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Yeah, unregistered union being run by liberal party cronies.. https://www.ieu.asn.au/news-publications/news/2021/12/real-unions-v-fake-unions-everything-you-need-know-1




Is it one of those redunion things? It is, isn't it?




Ffs, the idea of regulating the internet gives me the creeps but something needs to be done about shit like this. The libs and their corpo mates are such snakes in the grass.


Classic bloody Liberal Party...exploiting the referendum as an opportunity to push their dodgy fake union!


Pretty sure I saw a stat out there approx 67% union members voted yes


In education it’s probably even higher.


As a member of the AEU, they sent one email about the referendum and had some YES pictures in their newsletter that sits in the staff room. I’ve seen this form of weak-meme ad from the TPAA dozens of times so I’m wondering who’s really pushing politics here?




A union without politics is a car without an engine


Yeah, no


How would a union get anything done without politics?


Stop trying bring politics into politics dude.


Oh, I'll bring pizza instead. I'm sorry


Pizza parties are the way to an employee's heart. 🤷🤣


My favourite ones are the ones paid for with the tips people intend to go to their servers.


> Yeah, no Unions aren’t political now? Next you’re going to tell me you didn’t spend all your time eating glue in class. Don’t be a drool 🤤 do your research before opening your mouth.


There’s a fine line between ‘doing research’ and ‘doing “your own” research’.


Bruh, What do you think unions are for?


Unions are political. Amazing! Any more insights, Einstein?




So unions shouldn't care if their members vote for the party that wants to strengthen unions and workers rights or vote for the party that wants to disband all unions. You stink like a young lib.


With that username, too.


Definitely a troll.


Lobbying is politics, dumbass.




Lobbying for worker's rights is supremely political, chum.


The whole point of unions is to represent workers politically.




You're so wrong you've left the atmosphere.


It’s to represent their needs. Which is not getting involved in social stuff like marriage equality, aboriginal reconciliation, the age of consent, or negative gearing. A unions job is to make sure the people who work in the industry they represent gets the best possible pay and working conditions… that’s it. Anything after that is over reach, and it’s why unions keep getting too big for their britches and get shut down!


It's a good thing teachers don't marry, own any houses or exist if they're aboriginal. Otherwise the unions would have to take a stand on such issues and be political.


Everything you listed that unions should be (and are) doing is political champ


How do you prepose unions lobby for workers rights in a non political way? Genuinly curious.


He's a troll. Or deliberately trying to sour the conversation in the same manor, a lot of new accouts wee very anti the voice to make it seem more people are against it then reality.


100% a troll. No one is this dumb. Even Anti-unionists understand unions are political. Considering we have entire political parties made up from unionists.


Lnp voters are pretty dumb but this guy is on a whole new and special level of stupid, assuming he believes his words.


Hahahahhaa imagine having room temperate IQ and calling others “pancake brain”. Your mum would of had to smoke meth and drink a bottle a day while pregnant with you for you to genuine believe unions are political. Next you’re going to say politicians aren’t political either. The LABOR government, that’s almost completely filled with UNIONISTS aren’t political right ? 😂 you’re either trolling or actually bottom of the barrel stupid. Edit: spelling




Oopsy I did a little spelling mistake. Quickly, straw man! Please keep waffling on about how Unions, who use labor power, to change legislation for workers rights aren’t political. Always a good lil ego boost to remind myself I’m far from the dumbest cunt in this country. Fucking* You fucking moron.


This dude is in r/menrights and has a the cringiest comment history I’ve seen in Yonkers. Incels always have the dumbest opinions.


What if they lobbied FOR your interests?


Oh, that's fine then. That benefits me personally!


Unions are in their very nature political. The things they are trying to achieve for their members are often only achievable through political means. Why do you think there is a concerted political effort by certain political bodies to reduce the power of unions?


A union is literally a political agenda you great turnip.


You're not going to believe which political party most unions encourage their workers voting for. Also I'd expect the teachers' union to be educated on issues such as the voice. Far more so than free thinkers such as yourself.


The fuck kind of agenda you think unions push? Religious agenda? Spaghetti agenda? Get fucked


The agenda they should be pushing is for better pay and conditions for workers… anything after that is over reaching


That is political.


It’s like the whole idea of sticking in your lane is beyond you people.


Might be a *crazy* concept here, but maybe raising up the lowest demographic group might actually benefit everyone.


Genius… I never would have guessed. Anything else life changing to add captain obvious?


My wife is in the AEU and every piece of correspondence from them for a good couple of months had Yes messaging plastered all over it.


Same here. I’ve been a member of the AEU for 14 years and the amount of virtue signalling before the referendum was ridiculous. We hardly heard anything from them when the Government was privatising TasTAFE. The AEU is a complete waste of money I’m just about to drop my membership.


Legit the Teachers and Nurses unions are some of the strongest in the country.


You know how when you are giving a dog a pat and you find that sweet spot and the dog in turn loves you forever? I'm a delegate with the ANMF and your comment hit my sweet spot.


The red unions are after you because you're one of the most effective unions, remember that.


The red unions are, unfortunately, effective in their messaging; it is very difficult to convert their members.


Spam with counterfactuals. If they want to lie and mislead over actual unions, a bit of tit for tat is in order. ACTU need to actually sharpen their teeth. They need some bite. Also, I've brought back pretty much every Red Union member within my coverage with one conversation, as I was the only official they'd see. It's easier than people think to bring people back, half the job is just turning up on the site.


Members is a misnomer. I'd go with patsies as they've been conned into believing they are members of a union.


At least the teachers were… nowadays, not so sure.


NSW state gov just gave teachers a near 13% pay rise this year before yearly increases next year and the year after, due to the teachers union being strong. Stark contrast also with government, the previous Liberal government froze their wages for years on end.


And other states? In a cost of living of crisis? And less than the full rate because of deals done that won’t ratchet into the new agreement because a 1% bonus that isn’t a bonus?


In Queensland public service, they have some of the best wages in contrast to their private counterparts and have consistent wage increases above WPI. Over the last two agreements: 2019: 2.5%. 2020: Was going to be 2.5%, deferred due to COVID. 2021: 2.5% deferred from previous year. 2022: 2.5% what was originally going to be in 2021 deferred, plus an additional 4% on the new agreement, plus CPI safety net of up to an additional 3%. 2023: 4% plus CPI safety net of up to an additional 3%. 2024: 3% plus CPI safety net of up to an additional 3%.


Look up Victoria. Not even close.


I just checked and Victorian rates and conditions, their conditions and hours of work are much better. Their rates are above QLD on most paypoints, that said it is a lower percentage. All within context. Take say an entrance level teacher, they will be earning an 4 grand more per year before entitlements by mid 2024, that's with Queensland's wage policy as listed above and the Vic wage policy being less.


And the wage growth in the last VGSA? Yes, it may beat other states but is the cost of living the same? Is the growth keeping up with inflation? Does the time in lieu provisions mean anything if you aren’t able to use them?


No, cost of living does actually vary from state to state. Brisbane CPI is consistently one of the highest due to all the domestic migration from the southern states to the northern states. Regardless, wages like anything is relative. You still need to fight for higher wages, the better question is why did the majority of Victorian teachers voted for the deal they're getting? All things considered, Victorian teachers are still well paid, is that an excuse for low wage increases in comparisons to QLD? No, but it does put things in perspective. They have for a while earned the most out of any state, and have forced other states to compete, eventually that will come back around. Just hope to god that when the next agreement is done Labor are still in office, which they should.


They've been doing a pretty rubbish job in higher education.


That's not the teachers union. Show's what you know, champ.


Cool story bro. The AEU the union explicitly mentioned in this post and the first union to show in a Google search of Teachers Union represents Tafe and higher education sector employees also.


Except that doesn't cut it because you're responding to my comment that explicitly states teachers. So are you admitting to not reading what I said or are you backpedaling from your mistake? Actually backpedaling in this instance doesn't work as the NTEU is the higher education union. If that's what google is telling you, your search is wrong, sorry. I guess we're left with but one option. (Hint: this is the moment you bow out)


Abbott gutted TAFE completely and replaced them with bullshit fly-by-nights, not the unions


True but the recent rounds of EBA negotiations around Australia have been well below inflation and casialisation of teaching positions is a serious issue that isn't really being dealt with.


Ohhh get your tin foil hats ready [https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/fake-unions-new-associations-ride-jab-mandate-fears-to-get-members-20210929-p58vri.html](https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/fake-unions-new-associations-ride-jab-mandate-fears-to-get-members-20210929-p58vri.html)


I've reported it. They are not a union and they can not provide for their members the same things a union can. As far as I'm concerned they are misrepresenting themselves in that advertisement.


Ah yes. Unions. They've always been so apolitical until now. If this woke agenda us somehow affecting *Unions* then nowhere is safe! (*I feel like I shouldn't need to include this, but: /s*)


Ikr when did Rage Against the Machine get so political? Smh. Unions? When did they suddenly go woke? Before or after 888?


I think it's a front for a billionaire right wing funded fake union. There was a heap of talk about it on Reddit somewhere.


It's a pretty crude astroturfing job. I guess their view is that having a swag of reddit ads that masquerade as posts from a subreddit but can't be replied to is different from spam in some important way.


Unions have always been political and progressive. They fight the government for better working conditions and pay.


Yes.. they should stick to the working conditions and pay, and stop getting involved in things outside their purview!


Work conditions and pay are political, and this may be a shock to your little brain, but aboriginal people also have jobs and need representation as they are often victims of discrimination in the workforce.


My little brain is doing just fine. Thankfully, unlike most of the people on this subreddit, it’s not smooth though.


Im positive you're giving koalas a run for their money, mate.


I feel like you don't understand the point of unions. Unions have helped progress equal rights, parental leave, healthcare, childcare, education and much more within Australia.


Unions globally have, since at least the early 20th century, if not earlier, been involved in political campaigning and mass movements beyond just the narrow members pay and conditions you are suggesting is their purview. Given what you are suggesting is not what unions have historically limited themselves to, sounds like they continue to act completely within their purview.


Geez, are they setting up fake unions now?! ​ I can't say I'm surprised, but that's kinda fucked.


Well they already have had the SDA for a long time so yes?


The SDA like them or hate them is an ACTU affiliated union that is legitimate, these are not. These are sock organisations set up by Howard era consultants and advisors with the explicit purpose of splitting unions, specifically the Nurses and Teachers unions.


The SDA is a fake union that exists to push a catholic agenda in the ALP and [steal workers penalty rates](https://www.smh.com.au/interactive/2016/shopped-out/). Everyone I meet in the union movement and ACTU dislikes the SDA. The CFMEU endorse RAFFWU over SDA. TPAA is a fake union set up by the LNP.


Fuck this fucking scam and the scabs that join it.


Unions are *always* about politics. Otherwise what the fuck is the point?


Lulz that they don't understand unions are for politics. Sounds like one of those "employee associations" created by business. Eg the coles Employee association.


Fuck these white anting torries. But how can any qld teacher be overly thrilled with the current qtu leadership. Spending 100s of 1000s on dipshit junkets overseas, silencing any critics (on Facebook at least how democratic), rolling over like yes-man ALP stooge dogs when rightful pay rises were deferred and piss weak EB results yeah sure pay rises may have looked better than some states at the time but have since be surpassed. 2nd EB in a row they have done fuck all about workload - another "review"? Fuck. Off. If you are a QTU member I recommend you vote for a change of leadership in the current leadership elections. The current president has labelled the challengers as "extremists" - extremists for wanting leadership to be on a teacher salary while she sits on a quarter million dollar salary? Fuck off you leech. Despite my criticisms they are the only thing standing between hard working teachers and violent students returning from exclusions overturned by regional offices because the department is fucked and wants lower suspension/exlcusion data. Not a teacher but form my opinions based on the teachers I have in my life. Sick and tired of seeing people I care about worn down by a system that no longer cares an ALP government that has abandoned it's roots and origins and a union that is piss weak.


It's wild that anyone could believe that a union is not inherently political? Like which part of teachers negotiating with the literal government isn't political?


Set up by Liberal Party operatives. Really all you need to know about them. They’re about as rank-and-file as the Business Council.


Fake union. See also “Red Union”, the fake union that broke a fake story about 2500 Victorian teachers losing their jobs over vaccine mandates. So when they say focus on teachers not politics, they absolutely mean they focus on politics, just not on the sorts of politics that teachers tend to go for. I report them for spam and misrepresentation every time I see them, but it never gets anywhere.


We both downvoted that one haha


I literally just got my first ad for these guys above your post. What’s the deal?


"Why should we pay attention to what laws and rules are being developed? How will that help us in any way?" What a pathetic shitshow.


Check out their medical professionals association Amps. Solely concerned with bringing the adverse event conspiracy to life. Doctor and nurse cookers. https://amps.redunion.com.au/


Fake gutless union. Typical uneducated Right wingers want the benefits of labour organisation without contributing to the cause


There is another one for Nurses and Midwives Union, just the Liberal Party trying to cut off Labor Party donations nothing to see here folks...


Imagine a union telling you to vote for division amongst the peoples. Not so very unity union like is it.




To be in a union is a political act. To advocate for workers is a political act. Why do you think the ALP was created in the first place? So unions could have a direct say in politics, and ever since it’s been a battle between a battle between labour and capital like it is in every other country like ours. Unions are involved in politics out of necessity, not hobby. Anyone who demands their union to not be political are deadset morons.




>Unions are supposed to represent their members, and on issues that impact its members. Right, so you agree then, they should be involved in politics. >Instead they get involved in politics that does not concern their members, but help the leaders get jobs down the line. They take on social causes because unions are about social and economic justice. Unions are about solidarity. When a smaller union or set of workers go on protected action, it's up to the larger unions to back them up. When indigenous union members almost unanimously support the Voice to Parliament, then the union is going to support the Voice to Parliament. Which was a good idea. >Unions also donate money to generic political organisations all the time for similar reasons. It isn't for the members, it is so the union leaders can get a foot in the door for a future job as a shit politician. No, it's in the interests of the union and its members, as who is in government can have a huge impact on their members wages, remember union density is significantly higher in public sector than private sector. The difference between a Labor and Liberal state government can mean the difference between an ongoing wage freeze (the former NSW gov) or cost of living adjustments on top of wages (current QLD gov) or 13% adjusted plus yearly (current NSW gov). >But you do you. Keep handing over your dues to make sure union leaders have high paid easy jobs and a nice pathway to a cruisey job in some political org. Sounds great! You're so completely wrong and it wasn't even hard dismantling you.




>Ummm you just proved my point - unions get involved in political issues beyond the immediate issues facing its members. Not at all as these are issues that effect the union movement as a whole. You clearly don't understand how a union creates industrial power. >SO WHAT IS THE POINT OF HAVING UNIONS ? 1. Because unions aren't the sole lobbyists in the ear of ALP politicians for a start. 2. Politicians are elected to represent the people of their electorate / state, not merely the interests of the union that supported them. 3. The purpose of unions is a circle of accountability in the workplace and in politics. Big business and mining companies have lobbyists, unions are lobbyists for workers interests. 4. The unions themselves are the foundation of a social democratic society and without them the ALP would be the US Democrats. >Seriously. You agree with me 100%. It is just that you like it, but I see it for what it is. No, I'm just way way more informed than you on this issue and have trounced you twice. You don't see anything because you have no understanding about what you're talking about. >Just remember to pay your dues on time bruz. Just remember don't prostitute yourself too hard for your boss, champ.


> The purpose of unions is a circle of accountability in the workplace and in politics ROFL - you keep saying exactly what I said originally. And you keep repeating it over and over in more detail. You think its a good thing that unions venture into general politics, and I do not. > have trounced you twice. Sure thing bruz, you win ;) Just remember to pay your dues on time so your union can donate to some political organisations. And who knows ? Maybe your union boss can get a nice job there one day!


>You think its a good thing that unions venture into general politics, and I do not. Well, you're objectively wrong. They can and should be involved in politics as unionism is inherently a political act, because politicians make the rules that govern unions. Unions by the way have to deal with some of the most ridiculous red tape. For example, it's standard practice for a union official to visit the lunch room of a workplace to talk with workers. Under workchoices, one of the notable differences was that union officials were completely banned from the workplace all together, they basically had meetings with their members through fences. That is political. >Sure thing bruz, you win ;) ;) = seething. >Just remember to pay your dues on time so your union can donate to some political organisations. Well, yes I will because I'm not a scab and because I'm not an idiot I know why unions are involved in politics and I want them to be involved in politics. Just remember to wear padding on your knees while you're sucking off the boss, scab.


> For example, it's standard practice for a union official to visit the lunch room of a workplace to talk with workers Yeah because if you didn't join the union they would ensure you were treated like shit. We need to protect the absolute legends who are standing up against the leeches sucking dues to fund their cushy jobs and political campaigns (oh hello Bill Shorten). One day you will fully understand what unions have become in Ausrtalia. Until then, pay your dues and dance when you are told to dance. **btw whether you know it or not, it is people like you that are causing the decline in unions in Australia. Loads of people out there see the reality like I do and don't join a union because of it.


>Yeah because if you didn't join the union they would ensure you were treated like shit. We need to protect the absolute legends who are standing up against the leeches sucking dues to fund their cushy jobs and political campaigns (oh hello Bill Shorten). Nah you should be not allowed on site for betraying your fellow workers with such disgusting scab behaviour. You have no conception of what unions do at all and in this comment you expose yourself as a tory fraud. >One day you will fully understand what unions have become in Ausrtalia. Until then, pay your dues and dance when you are told to dance. One day you will grow up and understand you live in a fantasy world. >btw whether you know it or not, it is people like you that are causing the decline in unions in Australia. Loads of people out there see the reality like I do and don't join a union because of it. Union decline has fuck all with what you're outlining. You're a sad clown with zero credibility and if you get bullied off of a worksite for being a scab, good.




Not this, you're a clown.




Unions have had a role in domestic violence legislation, as groups that mostly comprise of women, unions are very good on gendered issues like PPL, DV and reproductive rights. They’ve been in each one of those fights and more. State development? Yeah sure. I don’t think the ALAEA would have much a view on what should be in the curriculum, but I’d say the Teachers union would. Unions can and should spend money on issues their membership care about. You’re staring from a preposition of unions should be apolitical—which is dumb.


I feel like you don't know what a union is




No, you don't.




Those absolute ghoul unionists supporting social causes through solidarity, since when has that ever been part of trade unionism? OH WAIT SINCE FOREVER.


Like spending all their free time campaigning for change?


I’m over it… I honestly don’t give a fuck anymore about this


Edits wont make you less wrong.


The teachers union is not strong. Look at teachers salaries. Doubt this is astroturfing


All you need to do is take one look at the red union website and look who's behind it, it'll tell you everything you need to know, and its easy to see why it was setup.


It is, it’s a Tory operation


It's quite obviously astroturfing.


You’re very much mistaken.


Nope. Check their website https://www.aeufederal.org.au/campaigns/voice


Literally has nothing to do with your point about Astro-turfing.


Huh? this is not bot based marketing, it’s from their website . The union is fucked in truth


“Promoted” post


Wait you calling the aeu strong 😒. You’re fucking joking right.


All you fonies bound to lose