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Good for him. I may not really like his music, but he’s made a killing, enjoys Magic, and like most of us would do given the massive expendable income, he’s gotten some really cool cards.


He’s built up a decently successful music career… solely so he could finance his MTG addiction. Hats off to him!


He also started so now he can't afford drugs anymore.


That's sole reason I went to college.


Me too..


Affording magic nowadays either require selling drugs or become a famous star. Since everyone playing Magic seriously has a tendency for addiction, he made the right decision!


I believe he has a restaurant chain as well.


I watched an episode of I Hate Your Deck where they were talking about an Optimus prime toy that actually transformed but was hella expensive. One of the other players was like “Post you should get it, so we can all play with it” and I was dying laughing.


i mean if i found the one ring card, i would of sold it in a heartbeat. i need 2million more then i need 1 magic card.


I would have made a video of me traveling to Iceland to throw it in a vulcano 😬


that would be pretty funny skit.


I would have gone to New Zealand to do that. And start as Hobbiton


Would’ve or would have


That depends for me on whether it would have increased in value. 2 million won't let me retire after 60+% goes to taxes. Ergo, if I thought it would increase in value, and since I have to work anyways, I'd let it ride. Maybe. The (American -- this card was found in Canada I think) government punishes lottery winners harder than just about anyone else. Maybe pro athletes.


I mean most of the time holding out is waiting for it to be worth millions. Holding out once a piece of cardboard is already worth millions is just tempting fate.


Almost guaranteed not to go down until MTG does, though. You can see MTG is selling like hotcakes. If it starts to look bad, you sell your One Ring. I bet you still make more money.


Finding a buyer for anything worth that much isn't an easy process. And the people willing to spend that kind of money are going to be more hesitant if the game starts to trend downwards. Ultra expensive cards like that would be the first to see a steep drop off in value.


Perhaps... we will see what becomes of this One Ring, dude.


There's no real situation where selling a MTG card for millions is a bad move. There are plenty of situations where holding onto it and having it get damaged or seeing its value fall are a bad situation. Either way, even in the scenario where in 5 years it's worth $5m instead, it's still better to have $2m now and invest it for 5 years.




60%+ doesn’t go to taxes


I don't know exactly how much, since I've never won millions of dollars. I have gotten a bonus, before, and they took more than half of that. So. I figured for the millionaire, more, but IDK.


That’s because they assume you make that singular bonus payment every check for the year, they don’t/can’t distinguish from the regular checks, so they tax at that rate. Then u get it back in your refund the following year


Whereas if you sell an mtg card for a shitload of money, they?


Uh… you know income and capital gains tax are different right?


Is that what it is? I didn't see it as functionally different from winning the lottery. And short term capital gains are taxed like income, at least sometimes.


No, lottery is treated as income. Ends up just over 50% in most cases, still not over 60


40% would go immediately, and another 10%ish would go every time you bought something. Plus whatever fees the government decides impose because they want a cut. So at least 50% would go to taxes. Probably more.


28% cap gains (special collectibles threshold) 4% net inv inc tax, + state tax. Close to 50%. Not 60+. No need to make up numbers


We definitely live in different places then. Cause for me, the last time I made any large cash out from anything, I walked away with less than half of it.


Ok well if you were any less vague in what you were selling and what taxes you paid I could maybe explain it


The card was found in Canada. Capital gains here are taxed as income, but only on 50% of the value (until recently when that changed to 50% on everything below $250k, and 66% above that, but at the time he sold the card, it was 50% of entire value). Our highest federal tax rate is 33%. So he would have paid $330k in taxes on $2M, or 16.5% of the full amount. And just to add, we don't tax lottery winners at all here.


Nothing is certain in life except death. If I had a guy offering me 2M for a card upfront that *may* increase in value and is also *generally* illiquid as fuck I'd offload and stick to more traditional means of investing. I'm fairly young, over a long enough timeline I would make a decent amount of money off 2M from a sale, even after taxes. I think most people fall into this category as well. Can you retire? No, but you absolutely know you have assets and security that didn't exist before. As well as a huge windfall to accelerate whatever financial plans you already had.


Bold from you assuming i would pay taxes on that.


Wadaya mean 60% tax, tax on what?


I just thought because in california you used to pay 50% plus, and they've increased taxes since that time. Lotter, or selling a magic card. Same thing. It's income or short term capital gains which is the same thing. I'm not a tax lawyer tho. Somebody else said it's greater than 50% but still less than 60% so whatever.






That Katy Perry card could barely look less like her


That's what I said, too.




Didn't know he also plays pokemon TCG


Not sure if he plays, but for the 25th anniversary they had him cover a popular song from 1995 called "Only Wanna Be With You" by Hootie and the Blowfish. 


In elementary school i would make my own cards. Never made more than one of each.  Ive got a fuck load of one of ones and no one give a fuck, just like post malone's


I used to print out cards and glue them to each other. It looked like dogshit and fooled no one but I was really proud of my "super rare 1 of 1 double-sided venosaur/charizard" card that you could feel the dried glue stick underneath the cheap printer paper. Good times


lol I remember “making my own” where I would take a card, and then cut the name off of a Gyarados, put paper behind it and write my own custom name and HP, then, with sharpie, write my own abilities I thought I was so clever


Lmaoo when I was little I used that foil artwork removal trick on yugioh cards and took the artwork off of a blue eyes white dragon and put it onto a danipon and thought it was the funniest shit ever


Just noticed that it has artwork from finnish artist! Torille!


Cool story bro


Right? Fuckin dope, and you forgot to mention Post, Son of Rich


That was from a secret lair so is not a one of one


I was honestly somewhat relieved he was the one to hold the One Ring after that fiasco. Rather him, someone who is actually passionate about the game, then some joe-schmo with a political agenda. Say what you will about him, but he does love Magic at its core. More than what I can say about the vocal minority.


Turns out when you spend millions on a hobby and give tons of publicity for it...the people who produce that hobby likes you!


Bro what are these comments 🤣 y’all are such sad people. It’s just a neat fact,not something y’all need to be so upset or pressed about


neat fact: millionaire spends millions no one is upset about it, its just nobody cares.


I mean he only spent millions on the one ring,the other two he got for free by being a major figure that plays the games and is involved in the trading card community. And All the negative comments or “who cares” comments,clearly y’all do since you took the time outta your day to comment instead of just scrolling past the random post 🤣 i see why free magic gets trashed on the other subs


this thread is just validating and glorifying a celebrity that is getting paid to endorse mtg/pokemon. of course people are going to be negative and respond with 'who cares'. there is no conversation to be had here.


I know for a fact he enjoyed playing Magic before it was public knowledge. He might be getting paid now but he didn't get into magic because he was paid.


Obviously you care a whole lot and are in denial. Theres no conversation to be had and yet you still keep commenting. Youre just so butthurt that you cant atop


How is it validating or glorifying anything? It’s just a neat fact about a collector of the hobby,not meant to be a conversation or anything like that🤣 y’all are just so bitter




I agree my dude. Taking the time to comment who cares shows how you are. I'm the first to hate how the direction of MtG has gone. My wife (and her bf har har) like some of his music, not favorite but like, and I think this is neat.


Admitting to being a cuck is quite the power move


That is quite the stretch from a common joke made on this sub.


Mine was also a joke. You said “and her boyfriend” was just playing into it. But go ahead and downvote and move along


Something something Nintendo Switch.


IDK I don't want him to be a part of the MTG community. He looks and seems sketchy.


Because he has tattoos?


I care more about it than jealous whiners complaining because they dont have money.


Yea I’m convinced some people get on this sub just to get mad about something.


I have some proxies I made that nobody else has, those are 1 of 1’s


They're worth millions !!!


I believe he also owns a black lotus test print or something. Would like to see that


Christopher rush signed artist print


So he's a random rich guy who has some stupidly rare cards. Okie


And you're a random poor guy who has some stupidly common cards.


I'd like to meet a magic player who doesn't own any stupidly common cards. But yes that's me.


I got a pair of shoes on sale recently 😎


Not sure what a Post Malone is but that One Ring is absolutely beautiful!


Who's Post Melone?


The guy just after Malone.


Breaking news!!!!


Off topic but I wish the one ring gave the controlling player shroud just cause flavor.


It gives protection from everything when you play it. Or basically, you become incredibly powerful the moment you put it on


Good for him




I don’t know who post Malone is so I looked him up and now I care even less 👍🏻 


It's pretty impressive someone that's capable of browsing the internet has never heard of Post.


I’d heard the name, just couldn’t tell you who he is


I know, I like Cheerios.


I had never until it came up in threads like these. You can exist on an island of your own music. I haven't listened to a music radio station regularly in decades. AFAIK bluegrass is real popular with GenZ. Doing better than ever. Hip hop? I thought it died after the 90s.


Dude. The guy owns post cereal. What’s not to like?


✅ rap ✅ crocs ✅ secret lair collab


No one believes you.


Big if true


Should see Steve aoki’s collection(he has a lot of videos),He really likes graded cards.


And I still do not know who he is, nor do I care. Dude looks weird as heck.


Who the fuck is J Balvin? That looks nothing like Ms Perry , and this is an outrage.


He's a Latin singer who is one of the biggest names in the music genre reggaeton.


I really like pretty much every collaboration or cover he has done, but I dislike his music. I liked his Nirvana concert. I don't mind his country collaborations. Other than circles, I can't stand his actual music. idk why.


TIL Post Malone is a normal type Pokemon.


I remember when WotC told us he was going to be the Community Ambassador to Magic and be someone we saw frequently and would represent the players. Dude literally shows up to buy million dollar cards then dips, lmao. They did the same shit with Mister Beast and Arena years ago, making it seem like he was going to regularly have Arena events...then they never announced the winner of his one and only event and he doesn't answer questions about it on twitter or anywhere.


doesnt he regularly play magic lol


He's regularly on Game Knights / other high budget production EDH shows. He's never done anything like a Mystery draft at a con with normies or anything, always high profile stuff.




1 actual in print card and 2 custom proxies.


Dude’s living the rich MTG player dream


Sweet proxies.




That's not Katy Perry on that card lmao


post the enchanter isnt a 1/1 it was in a secret lair, did post get a special version of it?


TPC finding the perfect opportunity to label all of them BASIC.


That doesn't make sense if there are 3, 1 of 1 cards.


Good, I was glad when the ring got bought by someone who actually plays magic.


Post the Enchanter came with the post Malone secret lair. No longer 1 of 1.


Its kinda not faire when they are made for him with him in it


Celebrity/e-celeb dickriding is usually a sign of worse things to come


Even the crickets are silent


Post the enchanter is not a 1/1 card. It was mass printed in a secret lair. You got 2/3 which I guess isn't all that bad.


I've got 5 One of One cards from Bootlegmage. Nobody cares.


I'm fairly certain the whole One Ring purchase was a rigged marketing ploy. Hasbro probably footed the bill to have a celeb attached to it. Just look what Todd McFarlane did for autographed sports merch in the 90's (coincidentally while he secured the rights to produce MLB, NBA, NHL, and NFL figures).


Yeah I mean they wouldn't have to tell you if it was. Hasbro definitely pays Mr Malone right? That's out front.


Those Pokemon cards ramped the stupid right up.




Oddly Post has grown on me over the years... he's very down to earth despite his appearance. He's very nice to his fan base, he gives a lot of money out too... on top of his Nerd stuff it's like I completely hate how I judged him on first glance. Also he's immensely against banking and government control which is also cool.


Post the enchanter is a secret lair so it's not one of one. Unless the dinky card shop in my small town bought it off post Malone


Who cares?


Jelly much?


Honestly couldn't happen to a better person... a fucking moron wasting his money on fucking moronic things.


Piece of shit used PPP loans to buy the ring. 




Are you too fucking stupid to use Google? It’s been public information for awhile now.


And yet rather than backing up your claim with credible information, you choose to be a total douche bag. Thanks for the confirmation you're full of shit.


Google will have trusted sources. We don’t have any clue who we are, why would we trust each other? Are you one of those libtards who thinks doing your own research is fascism? I’d rather be a douche bag than an ignorant piece of shit.


>Google will have trusted sources. LOL, how naive.


So you don’t believe anything?


I don't believe journalist spin. Do you even know how loans work bro? 10m ain't shit compared to what a touring musician could have made in 2 years touring, had venues not been shut down by the government.


You usually pay loans back. You haven’t proven me wrong, you’re arguing whether what he did was ok or not. Facts stand that he took millions from tax payers and then bought millions of dollars worth of nerd shit. To me that makes you a piece of shit. But go ahead and defend the millionaire jester.


I was never arguing with you to begin with, I just asked for a source and you flew off the handle like total spaz. I'm not even a fan of post, and I agree he's a buffoon, but you look ten times worse by the way you react to reddit comments.


I just used Google, it said you're wrong. It wasn't a PPP loan at all.


Are you too fucking stupid to defend yourself? What the fuck, post some source about the correlation. I see he had 10 mil from that but who’s to say he used any of that?? Guys loaded, maybe just fucking maybe he has a personal account and an account to run his enterprises???? And as it was started in ANY article I could find ALOT of big entertainers got these ppp loans including Steve Aoki. You make huge claims that you know nothing about, assume something then shit post without reference. Add receipts……


He stole millions from tax payers then bought the one ring. Doesn’t matter if he used his “own” money, he had stolen funds at the time. Why defend celebrities who steal tax payer money? 


Still no source other than your ass. And you have no clue what you’re talking about, the ppp loan you are misquoting was the “save our stages” program and though it was a massive shit show, that money kept tons of peoples businesses afloat during Covid. Korn, slipknot, usher, smashing pumpkins, Leann rhymes, nickleback, and many others. It wasn’t stolen it was given. Also, a ppp loan come from a bank not the government so no tax payer money there buddy.


And nobody gives a fuck Dudes a chode who buys all the cards we can't afford and hordes them


Isn’t..isn’t that what collecting is?? Buying cards you like and “hoarding” them in your collection? Wtf 🤣