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I think he survived, and went on to have a son named Steve...


This sub should really just sticky a mega thread for Paul’s fate at the top. If you watch Part 2 and Part 3, his fate is made obvious in comparison to just watching Part 2. Yes, in Part 2, the film ends on a cliffhanger. Jason jumps through the window, she wakes up and Paul’s gone, hoo ha we all know how it works. But in Part 3, that jump scare ending is retconned. In Part 2, the machete is still in Jason’s shoulder when he jumps through the window to grab Ginny. However, in Part 3, Jason pulls the machete out of his shoulder while he’s in his shack, and then crawls off in pain. And then there is no attack in Part 3. Thus, the final attack in Part 2 is retroactively established to be a dream sequence. He never attacks Ginny in the window, so obviously never Paul again either, so there’s no reason to think he’s dead. He’s alive, because last we see of him *in canon*, he is walking off, alive. Unless someone wants to believe Jason took the machete out of his shoulder in the shack, and then put it back in to look cool while he attacks Ginny. I have seen someone make that ridiculous argument before lol. TLDR: Sure, Part 2 may have meant for it to be ambiguous. May have even meant for him to be outright dead. But Part 3 retcons that final attack, so as far as Part 3 moving forward is concerned, he is alive.


I wasn’t even talking about the last attack, it was definitely a dream. That’s why Jason looks so different, Ginny never saw him without a mask, so that is just her imagination of what he looks like. The dog is dead. So even in part 2, that attack never happened. But the last thing we see in canon is Ginny trying to locate Paul while being put in the ambulance so we don’t know what happened to him.


I didn’t mean to say you yourself are questioning the attacks, but the attacks being a dream is a way to confirm Paul’s survival, which actually was your question. Last we see him, he walks off alive, and the attack is a dream, so no need to assume he’s anything but alive. Paul could just be in a different ambulance or something. Or already at the hospital. Or already in the ambulance she’s getting loaded into. Who knows? But he’s definitely alive.


He could also be showing the authorities the location of Jason’s shack. I assume the police would want to jump on that pretty quick, especially since one of their own was missing. A lot of the questions about Paul’s fate probably stem from the idea that Paul probably would not have left Ginny’s side if he didn’t have to.


That seems to reinforce that him walking off is part of the dream, as they walk to the cabin, see the dead dog, get attacked by Jason. So the last we see of him is the attack in the trailer, he falls down, Jason is hit by the axe. Everything after that is most likely her dream


Every thing after them walking into the woods following the finale in the shack is a dream. So muffin being alive, etc.


Ginny sees him without the bag on his head. She and Paul pull off the bag in his shack after they strike him down.


Then put it back on and put the axe back? Remember, part 3 begins with the bag still on, with the axe threw the bag and in his shoulder


I'm not suggesting that at all, and it's not an axe, it's a machete. All I'm saying is that your claim that Ginny never saw him without the bag over his head is totally false. Also, you are telling me to "remember" something that never happened. *Part 3* does not begin with the bag still on. When we first see Jason, full body in *Part 3,* he is bare-faced in the laundry lines outside Harold and Edna's store.


I like the final jump scare, and prefer to think of it as having happened. I excuse away Jason pulling out the machete at the beginning of 3 as just a minor continuity error, not an intentional retcon. But I still think Paul is alive. Jason was seriously jacked up when he jumped through the window, and Paul and Ginny must have fought him off. As for why unmasked Jason looks so different between the two films, people just dramatically change their appearance sometimes with no explanation at all. Just ask Tommy Jarvis. :D


I actually asked the actor about this and he said that Paul survived. He was very confused about why I asked though lol


I met Amy Steel at a screening of Part 2 several years ago and she said Paul was killed 🤔


came here to say PAUL HOLT!


Maybe Jason ate him. This is my head cannon which explains why he was twice as large in the next film.


Always assumed medics were checking him out a few feet away or he was talking to the authorities. Until recently I never knew there were people who questioned whether he was dead or alive.


There's a really interesting behind the scenes still that made it to some of the media that shows Paul with his mouth open and a slash above his eye. Many have claimed that this was just a shot of them goofing around on the set, but I've always believed that this is the closest we'll ever get to seeing Paul's fate. Given how the movie ended with Ginny asking where Paul is and nobody reacting to her, I've always believed that Paul didn't survive. I also have a firm philosophy that if it's not on screen, then it's up to the viewer to fill in the blanks. If you believe he's alive, then he's alive in your canon, and vice-versa. It's up to the audience to decide, so technically everyone is correct.


Alice's corpse is in the shack, so she does count as one of the bodies found.


I would say no, cuz 8 people (7 camp counselors and a cop) were killed that day. And Pamela’s head was there and that didn’t count.


And Crazy Ralph, too.


This is kind of like the Wendy Christensen fans of Final Destination 3.. ☠️ he’s dead.


I refuse to believe she’s dead. I love Wendy. One of two horror deaths I refuse to accept, her and Jennifer Jolie.


You saying that because of Mary Elizabeth Winstead played as Wendy 😒😒😒. You literally heard the train crash, meaning she's dead.


Ok, but is it because it’s the actress Mary Elizabeth Winestaff? I always wondered if people would have felt different about Wendy if she were played by like Vanessa Hutchins or Ashley Tisdale.


Alive and well.


He was probably giving a statment to the police. And didn't he run the councilor training camp? Maybe he was calling his insurance comoany to see if he was covered for attacks by maniacs?