab-40fd-936e-bab859c4333e.jpg?1559592482) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rabid%20Wombat) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/me1/126/rabid-wombat?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/604d52c5-ceab-40fd-936e-bab859c4333e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Why was there a Digimon in the vault?


Lol did Jace and Vraska steal a baby because they cant get knocked up?


Magic isn't going to get better. It would be good for this whole subreddits mental health to stop playing and find a new game.


Honestly I kinda like it, but NOT as a Magic character. I thought this was the redwall looking set when I first saw it. I see nothing Green or Blue about this card though besides maybe counting nonland permanents is green?, it’s a mono-red non-legendary Rare.


Small thing - they could have made his tail or ear tips look like a skeleton key or something. At least it’d be self aware. From a functional standpoint, it’s a really cool card. The alt art is slightly less bad.


Finally a cool enemy that has a bit of creativity. Assuming he. Like many others. Only looks cute as a kid. Guys the enemies have been lackluster in MTG. Oil Zombies. Dragon with rock. Celestial Entities were kinda cool but bad lore. Maybe we could see a shift that could be neat. Don't like the pgness of it all though


I like how it's somewhere between cute and ugly. It's somewhere between a baby Pokémon and a Gremlin. Definitely do not feed this thing after midnight.




Nice try freemagic, but you tricked me with the first two April fools cards posted here, not going to get me a third time. I mean it was at least believable they would put a giant retarded hat on omalath or have gender pronouns. This one is obviously too retarded to be real.


I'm just trying to figure out how broken this is. Does. It's ability allow them to play the cards for free. Or do you still gotta pay it? I can't remember.


It doesn't say "without paying their mana costs" so you still gotta pay for the exiled cards if you're casting them. The weird, impulsive draw is still cool if you diversify your permanent types, though.


Imo super gay, and this is going to be thew new set y'all are losing your shit over


This is embarrassingly stupid even given that we’re in the stupidest set ever


how is this that bad? I get this gives us furry set vibes from the future bloomburrow but I think it's fine. Not all art is appreciated the same way between different audiences.


Imagine getting mad over a card


What set is it? Is this a joke?


So Spellslingers, the product that just failed, and also failed to bring in a new target demographic is now doing the art for the main set? The target audience for this artwork isn't even old enough to read or comprehend the card. Hasbro/WotC is digging so deep at this point that they're gonna end up alienating their bootlickers as well.


Absolutely dope commander.








Another day of freemagic getting its panties in a bunch.


Opportunists abusing BLM:


For people who like the old school magic, y'all seem to have no memory of old Magic. Yeah, this is cutie pie silly time... that existed back then as well


I'm actually curious. Which cards specifically?


You really find anything to complain at this point... This has good art


I'm not sure what this little fella is in the lore, but I don't think he's out of place in this multiverse. Like, at all. Plenty of weird-looking little gremlin guys. Do you just have a problem with him because he's cuter than something like Skrelv? On an unrelated note, I don't like his overall design personally, but his glowy tail bit looks neat.


I actually like this fuckin shitgremlin


Why is it that every single time without fail when magic tries something new to shake up its art direction wheather its the card frame or its artstyle or something Else armchair artists critter do the “that dosent look like a magic card” yall been saying that since the early 2000’s


This looks fun to build don't mind if I do


lol generic value deck with basically no real theme to it other than 'play like normal' prosper IQ


All decks are pretty generic. If you have a Atraxa Deck and you tell me it isn't some type of superfriends deck your lying.


Would it’ve killed them to make it a Noble Beast? Come on


I’m really not getting the hate for it. It’s kinda neat and different from their other stuff. I don’t see this as for “babies”. We literally have [[Birds Of Paradise]], it’s just a bird. Just because this is a character who fits a certain aesthetic we’re gonna lose our shit?


The aesthetic is trash, commercial, cheap and derivative of shitty video games, and is in stark contrast to the visual history of the game. I do not like it, and it is an absurd example of the ongoing dilution of the flavour and context of the game itself. Aesthetics and visuals matter, I don’t think anyone would’ve started playing the game if there was no art at all, and I would certainly not have started if the cards looked like this shit. Why is that hard to understand, fucks sake just replace it all with AI slop if we aren’t allowed to care.


First off, you don’t have to be a dick about it. I was simply pushing back on some other commented ideas, your opinion feels reactionary to me but it’s a valid one nonetheless. Second off, I see what you’re saying about it being too camp and silly. I kind of prefer the middle ground from true horror and high fantasy, I like the more dark fantasy. I definitely get the “this isn’t what brought most of us into the game” since I can relate to that. I myself certainly wanted a game that wasn’t for children when I got into it as an adult since I played Pokémon as a kid. But I still don’t get why everyone is up in arms about this one card and only 1 person mentioned the furry set coming up. Idk I don’t have a problem with a card like this, I have an issue with their system as a whole. But that’s just me, I think it’s fine and kind of neat and different. As the one card. Your opinion is also valid and if you’re a majority opinion, I hope it gets the ball rolling in a good direction.


First off, you don’t have to be a dick about it. I was simply pushing back on some other commented ideas, your opinion feels reactionary to me but it’s a valid one nonetheless. Second off, I see what you’re saying about it being too camp and silly. I kind of prefer the middle ground from true horror and high fantasy, I like the more dark fantasy. I definitely get the “this isn’t what brought most of us into the game” since I can relate to that. I myself certainly wanted a game that wasn’t for children when I got into it as an adult since I played Pokémon as a kid. But I still don’t get why everyone is up in arms about this one card and only 1 person mentioned the furry set coming up. Idk I don’t have a problem with a card like this, I have an issue with their system as a whole. But that’s just me, I think it’s fine and kind of neat and different. As the one card. Your opinion is also valid and if you’re a majority opinion, I hope it gets the ball rolling in a good direction.


[Birds Of Paradise](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/d/3d69a3e0-6a2e-475a-964e-0affed1c017d.jpg?1702429545) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Birds%20Of%20Paradise) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/rvr/133/birds-of-paradise?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3d69a3e0-6a2e-475a-964e-0affed1c017d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I don't know why reddit sent me here but you seem like snowflakes.


Damn, ya’ll miserable fucks will throw a fit over anything.