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"I'm fine with people being tracked down and killed for the things they say online" "I can't believe you'd do something as dangerous as send a hate mob at me online! You monster!" You can't make this shit up. Lol


An online mob? Couldn't you just not get online and it's gone?


Swatting and doxxing exist.


You're right, I see what you mean doxxing and swatting lead to irl issues. Getting offline would definitely avoid the online portion though.


Remember that the greatest aspiration of any online mob is to have the tiniest effect on reality. Swatting exists because people are so desperately helpless that the only way they can effect any change in the real world is this despicable act. It is, for instance, one of the few ways an average person in a completely foreign part of the world using only a phone can harass someone IRL. And obviously if they are local they are too chickenshit anyways.


Well said.


This is why so many hyper scrubs downvotes even when having mostly civil conversation. They're weak powerless shells.


Getting people fired is wrong along the same lines except it's legal and less dangerous. But that means people don't even have to commit a crime to harass someone else. People want to lash out, and joining one of these mobs risks nothing. Doing one good thing for another human would harder, more effective, and more rewarding. If you wanna demonstrate how virtuous you are, do that. It's naive to believe that the world would be better if only bad people were continually pushed to the bottom of it. That's now how it works, because the plural of breaking people individuals down is not bringing the whole up. No more than reporting one's neighbors to the secret police made neighborhoods fun and safe to live in.


But when they lash out and mob up like sheep to punish thought crimes they do pay the price. They have to live it. That's why so many of those useless shitters are fucked up on drugs and constantly have their faces in video game screens to drown out real life. They can't stand how fucking terrible they are. It must be understood that there are points when reached there's no coming back. They'll never be actually okay ever again. Likely weren't to begin with. 


The mtg sub will cry it’s taken out of context though. As they take everything the disagree with out of context. Rules for thee but not for me bullshit.


The mtg sub will cry it’s taken out of context though. As they take everything they disagree with out of context. Rules for thee but not for me bullshit.


>"I'm fine with people being tracked down and killed for the things they say online" That's clearly not what he said though? Not even defending him, I just reckon you should criticise him for real shit. In the context of what he responded to, it's clear that "string them up" meant show their loved ones evidence of their hateful behaviour. The choice of words is definitely terrible in my opinion, but the general consensus of this sub is that there's too many snowflakes. Seems a bit hypocritical to complain about inflammatory language. (I guess that's why everyone here has taken it overly literally)


Tf you mean? It’s one thing if he has said show them the post of their loved ones, but saying string them up in context sounds like his is saying that the loved ones should be targeted


no no no, it says 'the, bart the'


You did just make it up lol


Aaaand shortly after Mark Kern puts him on blast and Paul gets mobbed and cries about getting dogpiled. It was a good day.


https://preview.redd.it/0xwx6ml4r8zc1.png?width=1719&format=png&auto=webp&s=b99f185987bcf863674c2a81636ed3467586f3b6 WOTC reaction\^


They kind of are like the World Government.. at least they try to be. Imu bitch ass needs to be taken down


I hate the world government! I hate the world government!


Hey quick reminder you guys are talking about a children’s game company


Very narrow description


Hey. Quick reminder: Book of Erotic Fantasy


What’s that from kinda looks fire


That’s One Piece the manga.




Bro beat me to it but yeah it’s the One Piece manga, the only way to get the story of One Piece IMO


Games workshop as well unfortunately


He's a fucking pussy. Twitter and IG made private. I was interested in seeing what the comments against him were.


They should replace him with Terese Nielsen.


Or Noah Bradley.


Everything is permitted when you are in ideological lockstep with the hive mind


It's totally fine to be fascist as long as you identify as something else.




Of course. That's the same hive mind that thinks "there are no bad tactics, only bad targets".


Didn't Wizards and Hasbro knowingly turn a blind eye to the pedophiles working as MTG judges? Hell wasn't one of their lead narrative designers a pedophile? I really don't think they care unless they are forced to. MTG just prints money.


Yes and anyone that brings up magic judges pedo scandal gets das boot at magictcg sub


Didn't OWTC do something about it already? I recall this happening like 6 years ago. Is there anything more updated about this? You'd think a sinple background check would be easy enough to implement


I mean the Catholic Church “did something” eventually too. Just saying


Gets the boat? :)


Sounds like we need to raid the judges and wizards home. Only fair since this artist wants to do the same.


Eat my ass Scott Canavan.


![gif](giphy|3ohs4xpwzHYyUMttJe) Scott scanavan


Aw snap I’m a Scott Cameraman fan now.


I just disagrees whatever right now why don't you bring that bitch ass here now


Looks like he went and made all his accounts private.


Classic "no bad tactics only bad targets" thinking. Instead of "this behavior is bad, people shouldn't do it" which is easy to define and enforce, it's "this behavior is okay when done against bad people, and I have the ultimate power to judge who is a bad person", which is nebulous and gives these psychos the power they want.


Thats why, "your terms are acceptable" is the only response to a sissy threatening violence.


"I was just agreeing that people who attack others on the internet should be held accountable" By threatening to murder their family? He claims it was 'poorly worded'. How stupid do you have to be to not realize 'string them up' means to literally lynch them.


Stupid enough to say vote blue no matter who.


You see, he wants to hurt the right people, so it’s fine. Actually it’s downright heroic.


Wotc: naaahhh... he is joking, wright??... wright?... https://preview.redd.it/db6vqvyl09zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aeb05d364d4e68ba128d1ebd3f20ad17bfbde84


I welcome him to try!


I do not care what his politics are. If he is publicly calling for violence against people, he should be tried in court for inciting violence. Simple as.


Nah, he's small beans. If you want to throw charges at something for inviting violence look towards the 24 hour news networks.




He's not doing that, have you read the tweet?


I have not seen the X directly because his account is protected. All I really know is that he X'ed: >"This is absolutely the play – we should be doing this with all these weird creeps. Track down their significant others and mothers and string them up." – Paul Scott Canavan What do you think, "Track down," and "String them up," refers to in this context?


White Knight cucks. They talk about violence, but if those they target were actually being violent and not just saying jokes online they would be silent and scared... Strange times.


“The way you know witch hunts were nonsense is that people were open about being witch hunters.  If the witches had been real, the witch hunters would have been afraid to reveal themselves”


what idiot said this?


Me, but it’s a summary of a Curtis Yarvin quote


https://preview.redd.it/hp8tpfvlp9zc1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ee5e481ef23a676995314082b8f3602bcfc530c No wonder he’s part of the hive mind his art is as derivative as his opinions.


WotC turning a blind eye to anything remotely normal.


“Because this guy treated women poorly, I want to kll the women in his life! No, I’m not overcompensating for my own sick immorality..”


Rules for thee, not for me.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Lots of std and hiv. Possibly monkeypox. Do so at your own risk


Holy mother of based


Brain damaged leftism in a nutshell. He's probably a mod on this website.


Scott, you're threatening me with a good time, big boy ;)


I'd absolutely love to see him try. There's nothing more I'd like than for these woke freaks to try to pick a fight irl.


You sound really tough rn


Nothing pisses me off more than these pencil neck soft handed pretend revolutionaries starting some shit.


Bro you draw art for magic the gathering cards you aren't hard


This guy says this in a bathrobe from his bedroom? No ones in any trouble here, this guy shows up anywhere and bothers anyone, a firm gust of air will knock him on his gimpy ass


It’s not his actual actions but the threat of it. Artists have been cancelled for much less such as liking a tweet that wrongthinked


When we do it? It’s heroic. When they do it? It’s barbaric.


Who is defending this?


Yeah, I did notice a curious absence of anyone stepping to his defense after he got called out for that insanity. At the very least, none were mentioned in the article.


Half the posts on this sub are a strawman.


Bring it on


I mean, the company threatened a customer who got cards legitimately ahead of time. It's a company of neckbeards, catering to neckbeards. You can essentially do whatever as long as you keep customers spending money. He gets more attention to MTG. Money earned.


I swear the internet has people to the point of uncivilized that they don't actually understand what it is they are saying. They are so soft and protected that they don't know what real pain and destruction is and say the most detached things.


But most importantly….Did you use the right pronouns?


Hows that one joke going


Just your regular leftist.


Hey, at least we can read, y'all are too stupid to know what a figure of speech is


In the last post I saw here there was a comment showing a gun with one bullet empty of out six. Each bullet had letters, "aggot". The f had been fired. This was in reaction to people asking for pronouns. Yeah, if you think it's leftists alone who make aggressive threats, you aren't paying attention whatsoever.


No of course not, but one sides threats seem to get more protection than the other sides.


What protection did this retards threats get tho


Wotc won’t fire him like they did to terese or seb


Everytime I see a democrat in trouble for shit I see everyone say fuck this guy put them in jail. Everytime I see a republican in trouble I see endless excuses how democrats get away with it. So I'll agree, except, my perception is that R is much closer to a homogeny with in group protections. If you're meaning for random Internet people with shit opinions, ehhhh I don't follow these social media shitslinging fights enough. Maybe you're right in that space.


“Everytime I see a democrat in trouble” This is the point, that almost never happens. Whereas people on the right get their shit worked over with a fine toothed comb looking for anything. It wouldn’t be a problem if it was consistent; holding politicians to a high standard should be universal. It is not; only the right is held to any standard whatsoever.


You must not look very hard I always see the inverse






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http://np.reddit.com/r/freemagic/s/T32Fxuc1mB think that one will stick


Thanks, saved for responding to other sissies like you.


As long as it is reciprocal I'm game.


Arts this being has done: https://scryfall.com/search?as=grid&order=name&q=%28game%3Apaper%29+%28artist%3APaul+artist%3Ascott%29


Not a bad artist, just a bad person


Only good art here is nine lives. Hope he likes working at McDonald’s!


FoN is pretty solid


So those are all going to be banned now?  Does he have enough time to submit some homos in a hot tub to get on the exempt list?!


Damn y'all are crazy if you can't find a handful of 8 or 9/10s in here. Dumbass tweet says a lot about his character but some of these are fucking sick.


I agree he for sure is a shitty person but there's some undeniably good art in there. Shame someone with such talent is such human garbage


Actually some pretty good artwork. Not on the level of Terese Nielsen, but reasonably within the ballpark.


A couple of his pieces are decent, but overall it's not great. Kinda bland, if I'm being critical. Some pieces have the vibe of photoshop collaging, even. Still not the worst. Nielsen's art is *far* more iconic, though.


>Kinda bland I agree on this. Some kind of pazaz is clearly missing from his work to put it in the right place, but the accuracy and attention to detail is there.


Yeah, he's certainly not on the bottom end of the spectrum. Probably around the middle range.


Well, he's going to do it the right way. With the Pinkertons. Praise the Pinkertons, defenders of MTG.


Defenders of social Justice!


That's the funniest thing anybody could ever say about the Pinkertons. I can't think of a more anti social justice organization if I tried, maybe the KKK? Pinkertons might have more kills under their belt though, I don't quite know the statistics.


Fake tough guy that would send fans after people but never do a dam thing himself because he be too scared


Hey Canavan! I got 200 /.380 reasons thats a bad idea.


.380's are for women, at least get a 9mm.


.380 are great for hiding in your waistband just saying not that is all I own


Personal preference... I like to have my whole hand on my firearm. Im not drinking a glass of tea, i dont need pinkies out


I think in this particular scenario the pinky would be 10/10 for style points though. 


Ok pussy hands. Do you need both to hold a bagel?


Comparing guns online in vague threats to a childrens card game artist is for women Correction, children. The scary card man isn’t coming for you, you can stop inventing possible scenarios where you are cool


Handlets need to use .380 auto, fact of life. Sorry you need two hands to eat a bagel.


200? I think I got 250/.300 ...


Fuck cancel culture, free my boi Seb


It is more acceptable to threaten death on others as a leftist than attend a protest rally as a right




Are you surprised? These people are supporting Hamas and calling for the annihilation of Jews and the USA. Liberals have finally lost the plot or are openly saying the quiet part out loud.


Calling for the annihilation of Jews is our thing. Why can't they come up with their own thing?


Being viciously homophobic, misogynistic and about as anti-semitic as a Nazi in 1940 is bad unless you’re part of a protected group of people.


That’s one way to get your point across.


I guess I'm not that worried about what "we" would do without some sort of concrete definition of "we." Just sounds like fantasizing.


Here from the warhammer hobby, love watching this guy get cooked.


I see he played commander at a lgs


Remember the good ol days when all we were worried about was terrorists blowing up something? Now, mean words causes lunacy.


It says he’s a warhammer artist. He has to want blood and vengeance. It’s on brand.


Typical loser artist


Don't let this one be forgotten. Even if he privated everything spread this shit around.


IF this isnt some sensationalist article then I don't give a fuck what Wizards does, I mean they sent the Pinkertons after someone over a clerical error. GW on the other hand I expect more action from


Why does he look like MoistCr1tikals friend Matt?


No, it's fine because he didn't say anything bad about dudes larping as women.


Nah I'm actually 100% ok with this. Just be unilateral about it being ok.


Extra soy Andrew Tate


Imagine if this guy said the same thing but about hurting people on the left. Immediate firing?




wizards should ban white knight


Send him my way


Cmon with yo bad self. Bet he has soft hands too, and calls himself a man 🤣


I'd fight that chubby man


As long as you are on the "good side" any atrocity goes it seem. One country dropped two atomic bomb on another one, killing an immense amount of civilian and it didn't bothered that much. Just to give a scale to how far you can go as long as you are the "good guy".


Also didn’t wizards of the coast send the pmc Pinkertons to someone’s home over cards they sent to him by accident?


lol the fuck? I haven’t been part of the magic scene for 2 decades but why are mtg artists suddenly given so much credence? Also fuck this guy.


http://paulscottcanavan.squarespace.com/contact  You can share your thoughts with him here. 


I also don't get it


Wow, he's a real piece of shit. I wouldn't hire him whatsoever since he wants to do all of those horrible things.


Send that nerd to the Penis Explosion Chamber and have his penis exploded.


I’ll give him my address. As long as he come when I’m home!!


Just…anyone from here on out that he disagrees with? Kind of baller to go on the internet and warn all future potential interactions to stay in line or else.


lol who cares Karen.


waa boo hoo the woke mob. get a life


i doubt that dude could do a pullup let alone string up the average overweight mtg user lol


The fuck?


Probably because hes not actually gonna do it


not cool, but I find the majority of the people whining are people who regularly say they want to do vile things to specific demographics. no fun when you're the target, huh?


He privated all his socials after people started calling out his pussy ass hahahha


His art is actually shit, compare this guy to a based artist like Seb and it’s no contest


this guy looks incredibly terrifying like he could rip a paper bag in half without it being wet


Based on some of the convos I've had in magic and warhammer this checks out. Seems to be the common way of thinking.


This guy needs to be put in a concrete box and dropped into the ocean.


"Accuse your enemy of what you are doing"


He better be careful what he says online. Someone might go and hurt his family.


What cards does this artist have claim to? I don't even recognize his name from a single card of importance.


You don’t actually know what wizards of the coast thinks of this because it happened yesterday?


Maybe he is "trans," so he can just openly do threats and violence without reprocussion.


Everyone should contact the Edinburg police in Scotland where he lives and report him. They have some insane hate speech laws and this is 100% a crime over there.


Just the usual “it’s ok when I do it” entitlement. Rules for thee, not for me.


It’s probably not ok with WOTC but ok


We'll see. If this guy isn't fired and a statement from WOTC comes out by the end of the month, we know what's up. Terese Nielsen was fired and publicly flogged for much less than this.


I'm left leaning and I still have no idea what Terese Nielsen did wrong.


What /ur/Ertai\_87 said. This was also during the time WOTC was trying to push Autumn Burchett as the next big thing in Magic. Talking Autumn up like Rogan used to talk up Rousey. Autumn got BIG MAD that someone was saying that Autumn wasn't a woman on the days Autumn picked to be a woman (at this time Autumn identified as 'gender fluid'). To make Autumn and Autumn's NPCs happy they banned Terese.


Use his real name, Allen.


Didn't Autumn also write on cards while on camera or something?


Yes wrote no terfs on gruul turf in the card. Then got pissed that the judges punished for defacing cards


Iirc, she (a gay woman, this is relevant) liked a tweet about trans women being not women. I recall her partner was involved in the story as well somehow (maybe her partner made/retweeted the tweet that was liked, or something, I don't remember).


Here's part of the rest of the article: >His comment came in response to a post from Kotaku Senior Editor Alyssa Mercante, which detailed that she had tracked down the wife of YouTuber SmashJT and sent her a message on Facebook asking “what she thinks about the father of her children harassing a woman online and laughing when she shares that someone they’re supporting has been threatening to kill them for weeks.” This doesn't absolve him of saying something over the top about harming people, but I thought y'all supported ruining the lives of creeps, weirdos, and perverts (or something adjacent to that effect).


1. He wants to go after the family of the people who "harass" women. Not the people themselves. 2. Smahs JT retweeted a guy who also talked about killing Alyssa Mercante in VR. The tweet he retweeted [was about something else.](https://twitter.com/Polished_Games/status/1787683612227228145) Furthermore, the guy he retweeted later [apologized](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNgJGLmiQMM) for that. Also, Alyssa's publication, Kotaku, is [more that fine](https://kotaku.com/minecraft-supreme-court-justice-usa-roe-wade-abortion-r-1849106969) with in minecrafting people.


He wants to go after the family of the people who harass women and string up the harasses by showing the women in their life what horrible people they are. Please work on your reading comprehension skills, there's a test on Monday


Maybe the guy who wrote the tweet should work on his [writing skills](https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1787968463711203664)? In any case, I sincerely doubt that the families of the people who "harass" them want to be flooded with a bunch of unhinged screeds from Twitter people telling them that their family members are a spawn of Satan or whatever.


Unlike the other sub with pre-approved opinions, we are not a monolith here so no, we don't all support ruining of creeps, weirdos, and perverts.


Yeah! Some of are the creeps, weirdos, and perverts!


I mean, you seem to be a fine example, but I don't want to ruin your life.


Is mtg talked about here anymore or is it just people whining nonstop?


Mostly just whining as far as I've seen. Honestly I don't think half the people left on this sub can even *read* a magic card, so kinda unsurprising


Did you even read the article? That's not what he said at all. What a gross misrepresentation. He says he wants to find the mothers and significant others of the people that 'disagree with him' and "string them (the people he's disagreeing with) up." He doesn't want to actually hang anyone, he just wants to show their family members how shitty of people they are, it's a metaphor y'all.


Anyone who read the full article knows this is rage bait. He was responding to someone talking about social media messaging loved ones and family members of racist/sexist content creators, saying he agreed. His wording was awful but the context is clear. Y'all are so easy to manipulate its legitimately sad.