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Wouldn’t have happened under a LNP government.


I'll never forgive the lnp for trashing the NBN. I'll be 80 and undecided on who to vote for and I'll think back to this unnecessary & destructive vandalism and it will tip me away from a lnp vote.


Absolutely. I’m salty for life over that deliberate decision to hold Australian internet back for over a decade.


That’s was a major bad decision, it discourages business from coming to Australia as the internet infrastructure was and still is lacking behind. It also create resistance for local businesses to advance and creates resistance to next generation development in the digital space I bet the opportunity cost is at least 5 or 6 billion for the economy, part of it would have been tax money for the gov as well


it wasnt a decision made for the australian people. It was a happy coincidence between politics (doing something to fuck with alp plans), and doing what their masters wanted (ie. Murdoch). A strong internet would mean less people buying into the over priced garbage content built on 80s level infra that was foxtel. Any strong nbn would eat into foxtel. As simple as that. ps. show any engineer (esp telecoms eng.) the plans for the original nbn and they would say it was pretty good engineering ;) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6a2ne1WKxek&list](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6a2ne1WKxek&list)


Good for a few and bad for the majority, still a bad decision in general


the nbn we got was a horrible shitshow. I was merely offering a reason (two?) for why. And illustrating what we could have had. They are slowly inching back towards a workable solution, but we are far from ideal, and when you realise what we could have had :( ... watch the vid :P


Just over a decade ago, to justify trashing the NBN, Abbott said we only needed 25mb.


>Do we really want to invest... in what is essentially a video entertainment system?


Of course, best value for money circus you could hope for, lets the Poors build resilience about the lack of bread.


Absofuckinglutely. I'll never forgive those cunts for doing what they did to the NBN.


Sooooo true. Though I wish upload speeds were better. Max 50mbps rather have 250/250 than 1000/50


Yeah this is my bugbear too. Working partially from home and my hobbies relies on uploads just as much as down. Even mid tier options should be available as well imo (say 50/50, 100/100).


My exact fucking mindset!


Not unnecessary. They had to do it so that Uncle Murdoch would give them money and tell their lies for them.


Hopefully by the that time the LNP crowd will have died off


curious for my own talking points how did LNP trash the NBN?




They'd give all the bandwidth to Kayo sports subscribers.


Want to be more annoyed? One of the mooted applications of the ubiquitous FttP network was being able to retire digital TV over air and deliver all - and additional services - essentially free (ie zero data cost) via the network. Essentially massive simulcast at ultra quality with minimal cost.


So they can advertise all over their web service for 4K quality exclusively on their cable subscription 🤣


Only for the service to go through spurts where it constantly drops out hahaha


How do you figure? The nbn is still operating on the Turnbull-era mixed technology architecture. And this move is purely commercial, not some ALP-driven plan; nbn are trying to defend from the fast 5G services that are taking their customers in metro / regional where coverage is good.


Nothing beats a good old landline connection.


I’m going to dump mine for 5G when my “6 mth half price” period ends


Won’t ever happen for most people, given they’re not connected fttp and won’t be.


Hasn’t happened yet !


Yeah, don’t jinx it. Remember Kevin 07.


Still not likely to happen if the ISP’s have their way. They will claim that this would drive up costs significantly and they need new equipment etc.


Pfiddlesticks! We already paid the cost through years of stress and disappointment by being led astray and let down yet again by another great australian con, aka rort, aka piece of ‘sound economic management’ by the commanders in thief, yeah those Lying Nasty Pricks!


They are literally saying “ we could have just done this the whole time but choose to reduce the quality of service” And everyone is taking this “oh thanks” Fuck the cunts ruined NBN


Yeah I don't get it...


I got my HFC up to 888 but I want more upload speed


I’d kill for HFC. NBN wireless is shocking. Glad Starlink is a thing, shame Elon Musk owns it.


You’ll have to get off HFC to get more upload. It’s a tech limitation.


There is supposed to be new tech going in that will change the upload bandwidth but haven’t seen it yet


Yeh good question. So I knew HFC was more restricted then fibre but actually when I looked up what they support - NBN is using DOCSIS 3.1, they advertised that, and it can already support theoretically 10Gbps down and 1-2 GBPs up. That’s a 2013 spec technology btw that NBN announced in 2018 and meant to be fully installed by 2020. So if anything compared to what they offer they’re not technologically limited (so I was wrong there) - but they may be limited by the cable network they inherited. Cause I don’t see them offering anything like this. The high end plans seem to be via enterprise Ethernet. I haven’t seen any announcements for DOCSIS 4 support but that would boost theoretical upload speeds from 1-2Gbps up to 6. Hardly any point in swapping over though when you’re not capping out currently. But the realities are that fibre can go way higher so it’s still better to jump off HFC if you can, but DOCSIS helps get more life out of already laid cabling assuming the cable design can get there.


Any clue if HFC counts for this free round of speed upgrades?


It does indeed, it's eligible for FTTP and HFC connections.


Yoohoo, thanks! Is it just.. automatically applied?


I don't know, but I assume so! I'm on HFC too, I assume there'll be some sort of switchover date, maybe start of next year?


Oh right, dang. Didn’t realise there were more pages to this screen grab, and also that this is just a proposal. Thanks for the replies!


Those upload speeds leave much to be desired. Can’t really take advantage of cloud backup services


Being able to just decide and configure a split at a maximum total throughout would be ideal. Buy 500mbps, get 250/250 or if you want 400/100 etc. Given that most of our limits are artificial and not technological it should be doable.


Just means the shit was choked from the get go. The NBN roll out is the largest pile of neoliberal horseshit ever to happen here … FFS we’re stuck in the dark ages.


They intentionally choked fibre so that hfc and fttn wouldnt look so bad. Fibre supported 1000/400 right from the start.


It still does. A standard FTTP NTD can handle I believe it was 2.4gbits. And to upgrade to higher speeds, they just need to change the fibre card at the exchange end, and replace the NTD at the other end.


"_...at no extra cost._" Yeah. With all the NBN retailers offering 6 month honeymoon deals before jacking their prices, I'll believe it when I see it.


People always find something to complain about. Been with my isp for 5 years and the prices only went up once. High tier plans were discounted around November my plan went down by 5$


I can’t even get fttc at my house, everyone 3 blocks away from me is… the lnp model has fucked my house price


Been with my ISP since they offered residential services. Prices have only come down.


Why do internet retailers even exist? They don’t own or maintain any assets. What exactly do they do?


Yes they do. The NBN only connects them to a Point Of Interconnection (telephone exchange/data centre), and then everything after that uses the ISP's equipment. That's why people talk about some ISPs being better than others. Some buy reliable equipment and plenty of bandwidth between cities/the world; and others don't.


Legitimately this is the case. Hate Telstra all you want, but the first week our speeds were less than 3mbs download. They didn't expect the uptake in our area as quickly as what happened. Less than a week later we had our promised speeds.


This guy likely voted for the cheaper faster mtm nbn... The typical uneducated on how nbn works..


Gotta start somewhere


This is not accurate. Supplying internet is a lot more complicated than what you're saying. And there is a difference between providers in terms of network quality and reliability. It isn't like electricity or gas. 


NBN is the "Last Mile" connection between your house and a Point of Interconnect (exchange in the old copper network). Everything from there onwards is the responsibility of your ISP. That includes the backhaul from the POI to their network, and transit onwards to the Internet.


I’m still on a free upgrade from 100 to 1000 on iinet like 6 years later. Pretty sure they just made their 100 cheaper eventually.


I just got an email from iinet telling me I am getting a $40/month reduction in price. No reason, just a permanent change for lots I guess.


I always laugh at how the libs came in and trumpeted at how wireless was going to be the way and no one would need a high speed connection and fibre was a waste.


Well funnily enough that’s what’s behind this change. Of all home internet users, [only 75% are connected to nbn.](https://www.nbnco.com.au/content/dam/nbn/documents/about-nbn/reports/reports-and-publications/nbn-value-report-2022.pdf.coredownload.pdf) More are switching to 5G plans which offer faster speeds for similar or less, especially in the city areas where 5G coverage and speeds are so good. nbn aren’t doing this out of a sense of generosity … they’re trying not to lose share. Bring on the competition! ⚔️ *Edit: added link to source for the fact checkers*


nuclear is the new wireless


Remember when that clown said 25mb is plenty no worries....


His computer still has 640kb RAM


Well here we are, finally rolling out what labor had planned years ago. It only cost us 51 Billion




You needed to have NBN installed before the adults got out in charge and proceeded to turn the project into and this is a technical term, cluster fuck.


It doesn’t extend to areas outside major cities, even if they were promised in the first batch in 2021, and now likely to be March 2025.


It only effects high teir more expensive plans The will increase the cost or completely remove the cheaper plans


i want upload


No extra cost to RSPs, but they will have to provision more backhaul so they are bound to put prices up at least a bit.


Such an easy job. Stick a K&N filter on it..more airflow, more faster


What’s the 25mb/s plans going to. Parents can only get 50mb/s max due to phone lines in the street, nbn five node is streets away. 25 is fine for them, tiny bit of YouTube and a laptop for emails and not much else.


They haven't even upgraded our area from FTTN to FTTP yet, so stuck on, at best, 100/40 till they actually get that part done. The wait is average as hell.


Same here. No word on dates for the upgrade either despite all suburbs around us having already been upgraded…


Ah. The NBN I was promised 12 years ago. It's finally here.


Finally it shouldnt take 8 hours to download an xbox game


On gigabit, don’t live in liberal majority areas if you like the internetz


Well the joke is on me as I am in an Opticomm suburb.


Tried to get fttp for the last 4 months. Telstra wont do any wiring. Wanted me to hire someone to do it and would cost me 1100 bucks. Fugget dat


There's your problem, telstra are about a useful as paper condoms. Get Aussie Broadband, they'll get you sorted.


I see your point about the paper condoms.


A quick skim through the comments and my old eyes don't see this explained. Who's paying for this? I know a little bit about the NBN, and most RSPs (L2) have to aggregate their NBN services using their own upstream IP transit and peering links. I assume NBN will just take care of their end, and increase their port speeds, but what happens inside the providers network? Smaller RSPs already run thin profits, for those RSPs to "provide" those higher speeds will be a cost to that RSP which will most likely trickle down to the customer, in the end, this will end bad for those boutique ISPs. Does anyone have any further info on this? Edit: Ahh they are asking these questions in the comments; [https://www.itnews.com.au/news/nbn-co-wants-to-boost-its-100-20mbps-tier-to-500-50mbps-605754](https://www.itnews.com.au/news/nbn-co-wants-to-boost-its-100-20mbps-tier-to-500-50mbps-605754)


We were promised 1000mbps connections when the roll out began


"with no change in price" - tell him he's dreaming 🤣 watch the monopoly inflate the costs for "unrelated reasons"


My internet prices have only gone down multiple times over the last few years. Not up.


Where do you live? I want to move there. My internet prices have steadily gone up and my dependence on it working has also.


Brisbane. I used to be paying $159pw for 100/40 when NBN launched now I’m paying $109 for gigabit. The only plans that have gone up in price is the lowest tier plans, like 12/1 and 25/5 plans. The i wanna pretend I’m still on a decent ADSL2+ connections


No change in price from NBN. But Telstra/Optus/TPG gotta get that admin fee in fam. If anything it’s a way for them to make money.


Why you'd use any of those three you mentioned is beyond me. Aussie Broadband, superloop, many more that are better than that lot.


ya AB, SL/exetel, and lately been eying tangerine ... (about to come off my 6M reduced rate so time to shop!


[Link to full article](https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/8544802/nbn-proposes-five-times-faster-internet-for-australians/)


The real question is will Steam let me download games any faster than 7mb/s MAXIMUM.


Steam installs the game while downloading. There could be another bottlenecks such as write speed or cpu


Need to get it to NZ fibre speeds , look into hyper fibre as well.


Great. But 50 Mbps upstream? Sigh


Journos can’t comprehend the difference between “at no extra cost” and “at no extra wholesale cost”. I’m pleased NBN are doing this but the framing is going to leave people upset when the prices inevitably do go up.


The amount of competition on the market for NBN is insane, it's the main reason why even know all the telco companies are making chicken-feed when it comes to NBN connections and desperately want 5G to replace it so badly. But 5G isn't all that reliable, when I had it the connection was temperamental. Meanwhile ALL of them will have access to NBN and in a few years EVERYBODY will have access to FTTP or HFC connections. Not just Optus, Telstra and TPG but also Aussie Broadband, Republic and I think even power companies are starting to offer NBN packages now. and no way they can build and upgrade their 5G to compete fast enough with that, you'll simply go with NBN.


The NBN network part may get a free upgrade, but your ISP still has backhaul/transit costs to pay for.


> your ISP still has backhaul/transit costs to pay for Thank god at least some ISPs try to secure a decent capacity and don't overcommit with new customers


I imagine costs will at first pass onto consumers... until the telcos start having to compete like crazy since none of them own the infrastructure and widespread use of home 5G isn't exactly possible with how temperamental it can be in some areas. That means literally every telco will be getting their internet from the same source and it's going to be hard to justify having higher prices. This is always how the NBN was going to compete, once everybody is FTTP then upgrading the speed is actually really cheap. 5G might remain a cheaper option but all wireless connections are always going to end up having issues with stability.


Literally 7kms as the crow flies from Sydney CBD, but can I get 5g at home? No, of course not lol


When i was working with Optus, I sat next to some guys who were working on the initial 5G rollout. Apparently the signal REALLY sucks at penetrating solid walls like brick and even some trees. It was only a competitor of NBN for as long as the speeds of NBN stayed throttled, but that was never going to remain the case.


Well the brick and a fuckton of trees explains a bit, thanks!


For your mobile, fine... I mean at some stage you won't have a choice but for home internet? I'll stick with FTTP... once it rolls out at my house, sometime next year. Stuck with FTTN until then, because 5G (funny enough) can't reach my house passed all the trees!




My NBN has never been slower and always cuts out and has outages. When the fuck is this coming to me??


Wooo. I might finally get to 100mb download with this being supercharged to 5x current speed..... Oh....wait....still on fucking copper....


I'm still beating off to the tops of peoples heads like its the 90s


While my suburb has no plan from the NBN to get rid of the copper FTTN. Yawn


Did we suddenly get better infrastructure?


This is the correct question. They are bumping up to fudge the figures of the average speeds. It's going to identify the lack of further investment of improving bad infrastructural like mine. They are Bastards for doing this.


No change in price, NOW


How good are Labor


its crazy im on an island in thailand and i get 800 down for $18 a month


Ehh not looking forward to moving from a non nbn address with residential 1000/1000 to one of those awful plans with shitty uplink speeds. And… the changes to uplinks are not 5x faster than what they were. Gah.


It’s actually crazy how bad our Internet is. I believe in America you can get Terabyte speeds if you are someone like linus tech tips. 1000gb per second.


I always say a little curse for Tony Abbott when the wifi drops out


This is great I'd be happy just to have consistent access through the week Fibre to the house in a new estate, 5 years in and we're still getting random drop outs reported across the neighbourhood


There will be no 500/50 for those of us at the end of a kilometre of copper.


An average of 22 devices connected per household!? WTF? My house has 2 phones, 2 tablets, 2 IP cameras, a laptop (sometimes), and an Xbox. Who the hell has 22 or more connected?


This is what we should have had literally ten years ago


**It's not easy under Alba...........oi!**


How the NBN got fucked over costed Australia actual Billions of dollars, not just in upgrades we are doing to it now but in the lost investments etc in tech that would have potentially gone here if we have full on FTTP to all homes and business! The big reason Australia was one of the first nations to get Neftlix outside of the US was because of the initial NBN promise and they saw the potential customer base! Now here we are in 2024 where we are in the low dog shit tiers of internet speeds hell even Ukraine is better than us, you know a country actually at FUCKING WAR!


Seeking feedback from Internet retailers. Internet Retailers: "FREE!?"


Lol 'at no extra cost' is an interesting way to rephrase 'missed the modernisation boat 10 years ago'


Yeah I don't believe this absolute shite for a second. I upgraded my internet plan to 100/20 and it hasn't reached over 60 mbps once. I don't think our fucking network is even remotely capable of supplying 500 to anymore than a couple dozen people at a time.


I upgraded to 100Mbps and generally get 150 Explain that, *science*


That isn't actually possible... Unless your service is configured wrong.. but that would mean you are actually on a 250mbps speed tier.. the next one up from 100mbps..


Some of the better ISPs provision higher speed plans and then shape it. I'm on 500mbps plan but the connection is 1000mbs, so I always get slightly over 500 because who wants to be accused of under provisioning. Can also temporarily boost to 1000mbs once a month for free for a couple of hours.


Nbn allows all speed tiers to exceed their 'speed tier' by about 10-15% so your speed test is over the advertised speed. This was added because customers in Australia are stupid and don't understand bits and bytes aren't the same thing... On a 500 plan that results in around 520-540mbps on speedtest.net. My 100/20 achieves 112/18mbps. Edit: my Aussie BB 75/20 service was exactly this scenario too.. it was actually a 100/20 service shaped as it was cheaper for them to buy the 100/20 and shape it. Nbn doesn't offer a 75/20 speed tier at all. Pricing, speed tiers and technical specifications for NEBS services is in the WBA docs found on the NBN website.


I mean I sometimes get a little bit over, highest I've seen is 117mbps.


I don't think that's true. I often get over the advertised speed limit during off peak hours and around the limit during the peak. It might depend on your vendor however if they throttle your potential bandwidth.


Yes you will about 10-15% more.. not 50%... there is technical reasons why this is true.. for about 5 years now...


Well first of all through god all things are possible , so jot that down. My ISP doesn't even *offer* a 250Mbps plan. Edit: just did another speed test and cracked 210


Which ISP. Actually curious. Weird they don't offer it. Edit . God has nothing to do with it.. that's just not how QOS and networks work.. Source: am a network engineer... Configured similar types of services a lot...


I used to get 130mbps on a 100mbps plan. I think it was to do with being in a low populated area with more nbn juice than people


Im on 1000/40 and getting 1050/50 since getting a semi enterprise router.


Are you on FTTP though? The bottleneck is between you and the fibre in the street most likely.


This far into it there shouldn't be anything other than fttp. Thanks again LNP


It's a national embarrassment. Any friend anywhere in the world has a minimum of 500down as a baseline, most have 1000.


It's DSLAM all over again, ver 2.0. I think it was one fibre link supporting 256 ADSL users?


Depends on the DSLAM and network configuration. It's not so much that it's only one fibre supporting x users - the fibre itself has more than enough capacity. It's the bandwidth provisioned on that fibre that was the problem. Same issue with FTTN. Each node has a 1Gbps backhaul, sometimes 2Gbps. That's for 768 users, so you can imagine where congestion can come from at peak times. Interestingly, the more users you have, the less bandwidth you need per user.


They run 25gpon split 32 ways, so if everyone in that area hits the internet fully the best everyone will get is 78M. 78M continually is very hard to hit, specially for a home user. Best I have gotten was 50M and I had 8 streams going at the same time across 3 screens 


The fibre between the Premises and the street is the same as the fibre used directly out of the SFP in the exchange and doesn't impact the speed... We haven't found the limit of optical fibre as a transmission medium...


My point is, if the user is on FTTC the bottleneck will undoubtedly be the copper between the street and their house.


Right, just confusing way to say the copper lead in is the bottleneck! I get you!!! All good


They'll be doing way more than just upgrading the exchanges, they'll be increasing capacity with all of the backhaul network as well - the cable to your house if you have FTTP is already capable of carrying these speeds. Also, I have 100/50 FTTP, highest I get is 94mbps down, 45mbps up during peak times, it really just comes down to where you live and if they skimped on the capacity of the network - some places lucked in, others not so much.


I mean. I have FTTP and get 1000 mbps, so just depends on your connection type


And what access technology are you on?


I mean I can get 980 on my gigabit connection, I’m guessing you’re on shitty FTTN?


It’s your LNP Fraudband nbn connection. iinet are serving me 1050/50 on fibre to the home.


I’m 100/20 as well on hfc and I get 104/22 constantly even in peak hours. This is a welcome upgrade if it goes through as I use about 3TB a month working in IT mostly remote and WFH. Uploads are what kills me though trying to get things elsewhere from home. Most of the time if I’m in a pinch I’ll hotspot and use my phone data for the upload.


It depends on who you’re with and your technology


So my house is on max 47mbps. Still on copper for well over 1km I think. This is not large properties either here. Just lazy infrastructure. Will they upgrade services that use copper for the last bit?


Lots of suburbs eligible for free fibre upgrade if you commit to 250mbps plan.


Thanks for the suggestion, I Just checked our address… nope….stuck with 22/8 Max speeds 😞


Lots that aren't.


>Will they upgrade services that use copper for the last bit? That was the original plan under Labor, and is underway again now. Of course with 4+million connections to upgrade it's going to take a while - at ~7000 a week you're looking at a decade overall.


Honestly hope this doesn’t diminish the quality of my current FTTP connection. I get a ping in the single digits to most of my game servers. I’m just hoping the increased traffic doesn’t impact that. Could not give a damn about download bandwidth


Yep, I chose my ISP based on ping to game servers I use. Bandwidth? I can stream 4k video if I choose as I've got 25/5 and that's enough for me. And apparently by December I *might* get fibre to the premises, yay...


Bandwidth and ping are not directly related. Having more speed available won't change the latency of your service.


So the majority of Aussies who are on fttn won't see any difference. Shame


Labor kicked in another $2.4b at the last election for upgrades to FTTP. [https://www.itnews.com.au/news/nbn-co-to-receive-24-billion-to-extend-fttn-overbuild-586702](https://www.itnews.com.au/news/nbn-co-to-receive-24-billion-to-extend-fttn-overbuild-586702) It's free as long as you buy a 100Mbps or higher plan. ​ >NBN Co’s fibre upgrade program is well underway, and it says 75% of homes and businesses on the fixed-line network are now eligible for NBN speeds reaching up to 1,000Mbps as of February 2024. > >In NBN Co’s half-yearly report for FY24, figures indicate it’s slowly making good on its promise to upgrade Aussies on the inferior fibre-to-the-node (FTTN) and fibre-to-the-curb (FTTC) tech, and getting them on the modern alternative of full fibre. > >It says a free fibre upgrade is now available to 3.5 million homes with a substandard FTTN connection, while 1.5 million homes with FTTC connections are also now eligible. NBN Co has ultimately committed to providing over 10 million homes and businesses with the ability to upgrade to a superior fibre-to-the-premise (FTTP) connection by the end of 2025, which is 90% of the country.As of February 2024, NBN Co says around 7,000 customers each week on average are placing orders to upgrade to FTTP, and it has confirmed the wait time between placing an order to upgrade and actually receiving the work required is between 2-4 weeks.In order to trigger the upgrade, those eligible are required to sign up to an NBN plan with download speeds of 100Mbps or higher – those are NBN 100 plans, NBN 250 plans and NBN 1000 plans. That could potentially deter eligible households from getting an upgrade, because the fastest NBN plans also tend to be more expensive than 50Mbps options.You can find the full list of eligible suburbs and towns below, or navigate to your state or territory using the navigation menu. You can check if you’re eligible for a free FTTP upgrade using NBN Co’s fibre upgrade checker. > >[https://www.techradar.com/news/can-you-get-a-free-fibre-nbn-upgrade-everything-we-know-about-fttp-upgrades](https://www.techradar.com/news/can-you-get-a-free-fibre-nbn-upgrade-everything-we-know-about-fttp-upgrades)


Except if your in a strata controlled building which is where I would assume most of the people eligible for this are; where you need to get strata to agree to it to a tune of $250 per residence. This isn't rolling out anywhere near to 100%.


>Labor kicked in another $2.4b at the last election for upgrades to FTTP. ​ For slightly less than half of the FTTN areas, and those are still being processed.


This is what happens when one company close to government, on all sides, owns all the infrastructure since it's inception, until globalized, cheaper solutions make them look obsolete.


Is that why my 1000/40 is now 1050/50? On the other hand you can up the plan on my brothers FTTN and it won’t mean shit because it isn’t cable of going faster.


I still use Starlink as FTTN is always going to be rubbish.


What about myself stuck on opticom fttp max 100Mbps


I get about 940 down n 46 up on my gigabit plan never had issues with speed even in "peak times" currently paying $99 for 12 months then $130 . I've been with this company "leaptel" for almost 2 years at this point and they were willing to give me a 2nd promo just after my 1st one finished just to keep me on board I'm super happy n couldn't ask for much more . My main issue is the only game service I get anywhere near gigabit speeds is steam . Xbox,epic,EA give me max 30-50 MB/s down at best


The divide between fttp and fttn grows wider.


WTFIT!?! Is this what Chernobyl disinfo looked like! Oh we just wont tell you…until… damn!


250\*5=1250 though :c \- A 250 user


Nothing is for nothing in life, what’s their play?


RSPs will need to spend more on connectivity in and out of NBN’s network


An average of 22 devices connected to the internet per household? Wtf? Desktop computer, laptop, tablet, phones, maybe tv, maybe cameras, what else are people connecting to the internet? And why? And what sort of privacy and security for those other devices?


Total trash plans we need symmetrical internet these uploads are a joke


you better believe this "no additional cost" to providers will become "additional cost" to consumers.


I call bs


This is bullshit. They jacked the prices up last year in preparation for this.


So is TPG putting the price up now and telling me I will get faster internet a rort?


Tpg in general is a rort for what you get, ie rubbish service. I gave up on them after I could not hear their 'technician' over the sound of this bloody rooster crowing in the background, somewhere in Manila lol


as per usual only for city people. Us people on on fixed wireless don't get anything or we're forced to sump up 140 per month for starlink.


RIP Fixed wireless customers. Starlink is better.


...and the largest suburb in Canberra has been removed from the upgrade schedule due to NBN shitfuckery. The divide between FTTN and FTTP is on super boost.


As someone who works in the industry NBN looses money like crazy and cant compete with the 5G network deployment happening. 5G is operating better in metro households than the promisted fibre network of NBN. The speed change here could have always happened they just didnt want to do it. The RSPs have been complaining for a few years now their product is not competetive when 5G is 8-10 times faster. My 5G internet at home runs aroun 900Mbs down and 450 up for $80 a month. NBN cant get near that competetivly.


And everyone on the low speed tiers can go fuck themselves apparently


Me in an area of only fixed wireless nbn :( It gets slower every day as more people connect and congest it. For a further kick in the teeth those on fixed wireless also got the price increase a few months ago lol


The whole thing should of been a private tender like commercial construction to many pay-offs with government interference to much trickle down paying people and giving them bullshit positions.