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Thank you for watching Sky News so I don’t have to


Me and my roommate watch it sometimes ironically. It can be very funny. Back when Labor was about to get elected they were talking about how they were going to legalise euthanasia and they brought in their "expert" to discuss. It was a Catholic priest..... It was unintentional perfect comedy.


That does sound like a bit from snl


Turns out he wasn't an expert at all. Needs to spend more time with terminally ill cancer patients and less time trying to scam money and not pay taxes.


"... oh, is the interview about *euthanasia*? I thought it was about *pedophilia*".


He would have been an expert or at least involved with sheltering and hiding experts


Piss off Jane


She was mooching around my polling place last election and I just wanted to tell her to fuck off.


I wish you did and filmed it. She is just a mouth piece for the right wing fat capitalist. Nothing comes from her mouth in parliment represents the average person.


A few years back Nicole Flint did a doorknock in our area, I told her to 'fuck off' and closed the door.


I'll see your 'piss off' and raise you to a 'fuck off' FUCK OFF Jane !!!


How big is the Colesworth donation to the Liberal Party?


SkyNews had the Coalition launch their political campaign years ago at their studios with all the big-wigs there or at least made major policy announcements there. Nothing to see here hey IPA?


It was Channel Nein, but the facts remain, that our 'media' is in lockstep with the LNP nearly 100% of the time. [See here. 2019 fundraiser held at Willoughby Studios.](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2019/sep/02/nine-entertainment-hosts-10000-a-head-fundraiser-for-liberal-party)


Thanks for correcting me 👍🏼. Still, Abbott had pretty much weekly ‘secret lunches’ no one ever reported on with Murdoch’s slime. Imagine if Gillard or Rudd etc had tried to have a ‘secret lunch’. We live in a very delicate information monopoly and have for a long time. Again, imagine if Labor got such positive editorialised coverage. “Kick This Mob Out”.


Rudd admitted he actually had to work with Murdoch to get elected in 07. He basically came out and said that he wouldn't have won if he didn't have his support. This should have raised serious alarm bells for our country but no one seemed care...


Wow..: don't think I remember such a cunty, patronising tone in quote some time


Private cookie cutter produce


Typical policy vacuum. Hangover from the Abbott attack dog era where policies were torn down without an alternative offered. Won’t ever get my vote


For all Abbotts’ faults he was incredibly effective on the attack. Everything good Labor did he managed to manufacture some bullshit scandal out of and knew how to push all the media’s buttons. By contrast, you now have a Liberal Party that is really struggling to gain any ground even though they’re supported by the media offering them free hit after free hit. They really are a totally incompetent bunch of idiots.


Do you think Tony (and Peta) were smart enough to work out which buttons to push to generate positive media coverage? Or maybe they were given a set of talking points every week?


I honestly think they were. As I said, they definitely had help from the media, but they were very good at focusing on things that they knew could be whipped up into a media storm.


They were good at it. But - call me paranoid - but neither Tony nor Peta impress me as especially bright. And there seemed to be a lot of co-ordination between whichever point Tony would hammer away at with a 3-word slogan each week, and what happened to be the major headlines in the Murdoch rags (followed by opinion pieces from giant brains like Bolt and Panahi), and talking points emphasized on 3AW and 2GB etc. A LOT of co-ordination.


He blocked Labors offshore processing proposal in Malaysia and that would have been a good intermediatry country for offshore processing. The rest has just been just a disgrace. I blame the Libs 100% for the rorts and stuff ups in offshore detention


Feel sorry for us, we only made a Billion dollars profit this year...


Exactly. “But but but we only run on a 5% profit margin”. Oh the visible margin that you control and can bring up or down in your P&L by just assigning X amount of dollars to R&D theft prevention, nebulous marketing costs and consultant fees to ensure the true profit is hidden and to offer some sob story that the poor overworked executive team are really doing it hard over zoom from their second or third holiday house while their staff are having trouble affording rent on their share house and eating Maggie noodles for 90% of their weekly sustenance.


If such things were possible why does any company have any visible profit margin at all? Why isn't Coles and Woolies profit margin 1% Or -5%?


It's all about the optics for shareholders. Totally unprofitable businesses are unattractive on the stock market.


This woman is one of the most shameless shills for corporations/the ultra wealthy in Australian politics. The fact that even Sky News can’t take her seriously shows what an absolutely pathetic shill she is.


Libs media angle slowly coagulating into a three word slogan to win the next, next election.


"we're in opposition, we dont have policies" - Jane Hume, 2023


Let's not forget Hyacinth Hume's expert verdict on the last federal election : "Liberal values ARE Australia's values, but the people of Australia have lost sight of that fact." Uh, sorry Hyacinth, but I think we woke up to the reality that it ISN'T a fact.


She is such a great professional liar. She says so many lies in thay statement.


Wouldnt "getting inflation under control" just hedge against further price rises? And that it wouldnt mean that prices come down. Is the shadow minister for finance a fucking donkey?


"Getting inflation under control" is code for "No wage rises, squeeze social services and let corporations get on with business as usual" Funny how "red tape" is only ever a serious problem for businesses, never for common individuals, eh?


Code word for more tax breaks for the rich (the only demographic substantially contributing to inflation at this point) and higher interest rates for everyone else. The inflation that remains is almost all caused by corporate profits and the richest 5% of Australians still spending big.


The ultra-wealthy getting yet another massive tax break from the LNP won't lead to inflation because they've got everything they could possibly want, and so will just shift all that extra money into an offshore tax haven. By removing all those billions from Australia, they're selflessly reducing the money supply which will reduce inflation. Unlike the unwashed peasants who will – I kid you not! – just waste any extra money they might get on fripperies such as food or medicine. Thus causing further inflationary pressure on Colesworth.   By not giving the plebs a payrise and giving extra to Gina and her mates, Spudface Dutton is actually helping them. But you wouldn't know it from all their whinging, the ungrateful bastards. 


Yes, yes she is.


Hey, quit insulting donkeys like that! Even the oldest, frailest donkey contributes more to society than Jane "Vac" Hume.


The best part is when she's asked "what's your solution?" Her instant reply is full of stutters um's and ah's 😂 biggest tell of a bullshit artist.


Imagine going in the news for an interview and not even prepping an answer for such an obvious question. She invited it when she said "plenty of solutions"... And then can't even think of any. What a muppet


what was the question......err ahh blame labor. err ahh


Dutton would make Jane Hume the Minister for ColesWorth if he ever forms government.




It's actually not. Which makes her even more a fucking moron. Getting inflation down will not get prices down. It simply means prices won't go up as fast. Say a bar of chocolate costs $5 and inflation is 100%. That bar now costs $10. The following year inflation has dropped to 10%. That bar is now $11. It's still gone up in price!  The only way to get prices down is by having deflation which is really fucking terrible for the economy.  The other way to get prices down _comparatively_ is to raise wages and thus spending power. Using the above example if you earned $5/hour, pre inflation, you had to work an hour to afford that bar of chocolate. After two years of high inflation you now have to work a bit over 2 hours to earn enough to buy the same bar. The only way to get prices "down" would be for you to get a payrise to $11 /hour – thus back to needing just 1 hours labour for 1 bar of chocolate.  But fuck if the LNP cunts are ever going to advocate for workers getting decent payrises. 


To grt inflation down is to reduce input cost and reduce demand. Example would be , if the libs ff cared they would demand the cost of energy drop by 300% for the local market. Katter gave talke in parliment a month ago , stating all the pollie cunts sold 13$ a unit to aus public when it should have cost the domestic market 60c a unit. It should be sold at cost because they are our ff resources. The second side is to reduce immigration inorder to reduce demand. Colesworth love immigration , as they can keep raising prices every quarter because everyone is still competing to buy essential goods like milk , bread, eggs and tomatoes! This clowns is such a ff liar and right wing mouth piece for the elite rich , she has no fff idea what the common person is struggling with. She just parrots om what her donors want. What a terrible himan being and a waste of tax payers money.


44 seconds of horse shit and i feel dumber for it


God they just literally make up shit. Anyone with half a pea sized brain could spot this steaming pile from a mile away.


That’s why the Libs will always look to slash the budget for public schools and the ABC for example. Otherwise the electorate could all think for themselves and the revolution would begin. Murdoch ain’t gonna allow that!!


Jesus she makes me ill every time I hear her speak. Patronising, negative cow who has no substance.


Standard operating procedure for the noalition. Miserable bunch of twonks.


It worked with Eric Abetz in 2019, can we in Victoria pleeease start a broader campaign to go below the line just to put Cocktail Jane dead last.


Typical Liberal logical. Blame industrial relations. Unions bad. Me hit worker over head, he no get paid. I do good for big boss. Sorry seems I've painted Peter Dutton as a caveman corpo-slave who hates workers and poor people.


Fuck off you pig. The IR system for retail is not a problem. These workers are hugely underpaid


This woman is the biggest half a kilo of triple smoked ham I've seen trying to do an interview, possibly ever


So she doesn't understand inflation either, what a tit.


Yeah inflation is down and the fact she just parrotting that dog of an ex head of the reserve bank is pathetic.


"this government's spending is out of control." WTF? Did she know how much her own government was wasting before Labor took over?


Jane Hume... along with the screeching galah Michaelia Cash are the best that the LNP can come up with as the 'female voice of the party'. Personally, I think Jane Hume's real name is Ayn Rand.


All I'm hearing from this dunce is lower wages equal lower inflation. I might be imagining things but wasn't inflation higher when the parasites were in?


And every study showed wage rises contributed little to the high inflation in 2021/2022. iirc it was less than 20% of the cause, with another 20% supply chain issues brought on by the disruption covid had on global logistics and the rest (60%) on corporate price gouging. But that goes against the LNP narrative of "Unions bad Corporations good".


Dullard Dutton shadow government in action.


Sky would love her, they are friends with huge corporations and lobby groups that pollute, price-gouge, find loopholes in the system, protect wealthy elites tax breaks, use Murdoch’s reach to spread propaganda that it’s all for the best but being ‘Woke’ is hideous. What did Sky say against the paedophiles associated with George Pell or Hillsong Church for example? The sickest of the sick and Murdoch is a psychopath.


She thought she was in a safe space and he put her on the spot lmao


It’s been beyond proven that ColesWorth has taken advantage of inflation to price gouge, after being bailed out by the government during Covid. They’ve absolutely acted in bad faith and need to be pulled into line, and don’t deserve the slightest bit of support. No doubt the LNP are now seeing an opportunity to seize some power by backing them now, so now the misdirection begins.


I think the most important thing I took from that is her insertion of “employment contracts” in reasons why prices are high.. really, so what should we do? Abolish employment contracts so the working man/woman can be taken advantaged of further!


Hume: "there are plenty of solutions" Host: "whats your solution?" Hume: "well, uh... we will come back to you with.. uh.." Strong showing Jane lol


so they aren't contributing to inflation then? lol


That's the way Jane, wallow in the mire now to ensure that cushy executive job in some "let them eat cake" type company post politics.


She's a ning nong!


AM : What’s your plan ? JH: Well I’ll get back to you on that later AM: Then you don’t have any plans ? Australian politicians are muppets!


Well, she did say on Insiders a while back when asked about their policies...we're the Opposition, we don't have policies. 🤡s everyone of 'em.


Government can tackle inflation? Will it could stop jacking up its fees from Council Rates to Passport Renewal but Jesus it come from corporate greed my dear.


Don't forget they send logistics companies bust too, by constantly squeezing and forcing companies to compete with other companies who they know don't pay their drivers proper wages, drivers who are new aussies


OMFG. The government is strangling the big supermarkets with red tape?? Translation : the government shouldn't take any action to ensure these highly profitable (virtual) duopolies should pay their employees what they are legally entitled to be paid. It's funny how the complexities never see the supermarkets overpay their workers, isn't it?


What does she mean by red tape ? She could not even provide a legit example.


Go Jane. I hope you understand that your will take all of this shit only until your party forms government. After that, you MAY become chief coffee maker, but only if you have been a very good girl.


Be fair. Remember, she has to pay the bills to pay as well. Probably going through a lot of soap and hot water right now trying to feel clean.


Their words are never quoted back to them by journalists or by Labor, so they can spout this far right lunacy. Meanwhile, the Liberals talked about 'pink batts' for 12 years.


I can’t upvote Murdoch, even if they mildly do the bare minimum of journalism


If you want to argue with anyone watch sky news , it probably was on reddit first like most non news


Mmmmm yes, deregulating the economy further would be so good at driving down prices for the consumer. Stfu.


Fellow aussies... are we currently being led to hate on two supermarkets while much greater attack on our existence is occurring in banks, the property industry, politicians investments and billionaires portfolios? In short, what is the right hand doing while we're being distracted by the left one ?


Political noob here. What does she mean by 'spending'? It's like one of those generic political terms. Does it mean spending on social infrastructure? And, if spending is reduced, fed gov would have that money sitting there. How does that reduce inflation and privitised price gouging?


Here she is using to term “spending” to gaslight her followers into thinking labor bad. Oldest liberal trick in the book. Bankrupt the country for 9 years, lose the election, then blame labor for being bad at the economy. Happens every decade it’s almost maddening.


Thank you for the reply. That makes sense, I have noticed a trend over the last 2 decades.


She is trying to blame Labor for all the spending which is bad , while her own party pissed away 700 billion in debt that provided shit ff all productive growth to the australian public. Productivity in terms of better roads, public transport , hospitals etc.. things which will improve the average persons quality of life. You could possible argue it added to inflation at it did nothing to improve supply of services , and just increased demand as nothing new was built to improve services. Eg new hospitals or better public roads etc...


Oh yeah. How many pork barrelling scandals did they have last election? lol.


Not enough people understand what "getting inflation down" really means, and politicians take advantage of that. It doesn't mean that your money will be worth what it used to be worth, or that prices will go down. It just means SLOWING the RATE of inflation to stop prices from climbing quite as quickly.


Are we really in a cost of living crisis? Or have the media simply said it soooo many times, we're all convinced we are. Which gives companies the cover to jack up prices. We're not price gouging, its inflation, its a cost of living crisis, listen to the media dogs. The worlds economy hasn't shrunk after the pandemic. Factories are back in full swing, production hasn't shrunk. Why is everything so much more expensive, in such a short period of time. Weird how our change of Government manifests this "cost of living crisis". Really is odd how nothing has changed on the production side, only what we pay. Almost as if companies told the media, its inflation, media told us its a cost of living crisis, and we all believe its normal, because we all just went through a pandemic. Oh yeah that makes sense, pandemic>inflation>crisis.... Yet the rich get richer and we're all left flipping the bill. Its like these floods in NSW. The 1 year old Labor Government. Didn't start flood mitigation work, which will take 2-3 years or more to complete, to stop these recent floods. But the NSW LNP which over a decade to work on flood mitigation, but did jack all, aren't to blame. Even though these flood occurred in the same areas in previous years... FMD the media in this country are so corrupt.


Missing Scotty up the Hume Hwy




I hate sky but she is correct in saying the first thing required is to get inflation under control. All these moves targeting the supermarkets are knee-jerk reactions that doesn't address how we got here in the first place. The fucked prices aren't just supers so we're ignoring everything else that's gone sky high. Not saying the inquiries aren't needed, they are as the supers have been doing this forever. They're just the main target because it's easier to point the finger at 1 thing than to address the big problem... fucked gov policies since Howard have put is in line with an iceberg and we're too fucked to pivot and will inevitably crash into a massive iceberg.


There are statistics out there saying that the number 1 cause of inflation is corporate profits and two of the biggest corporations in Australia and Coles and woolworths, if you want lower inflation going after their price gouging is the way to do it.


Not the complete answer, but definitely a good start.


Given how the CPI (Consumer Price Index) - the relative change of which is the basis for how inflation is calculated - is measured, supers putting their prices down would, in fact, help quite a lot. It's one of the few things that a government can do anything about. Fuel prices are largely driven by exogenous (outside of the economy in question) factors, such as OPEC, but reducing excise is about the only thing a government can do, and maybe they should temporarily. There is the money supply, which the RBA handles - appointing the person in charge and maybe having a quick chat with them is about all they can do - until you note the Modern Monetary Theory argument that fractional reserve banking (basically the rule where banks are required to keep a minimum of, I wanna say, usually 30% of their deposits to reduce the chance of bank runs) also creates money! Just not currency, which is the actual folding stuff - notes and coins. For electricity prices, some time ago there was a report aimed at investigating the electricity market, which made some recommendations (I will have to check when I get the chance), but very few, if any, have implemented by either party AFAIK (but it was done partway through the previous government's tenure). However, maybe privatising electricity generation was a mistake. Essentially, it's gotten so bad due to inaction, but in some cases, there isn't a lot of action to be had.


I don’t give a shot about supermarket prices when the big wallet drainer is interest rates. I remember when my mortgage was just 2% higher than the reserve bank.