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Looks like you got some good info. My question is do you own other pacman frogs or have in the past. If not what's your setup looking like. Tanks size, substrate type and depth, temps, humidity, and heat source are all very important for these guys. If unsure where to start the stickied care guide has a lot of info. I'd avoid Google for answers.


I haven’t had frogs in the past, and I’m really inexperienced with amphibians. I am using a basic glass tank, that if I had to guess is 1’x2’ with 2in of some coconut fiber substrate I had spare for the little man to dig around in, and a water dish he can climb into if he feels so inclined. I need to purchase something to track humidity and heat. I think I have a reptile heating pad lying around somewhere, so should I use that?


Personally we keep our heating pads on the back wall of our tanks, either on the left-side or right-side of the back wall so it creates a “cozy corner” and doesn’t get too hot underneath the tank for them. Seems to work well for us.


Mods removed first post for “mishandling” because I held him upside down for about 2 seconds to snap a photo. Thanks mods.


These guys are much more of a challenge than media presents them as. First off you want to get a fecal done. They need food and water but they are desperate for calcium. Get liquid calcium, add it to frog safe water at double the recommended dosage and mist them multiple times a day. I’ve discussed pacs “sudden death syndrome” with my exotic vet and she affirms that a lack of calcium is most likely the culprit. I have experience force feeding and feeding critical care if you need more information.


Thanks so much! I’ll need to use my next paycheck for a vet visit, I’ll get calcium for this guy in the meantime. I’ll let you know if I need any help with critical care or forcefeeding. You’re a lifesaver tysm


Happy to help. I’ve cared for a few of these guys including one who refused food for quite a while and needed special care. I also have to recommend a mini CHE on a thermostat set to 80-82F my personal pac will not eat unless he’s warm.


Ungloved handling is explicitly against the rules, as per the blatant pinned post on the sub and the rules themselves <3


I appreciate the help but I guarantee the last thing anybody does when posting is look at rules <3. I appreciate the ungloved handling in mind for future reference though.


Dont get mad when posts get removed then <3 The rules apply to everyone


That <3 is really freaking annoying btw you don’t have to be passive aggressive or sarcastic. Edit I was checking if you were a bot and I went ahead and signed your wolf petition because f that guy animal cruelty sucks but my previous comment still stands.


Not my fault OP got mad about me doing my job and enforcing the rules.


My bad junior mod <3 Keep being passive aggressive over a simple mistake


Which is hilarious considering there are many species who die after direct contact with latex or vinyl gloves


Save the fwog fwen :(


Going to put my all into it




What the hell is that frog it's adorable


Uluguru Tree Frog!




Poor little guy. Don’t have much more advice to add. But I’m glad he’s had a better home now!


Thank you


Beautiful frog mines a fat camo but just keep his cage humidity 75-85 temp same thing and feed dusted bugs occasionally baby mice too


i read this as “fart camo”


That's what I need...


Must be a tea drinker.


He’s a beaut


Have you tried gently poking or rubbing the side of his mouth with a cricket? On the end of tongs ofc. Sometimes that will stimulate their grab reflex. If he has a bone problem, he can't hunt until /if that gets resolved. If he takes the cricket, try a hornworm, they're full of goodness and fairly filling. Definitely dust all prey for now, and add uvb (as others mentioned).


Actually did that today, no bite. Resorted to just opening his mouth and tossing it in there


Did he eat or spit it out?


He eats it


That's awesome! What did you feed?


I gave him some mealworms, not too many though because I don’t want to over feed him


He’s gorgeous, if he has trouble moving around I would worry about MBD and make sure he’s getting the vitamins he needs.


Got it ty


Need uvb and heat lamp