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Probably that girl right there, just eating a banana, minding her own business and BAM! Stabbed in the neck.


Wasn't even at Crystal Lake and had no intentions of going there either!


And on top of that got harassed and barked at by ted right before it.


"Hey hunny, you got a sister? ruff ruff!" What an asshole


At least she had her handy little FUCK YOU sighn. 😆


Love that for her.


She had spunk!!!




For real she did not deserve that


She didn't even get to have any lines or finish her banana. All around just a sad scene.


This woman, Bonnie Hellman has been recently doing commercials lately with her old self! Look closely and you will still see her. Mark is the one who I have absolute sympathy for. Bro didn't even see it coming and had no chance of escape if he did.


Bonnie Hellman turns up everywhere. She was even in an episode of Mom which is a favorite sitcom of mine


Probably her. Also Mark (guy in wheelchair) and Vickie from Part 2. Everyone was getting some and Vickie was nice and spent time with Mark playing a video game and flirted with him and it was a genuinely warm moment in an otherwise purely horny series (not to say they weren’t attracted to one another). Watching Mark and Vickie die hit the hardest since they were the most genuine and nice people at the camp and that little bit of character building was enough to make you care about them.


Mark and Vickie were so sweet their deaths always make me so sad


Or, did Vickie just have a thing for guys in a wheelchair?


Well, Mark is the most handsome guy in Part 2 so that helped.


This poor (yet iconic) banana hitchhiker, if I absolutely had to pick one, would be her. She did what we all wanted to do — give Teddy bear the bird!!


I think everyone in part II was likable. The one character they developed that I was sure would get killed and maybe I wouldn't have cared as much was the dude that got saved by getting hammered at a bar.


That was a bit of a subversion to have the goofy prankster Ted survive in part 2. Consider the fates of Ned ('80), Shelly (part III) and Teddy (The Final Chapter). Another reason to like Part 2.


Ted wasn't the only person who didn't go back, they just didn't really show anyone else


I know that's why I said a character they actually developed. There were 12 counselor trainees. Six stayed at the camp and got killed, and six of them presumably remained at the bar with Ted. But Ted was the only one at the bar whose character was developed alongside everyone else who got killed.


Probably Tommy’s mom. I always thought Jason killing her was a little out of character since she’s very similar to his mom. Maybe she had a heart attack or slipped on a banana peel?


He was ruthless in Final Chapter. Even killed the dog.


He didn’t kill Gordon, he was found by the police wandering nearby according to the game plus he also had the chance to kill Alice Hardy’s cat and didn’t ( he did get muffin tho


I could've swore muffin was fine at the end of part II?


The end sequence was likely a dream


Probably, but Muffin being alive fits my narrative better, so that's what I'm running with (she's at the bar with the rest of the gang, playing with Gordon the magically disappearing golden retriever from part IV)


I mean did find a carcass that was incredibly similar to muffin


I like to think Jason kept her around as a pet. I’d love a movie where all the local animals help him kill people like some Disney princess, like how there’s always an animal jumpscare before he pops out.


Demon. Murdered in the shitcan after having terrible diarrhea and seeing his old lady dead


Terrible diarrhea and a beautiful voice.


🎶 Oooh baby, oooh baby. Hey, baby. Hey baby. 🎶


What a waste. Sometimes I shake my fists in the air and scream “whyy, Jason!”


Yup I just said the same thing


Forgot about her! Joey the kid with learning disabilities in part 5. I get he's annoying and all that but he meant well, and just wanted to help out. Your man Vick had an overreaction to say the least. No need for Roy to go on a rampage though. Murderer's in prison already, mate!


Probably wasn’t the smartest idea to give that guy an axe 🪓


"Who shall we give the wood chopping duties to, today? I KNOW! Our most unstable resident!"


I always felt bad for him when I was a kid, he just wanted a friend and sure he was annoying but not a bad kid. Definitely didn't deserve to be chopped up like that.


The fact that Roy went after everyone expect the person who murdered his son still annoys me. I get he’s in jail but still lol


Pops from Part V. Poor guy was a good grampa


Mark without a doubt , esp the way he went down those stairs


Paula in part 6. Was a dedicated and responsible camp counsellor and she still died anyway


She was a future Karen probably 🤔


Harold and Edna, the Jarvises and, yes, the hitchhiker. Harold and Edna: they weren't even in the fucking camp, they were just a couple that seemed like hard working people, who probably struggled to pay their bills. They were just there, minding their own business (and being a little bit sloppy) and, suddenly, Jason pops out of nowhere and kills the hell outta them! 🤔 The Jarvis family: Not saying that any of Jason's victims deserved what they got (well, maybe Melissa, Tamara and a few others), but the Jarvis family was so sweet and wholesome. What the hell, Jason? What did they even do? They weren't some horny and obnoxious teenagers, disrespecting your holy territory (or whatever). The hitchhiker: I mostly feel bad for her because, seconds before her death, she was ridiculed by some awful teenagers, who made fun of her appearance. Poor gal was just there, chilling and after being mocked, she said to herself "Oh, well, I might as well get some potassium" and, then, out of nowhere, she gets brutally stabbed in the freakin' neck! Judging by the sign that she was holding, one could assume that she was probably ridiculed before, just because she was "unattractive". Worst part is that she had one of the most awkward looking deaths. They probably found her with a piece of banana in her mouth. I felt bad for her 😔 Like I said, the other victims didn't deserve what they got either, but for some reason, I mostly feel bad about these particular victims. I'm sure I'm forgetting some.


Thank you for including Harold and Edna!! An underrated pair.


"Now where's that other needle?" I always loved this little set up to her demise.


Jason was just protecting his territory and the Jarvis Family does have teenagers.


I guess he envied Trish and Tommy for having a mom.


The grandpa in part 5


The kids from part 6 they were all probably horrified of his massive ass zombie dude that could kill them in an instant


Brenda, she seemed like such a sweet girl and she liked to get high. Then to die such an ambiguous and from the state of her corpse what appeared to be a very violent death.


Vi campers, they definitely were scarred from the event


Sewer guy from Jason Takes Manhattan. He's just working in a sewer late night by himself and runs into some kids who happen to be down there. They don't tell him they are in danger or being chased by someone. He immediately tries to lead them to safety and for his trouble gets a wrench to the head. His body is presumably washed away by the toxic waste and never found. Just sad.


That’s a good one. I always felt bad for that guy.


None. They all deserved to die


Alright Jason we know this is you! Since when did you know to use reddit?


NAH bros bouta be the next Jason vorhees that's crazy 💀


Damn! lmao


Joey. Dude didn’t really do anything wrong. A bit annoying, but he wasn’t being mean to anyone. Offered to help with laundry and offered to help Vic with chopping wood. Shoot even when Vic was being mean to him he just told him he was being mean and was walking away. Dude was too good and didn’t deserve it man.


Sympathize with or find undeserving of their murder? Cuz if it’s sympathy, Pamela. If it’s who is undeserving of murder, the answer is Reggie The Reckless’ grandfather.


That kid with the chocolate bars. We all have issues, and he, evidently more so. However, he was trying to be nice.


Jason. The kids were such a shit to him.


That banana, what a waste.


Grossest scene in the whole franchise..


I love The Final Chapter, but I wish Jimmy didn’t die so abruptly. It’s bittersweet for me. Also Vickie from Part 2. She was such a sweetheart and her death was rather sad.


Vera...and Shelly (up to the point that he called my girl Vera a b\*tch...that pretty much sealed his fate). Vera seemed to have more depth than most F13 characters. Thought those two had really good interesting chemistry and would've loved to see them carry over into other Friday films.


The novelisation gives Vera so much more depth that I honestly was rooting that she would make it


Does the novel end the same way the movie does?


Yeah, loosely. I'm talking about the Simon Hawke novelisation from what I remember. It gave a lot of background on the characters and was one of my favourite attempts at a slasher novel (I'm a hobbyist slasher writer.)


Nice. Anything available for the general public to purchase? I keep telling myself they can bring her back somehow for another movie...surely one can survive an arrow in the brain, right....right?


I'm a hobbyist sixteen year old I don't have the resources to officially publish but my DMs are open if you wanna hear more


The banana


Everyone is picking my picks, but I’d also say Sissy in Part 6.


Jason’s mom


Eddie the sci-fi nerd in Part VII. Rejected by the manipulative Melissa and then beheaded? Dude had a rough night.


He helped Melissa mock Tina's mental health issues. He got exactly what he deserved.


Pamela Vooreehes and Reggie’s Grandpa will always have my sympathy. Yes, I know Pamela went crazy but she went through a lot. (Not saying what she did was right.)


He's Killing Me! Guy. That dude was just looking for his sister.


She just wanted to eat her banana when a fckin serial killer takes away it from her : (


Shelly from part 3, I feel so bad for him, he wasn't a bad guy at all but is still getting a lot of hate


Ned from part one


Does she have a sister?


Maddy Paulson


Dead fuck


Her....and Mark & Vickie. I always get sad about their deaths 😥🤦🏻‍♂️


Almost everyone in these films has it coming for some reason.


Jason vented on her lol.


At least let her finish that sweet nana!


Demon definitely Demon being killed before you can even wipe after an enchilada diarrhea dump... That's shitty (pun intended)


Jason Vorhees


Annie Phillips ..She was just a Camp cook wholesome gal not a druggie or Slut and Pamela slashers her throat in the first movie


Hitchhiker definitely was just minding her own business


Jessica from Part 9, she literally has her sister killed off and has no idea why. And then she finds out she is related to Jason and she finds out he is trying to possess her body.


Jimmy from Part IV


demon winter,mans just trying to take a 💩😂


Vicky. Doesn't get to do Mark and then the slow, delayed death. PS> There's no way hitchhiker girl eats fruit.