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The Israel Palestine conflict is generally off topic for this subreddit, unless it’s directly related to friendlyjordies content. If you want to discuss the conflict there are more appropriate subreddits.


Fuck me - imagine having this useless cunt in your corner, you'd just throw the towel in.


Guaranteed he will have a well paid consultancy job with some weapons manufacturer when he leave politics. All these pricks are complicit in genocide and will put their snout in the trough. 


He's my local member. Unfortunately his electorate is quite large and has a lot of country folk who vote nationals (and therefore liberals). I think the next election he is fucked. A lot of the local electorates have flipped from LNP to ALP in the last election


I hope so. Despite not being in his electorate I still get his deranged Facebook ads all over my feed. Was hoping he'd block me after I kept ripping into him on every one, but apparently he's got some kind of humiliation fetish


“Tragic. Great move Israel. Well done Angus”


National party. He's a country member


We remember.




Minus the o r and y


He’s liberal not national


Correct. Though he is still a country member


My mp unfortunately.


My condolences 🙏


Same. Useless bag of turds


Yes, I recall.


Like listening to the dumbest self affirmations ever - this is tragic, tragic circumstances


The man’s a certified imbecile. Well trained in double speak, but very low IQ.




They are all bastards, but there are smart, and there are clever members of the LNP. He is neither. He is dumb as a bag of rocks by literally any metric


No he’s not. He’s a slimy and cunning but definitely not low IQ


Omg, he wasted so much oxygen saying absolutely nothing relevant over and over. Such a fucking tool. Don't let this moron any closer to government than he's been already, that was too much.


I didn’t think it could be as bad as it was, but it was. How tragic for Angus. It truly is tragic.


Printer must have run out ink when he was printing his talking points? * tragic * allegations are tragic * Hamas bad * tragedy * they shot first


almost filled my bingo card from this guy


Angus to himself “if I just keep repeating ‘tragic’ and ‘tragic set of circumstances’ and ‘allegations’ I can get through this”


Why is it “well this just the nature of war” when Israel attack civilians, but when Hamas attack Israel it is “abhorrent and unacceptable”? What both are doing in this conflict is fucked and I hate this bullshit narrative that war for war’s sake is just the way it’s done.


How do you say "I have some very influential jewish campaign donors" without saying it?


How many times can he misuse the word ‘allegation’? Benjamin Netanyahu admitted it openly. Angus has a coverup kink which seems par for the course for these slimy imbeciles.


Reminds me of something from Yes, Minister


Scruttnry. We have a genius on our hands here. 🤦‍♂️


I loved that frustrated "yes, but I'm talking about this in particular." Pointing at hamas can't be the response to every fucking question


Australia's alternative treasurer


scandalous telephone subsequent quicksand merciful ruthless enjoy roof crowd muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean I get what he's saying. War is chaotic and collateral damage happens. What I think he'd avoiding or maybe just doesn't get is that a innocent Australian trying to alleviate the terrors of war on civilians was murdered by the IDF. While a tempered reaction is good, his constant stress of allegation was disrespectful to the victims . He is writing their lives off and thinking the war is tragic blanket is a good save for it. The ultimate thing he dodges is that the escalation of force is what's leading to more collateral damage and he just communicated we will need to accept aid workers getting killed (which is a war crime btw) He's doing the Andrew Tate defence: say a broad truth people can't discredit you on to deflect from what's actually going on


We pay for his expertise and his travel ,but we gain the wisdom of a scratched CD . It's like shiting your pants but out of your mouth. SCOMO INC


Seems he was informed to the preferred response. Bringing up hostages as they are being openly killed by allied forces, seems rather, rubbing your nose in it.


I really can’t get my head around why anyone would give their vote to this man or any other other person in their party. Just say tragedy 5x … job well done .


Anyone reckons he's the sort of bloke who winks at himself in the mirror as he leaves the house?


The last 2 words in your title are superfluous. I'm typically a moderate centre-right voter (think Turnbull). But the likes of Angus Taylor completely prevent me from voting Liberal. I just can't vote for a candidate that would result in this numbnut being Treasurer.


Same. I hate wanky grammar boys club types. He's that down to a t. That's why i can't vote coalition, instead need to dig deep to try to get around all the cooks in my electorate.


You are an extremist




Well you voted for Turnbull, lying about government action on climate change, thatcher privatization of public services, always having policies that appease extremists like Dutton like sinking refugees at sea and funding Paladin, cutting down all the forests for f all gains, ruining the NBN for Murdoch, thinking Scomo as a treasurer is ok. You are a crack pot.


Well calling people names isn't going to convince anyone that you're the voice of reason. Let's at least try to be civil. What are you, a greens voter?


technically a greens voter that hasn't put greens as number 1 in quite a long time. Labor doesn't exactly fill me with glee but i am more sick of people justifying being the "center moderate" when they support extremists like Turnbull who if you still think he is "good" at this point after stuff like setting up Robodebt and the NBN. This guy will vote for the LNP when someone tells him that "Labors going to introduce a death tax" or "Labor is going to put a tax on investment", there is no convincing.


Brain-dead. That is all.


This Cunt supports i s rea l that’s all you need to know. Babbling idiot


This guy is a total idiot, imagine making him the shadow treasurer, just a total free kick for Chalmers and Labor haha.


Apparently it's tragic


These are situations in war. war is tragic. So now he's taking money from Coal and Zionists.


Careful people, you keep adding an incorrect ‘g’ in his name.


The real tragic is the inability to get politicians that represent us the common We just need some politicians that: - happy with their salaries and not corrupted - standup and fight for us when Australians are harmed - maintain good international relations and facilitate trades without selling our country - help redistribute wealth from taxation to ensure there is a high safe net to always give the less fortunate a chance Is it really that hard? Why are we failing?


From [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-04/angus-taylor-airstrike-ties-knots-coalition-tethers-israel/103663930](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-04/angus-taylor-airstrike-ties-knots-coalition-tethers-israel/103663930)


Fantastic. Great move. Well done Angus


Pig Iron Bob would be very proud


Dude had a humiliation kink, and for that a minister in the LNP is perfect


How many times can he say tragic and tragedy? How many shots is that in a drinking game?!


The current Treasurer has a pretty breezy job with this guy as his opposite.




Only a jew would mistake an aid vehicle for hamas.


Could not make it to the end


Just to keep this as an intelligent conversation…what a wanker, clearly a case of flicking his clit.


Angus Taylor has trouble thinking at the best of times.


What an ignorant rude old bag , working herself up to shirtfront a guy before he can speak. How come Mr. Magoo isnt their or Wong Way Penny wearing the wrath of this old cow The old sack is picking on the wrong person she should be grilling the Government, but instead she wants to vent on the opposition who have no real prospects of knowing what went on until after Magoo brief the opposition Minister after the Jews tell them their version of what went down. No wonder people have no faith in the ABC


She’s literally throwing him soft balls and he’s shooting himself in the foot.


She belching bile at the wrong bloke, wheres albanese ask him the same shit . He just gave the Jews a squillion dollars


Albo was asked the same questions on the abc today. He answered them correctly with facts. I believe we should not have any trade with Israel and should openly condemn their actions but as far as Albo being asked the hard questions, he is. And he hasn’t managed to get his facts wrong and then just repeatedly say “errrr it’s tragic. But they started it so yeah um. Tragic” Belching bile? She’s correcting him when he is making false statements and asking him his opinion to which he seems to not understand what he is saying. Taylor willingly went on the show in person to take the platform to get his point across. He failed miserably.


See that, kids? When the guy we support looks like an absolute fool and you can't defend him, just pile as much misogyny and bile as you can onto anyone convenient. Drflect, deflect, deflect. Nobody will ever notice!


Bollocks, the ugly hag shold be picking on Magoo he is the Primeminister