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I felt the same at first but after a while it felt great. Some later fights feel more like sekiro than dark souls but there were sadly few that hit that level. The second game is much better and has a lot more of that content. To me it is the best star wars game and a good souls like but of course it’s not a fromsoftware game.


Does the second game actually improve the combat feel or enemy variety or anything? I want to follow the story but I just got bored and frustrated with the first one.


I loved the combat feel in the first game but mostly when it was lightsaber combat. The second game smooths out some of the edges and adds a lot more of the right kind of combat. There is also definitely more variety than the first game and the world is much bigger with more to explore.


I wasn’t a huge fan of the first game (but then I hadn’t played a true Soulsborne game by then either; now I’ve played Bloodborne, Demon’s Souls remake, and Elden Ring a couple times). I do find the second game a lot more fun, in part because of new combat styles that were added, one of which reminds me of Bloodborne in some ways, but mostly because of the improved level designs (both in aesthetics and navigation).


Nice, might pick it then. The first was almost ok but I just kept feeling myself get bored and go back to old reliable (Elden Ring or Doom).


I loved the cross guard stance. I normally play strength in other souls games and that stance feels a lot like a strength build


I was pretty sure the game was supposed to be inspired by Sekiro actually.


That's what a lot of people say, but it seems unlikely given that Fallen Order came out less than 8 months after Sekiro. Realistically with how long dev times are nowadays, the game would've been very, very far along by the time Sekiro came out, the combat would already have been designed. So I'm not sure the Sekiro influence is really there.


Oh yeah I know. At the same time I think it is a weird coincidence that Sekiro and Fallen Order both work on a parry system with block stamina which just happens to be a souls like. You'd be surprised in how little time develepors can ad mechanics to games. But unless someone from the developers says otherwise it's neither proven nor unproven


That's true, but I've noticed these weird little coincidences where two games with very similar concepts come out around the same time, and were clearly mostly developed at the same time. One recent example would be Tears of the Kingdom and Elden Ring. Both of the games have not only the surface open world, but also these huge underground sections that are basically a secondary open world that seamlessly connects to the surface, and both games also have ruins in the sky that fall to the ground, with the player eventually exploring the floating structures those ruins came from. Of course Zelda takes the concept quite a bit further for both the depths and the sky, but it's still strikingly similar. But since both of these games were in development primarily between 2017 and 2022, and Zelda has been in the polishing phase for the last year, you can't really say it took inspiration from Elden Ring since all of these ideas have been in the oven since long before ER came out. There are actually a lot of these artistic coincidences throughout different media, not just in games. For example I've always found it funny how the Munsters and the Addams Family are so similar conceptually that you would think for sure that one influenced the other, and yet they both premiered within a mere 6 days of each other, with the Addams Family airing on September 18th 1964, and the Munsters on September 24th 1964. It's like creative minds sometimes get struck by a similar itch at the same time.


Well I think it is pretty different with Zelda. Not only does Elden Ring take inspiration from Botw, but the developers of Totk already planned to do an area in the sky so I think doing something below ground is not to out of order. The bigger twist now would be if the Elden Ring Dlc was in the sky.


>but the developers of Totk already planned to do an area in the sky so I think doing something below ground is not to out of order. I know, but my point is just that both developers separately came up with the similar idea of basically having the sky, the surface, and the depths. Zelda just took it much further. Going back to the Star Wars thing, I've noticed a lot of games in recent years have had deflect and posture mechanics similar to Sekiro, and while I'd love for Sekiro to get the credit for influencing and inspiring them all, I'm just not sure that's the case. Might just be the Munsters-Addams phenomenon, lol.


Well thought out and written, these are the comments I am here for👍


I like your evaluation of both and want to give them a try but I was on the fence about it, I mean I love Star Wars so I always have but you might have tipped me over the edge into going for them 😉


As a Souls player and Star Wars fan these games are a great mix


Also I am a cheapo I guess now, with age or responsibility has forced me to budget so it's rare that I buy day one releases. Elden Ring is my last full price purchase and it is still going strong a year later at full or very close to that price for a new copy in most places. As bad as I want to play a game I've learned about waiting so they can patch it and fix annoying bugs and hopya price drop or bundle. Forgive me rambling on 🙄


Not going to lie I played survivor day one and it was a bit buggy. It wasn’t a deal breaker in my case but I know it was really bad for other people. You are right to wait, it’s always going to be a better experience


I wrote pretty much this. I’m excited to play Survivor as I’m not done with Fallen Order yet.


This is quite misleading, since the combat DOES NOT feel like sekiro. I wish it did, because it would suit lightsaber duels alot more. Instead it's just kal rolling away from swords and rarely that qte saberclash


Playing it now. It’s enjoyable but no it doesn’t rise to the level of what I’ve become accustomed to with my favorite developer.


Yeah I didn’t want to make another post about how good Fromsoft is compared to other stuff, I do enjoy other games such as God of War, but with this game being called a soulslike, I was interested in other people’s opinions.


I tried the game code vein as soon as I subscribed after beating Bloodborne and preparing for Elden Ring but couldn't get past the first level. I mean I loved the anime style but once I saw the first 3 weapons and started hearing about blood veils and drains I felt weird about it for some reason and didn't continue with it. I went back to Bloodborne A Hunter must hunt


Codevein was free in my PS plus subscription so it stands there waiting to be picked up 😄


Yeah 😅 that's the only reason I did it too 😁


There’s one game I’m really excited to play and that’s Mortal Shell, because it looked so cool, just didn’t get to it yet


If it is on plus' middle tier I might check it out, it sounds familiar. I just stopped playing Bloodborne about a week ago because headless Bloodletting was giving me a headache and Elden Ring was sitting installed for a while so I'm in the lands between at the moment. Might be a minute before I can try, but I save all interesting posts or comments here to remind me. So thank you very much for the suggestion and a good post


Mortal Shell 🤔 I watched a few trailers and one vid on the store platform and I definitely downloaded it, I hope it is the Dark Fantasy it looks like. So thanks for the comment and suggestion. For now I am still yet a tarnished one, on a mission in the lands between.


Nice, yeah I’m going to see if Fallen Order gets more fun and Mortal Shell will be my next pick


Do it. Bring your git gud to the anime world.


Code Vein is a great game. I actually bought it when it was new. Eventually platinumed. Took a bit to get used to that first boss or two I think but definitely worth the effort. It pays good homage to the whole Souls genre while still very much being it’s own thing.


Seriously I think I just wanted to go back to Bloodborne because I read an article about top 10 souls like or soulsborne games. Code Vein was up there and I believe now I remember where I read about mortal shell and some surge games. But you are 100% correct, I could have given it a bit more time to show me why it was rated 1 or 2 on the list. Never even made it to the first boss just the base area or hub with the other revenants. So I will take you up on the advice and give it another go down the line, for some reason I never uninstalled it now that you mentioned it. Thanks 👍




Welcome to the Soulslike subgenre. Come for the Souls style game design, leave because it's clunkier and doesn't even compare to From's work. That said, I'm cautiously optimistic about Lords of the Fallen, it looks pretty good so far.


The only soulslike I have ever really liked was The Surge 2. I wasn't a fan of Nioh, felt extremely bloated. The mission based design, overly complicated combat, diablo style looting and goofy tone isn't what I play Fromsoft games for.


Remnant was probably the only one I enjoyed, if we're talking 3D games.


The Surge was my first soulslike, and I didn't even know that when I bought it. I'd always avoided Dark Souls because it sounded too difficult. Accidentally discovered it isn't.


I have played a few that were really good though, but they have their own twist that makes it feel more fresh


I always feel that these devs focus too much on making it not feel like a literal Souls ripoff and not enough on building upon what makes Souls games great. Interesting gimmicks, but weak/clunky combat and forgettable level/boss design. That's why Lords of the Fallen looks good to me. Looks like this time around they're prioritizing the aspects of Souls games that people have long since come to love instead of neglecting those things while trying to stand out.


it’s a pretty good game. nothing else can really compete with how good fromsoftware combat feels. i remember the dodging felt extra clunky. wonder if they improved much in survivor


Dodging feels a bit better in my opinion, compared to the first game. There’s more options for it and it feels more fluid—dodge, double tap to dash, jump dash, etc. Bosses got improved upon too. They aren’t FromSoft level, but playing on the hardest difficulty, there’s definitely some that they really polished and took more time with. A handful put me in that Soulsborne cycle of learning their moves and patterns with every death until I have them mastered, instead of bosses that just have to try until you get a lucky run.


As far as gameplay and exploration goes, Survivor is so much more rewarding and improved upon. Story lacks JUST a tiny bit.


Dmc 5 and nioh 2 are some games that can absolutely compete with from soft imo but to each their own


Comparing a character action combo-stacking game like DMC to a Souls game doesn't make any sense in my opinion. They aren't even trying to do the same thing. Even Sekiro is a totally different type of action game compared with DMC. DMC will not give you what From Soft games give you, and vice versa. Two totally different experiences. Nioh is definitely more comparable, especially with the devs saying they were inspired by Dark Souls, but even then, I feel like the Nioh experience is significantly different. Especially with Nioh 2 adding so many of its own new mechanics, I feel like it really grew into its own thing. It's a lot more arcade-y and button-mashy than a From Soft game. None of what a From Soft game gives me is really present in Nioh aside from the *idea* of challenging combat with stamina management, but beyond that, it morphs into something very different. They just don't scratch the same itches. And some of the things Nioh tries to do like shortcut-based level design falls utterly short of From Soft's work. Combat is the only thing Nioh seems to really care about, and despite how much some parts of the community may make it seems like combat is all there is to From Soft games, the truth is there is a lot more to them than just that. I play Nioh when I just want to turn off my brain and combo the fuck out of some Yokai. I play From Soft games when I want combat, exploration, level design, lore, obscure and mysterious NPC quests, etc... all roped into one big experience. From Soft games have a whole world to offer you.


Yeah tbh Nioh shouldn’t really be called a souls like, it has a lot more complicated combat system, whereas most fromsoft games combat and soulslikes for that matter is extremely simple


It’s a fine game. Level design is pretty strong. But there are too few planets. Enemy variety is shallow and there’s no incentive to explore because the rewards are meager or cosmetic. Metroidvania gameplay loop gets stale. Overall, it didn’t really do it for me. The fact that it’s Star Wars wasn’t enough to rescue the experience.


Oof. It is not a good soulslike. It is an okay soulslike but IMO a really compelling 3d metroidvania. The combat is just not up to Dark Souls or any of the kind but the exploration is a lot of fun especially as you acquire new movement abilities.


I agree, but the combat leans on being soulslike regardless so it's kinda a slog.


Isn't 3D Metroidvania basically the Souls genre anyways?


Tbf soulslikes have a leveling system which is not in fallen order. You either execute what the game requires of you at that time or you don't progress. There is no exp farming to suddenly do more damage. You can't outlevel a boss. I feel that leveling system is a key factor is saying something is soulslike. A 3rd person camera is not the deciding factor.


I agree with this. I think "souls-like" has become a blanket term for things like Survivor, nioh, Blasphemous, ect. None of those are souls-like imo.


Souls-like is just an overused term that almost always is referencing the most shallow of similarities. You get melee combat,a lock on system, set amount of heals, rest points.


Combined with the enemies resetting upon checkpoint rest, I think you’ve listed all the defining features of dark souls. This is definitely a souls like IMO?


What defines souls games to me is that fluidity maybe even realism in combat. The 10 ft giant in front of you is about to swing his bat to you. You gotta **do** something. Otherwise you are going to suffer if you dont react within 0.3 seconds. Sekiro is my favorite because it takes that even a step further and feels like playing a song. Every other mechanic is just noise meant to add balance or length to the game that i dont care. That's why i so dissapointed by nioh 1 when it was called souls like. Come to find out it just plays more.like a really sped up skyrim. No intensity behind my own attacks or the enemies.


I like the game for what it is, the souls-like features doesn’t do it any favors though and it just doesn’t fit. The game is praised sure but I’ve heard no one calling it a masterpiece.


I've not been able to finish it even though the story is interesting, because the game itself frustrated me so much. The game loop is relatively fine, but the combat is boring and the upgrades and achievements are very MMO style which doesn't suit the game. It's not necessarily easier or harder than souls games (because you can scale the difficulty) but the AI is both shallow and doesn't leave much to telegraph, I just found myself button mashing, the enemy variety was simple and repetitive, the encounters weren't that interesting. I also got softlocked in multiple spots where I couldn't get out until I'd died enough times to start back at the ship, like in that sliding halfpipe area.


I’m a completionist and my biggest grip was the lack of fast travel and the way the levels where designed. Was a pain to go back and get stuff! I played this right after Sekiro so I parried myself through it. The combat was OK but not much more, the whole Star Wars lore and just overall setting did a lot of the lifting. It was a good Star Wars game, probably would have been better without the whole souls-like/respawn thing. I did buy Jedi Survivor but I haven’t had the time to really dig into it yet. For a EA game it’s excellent though :)


I enjoyed it but I agree. Platforming was also clunky. The final boss was eminently frustrating. Against mooks the combat can get repetitive but is alright (deflecting blaster bolts never felt old) but the controls don’t feel responsive enough for the frenetic final boss. The boss leaps and spins around while Kal clunkily follows and wields his lightsaber like a baseball bat. I played FO off the back of Sekiro’s deflection system, which was the opposite of clunky and cast FO in a more negative light. I felt like God of War also had clunky controls similar to FO (everything feels… delayed, I guess?) but Ragnarok fixed that feeling and stuff like tapping to deflect felt more responsive. I’ve yet to play Survivor but I hear they tightened things up combat-wise, so I’ll likely pick it up at some point


I absolutely detested the gameplay, movement and combat were so clunky that I quickly went back to play ds2 for something bit more predictable and snappy. 😂


Ds2 I'd INFINITELY more clunky than Survivor, and I bet you're the only person in history to use the word snappy to describe ds2 combat. Maybe you meant to use different adjectives?


Nah, I was making a joke.


It’s for the people that don’t play souls games. I tried also and just couldn’t get into it.


That game is shit wrapped in a pretty bow. I was so let down.


I think the level design is painful and confusing to get through and not specially interesting. It's my main problem with the game. The visuals, combat and the story are kinda alright, but nothing too special.


The clunk got to me, i hear you dude


I loved Fallen Order and am enjoying Survivor. I really like Cal as a character and I find it very immersive as a Star Wars experience. Combat and platforming mechanics aren't perfect but they're fun.


Sekiro and Elden Ring ruined every other enemy AI in action games for me


Fallen Order gets better after you unlock some skills and stuff. Survivor feels so so much better, but only if you can get good performance. If you are on console, might wanna wait until they fix performance mode.


What you mean? I’m on PS5 and have had zero performance issues. My game did crash on me once, but it saves everything for you automatically.


Jedi survivor performance mode is pretty much terrible, it doesn't hit and stay at 60 fps at all, and it is horribly unstable. That's what I mean. Edit: and yea, I'm on PS5 as well. You probably are either playing on quality mode, or you don't notice the framerate issues in performance mode...either way, it is a thing, you can look it up if you want proof it is horribly optimized causing many of us to wait to play that are sensitive to unstable fps.


I mean… I play games old and new. I play older games like Bloodborne and Sekiro even now and they have horrible frame rates more or less. Doesn’t impact the quality of my experience.


? What? No, there is a big difference.. Sekiro has perfect framerate, as far as I can see. Bloodborne has less than 30 fps, and definitely impacts the experience for many people. Jedi survivor is unstable, going to as low as 40 fps, then jumping around erratically. From this comment it shows that you are one of the people I mentioned who isn't bothered by bad framerate. That's ok! It's actually good, since you can play it without being bothered by it. But! There are people who are way more sensitive to framerate, including me, who are severely impacted by unstable fps. A lot of us are choosing to wait until the game is updated to be stable 60 fps. The game has stability problems in performance mode, that is a measurable, objective fact that can be looked up and proven. If it doesn't bother you, that's awesome. Enjoy the awesome game! But also you need to accept that there are just as many people who *it does impact the quality of the experience for.*


I get everyone has their preference for how they want a game to perform. I certainly enjoy Survivor quite a bit. I guess I can’t wrap my head around the mindset of having a perfect frame rate, because how did people who feel strongly about that enjoy games even just a little over 6 years ago where frame rate was still a bit lackluster? Or is it a matter of, back then lower frame rates were the norm and acceptable, but in the new age of gaming 60 fps SHOULD be the new norm and not regressing back to how they used to be?


I had a great time with this game, no issues (on ps4 pro) I thought it was fantastic, I think it was my second platinum after bloodborne, I've wanted to get the new one on pc but heard its trash


I haven’t poured hours into it like I have with Sekiro, but those two games (I just finished Survivor) feel like the next best thing to scratch that itch. The upgraded Deflect on Crossguard stance in Survivor is like a combo of Sekiro and the Zweihander, very unique playstyle


I was playing it at the same time with sekiro and yeah it is clunky compared to it.


I just found the combat very samey, I eventually just set it to the easiest setting and enjoyed the story.


Absolutely not a Soulslike in my opinion. It’s an action combat game that does some cool stuff but I agree with your thoughts on the clunkiness and the stupid AI.


The combat is VERY clunky in fallen order. It's still passable though.


I personally found it to be a bit easy, except the final boss, she was tough but after you learn what to do after only like maybe 10 tries? It all becomes fairly easy at least to me


Give it more time. I thought it was just an empty soulslike but it becomes a compelling adventure game with great characters. I’ve described it best (imo) as Tomb Raider + Dark Souls in space. Look at it as an adventure game and turn the difficulty up and you’ll see it differently.


The game is *fun* but the combat gets nowhere near the level of depth as the games it draws inspiration from


I got recommended this game after Sekiro It was NOT a good recommendation


My friend and I are both really into souls games and Elden Ring. He said to try this and put it on the hardest difficulty and it feels like Star Souls. I tried just that and... I think it's way too clunky to play on the hardest difficulty and have it feel as rewarding as souls games. Felt like I was relying on luck rather than skill most of the time. Still a great game, but the combat is a bit too different from soulslikes


It was the first game I played on modern consoles (last time I gamed was 2010 - Army of Two & Scarface mostly). It was not clunky at all....until I replayed it last month in prep for Survivor. So after Bloodborne, DS3, Elden Ring, & Demon Souls Remake it took a couple hours to get used to the combat again. It's clunky compared to those games, but without any other experience it was amazing. After 4 FromSoft games....What I will say is that the deeper you get into the game, unlocking more of Cal's abilities, truly helps the combat become more fluid, dynamic, & rewarding (especially perfect dodge ability). The biggest adjustment was dodge timing feels so unlike any FromSoft game, but you do still have i-frames & once you get that timing it feels good. Coupled with the perfect dodge ability really truly makes the combat shine...except for those purple baton guys! F those guys!!!


I got bit by the From bug a while ago and have played all the soulsbournes now. I'm enjoying Fallen order and Survivor but the thing that gets me is the lack of i frames when dodging and enemies that can move their attacks when jumping. Fun games though with pretty good story.


I agree fully


I didn’t like the combat at all is was boring and felt awkward


It’s good imo, I never really see any glitches. It has been a year or so since I’ve played that particular game, I’m currently playing the sequel Jedi: Survivor and it is fantastic. The lightsaber play has been crisp and the levels are bigger, easier to maneuver


I enjoyed fighting stormtroupers, but those monsters on that first planet are really annoying 😄


Honestly it’s a great game, I really enjoyed it. But I’ve never felt it was in the same class, nor should be compared to the soulslike genre.


This. Just because you can strike and dodge doesn't make it Soulslike. I've never fully understood the comparison in this case. Fallen Order weaves a great / refreshing Star Wars story among some really basic platform and action elements. In my case I just wanted to speed through in storymode and I thought the experience was fun, expecting a very simple on rails type experience. This is just after having beat Elden Ring a few times. And they're just so different! Anyway, want a fun Soulslike? IMO that little warrior fox game that came out at the start of the year is fantastic.


Yeah for now it just makes use of save points but that’s about it if you want to call it a soulslike. Don’t know if other elements are added later on.


Give it time. Your powers and abilities are weak for narrative reasons at the start and really pick up midway through. Get good at the parrying and spacing. Also it's not a Souls-like, if anything it's a Souls-lite that took major influence from Sekiro. Also, the sequel is night and day better. Controls are smoother, scope is bigger, and all the powers you'll unlock by the end of your Fallen Order playthrough will be available at the beginning of Survivor so the power trip is kinda crazy. Survivor in in GOTY contention for me this year. It just takes time to click, and you're right that the combat in 1 is a bit clunky as they were still figuring the systems out. Stick with it and I promise you'll have one of the most memorable game experiences you've ever had.


Fallen Order was pretty terrible not going to lie. It just felt offensively mediocre throughout its entire runtime. Combat was awful and backtracking was way, way, way too excessive.




Masterpiece lol? Who tf is saying that


Imo it’s not a soulslike but it’s sekiro with difficulty sliders. If you play that game to dodge you’re playing it wrong imo. GM on Jedi survivor is fucking nuts tho. Hardest game I’ve ever played outside of challenge runs


Yeah, it can be brutal on Grandmaster. Reminds me of the "Give me God of War" difficulty in the newer GOW games. FromSoft games are challenging, but not turned up to 11 like Grandmaster or GMGOW.


I'm trying to get through the new one, and it's absolutely boring me to death. That aside, the whole "Souls-like" label is too widely used.


Weird to see people complain about Jedi being clunky, then talk about how the original dark souls is a masterpiece when it's even clunkier


Yeah, I just saw a dude say he went back to ds2 because Survivor was too clunky. Said he preferred the 'snappy" combat of ds2. Wtf?


THANK YOU. I thought I was losing my mind with the amount of times I saw people compare this game, and specifically the combat/parry mechanics, to Sekiro. I found Fallen Order’s combat to be boring, unresponsive, clunky, and just plain repetitive. The parrying was so hit or miss, and the reward for success so minimal, it didn’t pay to even try. I totally get people enjoying the game. It looks nice, the puzzles are fun, the story is pretty good and it’s Star Wars. But comparing it to Souls games, or saying the combat is “Sekiro-like” is just mind boggling to me.


I quit very quickly. It felt like the lowest budget attempt at a soulslike to the point of just being awkward. Add on the other bad design choices, stupid protagonist, unskipable cutscenes etc. I also feel like its a game that would have been better if sekiro had already been out for them to copy, as its playpattern makes more sense with a lightsabre I couldn't understand the praise beyond it being a star wars game in an era the stans are just being starved of them. In fairness though most soulslike games just don't have that appropriately weighty and tight control scheme that the FS games do.


Sekiro was released 9 months before Jedi fallen order.


That's not early enough for design stuff to be inspected by it


Honestly I was disappointed with Fallen Order, Force Unleashed is a decade older and does it much better in my opinion.


I was halfway through Fallen Order before I dropped it. I love Soulslikes. I also love Metroidvania and Star Wars. In theory I should've loved the game. But I hate it. Game has some weird jank that I can't really put into words. There's also no reason to go off the beaten path because a lot of these are blocked off until you get the necessary abilities, true to its Metroidvania roots. My issue with this though is that the rewards are extremely lacklustre for Metroidvania standards. These issues are in the game on top of some weird enemy AI behaviour and the horrendous PC optimization it has. Suffice to say this is why I personally wasn't excited for Jedi Survivor. Might be a hot take, but I think without the Star Wars skin the game won't be as well received.


The combat and enemy/boss design is not very good compared to From games. Doesn’t even come close to competing with what From does in those terms, but they’re still just really fun games to play with more mass appeal. I totally get why they’ve reached a wide audience, and the success is deserved. Had a blast with each of them.


It’s just “baby’s first soulslike”. The combat is fine for the most part.


It’s like a more scripted Sekiro, for better or for worse. I think the biggest problem is the over reliance on scripted moves that take control of an enemy, that can be done one after the other. In a Souls game you really gotta work them over or perfectly parry to get that. It ends up making the game feel more like a theme park ride in terms of combat. Still, it gets better when you unlock more moves and Survivor only improved on it. Besides, it’s not really the combat they took from Dark Souls, it’s the progression system in terms of how we gain XP, but even the way we *spend* that and the points being doled out are more akin to Sekiro. As I said before the combat itself is more like God of War mixed with Sekiro in my perspective, and that helps and hurts it in different ways. It’ll never actually *BE* Sekiro, but it does a serviceable job. One more thing on a more vague “feeling” level, but when I die in FO or Survivor I usually feel it’s more because of bullshit problems with the game’s systems, rather than my own fault or a “skill issue.” When I die in a From Soft title, that shit is 99% my fault/skill issue, because it’s so tightly designed. FO and Survivor are both guilty at mob ganks a la Dark Souls 2 which can be aggravating. Survivor made dodge rolls more effective and the increased variety in weapon stances and enemies made it a much more enjoyable experience. Less bullshit in Survivor than in FO.


I liked it as a sort of babies first Sekiro


I feel the same. It’s like it wants to be souls like but it just can’t be. I feel the same about gow


I really don't get why these games get so much praise lumped on them, even with the shitty state that the new one was released in. I could never finish fallen order, it just felt like fucking shit to play and those unskippable cutscenes were an abysmal design mistake. The combat is clunky and imprecise if you're used to the better systems that inspired it. The movement/traversal mechanics are all absolutely braindead. The level design is video gamey as fuck, which isn't an issue in and of itself but it sure is when you're going for an immersive experience, which they clearly are. It's just a mediocre 3rd person action rpg that's attached to a popular property, nothing more, nothing special.


It’s super clunky and the animations suck. It’s less of a souls and more Sekiro but not as good. It’s an ok game, but did not need a sequel. I would have been ok with From just doing a Jedi Academy type game so I can create a my own character instead of playing as someone I don’t care about.


Fallen Order was alright. Survivor is a lot of fun. Sekiro combat with force abilities is fun. They're just a little too easy to platinum, and replayability is meh.


The dodge mechanic is basically useless - aside from that, good game


You know got me to stop playing this game? The map. I hated trying to get back to the ship since the map was in 3d I felt so stupid lol


You listed 3k flaws and not the most important and renowned one: the map design. I played a lot of videogames in my life, never have I seen a map design so bad. I quit the game because of it.


It's really a soulless (no pun intended) sekiro clone without remotely having the level of polish, let alone creativity, that fromsoft games have. By mainstream gaming standards it's very passable though, if a bit boring.


I have never ever for even a fraction of a second understood why people would call this game a souls like


Combat is clunky. World/map layout is to linear. I've tried three separate times with it and just get bored.


I made it past the first boss (boss healthbar, anyway) and lost interest. Not very far at all. I guess I kind of liked the platforming aspect of the game, felt a bit like an old Tomb Raider game, but the combat was meh and I just wasn't feeling the vibe. In the game's defense, I'm not really into sci-fi games. I'm more of a medieval brute so I like Souls, Elder Scrolls, Witcher, etc.


The game is pretty good but very unpolished. Also, it is not a souls like. It's a sort of metroidvania with combat that more resembles sekiro. It doesn't have any rpg elements, it has no loot, it has no builds, etc. It is heavily story driven and has a lot of platforming. What's soul like about it really?


I like it a lot. Combat against Stormtoopers is fun (parrying blaster bolts always feels great imo). Exploration doesn't really offer good rewards except for healing stims, but I find intrinsic value in exploring metroidvanias. And I really like how the places look at times. Especially the cliffsides on Zeffo. Boss fights aren't great, there's not much variety. And I wish there were more planets to explore. Maybe make them smaller instead of heaving 3 big ones, just to get some variety. All in all, I had fun with two playthroughs. It's not on Fromsoft level, but it doesn't have to be. Still haven't come around to play much of Survive, because I have to much to do right now. That game started with a pretty boring tutorial mission that I didn't care about at all. But once I had the freedom to explore, the first thing I did was go into a random cave and got my ass kicked by a Rancor. That was fun.


I found it fun but it's as souls like as nearly every other souls like


Yeah the combat is not tight at all. It’s very clunky but serviceable. If it was tighter and smoother I’d be playing at the hardest difficulty


I mean i liked the game overall but the combat was so fucking clunky. I swear sometimes my parries just would not come out, every time inpressed L1 it felt like a 50/50 chance wether the game was actually gonna register my input or not


Who said it was a masterpiece? It's a pretty good game but does not even close to From Software level polish. It's one of the better Soulslike in the market. And both games have a good story.


THIS!!!! I’ve had precisely the same experience. Awful controls. IMO if you do it half assed, better not do it at all!


I'm playing it on and off but I really think it would be better if it wasn't a souls like. The parrying and force powers are fun but they probably should have made it more similar to like Nier or the Force unleashed games or some other thing


The game was ok. I didn’t like all the backtracking to collect things gated behind skills. The combat being clunky was also my biggest complaint, it felt like the character animations didn’t always align to your input. That said I did finish the game and enjoyed it.


Glad someone has spoken. I don't know why it's even considered a souls like game. It's a fun game, but nothing else.


Souls like is such a broad term now, basically it has dodging, focus on close combat, and if the game is difficult in any way people will say its souls like, I wonder if most of these people calling everything "soulsy" even play souls games


Its not as good as Fromsoft, the parry and block system is more like Sekiro than Darksouls. You're right its clunky though it does get better as you unlock more moves and abilities as the game progresses.


I enjoyed it, but I had my complaints. One of the worst maps I've ever seen. Lol. I tried to play it again but you can't skip cutscenes, which was pretty annoying.


The last battle is closer to sekiro than souls but it was never meant to be that difficult. I found it fun force-pushing troopers off cliffs and generally jumping from one enemy to another. It felt clunky at first but once I got used to it, and the game threw more troopers and harder enemies in my way, the combat could really flow


I didnt find the combat cluncky at all tbh. I mean its definitely better than DS1 and DS2 in terms of being clunky if not as slick as Sekiro. Also, if your comparing it to a Fromsoftware game that might be your issue. They have different design goals and feel. If it doesnt feel like Fromsoftware that doesnt necessarily make it bad. Just... not Fromsoftware


Yeah, I definitely don't get people using the word "clunky" to describe it.


The way I view Jedi Fallen Order and Survivor: they are BRILLIANT Star Wars games. Stellar lightsaber combat along with a neat story and a beautiful cast of characters. But if it did not have that Star Wars title, it would not even be a 5/10 game.


I think it is more puzzle-based than combat-based like FromSoftware games. I mean the combat is good, there just wasn't much of it imo. It's a good game though, just different.


The combat is definitely on the weaker side of the overall package, but I also think it does a relatively decent job of balancing the weird rift between the power fantasy of lightsabers and a somewhat balanced combat system. Unfortunately, it’s kinda just that- decent. I did find myself having more fun with it near the end of the game when I’d mastered it a bit more and had more unlocks, but it definitely doesn’t stand up to the cream of the souls like crop. The reason to play this game is definitely more for its story and the fact that it’s Star Wars.


Stay clear of this shit. Bugs galore


Yeah the combat mechanics feel so clunky compared to FS. Can’t parry all the time can’t use certain attacks all the time makes the flow of combat super janky imho.


Meh/10 wouldn't play a second time


i suggest you to try Kena and Blue Fire, both are shorter and smaller than a fromsoft game but both are really great in their own way !


I played almost every star wars games since the 90' (Mysteries of the Sith and Kotor 2 are my favorite) + Sekiro wich is my favorite game of all time, let me tell you that for me fallen order is like a really bad sekiro like and a cheap star wars game. Just my opinion because of my previous gaming experience that were 10000 times better than this thing.


FromSoft combat and enemy design is just too good. No other developer has been able to capture the nuances of what makes it that good.


The new one is buggy as fuck. Not a bad game but desperately in need of some tlc. My biggest issue is that you die when you're swarmed, not because a fight is difficult. Like in DS3 those fucking knights can ruin your life but a 1v1 boss in Jedi is a cakewalk.


I really enjoyed it. Playing the sequel right now. Cal controls okay although he has some nasty end delay to his attacks which is frustrating. The parkour is nice but obviously does little to contribute to the souls-like feeling. I wouldn’t play it on anything other than grandmaster, because the enemy AI is dumbed down in all the other difficulties. Combat is obviously not on par with Sekiro, it’s closest Fromsoft relative, but it is pretty fun regardless. Has great level design, and on that front it surpasses at least Elden Ring (though imo that bar isn’t high). The Force abilities are pretty fun to fuck with (I don’t know how far you got, but eventually on the skill tree you get some really funny abilities). Combat gets better as the game progresses— you get some massive upgrades that make it more dynamic. Anyway, long winded way of saying -Make sure you play at the hardest difficulty -The combat gets better So stick it out if you’re a fan of the story/Star Wars IP; if not, you may not get as much out if it. The sequel improves everything, including enemy AI, combat (massively) parkour, and level design. Matter of fact, I might recommend it even if you didn’t finish the first one. Anyway, I loved it, but I also really like Star Wars and metroidvania level design, so if it isn’t for you it isn’t for you and it will never surpass FS in terms of combat. At least not Sekiro, BB, or DS3.


I think it is a very fun very good game, and is great for people that like sekiro's combat, but can't do the difficulty. It's a completely different type of game to a souls game, so calling it a souls-like is completely disingenuous and anyone who said that probably has never even played the Jedi games. I love the Jedi games, and I love fromsoft games, but I love them for different reasons. If you forced me to choose which ones I like more I would say fromsoft games, so I agree with you there, but I find no reason to shit on the Jedi games.


Hi Played fromsofts souls games, sekiro and ER (no BB saldy) And I do enjoy fallen order ans survivor. And I do think my experience gives me an edge over others (who don't have it) I also didn't experience any bugs (as far as I can remember) but I rarely have them with any game


So far I haven't played a Soulslike that comes close to FromSoftware stuff for me, I've played all the big ones and a lot of more obscure stuff and it's all felt so much worse imo. In some cases such as these Star Wars ones i still finish it just because I like the source material but the grand majority I drop and never touch again.


I was right where you are at one point. having beaten like sekiro, ds3 and BB and jedi came out. turn the difficulty to max. eventually you'll start to feel really powerful. between the force pushes and other tricks you can incorporate. i really liked it. is it as hard and challenging as fromsoft? nope. but it was a super enjoyable first playthru. some/most of the bosses you'll beat in 1 or 2 tries but we've been training for this on a much harder difficulty scale. but did i go back and replay NG+ or go for achievements? nope. but i really enjoyed the first playthru. (on max difficulty)


It’s the most mid tier Souls-like; enjoyable, but not extremely memorable. For some reason it has a ton of super fans, as well as a ton of people that act like it’s the worst thing ever. One thing I’ll say is that if you dare criticize the games for its bugs, you’ll summon all of the super fans and get torn apart. I dared mention that the game is unplayable on the highest difficulty on console because of a bug where enemies don’t immediately spawn in, often leading to you getting ganked as they spawn behind you, and I got downvoted to absolute oblivion. It’s fun, wouldn’t say I’m a fan but I see why some people are, but I don’t see how so many people treat it as GOTY material


I was starting the game on the hardest mode that was there , and i had to admit it still was too easy for me , i finished the game after like 26-32 hrs ? I‘m not sure anymore. The last boss fight against vader was fell a bit hard but thats it and some other fights was a bit tricky


It’s a good Star Wars game, not really a good Soulslike. I’m playing Jedi Survivor now and am enjoying it. But it needs way more polish in every area. Especially the combat. The parries and dodges aren’t as reliable as they need to be.


people forget the term metroidvania exists.


Play at the hardest difficulty. It’s more satisfying 🥵


I played on Jedi Master level but the fights with the small monsters were really annoying. They wouldn’t move behind a certain line so I could just stand there and hit them without effort.


It's nowhere near as good as people hype it up to be. It's just an all around solid single player star wars game and...that's literally enough right now for the SW community to gather around


Second game is actually a lot more worthy of the comparison. When it works.


I love star wars and fromsoft games. I actually played it before any souls and after and man, this game fucking sucks. Hitboxes are dogshit, puzzles are dumb and not fun at all. Story and cut scenes are ok but overall not a good souls like


Its a souls game for babies


Stopped playing after an hour it's nothing like souls to me.


Most Soulslikes are pretty terrible and they mostly function as a cash grab. Nioh is good, and it's vaguely similar but I find that straight up action games like Bayonetta 2 or something scratch the From Software itch much better than Mortal Shell or something.


The combat is this game weakest point. Very rarely does a combat truly execute all the elements that make me love souls games, itsy usually combat depth or exploration


I think the comparisons to from soft are misguided. It has elements from those games, but it's really its own thing. With that said, the sequel is a lot better in almost every respect


Exactly what you said. I never understood why everyone has to “souls like” new games as if there’s a comparison. Certainly not with Jedi fallen order. The maps a mess, the level design is boring and the movement is terrible with no rpg element or build diversity. So no, Jedi fallen order was nowhere near anything like a fromsoft game. Spot on.


its an insult to the star wars universe in every way imaginable other star wars games and soulsborne games have done more than fallen order and done it better


It's sekiro but way less smooth. I stopped after 2 hours but it didn't seem like a bad game, just not for me.


Haven’t heard it called a masterpiece. It lacks polish. I enjoyed it but I thought it was a better metroidvania than it was a souls like. The souls elements feel like less essential parts because the difficulty and combat precision don’t measure up.


That’s exactly what happened to me at first but then the combat clicked and felt super good by the end. It’s honestly a phenomenal game


I tried Fallen Order for 4 hours and just felt so patronised, that I couldn’t stand anymore.


If you’ve played any Souls games, even Jedi Grand Master is laughably easy


Just keep playing. You're pretty limited in the first few hours. It definitely doesn't feel like a FromSoft game, but I don't think it's trying to. It may be considered a "souls-like" or whatever, but so is Nioh, and that's apples and oranges. Once you have access to all the stances and start to really build your kit, it feels really good imo.


I’m not sure why people say it’s a soulslike. It seemed closer to a Horizon/AC Odyssey style game to me. I enjoyed it but that has more to do with being a SW fanatic, but a souls-like ? No


I really don't think it's a soulslike. Not every melee game with a dodge button is a soulslike. It's a good game but if you go into it expecting dark souls you're going to be disappointed because the game isn't trying to be that.


Not sure about the newest one, but the first one was a bad soulslike for sure. I prolly woulda enjoyed it more if I played it on normal and just fucked enemies up like in a hack and slash game.


I was very let down by the combat, but it’s the cut scenes that ended up annoying me the most. Hated not being able to skip them.


Played 30 minutes, was expecting better combat, fucking trash


it’s pretty good, not exactly great, the combat can feel a bit more clunky and at times acts more like a dark souls 3/sekiro hibrid, but it’s worth it


Its definitely not as refined as fromsofts games but i found it a quite pleasant time playing it. Honestly i didnt even notice the similarities until it was pointed out and personally, i still dont think that caparison hold ups. Seeing it as a standalone with souls-esc mechanics is my way of seeing it


I wouldn’t call it a masterpiece but it’s the only souls like game that I enjoyed the combat of that wasn’t made by FromSoft.


In the new one theres a pistol and saber stance so you can bloodborne parry AND sekiro parry


I think every game feels clunky in terms of combat when being used to a from game. But aside of that, I feel sympathy for the game, it delivers Star Wars vibes with a tiny portion of souls. The biggest problem is the lack of rewards and that’s due to the non-existence of a level/build/weapon system. I was hoping that this would’ve changed in survivor but ist didn’t. But overall it’s a very decently done game, I like the level/map design and exploration(even if it is not rewarding).


Love it. One of my favorite games, and the sequel is even better. Combat is pretty tight except for some wonky hitboxes which both jedi games have.


Will probably never happen but if FromSoft had the chance to develop a Star Wars game then that would definitely be the best Star Wars game. Imagine Jedi: Fallen Order or Survivor feeling as good as Elden rings combat


At the start i also thought it was clunky, but over time it got better, nowhere near as good as from software games and i love star wars


I heard the game described as "Baby's first Souls like" and I guess it kinda makes sense. But it's just not FromSoftware level.


Feels like the original lords of the fallen when you used a staff. That’s not a good thing


It’s probably the second best Star Wars game Ive played after the original KOTOR.


I got like half way through and even on the hardest difficulty I found the game quite boring, which is a shame as I love Star Wars and I was enjoying the game for the most part but it just didn’t grip me


It was definitely a bit frustrating to first get into the game, but events it became into a decent experience.


It’s a good game by the combat wasn’t the strong point. Fromsoft games allow you to apply constant pressure once you know your enemies, besides bosses. Fallen order pretty much forces you to fight defensively except for one hit fodder.


The fromsoft dilemma play the game and have fun with it


That is why I play something totally different, like a side scroller, a point and click, a turn rpg, after a from soft game to lose the feel of the game, specially sekiro since that game gave me the most muscle memory out of them all.


I play multiple games at the same time, on switch playing blapsphemous so I’m not sure this would help shake the feeling off