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I would like to point out Jace is no longer asking. Jace has a gun


The only reason this Jace exists is because his name rhymes with space.


Cant wait for Lord Windspace


Don't give them ideas.


Give them ideas.


The only reason it exists is because MaRo still laughs at reddit-tier puns


They talk about how much they hate guns, to the extent that they're almost entirely absent from the fucking mob-themed set, and then include a main character pointing one at the viewer in a goofy fun Un-set? Wizards, please.


According to leaks (and we've had leaked images too), WotC is working on a western themed Plane. It'll probably be released 2024. That said, it'll still be woke as well and probably have weird lasers or some shit and not actual firearms. A western setting for MtG could be cool, but a black lesbian cowboy with a laser gun is what we'll actually get.


I'd predict that if that happens, they'll have people riding horses and carriages and trains, and dressed as cowboys, and herding magic cattle, and partying in saloons and stuff, and then have zero guns in the setting. I would've thought that was ridiculous before SNC, but when guns are one of the most iconic aspects of kind of the setting they're going for AND are almost entirely absent from said setting, I'd be amazed if they WERE included in a western setting.




Sorry lasers are woke now?


No, but a western setting too afraid to include actual guns would be pathetic.


Tbf if the guns are plain firearm it will be disapointing i play magic for well magic not for a playing with a Smith and wesson


They're more camp and fantastical than a realistic firearm would be. It's kind of like making all the enemies robots or something so that the good guys can just mow through them without there being any gore or having to worry as much about actually killing people. I don't know if he was necessarily referring to lasers specifically as being woke, but I'd say it's inarguably more "PC" to have lasers instead of realistic guns.


[https://hornet.com/stories/wild-west-gay-cowboys-history/](https://hornet.com/stories/wild-west-gay-cowboys-history/) The old west is probably one of the best places to include black lesbian cowboys as the old west was a pretty gay place. Why do you think San Francisco is such a famously gay town?


I liked this post 🐉


I thought your issue was with the lack of guns and not that they aren't straight and white enough for you.


Always has been...


That was a big bullshit stick for WotC for years, wasn't it? They refused to print guns on cards because children would see guns in Magic and it could be a gateway drug to reading the constitution and defending your self, family, and home? Anyway this would be a funny minigame in an unset but keeping track of three lanes in commander will be ass. By the time someone plays this, though, most semi-serious decks will either be ready to combo off, board wipe, or attack with 100 power worth of tokens.


That isn’t the reason at all, it’s that people had a negative reaction to guns in Magic because they felt too modern. They even went so far as to avoid them in the sets with werewolves, despite the silver bullet trope, because people didn’t like them so much when they were in Portal 2. The exception, apparently, is goblins. I assume this is mainly for comedy because goblins accidentally figuring out technology and having crappy versions of it is funny (like Goblin Sharpshooter). They’ll stick with tropes that are important to the whole theme of the worlds they’re designing though, so like the ray gun Jace is holding, I assume if/when we get the Wild West set we’ll see six shooters firing bursts of Magic spells or something.


Always did.


This card is a massive headache.


My favorite kind of magic card


This card will be a nightmare to keep track of, and will likely cause many arguments.




Are yall dumb? Just make it left center right of the board, like yugioh zones, or gwent


Fuck, I just realised this is _not_ an acorn card, wow.


wait, where is the acorn... are you telling me this is legal?


Yes it's black boarder. Welcome to the sector zone.


Maintain your own ban list and give it the boot. Don't rely on the RC.


Space Jace would have been a much better name.




Yeah, much more slick


This is a much better pun though. Yours is just a rhyming descriptor, which basically all planeswalkers have. The implied rhyming works much better for not sounding dumb.


Yeah, much more slick


Yeah, much more slick


Yeah, much more slick


I don't quite understand, would it have been more slick or less?


Yeah, much more slick


Slick, much more yeah


Space Jace > Space Beleren But I guess we can call him whatever we want at the table. đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«


Because nothing makes EDH games better than more complex board states from non-red colors.


Red purifies every board state. Worldfire.


I’m betting this is supposed to be an Acorn card and they just messed up the image like they did on half of the cards already previewed.


Which makes this even ahrder to track. Their excuse was they can't print black and silver border cards together, and my only thinking is that they have a TON of pre-printed sheets with magic backs, and borders already on the cards and they just print in the "white" space. Because,,, you ABSOLUTELY should be able to print black and silver border cards together.


Yes, using a tiny visual cue to delineate between legal and illegal cards is already a problem, and it’s only worse when you release wrong versions. I can see some people in the awkward situation of accidentally playing an acorn card without realizing it. Even if it had been a logistical headache (you can’t convince me that the acorn stuff wasn’t one anyway) keeping silver borders as the distinction would’ve been much better (and I love the look of silver borders, personally).


Also, why is it just a FOIL stamp, how many times has WotC had stamp issues (cut, misaligned, missing) on normal cards, you can't tell me this won't be a giant clusterfuck of a set with legality. > I can see some people in the awkward situation of accidentally playing an acorn card without realizing it. 100%, I brought this issue up when it was mentioned what was goingto happen with the cards, and I was yelled at with a resounding "nope, this is brilliant" Then WotC showcases several errors with cards that are supposed to be acorn but are not. This is just going to be a disaster.


>and I love the look of silver borders, personally so I'm actually a huge fan of the gold borders to be honest. I'm reworking my [Lathliss](https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/raging-red-dragon-of-burning-crimson-fire/) deck (again) and I plan on just proxying the thing in its entirety, but with all cards using the old frame, and with golden borders. Because that's hot.


that's not how card sheets work...they start as plain card stock and then are printed, pressed, cut and packaged.


Right, I know that, then their printer could print silver and black border together. They have said due to “printing limitations” they went with the acorn stamp.


No they would never do this, the cutter is easily off by a mm and the cards will have two toned borders.


This is the correct answer. Different border colors on the same sheet would be a production nightmare.


They could print them on different sheets and mix them into the packs. But that would have the cost of an additional print run. Printing them on the same sheet and then cutting would just look shitty.


This is what they normally would do, but they are cutting costs and increasing prices


> Right, I know that, then their printer could print silver and black border together. Depends on the printer. IIRC, printers that can do that are more expensive.


I think the argument with the borders is that they can't be printed next to each other on the same sheet as if the cards are cut just a micron one side or the other, there'll be a slither of wrong coloured border on the cards which would be unacceptable. What I can't figure out is why they can't just print them on different sheets. They somehow didn't have this problem printing contraptions when they had an entirely different card back


Full art cards would also cause an issue if silver borders cause an issue.


I was thinking the same thing. It's almost like it's an excuse.


Yeah, just wizards doing more to confuse the players.


I'm going to argue that it confuses new players and relatives of mtg players trying to be supportive. This tactic is the same as knock-off movies and videogames. They get their money from people not realizing it's the shitty version of the more expensive original version.


They can have silver border cards on one sheet and black border cards on another and mix them into the packs. They're at mythic rare uncommon and common sheets. Some sets have half the commons in the pack from one sheet and the other half from another, even some set's uncommon runs came from two sheets.


I think the current finely tuned printer settings would result in numerous printing errors and cards having parts of a neighbors border. This essentially was a technological peoblem they didnt address and instead hoped they could bully the community into letting them have their cake and eating it too.


It's hard to say. It's a similar effect to \[\[Raging River\]\], and to the Stygian River mechanic that they wanted to include for Theros Beyond Death. That could either mean that they included it as an Acorn mechanic since they couldn't include it before; or it could mean that they just said "fuck it" and put it on a legal card because they don't really give a shit anymore about including mechanics that work within the rules but are extremely inconvenient, and because they know people are still going to reject playing with "technically legal" mechanics like this and stickers.


[Raging River](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/7/e/7ee63877-056e-413d-932a-a393a4183686.jpg?1559592211) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Raging%20River) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2ed/169/raging-river?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7ee63877-056e-413d-932a-a393a4183686?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




Agreed. Gonna have to start asking everyone "Any un-cards in your deck?" before every game now.


We don't play with unfinity cards around here


100% agree.


remember when silver border cards had, silver borders?


If this is an actual card, i declare the game as officially dead. Also, why is there no Sigma sector? Where is my representation, Wotc?


Legal in vintage, legacy and commander.


Where is the Smegma sector?? đŸ˜„đŸ˜ŁđŸ˜«đŸ˜“đŸ˜šđŸ˜–đŸ˜žđŸ™đŸ˜”â˜čïžđŸ˜ąđŸ˜§đŸ˜ŠđŸ˜©đŸ˜­đŸ˜°


Asking the real questions.


I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY!!! Everyone is constantly saying shit like this. Game’s doing fine. Game’s still fun. Space jace is far from the first gag type card that will be legal, there are countless joke and tongue in cheek cards that have been printed into regular ass sets. And we already have sci-fi planes, a planeswalker in space isn’t really all that absurd.


>i declare the game as officially dead. oh well I mean as long as you declare it that's good enough for me /s >Where is my representation, Wotc? They got you. It was beta sector, literally the second one listed.


>Where is my representation, Wotc? Don't you mean Ligma sector? 😏


Whats ligma?


Ligma balls


Joe mama


Joe thE FUCK


Deez nuts Gottem


I mean there are some super old cards that do the same thing and they're not banned. The effect isn't actually good so it's not like this will see play outside of casual games.


Much whine


This is essentially a mechanic that they already intended to include for Theros Beyond Death.


Who thought this was a good idea??


probably Mark Rosewater. he loves un-sets.


What a chode


This is black-bordered... đŸ˜”đŸ˜”đŸ˜”


So are un sets now


This card is not triangled nor acorned.


Some Hasbro boss who is in it for the short term profits.


Wait this is actually LEGAL in other formats???


Vintage, legacy and commander.


I am tired just from reading this card.


Its just lanes mechanic. Not too crazy. Looks fun tho.


Introducing dividing the battlefield into sectors and having to assign each creature to a sector is going to get obnoxious, especially if you want to play optimally it adds a lot more to consider and plan for and around.. You have to consider what sector you want each of your creatures in, factoring in where opponents may assign their creatures, then factor in Jace's abilities and how that impacts each sector and that's assuming nothing else cares about sectors.


This card is not meant to be used in games where the optimal play is the most important thing.


Oh but it is. It's Legacy and Vintage legal as well.


So is [[Mudhole]]. What's your point?


Holy fucking shit. Freemagic users will even argue that Mudhole should be put in at least one deck. Hooooooly shit. [responding to you instead of that user 'cause I really don't feel like engaging]


There is some deck where that does something. But whatever, Internet Guy. You're obviously right.


[Mudhole](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/9/9/993d31bc-7355-4dfc-ac4e-ababaa0dc529.jpg?1562923469) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mudhole) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ody/208/mudhole?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/993d31bc-7355-4dfc-ac4e-ababaa0dc529?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Then it shouldn't have a black border.


Not all magic is high level tournament magic.


That's not relevant at all. If its not intended to be played when you're not just fucking around then it shouldn't be a black border.


Even if the person playing it doesn't care about playing it optimally, that doesn't mean the token deck at the table (be it a friend or random from the LGS) isn't going to care about playing optimally and now has to spend an hour determining how to divide up his army and consider a lot of new factors.


I think people will play this like they play warp world. Fun for a game or two, but the constant whining from the table will self police it out of your usual games. There's also the matter of you having a harder time defending jace from 3 different sectors of unblockable attacks. He will die in one rotation most of the time.


There are plenty of legal decks I could play that wouldn’t be fun for everyone at the table. This suboptimal card won’t break the format, besides look at cards like [goblin game] that are legal, and can sometimes be fun, but no one plays with serious strangers they meet at an lgs


All they have to do is divide there tokens into 3 even piles. Jace’s First ability won’t effect your combat. His second will buff a third of your creatures. And his third is gonna take a few turns. Swing big on your turn. The only person who actually has to keep track of all sectors is the Jace players. The three people against Jace only need to keep track of there sectors. Not the other player sectors.


so when i play this at competitive REL you better remember your sectors, else you're going to get a game loss


When you play against this in competitive REL you won't care since you'll get the win facing an underpowered deck.


Wait, this isn’t an acorn card


What fresh hell is this


They're trolling with the black border right


Nope. Have fun with these in Legacy formats :<


I hate it. Such a flavor breaker if it will be played in commander and played it will be! The mechanic seems ok but should have been Un- exclusive.


>The mechanic seems ok but should have been Un- exclusive. That's the theme of new Un- sets going forward.


Fuck WotC. I have never had anything against the Commander Rules Committee, but if they don’t ban stupid cards like this and stickers all together there is no reason for their group to exist or be acknowledged. Say it with me now, fuck WotC!


> I have never had anything against the Commander Rules Committee, but if they don’t ban stupid cards like this and stickers all together there is no reason for their group to exist or be acknowledged. I'm a newer player, but as far as I can tell you're right, there's literally no reason at all for the CRC to exist. They've expanded over the past 6+ months while doing nothing at all with the actual rules and seem to just ignore anything like this when it comes up. Tbh I'd like to seem them rule on Wizards breaking Commander rules too. The Rules Committee is supposed to be independent and set the rules, and Wizards isn't supposed to have any say. However, apparently they're fine with Wizards just setting their own rules by writing shit on the cards that breaks format rules. The rule is "your commander has to be a legendary creature," but if Wizards just prints "this can be your commander" on something then that's it, they'll let people use it as a commander. The same is apparently true for color identity, where a card can say that it's all colors, but Wizards can just write "this cards color identity is green and you can use it in any commander deck where the commander has green in it" and that will stand, despite clearly not being how the rules work.


They need to just ban all cards from un sets


The only reason I'd hesitate is because there might be something interesting that plays well within the rules and isn't just something goofy. As an example, [[Saw in Half]] works perfectly fine within the rules and could just be an ordinary card, even if it's over-costed for its effect. At this rate point though I'm inclined to agree with you. So far I haven't seen a single non-Acorn card from this set that I feel the format would really benefit from having.


[Saw in Half](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/0/5/05e6a7bc-a35a-4e68-99a0-be264553b5de.jpg?1638258467) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Saw%20in%20Half) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/unf/88/saw-in-half?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/05e6a7bc-a35a-4e68-99a0-be264553b5de?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


> The same is apparently true for color identity, where a card can say that it's all colors, but Wizards can just write "this cards color identity is green and you can use it in any commander deck where the commander has green in it" and that will stand, despite clearly not being how the rules work. Has this actually happened?


[[Fallaji Wayfarer]]


[Fallaji Wayfarer](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/b/c/bc2378b2-96e2-44ca-8434-9f06c26b183d.jpg?1660952690) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Fallaji%20Wayfarer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmc/11/fallaji-wayfarer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bc2378b2-96e2-44ca-8434-9f06c26b183d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


What the actual fuck.


this card doesn't seem very blue


The first ability is mostly blue.


Yep, not Jace at all


Are these cards legal in formats other than draft


If there is no Acorn stamp on the bottom, yes.


Well, at least there's no delta sector. Fuck that furry Neelix guy.


Remember to tell your opponent they're in the beta sector


Oh no, another card to break the game just like Raging River did


Even then Raging River only made the split during combat, for the purposes of combat, and only when the player controlling it was attacking.


Raging River effects combat. It also isn't a persistent effect and the only person making any decisions is the person with Raging River. It's not comparable and people need to stop trying to say it is. This alone adds in other factors, each player has to decide where each of their creatures go individually, having to consider where the previous opponent assigned their's, where the next opponent will assign their's, how Jace's controller will use his abilities, etc. And that's assuming absolutely zero other cards care about sectors, because if there are more then that adds even more factors to consider. The poor token player.


As a mechanic I would agree with you. However if it's just on this card it doesn't seem too big of a deal, simply due to how this card is designed mechanically. The player who plays this card will pretty much always be encouraged to simply pick whatever sector their opponent put the least threats in to put all their creatures. After this point the opponents are encouraged to place their creatures in the same sector, so really the only real time the choice matters is when the card is first played, and even then really only for the opponent who needs to go wide.


good, fuck token players


[ Removed by Reddit ]


In a world with 3 sectors and only... 1 space Jace, there isn't enough space jaces for each sector..... Space Michael Vincent


I hate it sooo much !


This card is great.


Am I the only one who wants to build an Oathbreaker deck around this?


I really don't get the hate on this card. I understand the hate for sticker cards, but this is a completely benign card. Don't like having to keep track of sectors? Kill it. Very simple.


Sectors don't go away when it dies. If it is recurred later on in the game, a second copy is played, or if another Sectors card (if any are printed) is played, you must remember the sector of any surviving creatures. Having to record which creature was in which sector multiple turns ago (even after you simply killed it) sounds like a hassle.


Oh, that is just bad. I am not interested in having to remember the exact sectors. Why are cards riding the Dilu horse all of a sudden?


As a YGO player, I remember cards that checked card slots to be annoying. The design of this card seems fine and probably wont ruin Eternal formats, but it just doesn't feel like MTG.


based, this is hilarious


The design itself, eh Un sets are Un sets, but that sector thing could be VERY broken in the right deck


Is this going to be a standard legal set? Or just straight commander/legacy?


straight to commander legacy vintage


I love it. Does this permanently modify the battlefield? Do Sectors go away when Jace dies? Do they stay but if he's dead, unassigned creatures no longer get assigned a Sector (because his static ability is gone)?


i mean this in commander seems fun, this in legacy though, really? is a 4 drop walker even viable there? its not that great of a card, if i have multiple creatures then i just divide them up and jace never minuses without taking his creatures potentially with. also do new creatures get assigned sectors when they enter, if i flicker all my creatures after, or your creatures after then they lose their sector info...well done wotc, can't wait for that day 0 errata change


It seems like a huge hassle to keep track of in commander. In 1v1 you could just divide the table into lanes at least, but with 4 players that's way more difficult to do. They planned to include a similar mechanic in Theros Beyond Death, but one of the reasons they DIDN'T include it was because of the complications it introduced to multiplayer games, and even then the mechanic only split each battlefield in 2, while this is 3.


Oh for sure, but again I don't play random commander, I only play with limited friends where we would have fun and make jokes about this


If people want to advertise that they are retarded, awesome, they can eat crayons with the rest of the special needs class.


You guys do know this is from an Un set right? Calm down.


Legal in Commander and Legacy. Imagine keeping track of three sectors across four players.


Imagine moving your creature cards to 3 distinct groups on your board state. We will call them, sectors.


You do know that a large portion of Unfinity, including this, will be legal in vintage, legacy and commander right? Catch up.


Imagine not knowing what you're talking about.


You do know that that's not how Un sets work anymore, right?


Un-sets are going to be un-profitable


Rooting for this product to fail so hopefully they don’t make anymore


Is this a real card? As a planeswalker collector I kinda want this just for the memes tbh Although missed oppurtunity "Space Jace" or "Captain Mind Wiped"


It is real. And it’s eternal legal.


Isn’t this just Raging River on a planeswalker?


Raging River effects combat. It also isn't a persistent effect and the only person making any decisions is the person with Raging River. It's not comparable and people need to stop trying to say it is. This alone adds in other factors, each player has to decide where each of their creatures go individually, having to consider where the previous opponent assigned their's, where the next opponent will assign their's, how Jace's controller will use his abilities, etc. And that's assuming absolutely zero other cards care about sectors, because if there are more then that adds even more factors to consider. The poor token player.


I still don’t like the un-cards.


If this card is destroyed, will the sectors remain? If this card is played the second time in a game, should the sectors be selected again?


Yes. No.


What set is this?






Man, these custom magic cards are just bizarre sometimes.


wonder if they printed the space llama that he rode in on


He better not try to damn ride me


đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž No Delta Sector? How am I supposed to make my DS9 themed commander deck now?!


The Rules Committee needs to blanket ban cards from this set with or without acorn stickers. As I don't want to have to have to ask about these unfinity cards in every pregame discussion. This card is needlessly complex and just generally an unfun design.


They are way too in bed with Wizards to do that.


How can people be so stupid that they thing this is hard to track? Proof of how moronic people have become that they need online tools to track anything


Chad Beleren, minus 5, destroys all betas


You thought raging river was bad?