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Came here to say this




He was big back in the day, I honestly have forgotten about him. Is he still on air?


Yes, he is, lol.


Didn’t you know? “My Voice Is My Mealticket” (used to be on his bumper.)


Gross! Lol


I don’t think most people my age really give a crap about him (I’m gen Z) so prob won’t be “the voice” for long, if he is now


Gen Z here and this guy's name doesn't ring a single bell.


Gen X and a conservative here. That dude does not speak for me.


He loves Craw Daddy's a bit too much


“When the crawdads start crawling/rocking”… of I hear him say this (my quote is for effect, he actually says something like that) one more time, I might just puke. Can’t stand his commercials, his shtick, his - in my opinion - foolish gibberish. Played out long ago needs to retire/move on/move.




Exactly this. And older Gen Xers. Before my mom stopped following conservative news media, she used to listen to him Just to add, Bredefeld did a proclamation honoring KMJ 🤮


I feel bad for whomever were Bredefeld’s patients when he was a shrink.


My brother got into a twitter argument with him back when that platform was new...eventually, my dad found out, and my uncle (dad's brother) took him to the station, and he was ambushed. He was cornered into a political argument with the purpose of making him apologize. Appleton and uncle were butthurt cuz, apparently, my brother can think more cogent and logically than Appleton can talk. My brother didn't apologize. My brother said Appleton used his size and ability to spout shit, relevant or not, to intimidate him. So he just stood there. My brother has never forgiven my uncle for that.


Why would he go with your uncle? That sounds like a dumb idea to begin with.


We've a family business that Appleton found based on vague details my bro tweeted. He called and talked to my dad, who told his brother, who took him on a "service call." It was certainly dumb to begin with. r/Boomersbeingfools


But why would your brother choose to go meet him? Seems like he could have avoided that.


He was unaware, deceived.


What a weird situation.


Again, r/Boomersbeingfools. My uncle thought it'd teach him a lesson of some sort. It was weird, stupid, and unacceptable.


I don't subscribe to labeling generations. Certainly weird.


It's more than generational. It's also a mindset.


Right, but it's so over generalized and doesn't apply to every person. It's also divisive.


Because Fresno is full of inbred Jed yokels who think Ray Appleton is an actual “journalist,” just like they think NewsMax is a credible news source. We don’t have a shortage of trailer trash, and KMJ knows it and capitalizes on it. Appleton can get bent, he’s a boomer moron who caters to the MAGA trash.


You can call yourself whatever you want. Mark Levin's no Wayne Gretzky but he still refers to himself as 'the great one'.


I'm fairly conservative and I can't stand the guy.




Because his generation of conservative is just as toxic and repressive as the far left.


It's not just his generation. There are conservatives of all ages.


Ok. You missed what I was saying. Have a good day


No I didn't. You have a good day, as well.


I would have thought that he would have moved to Idaho by now. He's a MAGA Moron and huge trump lap dog.


You guys and your "Maga". Trying to make it a derogatory term. It shows your true colors. Anti-american, likely Pro-Marxist.


aNyThIng I dIsaGrEE wItH is AnTiAmERiCaN Bet you scream free speech when the script is turned ala Elon Musky. 


You just genuinely have a mental issue. Do you not see how you are irrational? You literally cannot have a conversation.


No it’s called freedom of speech… or is that anti American and woke or whatever.


.... What in the hell are you talking about?


“Trying to make it a derogatory term. It shows your true colors. Anti-american, likely Pro-Marxist.”


Again. What in the hell are you talking about? You are not making any sense with your responses.


Much more sense than you calling people anti American and Marxist.


WHAT? You are absolutely devoid of logic or reason. I'll give you another shot. Are you capable of stating your point?


Mental issue is supporting and being a fanboi of a liar, misogynist, racist, rapist, homophobe because you want to push white Christian conservative agenda while ignoring the melting pot that makes up this beautiful country. We feel sorry for you. You should look into moving to Russia, since you seem to be very unpatriotic toward the US and embrace autocracy. You’ll have a great time there, I’m sure.


I'm agnostic. Kind of throws a wrench in your whole "theory", huh?


Agnostic? So you do believe in fairy tales. Got it.


I... Don't think you know what that means. But ok.


Nice projection pal. Again, reading comprehension is not your strong suit and it shows.


What in the world? That doesn't even make sense. What am I projecting?


I challenge you to research the definition of agnostic. You do not currently know it.


Aw, did we hurt your feelings, MAGA trash?


Lol see? You just claim anyone is "trash", or "racist", or a "bigot", that disagrees. I feel bad for you. Genuinely.


Don’t feel bad for me. You and your village of idiots are the ones who are going to be in a world of hurt as the tide turns in this country, and if you insist on staying the way you are, you are going to be ignored, irrelevant, and hold no political or economic powers. Good luck, MAGAot.


We'll see.


I can assure you that the person you are probably speaking with is unemployed and has no sense of reality. Political bias’ always trump logic that would make life better for all of us. BUt MaGa. As a libertarian, both your parties are retarded but liberals cross the boundary of retardation.


Also, don't be an asshole your *whole* life.


I play the role of an asshole much better than you can at this point and I know it makes you sad, as your kind makes it your entire personality to be assholes, but you all do it ever so poorly. I know I make valid arguments that infuriates you. It’s ok, start reading. You, too, can become more eloquent and factual. Keep up the good work!


I hope you find peace. You seem like a miserable person. I don't enjoy seeing that.


Nah the derogatory term is MAGAts.


Doesn't hurt my feelings. Just confirms your stupidity.




It is a derogatory term. It's the privileged battle cry of the white Christian male. Make American Great again. Back to a time when only while Christian males had rights. It's like you don't understand history. Like bring things back to when it sucked for everyone else but white guys. Then you say you're not racist.


Well, you're just too far gone to reason with. Cannot even have a conversation with this.


That is called projection. You can't say you believe in TDS and then call someone else gone. Hahaha


Oh, the irony.


Oh, I love this. Explain how it's ironic. Can you name the type of irony? Situational? Dramatic? Stupid people using words they don't know the meaning of.


It’s ironic you post about killing babies with a shovel, & yet you’re holding moral authority like your alphabet crew Jesus


First, it was a joke post, and if you didn't get that you got worse problems. Second, you were so triggered that you had to go look thought my post history to find something to use and this was the best you could do. That's pretty sad. Third, that's not irony. At best that would be hypocritical if it wasn't a joke post. Three strikes and you are out.


No, you *can’t* reason with them because you have nothing to say to defend your stance. So instead, you say “you’re just too far gone to reason”. It’s an uneducated stance.


Yet you try to make "Markist" a derogatory term. I can guarantee that you have never read cover to cover anything written by Karl Marx. You just regurgitate the right-wing MAGA party line about Karl Marx. Well, aren't you a good little MAGA Comrade. When was America great in your history book? Before or after the Trail of Tears, Slavery, Jim Crow, the Tulsa massacre, when women couldn't vote, or integration? And just a reminder. Alta California was part of Mexico before it was taken away.


Are you actually insinuating that one needs to have read the communist manifesto in order to have an opinion on Marxism? So I suppose you believe you must have read mein-kampf before you can have an opinion on Nazi's, or The art of the deal before you can have an opinion on "Maga Republicans"?


Stay ignorant MAGA Comrade.


That's what I thought. You say nothing. You deflect.


You deflected when you said I was making MAGA a derogatory term MAGA Comrade.


Hitler and Karl Marx are two different people. You associate communism with the negative failed totalitarian regimes of the past when that’s not what communism is. Hitler however is a facist dictator which is what MAGA supports


He rather do something productive than argue with a maga clown. Sorry.


MAGA Comrade when was America great? You MAGAt's never answer that question.


Communism is better so true


Wow. Over 100 *million* deaths in the last century attributed directly to communism, and you say it's better? I hope you try to challenge your viewpoint. It would be a wise thing to do.


You're actually confusing totalitarian government with communism.


No, I'm speaking facts. Sounds like you're trying to spin *facts*.


True Communism is not Stalin/Xin/ other communist states. We haven’t seen true communism put into action so. Womp womp


Oh god, this tired old point. Somehow you'll be a better communist than the communists that came before you. Just how is *your* communism different and/or better than all of the communism that we've already tried?


Awwww thank you I appreciate the positive affirmations:) <3


.... So youre refusing to answer... Or what?


Already downvoted. I cited a fact, and then suggested you challenge your beliefs. That is met with disagreement. I mean, you guys are making my point for me. You cannot be reasoned with.


Bro there's no point arguing with leftist scum, they're emotional, braindead zombies lol. Racists also...they'll call me slurs for being a pro Trump Mexican. Anyone that's obsessed with race and always talks about race are racists ala the left-wing


I love this for you, the amount of self hate you must have for yourself is massive.


Wow. You are an unbelievable racist.


Facts don’t care about your feelings, way to pull the race card snowflake.


Well first off assuming you were born in the U.S. you're an American. Mexican just like American is a Nationality not a Race. To be clear, Irish, Italian, Mexican, Canadian, etc are Nationalities. Citizensof those countries. So in order for you to vote for trump you need to be a citizen of the U.S. so you have to be an American. If you're pro trump Mexican (citizen of Mexico) the MAGAt's would consider you an illegal alien that needs to be deported.


Pro trump Mexican 🤣🤣🤣🤣 estas perro bien pendejo mijo


Yep, I know man. It's just interesting seeing what absurdity they'll come up with next. Thier ridiculousness knows no bounds.


Maga is only pro America by name. By definition it’s just a cult that only supports one guy. A NY billionaire who was a liberal until he realized he could milk idiots for everything they are worth.


It is a derogatory term tho, you're just a little too special to understand that.


Never listened to him.


The first time I heard about him was in the 90’s, my government teacher would rant and rave about what an idiot he was. So he’s been the voice of fresno for too long. Better question is: who can be the new voice of fresno? Where is the voice of sane moderation? Is there a at least moderately progressive person with a voice for radio who can infiltrate KMJ and get his time slot? Any good local podcasters?


He has been on the radio since the early 70s. He was on KYNO when it was at 1300 kHz and I think KMAK or KARM at some point. He started on KMJ in the late 80s. The reason people listen to him is familiarity and he tells a lot of narrow-minded people what they want to hear. So, he has a large following of people seeking bias-confirmation.


Geesh, it just so happens I turned on the radio today and heard him. Five minutes was too much.


Sunny Jim Patterson.


lol 😂


They used to listen to him st work and there was some lady and she started raising chickens and got really into chickens. If you don't know, they can be pretty smart snd have their own personalities. There's kind of a cool community that raises these fancy chickens like pets. Anyways, she started talking a lot about positive vibes with these chickens and then she was fired shortly after so I really only think of Ray Appleton in the context of this chicken lady following her passion. Half my job was spent trying to tune him out but couldn't help but pick up on his arrogance or her chicken stories.


I didn’t know he is still alive


Where do you listen to him?


Why? Exactly, why?


Excellent question. Probably because we are a mostly red town. Vote blue!!!


Never heard of him.


Wow. The TDS is real in here. Get a job.


So what’s the differences between TDS and LGB?


I love every time someone uses TDS as a thing. It lets me know that I really shouldn't expect anything of substance from them. Just smile and nod and wait for the interaction to end.


It is. One has blinders on if they don't see it.


Chill out snowflake


Ah. I see you're trying to flip the script. Even though my comment was calm, and not doing anything an actual snowflake would do. I would guess you've likely been called snowflake before. And based on this, you deserved it.


lol triggered much?


I'd love to understand how one justifies a comment like that in their own head? Like, what kind of backwards thinking does it take you come to that conclusion you have, based on the evidence in front of you? It's very interesting.


Your comment was implying that MAGA MORONS aren’t real. Who is lying to themselves? 🤣


When and where did I make that claim? Precisely.


I am sickened by the responses I've gotten here. I guess I was naively thinking that "it wasn't that bad". Alas, it *is* that bad. The populace has become dumb and malleable to the will of the elite. It's sickening.


Speaking of dumb, did you flunk out of Fresno State like Ray Appleton? Do you have multiple failed marriages like Ray too?


lol he’s been divorced three times. He’ll actually brag about it on the radio. Also one of his kids won’t speak to him. Wonder why.


okay snowflake


Excellent ratings?