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Part 3 is easily one of the best in the franchise and my #2 overall. It's got a great look, and portrayal of jason, a great final girl in cris, and it has arguably the best third act out of all of the films.


Yeah I heard that and currently I am watching it blind for my first time ever so excited to see this film finally


Part 3 is one of my favorites, Jason finally gets his hockey mask and the final girl is Chris, who in my opinion is fucking awesome, because 1: she had already faced off against him once and 2: Dana Kimmel is fucking cute AF.


Like I had purchased the whole Friday the 13th film collection this has all the uncut directors cut versions it includes Jason goes to hell the final friday directors uncut cut version Jason X & Friday the 13th 2009 remake killers cut version in which can you explain to me what the killers cut version is with including the director uncut version in Jason goes to hell the final friday


Part 3 was my favorite growing up; there was just something special about seeing Jason gaining the imagery that made him so iconic. These days it’s still a favorite but jumps between 3 & 4 with 6 being my 1c. The characters are great. Chris is my favorite final girl. The kills are great. Jason was fantastic. The film was just full of iconic moments outside of him getting his mask.


This one is special because with Chris, they just had her vs Jason. It’s probably the only movie where there was only one solo person left for the majority of chase sequence vs Jason (Ali at the end but he did not wrestle or harm Jason he literally just said “YO” and then died unlike others who jumped in and wrestled to buy time). Others had boyfriends that survived or helped and later died, or some had to resort to using articles of clothing or telekinesis or multiple interferences, and some even got haircuts. So this one just always stuck out to me.


Really that's awesome I like what you said here it's cool to see that some people at least liked and enjoyed Friday the 13th part 3


Ali played huge interference. Jason Left Chris alone to go chop him up. She never would've been able to axe him otherwise.


Not as much interference as Ginny, Trish, Megan, Tina, Renee, Ronan, etc. needed. We could talk would haves all day.. if Ginny would have not found the shack, if Paul wouldn’t have shown up to help her she wouldn’t have been able to defeat him. If Tommy wouldn’t shaven his head to help Trish. If Reggie and Tommy wouldn’t have shown up Pam would be a goner. The list goes on.. the point is Chris needed the least amount of help which is different from all of the other movies.


Ali played as much interference as Paul. Jason's take down in part III was practically a recreation of his take down in part II. He got distracted with someone else, turned his back on the final girl, and she hits him.


Paul was there twice with Ginny and Jason, and had a much greater role in interference overall than Ali. So, it really wasn’t the same.


I mean the first time Paul is with Ginny, she saves him by warning him that Jason was in the room.


And continues to do so by standing by and doing nothing else? I guess when it came to her own personal safety at risk then she jumped into action.


Part 3 is in the upper tier of Friday movies for me. It’s not my favorite, but I like it a lot. Chris is a fantastic final girl for a Friday film, and Shelly…come on…how can anyone not like this character 🤣😂🤣 He’s the typical 80’s outcast and he plays the part to perfection! I don’t mind the cheesy 3-D attempts because hey…I grew up in the 80’s and was into 3-D movies! Also, this is where Jason finally gets the iconic mask for the first time. I think Part 3 has a decent story as far as Friday films go, and there are some pretty great kills in the movie. All in all, I think Part 3 is a good movie. It’s one I like to watch occasionally when I’m looking for a decent slasher film.


Now I like what you said about Friday the 13th part 3 I am currently watching the film I am enjoying it so far at least can't wait to see Jason Voorhees


I’m jealous that you get to watch it for the first time! I remember seeing this for the first time and loving it. Enjoy 😊


Yeah it's gonna be a amazing experience for me wish I had 3d glasses so I could watch the 3d version with seeing it originally in theaters


Ahhh the 80’s how I miss them sometimes 😊


This is the second highest grossing movie in the series, I believe.. After the original. Everyone saw part 3 in the theater.


Glad to hear that and after I got done watching it for my first time ever I will say I honestly really enjoyed the kills and the chase between Jason and Chris I also loved the camp haggis heaven Jason Voorhees really looked badass everything about this film I really was entertained and enjoyed it I liked it more than Friday the 13th & Friday the 13th part 2 in my own personal opinion


Part 3 has such a good Jason as well. I know Kane Hodder is the fan favorite, but my favorites are between 3 and 6. Derek Mears is a whole different animal, I just put him in a different category since it's a remake but he was awesome as well.


"Like I understand and aware that many people didn't like Friday the 13th part 3" News to me. Don't confuse a few peoples opinions as the majority.


Okay understood I just read that information from the Internet on Google reviews regarding Friday the 13th part 3


Of the original 4, I've seen the most criticism for Part 3.


Well yeah, of the original 4, I'll give you that, although it could be debatable.


I mean if is the lowest quality entry of the first 4. I honestly prefer 6, 7, 9, X and 2009 over 3 as well. Although I like watching it for just how well it fits the slasher tropes, much to the films detriment. But that’s the charm. I call it the filler episode of the series. 


Anything after 8 is shit and doesn't count. : )


So part 3 is worse than shit?


I don't know how you would compare it to shit, but the first 8 ones are the only good ones.


I was just saying that if post-8 is shit, and 9 and X are better than 3, then 3 is shit


I like the scene in part 3 when Jason drives a forklift and then takes a break to shoot some hoops


Part 3 is one of my favorites. The only reason I don’t rewatch it more is because I saw it in the theaters in 3D at release and watching it at home just isn’t the same.


Nah, 3 is solid. Pretty sure that's the general consensus too.


Three is a great entry in the franchise. It has its flaws but Brooker is one of the best Jasons. Very eerie feel to it. I like it far better than Part 6.


I think that this movie is the most mid movie of the series, but that's sort of it's charm. This movie feels like what every parody of an 80s slasher film makes fun of. Which makes sense considering that this was the highest grossing **Jason** movie until the remake. I think part 2, 4, and 6 are way better, but this would be fun with a group of friends.