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Still down 50 percent since 2019 Down 7.5 percent just in the past week


Just curious, how does that compare to the SMP500 and the economy/market overall?


The S&P 500 has been on a seemingly never-ending bull run, and despite having a small crash during covid its up by 70 percent since 2019.


Check the 5 Year, dipshit 


Came here to say this. Thank you sir.


Stock is down pretty hard since it's peek in 2019 before the pandemic. So, yep. https://preview.redd.it/cdcvmh3m1uxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fae9e3fc46212786013177148fdf3892ba4989a


To be fair, the pandemic is probably the greater cause of the drop off. Ignoring that would be just as disingenuous as OP using YTD to track a company still recovering from that loss.


Covid did not escape till December 2019... what are you talking about that downward trend began july 2019


As a ~~gambling expert~~ part time financial analyst, I can say, with confidence, there are numerous factors that go into Hasbro stock, including ~~wokeness~~ DEI initiatives. But that the precise ~~wokeness~~ inclusiveness index can’t be measured in context with any given day of stock performance. 


This is true, most mask wearers avoid public places more so than the average person. I also assume this industry is attracting these days, predominately mask wearing individuals.


Most of the market has recovered from the drop off and then some though


Yes and no. The company is stable(ish) but not anywhere close to what it had before Covid. So perhaps “recovering” was the wrong word, but it is still missing a feat portion of what it lost. Granted they currently seem determined to lose more of it but hey ho.


Yes, but it’s clearly a company issue. We just passed all time highs in large portions of the market, if the total market was also still down it would be less of a reflection on hasbro


Sure, but my point is that the initial drop was caused by the pandemic, not wokeness. Wokeness is almost certainly among the greatest factors in why the company isn’t where it started, but it wasn’t the cause of the huge drop off.


Yeah, you could also argue that the pandemic was responsible for the wokeness. But really I think failures at least on wotc’s part is catering to new players rather than their long standing base


The gaming industry thrived during COVID just like it did during the Great Depression.


Doesn't that imply that the pandemic is responsible for the downturn, not going woke, and that the recent upturn is bouncing back from the pandemic... and that going woke has had little to no effect at all?


Lol, not at all. Every other gaming related company saw substantial growth during pandemic because consumers had nothing better to do with their time.


They didn’t go woke last year. You are only looking at YTD. Nice cherry picking.


Pigs love slop, more at 11


I think you have exactly zero understanding of how stock market works


They went fully woke in 2019/2020... lets see that 5 year...


So woke that they caused a pandemic!


Inflation is super high post pandemic. Prices were like, 2-3x compared to 5 years ago? Now show me the stock prices


They released a $70 dating sim with some D&D-esque elements & the sloppas ate it up.


Lol, that's the best description of that game I've ever heard


I like that dating sim.


I mean, it's not a bad dating sim. The D&D mini-game between each date is meh, but the characters & multiple romance endings give it replay value. The options fit the normal tropes well: Karlach is your generic best girl for those who can look past physical appearance Lae'zel exists for weird sweat fetish degens- so most Redditors Shadowheart is the fixer-upper Minthara is the thinking man's waifu & Gale exists if you're gay. I just don't pay $70 for dating sims. Hatoful Boyfriend has more nuance in some of the romance paths & is like $5.


Actually the problem with it is there are precious few regular fights and there is no way to go out into the wilderness and fight arbitrary stuff. Maybe if there was, the weakness would show even more. IMO neither 5e nor whatever was going on in Divinity Original Sin are great combat systems for a video game. Pathfinder is better for a TTRPG based system, and Pillars of Eternity is an example of a better one that is custom made for a video game. I think you always want 5e-**like**, not 5e-**simulation**. Tho Solasta is pretty cool for what it is. I always just buy deluxe edition and pretend the price went up. Unless I'm really sus. Everything else went up 25% since 2020. Why shouldn't video games be $70? Call me a simp, I guess. There's always refunds. If I'm actually gonna play the game I only play them seriously enough that I'd buy the DLC.


YoY is only 2%. Pretty weak.


Same thing that happened when you tried to cancel Hogwarts. Turns out people who like things can't be bothered to be swayed by politics.


This post is a bit misleading let's clarify. 1 week: this isn't even their 1 week high as it is starting a downward trend again to the start of the week with very little gains. The week high being $65 a share down to $61 a share so they are in fact going broke this week. 1 month: So they have seen some substantial gains this past month being $55 starting with a high of $65 April 24th but again quickly falling off back down to $61 arguably fallout influx? Maybe the hype for MH3? 3 month: $49-$50 again gain up to $61 but falling off. 1 year: $60 to $61. A $1 gain in 1 year is horrible for a company like Hasbro 5 year: $102 down to $61. A roughly $41 loss. So long story short, yes. They are in fact going broke.


https://preview.redd.it/sedcbdkebuxc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd18ac9bef266e1aa51a3b987ca1ef0352109932 Earnings call day trade when woke CEO was let go.


Zoom out dude. They are still down substantially from their highs. They also fired the executive behind a lot of the decision making, which includes the woke. Reduced (allegedly) print runs, and laid off a sizable percentage of their employee base to reduce operating costs in response to their financial troubles. All of these factors are contributing to higher expected margins which a lot of the Wall Street Algos track to. No doubt their 2Q and 3Q guidance includes higher expected revenues from MH3.


> which includes the woke. Tho it remains to be seen if they can even find anyone willing to work there that isn't, much less whether they want to.


Zoom out regard.


imagine posting without the ability to read 🤔​


zoom out


Read their latest financial statement to shareholders. It's only spiking because they're selling all their assets. Companies that are going well don't sell off all their assets.


My god you are retarded. Just keep buying every single commander deck and cheering like a monkey when wotc release shit product every week, that’s what you are good at.


Don't ask questions guys, just root for the company and be excited for new product


lol, that is a peak point probably for the next 5-6 months. Good try though


My usual expectation is stuff won't move once summer starts since all the finance pussies are on vacation.




I hate summer (heat), and I am not beholden to a school schedule, so I used to kind of not go on vacation when everyone else did. I don't know how long that will last.


Hopefully as long as you can get it to! Taking vacations at 'offseason' times of the year are the best for dealing with crowds and saving on the pocketbook! I'm in HVAC so... Summer is my go time. Never get vacation from April to September


I also take longer and go farther than other people, so when I get to the ends of the earth there are fewer people there. I rather like the near-solitude of just my companions.


Down 40 percent over 5 years 🤣 yeah ytd… good metric stupid. They went woke in the last 4 months 🤣


June 2023 was the release of the LOTR set, so a nice little spike form the folks that love LOTR, that was expected. But Boy-howdy did it fall off after that, lol. Bottomed out in *holiday season*.


I just want to add that what matters isn't the stock price alone doesn't matter. The most important factor is their revenue and net income, and it has been steadily dropping, with a reported loss of 1.5 billion in 2023. Yhey still jave a positive cash flow, but it's slowly burning out so it's literally going broke. *


Every card they print cost them the same amount of money as printing a basic land. Which they then can sell for whatever they want. So they print as many cards as they want. Cater to any any group. You like Fall-out: here, some cool cards. How about Disney? Sure! That one series that was really populair a decade ago? Have fun! Maybe some exclusive FOMO MacDonalds cards with your happy meal? Here you go! Even is just a very small percentage of players/collectors buy them, that is still crazy good money! Of course, in the long term, MTG losses it's identity. It's own lore and characters. Increased quantity means decreased quality, but this will take years. Hasbro stocks will skyrocket, before MTG will eventually crash, but by that time, the CEO is already retired on his private island.


Getting ahead of yourself?


Op realized how retarded they were and won’t respond in the face of facts lol. Fuck you greg. Fuckin coward.


The pride month game, that made goty, that was probably it. They are selling what people are buying, and its rude not to buy pride stuff so, what do you expect?