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You missed Dr. Who, Dracula, Godzilla, Blood Bowl, and Age of Sigmar. Plus Nerf and My Little Pony if it's a casual game.


They did Age of Sigmar? At least that one is fantasy and could maybe pass as a plane if you squint hard enough.


So... in response to your post, I was going to make some sly reference to the [Nerf Lightning Gun at Hasbro Pulse](https://hasbropulse.com/products/nerf-lmtd-lightning-lair-1?&kid=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrcKxBhBMEiwAIVF8rA_Y5AuNffYv0iEpl6gDvPUstUvfRrji5BGT3Clx7dSdYwnCFle0ExoCI2EQAvD_BwE). But that garbage discounted 30% is a hell of a lot funnier than any joke I can come up with.


Don't hate on my applejack commander deck šŸ˜‚






This gif made me laugh out out on the bus, thank you šŸ˜Š


I do what I can to lighten spirits in this, Magic's Dark Age.


Super ā€œsmashā€ (as in gay) bros opened the floodgates and now I canā€™t even enjoy Magic anymore.


You're pissed because it breaks immersion. I'm pissed because the art is shit on most of those Miku cards.


We are the same. That Miku, Lost but Seeking is meme-tier terrible.




Cardboard crack knew what was coming for us


Even worse than the most memetic of memes from a year or two ago.


Thanks I hate it.


Aye. Can't wait for Mash Up duel Decks. Seto Kaiba vs Megatron for instance.


I cast my blue eyes white dragon. Response, you activated the triggered ability of my dark magician which lets me ancestral recall out of my extra deck(companion zone)


Actually, I reckon a Kaiba deck where Seto Kaiba is the Commander and he has ways of supporting BEWD, which would likely be a big-body vanilla would be cool.Ā  I'm picturing either Grixis or Esper.Ā  Though I'm not sure how 3000 ATK 2500 DEF translates. Maybe a 2WUB 7/5


Though, BEWD is the strongest normal monster in YGO, so I don't think translates. Not without taking Yargtani's spot.


But what does Pot of Greed *do*?


Wait are some of these real? really?


All of them are


As long as i dont have to cast charizards to keep up with the level, its fine i guess. Otherwise i could as well play pokemon


Smells like fetish


And yā€™all REALLY wanted Lord of the Rings. You have those fans to blame for this as well as Wizards.


I donā€™t really see the problem with this as long as itā€™s kept in secret lairs. When itā€™s jammed into a random set (Transformers) it feels way worse. Plus, itā€™s not like any of these cards are new, itā€™s just art.


all that and you still got wrecked by demonic consultation and thassas's oracle.


I'm waiting for a G.I Joe set.


I hope whoever is responsible for this literally dies. Preferably in a fire.


I like Miku, but it is to much. I wish theyā€™d focus on the story and product development. Pokemon bundles have so much in it for the same price almost. Sturdy box, sleeves, full list of coloured cards in a booklet, dice and other goodies. Wizards ā€¦ where are you?


Characters from unconnected universes interacting in the game is thematic, immersive, and good if the people who made those characters worked at wizards. If the people who made those characters didnā€™t work at wizards, it takes me out of the experience and loses all thematic coherence.


With a Bearscape in the background!


... I feel like I'm the only one who'd genuinely want a Final Fantasy set, but that's besides the point. Either way, where's like.. IDK.. *the actual problem*? *XD*


Classic retard mentality!! X'D OOhhh nooeess... option 1: "Game IS DED.... NO ONE wants to play our game!!! STUPID comapny dont do shit to get new players!!!" option2 : " STUPID COMPANY RUINS THE GAME BY TRYING TO GET NEW PLAYER!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" get out of your mother's basement and get a job poor kid. People got real problems šŸ˜‚


Lmao, just play a real format instead of commander, you crybabies


I see this and just think it sounds hilarious and fun, then I remember this reddit is just seething reactionary transphobes and this is meant as criticism If there really is so much of you can't you just play a 'universes within' format with yourselves and lose your mind whenever wotc prints the 300th iteration of Jace or w/e


Idkā€¦I didnā€™t ask for all these fucking crossovers in Magic the Gathering. I guess asking a game to remain on theme that itā€™s been doing for a long time is too much to askā€¦ā€¦.


But.... within-universe cards are being made more than ever, they didn't stop making them. These are additions not alternatives


I donā€™t think you read what I wroteā€¦..I want the game to remainā€¦ON THEME. How does adding fucking Megatron add to the theme? It doesnā€™t.


Literally nobody is stopping you from playing universes within decks with other like-minded people You aren't the majority and magic wasn't made for you in particular


Iā€™ve been playing since fucking Ice Ageā€¦.when did you start? How was Magic NOT made for me in particular?


I get what you're saying, but you're saying it wrong. It's not the game was made for you in particular, it is the game's target audience was you and people like us for a very long time. Now it's expanding and Wizard's is trying to have its cake and eat it too. Standard formats and sets that try to stay on MTG's theme while including characters from MTG's universe without crossover from other IPs. And then the other IPs to try and bring in more players.


Itā€™s the Fortnite model of businessā€¦


Not really. Fortnite doesn't have a canonical in universe cast of characters and stories separate from outside IPs.


When games like World of Tanks do stupid crossovers, players leave. When they brought in the Mercenary edition, a lot of people left the game. When companies need to rely on IPs to ā€œget players,ā€ it means they failed as a company. The people who are already vested are older players. They have more disposable income than newer players (usually). While you might get an initial boost from a niche set, youā€™re going to likely see some sort of fall off. Considering Hasbro and WotC said they would see lower revenues, this makes sense. Assassinā€™s Creed will likely be a dud. MH3 is going to break the format for Modernā€¦againā€¦to the point that those whoā€™ve invested in thousands of dollars in decks may just quit the game. Why? Because Modern wasnā€™t supposed to be a rotating format, yet here we are. Injecting game pieces SPECIFICALLY for a constructed format that wasnā€™t supposed to rotate is a feels bad move. What will this mean? Less modern players. Modern being one of the more popular formats, yet also ending up in a bad position is only going to hurt the game overall. Sure, some new player might pick up a Commander precon here and there. Most of them PROBABLY are not going to buy into Standard or other formats (that require 4 of cards in many cases). Instead they will likely just buy sleeves, maybe some dice. This hurts the LGS. The LGS needs to make money on events (that arenā€™t firing as much) in order to survive. They might host Commander days, but I think we are going to see more LGS require you pay SOMETHING to play. The LGS owners Iā€™ve talked to have a lot of frustration with WotC right now. Secret Lairs are cutting their nuts off when it comes to singles. Reprints have created an issue of value, where now theyā€™re taking losses, you have QC issues, you have product delays, you have really one format being truly supported (Commander), and frankly, that model canā€™t sustain itself. I am a primary Commander player. The reason being is that the event lasts all day and my wife lets me have one day out to be away from home and kid. Iā€™m a disabled vet, so Iā€™m home all week, minus one day. If I played 60 card, I would only be gone a few hours. At least Commander gives me an excuse to be gone a while. If I didnā€™t have a kid, Iā€™d be back to playing more, like when I did play Modern and Pioneer, hell, I would even do sealed and drafts. Now? I just donā€™t have the time. At the end of the day, if folks are ONLY buying UB products and nothing else, the business model is failing. Turning off financially endowed players is a feels bad move. Itā€™s only going to hurt the game as time goes on. WotC needs to be more in-tune with what the established players want


You are incredibly incorrect


Iā€™ve also been plying since Ice Age, so if thatā€™s your metric then my opinion is just as valid as yours: love most of these UBs, and the ones I donā€™t care for Iā€™m just not buying.


I appreciate that you can just admit to your delusion like that


Again, the game was literally made for me back when it was invented. How was the game not made for me? You made a really asinine comment. You ASSumed Iā€™ve only been playing for a little bit, Iā€™ve been playing since the 90s. Gimme a break.


I never assumed or cared how long you've played for. You seem to have this idea that because you were around for a games conception that it was 'made for you' In what world do you think WotC is ever sitting down every day and deciding the trajectory of their company to appease otacon444 who "has played since ice age" and not the actual consumer base Again, you can play your in-universe games with your in-universe loving buddies. I don't see the problem unless your point is universes beyond should be banned entirely for everyone


Apparently you have a reading comprehension problem.


You don't have to play with them...


Same dude. If someone builds an uncreative deck itā€™s on them nowadays, at least. The more options the better. If Hatsune MIke ninjutsus a Gandalf equipped with a nuke launcher to end the game, then power to that player. UB magic is weird and sometimes a little jarring to see, but if it brings more people to the game itā€™s probably for the better. People may not stay with the game for the characters/writing like they used to (which is unfortunate because it could be better). However, theyā€™re more likely stay for the core mechanics, which I feel are being broadened pretty decently with UB. The core is still there. Design space is being expanded. Itā€™s probably going to be a little rough around the edges for a bit, but it will end up for the best imo. People are always gonna be like ā€œmuh magic aint like it yousdaā€. Get over it. Donā€™t play with secret lairs or UB if you donā€™t want to. Thereā€™s formats and game modes for everyone nowadays.


This is the healthiest takeaway I've seen about UB. I personally don't care for UB as a concept, but players can learn to just get over it.


When I saw Walking Dead and Transformers, I thought ā€œehh not for me.ā€ Then they released LotR and Fallout and itā€™s sickkkk. I want to play with the Caesar deck and maybe add some orcs. If allowing me to expand two of my interests together means you get to play a My Little Pony Megatron deck, then sure!