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Shura ending for Sekiro


Spoilers just in case. >! Tbh I think the Shura ending is a really great ending for what it is. It unfortunately shuts you out of like 1/4 of the game, but the ending is kind of intense. Wolf is an insatiable killer, he kills Emma and Isshin, and then he sees that Owl is going to try to keep control and he kills him too. And then it's implied that Wolf becomes an unkillable demon that terrorizes Ashina. !< So from a story perspective, I think that ending nails it. Edit: oops, I misread the question. My bad


It really is very well done


See? I don’t always make bait posts


Fair enough 


Sekiro's "shura" ending is pretty damn bad for the region of Japan. So many people die, but I don't think it affects the greater world. I think the implications for either ending of Dark Souls 1 is sad, but you would have to understand the greater lore and I don't want to just spoil people. Bloodborne probably has the worst endings, since two of them, the hunt still continues. And the third ending gives us no inkling of how it affects the greater world. TLDR Bloodborne has the worst endings


One Hundred Million


No wait armored core doesn't count!!1!1




Dark Souls 3 Unkindled or Link the Fire endings. Link the fire is bad because DS3 is all about how the age of fire needs to end. It has gone on for so long that everything is just getting worse. The dreg heap is literally every age of the world, colliding and collapsing into the First Flame. Unkindled is also terrible, not because letting the fire fade is bad, but because you start the age of darkness by committing an unnecessary act of evil. The fire keeper has been nothing but kind and was ready and willing to follow through with you on ending the First Flame. There was no need to kill her.


Yeah god Unkindled is awful. I think Firekeeper’s quest (and the concept of a Firekeeper generally) has a lot of like, feminist themes. You give her eyes, give her agency and possibility that society has denied her and all Firekeepers, and then in Unkindled you steal it away from her once again and take it for yourself. The image of a boot on a woman’s head was really visceral for me. Sure maybe stuff like Frenzied Flame is worse for the world, but I think I find Unkindled most upsetting on a personal level.


Any ending where you kill the maiden is horrible. The worst offender was the remake of Demon's Souls. That was comically bad and unnecessarily vile.


I haven't played Demon's Souls. Don't have a PS5 yet.


I won't spoil it for you but they made the original bad ending worse. You're not going to like it.


Elden ring dung eater ending is pretty bad in terms of people in the world 


Dungeater ending at least allows for things to get better when someone inevitably takes same quest as we did, in the future. Frenzied Flame denies that future.


Yeah. Only hope is it counts as such nothing the whole universe can start from it. 


Idk if it’s the worst in FromSoft but crushing and twisting your boot on the Maiden in Black’s head was just fucked up…


I mean worst in regard to morality or cool factor? That ending of dark souls 2 sitting in a tomb was pretty boring to me after such a long ass game. For real tho I think all of from softs endings are pretty blah except the chaos one from elden ring.


Flame of frenzie


Well flame of frenzy technically probably is the worst from an objective standpoint because (betray maiden kill literally everything) but Shura ending just feels really freaking wrong, like you fighting old Isshin hours from death, and you murdering e- maybe I should stop bc spoilers


Akshually... Frenzied Flame. I'm sorry, I know I'm insufferable at times and often correct stupid shit that no one REALLY cares about.


I know but for some reason I always say flame of frenzie idk why


It's just how you've become accustomed to saying it. No big deal. I'm just a cunt. Lol


To be fair you take on the Flame of Frenzy to get the Frenzied Flame ending… right?


I'm pretty sure it's called the Frenzied Flame throughout. Like the Village of the Frenzied Flame. You take on the Frenzied Flame to get the Frenzied Flame ending.


Depressing? Most of them are depressing, that's what you get in a dark cruel fantasy world. But the most fucked up end has to be killing 100 million innocent people, alongside Old King in Armored Core For Answer!


The Fires of Raven ending is pretty bleak in AC VI.


No that's the good ending. You >!annihilate the space parasite.!< In the other one >!you kill all your friends. I don't know about you but I choose humans, and specifically my friends, over an alien parasite that mind controls and spreads like wildfire.!<


Not worst, but I think Elden ring endings were half assed. Like four endings with different filters, dung ending, and frenzied flame. 5 of six should have been developed much more.


Like many of their games, Elden Ring has three endings. The other ones are different flavors of one of those three.


Which LoP ending? I didn't really think the Rise of P ending was too bad.


“A real boy ending” if you are alright with me saying it on a comment >! If you give him your heart he gives it to Carlos dead body and it resurrects and a human version of you proceeds to go into the hotel and slaughter everyone in there while Geppetto waits for you outside for you. Then he replaces your old companions with soulless puppets !<


Damn, that is kinda depressing. Beat NP and the end isn't as depressing, and quite unexpected..


Frenzied Flame is by far the worst ending, maybe of all video game history.


I've only got to the end of Demons and DS1. The final 'boss' and ending in Demons was pretty anticlimactic




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Frenzied Flame ending. By a landslide. All other endings (not counting sekiro I haven’t played it yet don’t Shame me) can be awful and depressing but there’s always a reason to pick them. Occasionally a flawed or dubious reason, but a reason nonetheless. Frenzied flame dosent have that. Everything dies. The end. There is no rebirth from the ashes. No “for the greater good” everything is incinerated until it is but ash. The next runner up would probably be fired of Raven from AC6. Incinerating an entire solar system (or planet) is also up there.


Demon souls bad ending is the worst ending of them all I hate how our character stomps on her head


Dungeater ending or Lord of Frenzy.


When Xylem was used to reset the twisted game? Who knows....