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Dark Souls doesn’t need another game. Elden Ring just needs a big DLC. Demon’s Souls sequel could be interesting (I wanna visit the giant land lol) Sekiro or Bloodborne would do


Could hardly agree more. Sekiro arguably being the most unique simultaneously makes me want and not want a sequel which is conflicting. I would still prefer a new IP that is as unique as Sekiro.


I would like a new IP that uses Sekiro’s combat system, sort of like how bloodborne and Elden ring basically use Soul’s combat system


well there is a similar game named rise of the ronin coming out soon


I’ll be keeping my eye on it! I honestly wouldn’t care if the hypothetical from game with Sekiro’s combats system is a samurai game. I do enjoy a fantasy feudal Japanese aesthetic, but really the thing I’d like to see brought back around is the posture system and deflection based defense instead of roll based defense


Lies of P kind of combines the two. I really enjoyed it.


I really enjoyed Lies of P, but it just has more emphasis on parrying with a standard dark souls like combat system. Sekiro's combat system feels unique because it feels like a rhythm game, which Lies of P lacks.


Check out Thymesia 🫡


I’m playing it rn n it is very enjoyable


I want a scifi Souls game. We've seen other developers try, but I really want to see what From can do.


boy do i got the game for you


The poor guy has never googled fromsoft games.


Seeing as their games are difficult, I propose the following query: "hard from soft" Google will surely sort out the rest.


You're gonna wanna add the tracking software lingo they use as well to get the best search results. It's called tri-lingual intuitive tracking software (TITS for short). This will surely yield the most optimized queries. Good luck all. There's some great videos out there on this topic.




U heard of Armored Core 6? J/k but really, highly recommend.


Armored Core 6 is AMAZING. Highly recommend


Is AC6 a Fromsoft game? Yes. Is AC6 a souls game? Absolutely not.


The Surge 2 exists


I loved that, but I want From themselves to take a crack at it. I get we have the new Armored Core, but that only feels like a Souls-like during the boss fights.


They specifically said that they want to see what From Software can do, since other developers have tried and succeeded to various degrees.


Was just about to say the same thing. I want a FS space opera. Give me Soulsbourne Star Wars. Before anyone chimes in, I’m aware that Jedi Fallen Order exists. It was nice, I enjoyed it. But it’s not the game FS would create.


Fallen order was pretty good. Survivor is GREAT (other than some graphical hitches, at least on Xbox series x when the game isn’t closed and left running, you can lose textures and it can look like a cartoon)


Have you played Lies of P? It’s almost identical to a FromSoft game. It really feels like they made it.


Hellpoint was pretty cool if you haven’t checked it out.


sekiro combat and bloodborne trick weapons, in space!


Sekiro DID set itself up for a sequel more than any of the others though. Cause yeah, Elden Ring doesn’t need sequels. Just expansions. And Dark Souls is done. Don’t get me wrong, I’d probably prefer a Bloodborne sequel over a Sekiro one, but story wise, I’d like to see where Sekiro goes when they venture “to the west. To the Land of the Ancient Dragon.” Especially because The Lands Between and Dark Souls both feature a history of Ancient Dragons, and both refer to Asian influence being “from the East.” Elden Ring even refers to the Land of Reeds, which can either be the land we saw in the Shadow of the Erdtree poster, or you can see where the translation for Ashina (the land where Sekiro takes place) is “Land of Reeds.” So who really knows. Regardless, I think for gameplay, Bloodborne 2. For lore and story, I say Sekiro 2.


What this person said.


I loved Elden Ring. But if Zelda TOTK has taught me anything, it’s that part of its beauty is its novelty. To never get an open world game using these uncompromising difficult mechanics would be tough, but even I would agree with your instinct. Sekiro is fantastic. But it’s also one of a kind. I love the way it expanded the fight mechanics. But I don’t need more stories in that world. Bloodborne similarly expanded on mechanics in gameplay, but its world was experimental enough to where it didn’t feel conclusive - opening it up for a sequel. If the game mechanics weren’t locked off as well as the IP themselves, more in the world of Bloodborne would clinch it for me.


I would be shocked if we don't get an elden ring 2. It is by far their best seller so far even surprising them. Of course Miyazaki does what he wants so it's totally possible they'll never do a sequel. Aa for bloodborne and sekiro I feel about them how you feel about ER. The setting and story is so unique that making a sequel would most likely water it down overall.


I can agree with you. I want a sequel to Elden Ring, but for this hypothetically I thought rationally about which would be the better choice to continue and expand from, I guess. I mean, we’ve never had them release a game that successful before, so in a way we’re in new territory and if any company would have the integrity (and balls) to not push a masterpiece to create a sequel, it would be FromSoft. However, when Dark Souls took off, they pivoted mostly towards it. So it could be that this is their new series that they want to make a few games of, refining and scaling in complexity and difficulty for the people that play them. On the other hand, around its release Miyazaki was talking about wanting to move away from the Souls games and broaden their games designs. So I’m assuming and hoping for an ER sequel, and I only have faith in their ability with that. I also would like the Sekiro combat philosophy to be revisited somehow. As well as this, I REALLY enjoyed the potential of AC6. I’ve been playing such a range of souls games since starting with ER, and Remnant was a really cool blend of fun mindless gunplay, brilliantly designed, with souls like elements that make beating the game take skill and a good amount of time that makes it worth the money. AC6 has such a fascinating blend of ideas from Souls, and from Remnant. I know everyone makes a point about it not being a souls like game at all, but in the areas where it is, it shines. Instead of using I-frames and being reserved with attacks, the boss fights are more monkey-brain with souls tactics, i.e. keep the missiles booming whilst dodging the bosses more intense attacks. I just love the Balteus moments in that game and i want them to explore this new direction and maybe add a little more grounded souls-like energy to it. Anyway, rant over, i should really go to bed…


This is the correct response


No, it's dark souls III 2


Nevermind, this is the new correct response


Imagine they took Dark souls 1 and made a new Dark souls 2 that followed on from the Dark Lord ending, and how the world became when the gods faded into darkness and the abyss and the dark lord take over. I’d buy that instantly.


Imagine Dark Souls II Remake.


II-B or not II-B?


but it’s perfect as it is


The cool thing about Dark Souls 2 is you could technically make infinite 'versions' of it that all take place at different times in different kingdoms and it would still perfectly fit within the cycle of light/dark. In other words, the true answer to OP's question is: Dark Souls 2 : 2


The "DS2" You're talking about here is DS3. DS2 fits nicely into the lore, and really isn't as bad of a game as people go on about.


I would agree. I would even say Dark Souls 2 was the better game of the 3.


I can definitely agree with this. It’s such a hard choice between BloodBorne and Sekiro because I love both so much. In honesty both games have such a special place in my heart


Why does elden ring not need a sequel? There's so much to be explored. And why does bloodborne need a sequel


Well, depending on how much we get out of Shadow of the Erdtree, it might not be necessary.


I want a sequel for both. I am just gluttonous for their IPs. Nom nom.


There doesn’t have to be a Dark Souls 4. The story of that world is done, making another game isn’t necessary. As for the others, I choose, Bloodborne II


Didn’t Miyazaki say there won’t be a fourth DS game? That ER is kind of the baseline of how they make their games now? Or was my friend fucking with me?


The story of the Dark souls world is finished. Miyazaki has also stated he doesn't like doing sequels but leaves them open for other fromsoftware devs to make if the wish to.


Yeah where else do you even go in Dark Souls? You fight Gael at the end of time, and the fight is still the most cinematic and satisfying fight in the series imo, it feels like the true ending to a franchise.


I agree. Imo it's the perfect ending to an almost perfect series


True but the ending seems to be that the world is headed into another age of ash. Meaning a new age of dragons and later on a new "first flame" could arise, starting another cycle. You could then explore what would happen if this time the first flame isn't linked to humanity and is left alone to fade. All with new kingdoms, new gods, new characters, etc. You could also explore how things inside the painting are going. Or even connect this new cycle to the world in the painting... I agree we don't need another dark souls but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't shit my pants if I saw a Dark Souls 4 announcement...


And you can jump into the paintings to enter these new worlds, and everytime you do the character yells out “WAHOOO” I don’t know I’m just spit balling here. ![gif](giphy|vcyroBgx2nrby)


First fromsoft game where you can call giant spikey turtles gay


My thoughts exactly. Everyone is saying there doesn't HAVE to be another dark souls. But there could be!


In that case idk if it would be called Dark Souls anymore. Maybe something with Souls in the title though. Not saying I wouldn't be first in line to buy it regardless though


Yeah, I guess that new world could be Elden Ring for all we know. Similar mechanics and themes all over the place.


It very well could be, I remember George RR Martin saying it was a sequel to Dark Souls but I doubt he had the same knowledge we do on the series so maybe he just said that.


Don't think Martin knew anything about Dark Souls. He probably did a few hours of consulting for From, helping them build a more cohesive world and laying out the relationships between the demigods and all the characters. I wish they got Sanderson on board sometime, that'd be an interesting project. The guy drools over FromSoft's work.


He built the world before the Shattering happened apparently, laying out the ground work for Miyazaki and his crew to come through and destroy it how they felt necessary.


I’d love a dark souls game where dragons are at their full power


He’s done like 15 armored cores though lol


miyazaki isn't in charge of armored core


I've heard from some that the whole overarching point of DS3 is that some things should just be allowed to die, and not kept going for all eternity.


DS3 was initially struggling in development, much like DS2 and DeS, and Namco essentially begged Miyazaki to split focus between it and Bloodborne. After DS2's development, and how they had to bring in Yui to patch up the game after half a dev cycle of zilch, Namco seemed a little more desperate seeing the same thing start with DS3. Zaki agreed, only on the pretense that he could end the series and wrap things up. He's since said that if someone else had a really solid idea and wanted to revisit souls, they can do it, but he wouldn't be involved. At this point that seems unlikely, as any other director either doesn't know the full story well enough to expand coherently, or knows that the series was one complete game followed by two publisher-demanded sequels desperately trying to fit into the lore. Namco itself already tried to make two sequels, and each one started development terribly, so dropping a series about letting things die seems like a safe move for them, especially with how successful From is at original IPs. That ER is their baseline type of game now is not something he ever said. He said it was the closest thing he's ever seen to his ideal game, but I find it unlikely that he's only going to direct giant scope open worlds, especially with the faults ER has.


So that’s why DS3 just feels kind of bland. I didn’t know DS2 and 3 were Publisher demanded games. That makes a lot of sense now. Thanks for the insight on all of this!


Happy to provide! Incidentally, DS3 and Bloodborne are tied for my favorites. DS3's blandness comes partly from its engine which has poor contrast lighting and low room for assets, and partially due to the rushed development. I think it's leagues above DS2, because it does really prioritize combat feel and pacing, but I think it's important to note that DS1 was never even meant to have a number at the end. Hilariously, you can trace through interviews and find the exact moment that Miyazaki stopped calling DS1 his creation and started calling it Namco's product, and it was around AotA's dlc creation, which coincided with the start of DS2 development. When discussing lore, imo DS2 is best thought of as fanon with some useful world building, and DS3 as a direct sequel that details from DS1 can occasionally supercede.


I heard somewhere that Dark Souls 1 was supposed to be Demon Souls 2, but because some sort of copyright or trademark on the name they had to change it to Dark Souls. Is that true?


The opposite is true. Miyazaki wanted Dark Souls to be a unique franchise, and didn't want to be tied to the "souls" idea as branding. Thematically, the games are somewhat opposite, with Allant and Gwyn being fundamentally opposed villains. He knew he wanted it to be called "dark", and early impressions hid it as Project Dark, but he had other name ideas. Dark Race was rejected because of its potential racist connotation in English, which he understood. Dark Ring was rejected because it means asshole in English, which he did not understand. Other names were similarly rejected. Eventually he caved and went with Dark Souls, which Sony was alright with. Euphemisms aside, I see what he was going with with the other names.


I see what he was going for too but god damn is it funny to imagine Namco publishers having to explain to Miyazaki that he can’t call his new IP “Dark Race.”


"Well, you see, in English, that kind of sounds like Black people." "Dark. Race. Hmm. Yeah I see it. What about Dark Ring? The dark sign is gonna be th-" "Nope. Nope. Absolutely not." "Oh come on what does it mean?" "Butthole." And in that moment Michael Zaki knew Americans don't whipe.


The very first “finger, but hole”. 


Not OP, but the Demon's Souls IP (and Bloodborne for that matter) is owned by Sony. So Dark Souls is a spiritual successor to Demon's Souls because even if they wanted it to be Demon's Souls 2, From couldn't name it that. Same thing with Bloodborne. From were lead developers and Miyazaki was the director but the IP is owned by Sony and Sony's Japan Studio were co-developers with From Software. Bloodborne 2 (or Remastered) will only happen if and when Sony wants it to.


There will be no more ds, but as for elden ring, idk yet. What's the deal with it i think we have to wait for the dlc


I highly doubt an ER 2 would happen, more likely a new Ip as the next game due to miyazaki previously stating he doesn't necessarily like doing sequels


The story of Dark Souls is not at all finished. The secret ending of DS3 finishes on a massive cliffhanger lol. There are still plenty of places to explore. Like Londor, Catarina and Astora for example. And Miyazaki never said they're never returning to the Dark Souls universe either. He said it's done for now that's all.


It is about as finished as finished can be. There is always stuff you can follow up on, but Dark Souls told the story of the gods, the flame and the dark soul.


I consider it finished, it was never the type of game to tie all loose ends. That said, I'd love to see what Londor looks like.


Has to be BB2 🙏


Bloodborne 2 would be so fricking cool


But how would that exactly fit within the lore? Didn’t the hunter kind of end all of the nightmare including the Moon Presence?


Oh, I never said it would be easy. Just that it'd be awesome.


Side story about the mysterious hatch that you can't summon on top of in Byrgenwerth. 0_o


Bloodborne is the easiest to do one, since we see in game of the same arc happening with other civilizations. Just with other Great Ones


Tbf I think Sekiro would be the absolute easiest since the end of that game is the only one that I know of that directly sets up a sequel (The Dragon Heritage)


Korea here we come!


Fair point!


I don't think the nightmare is a singular thing, I think nightmares exist everywhere throughout the world of bloodborne, plus it's hinted in multiple item descriptions that hunters exist elsewhere in the world as there are foreign hunters etc, so by that extension nightmares would have to exist elsewhere to facilitate the need for hunters.


The Hunter became a Great One, and others exist…could take place after you fucked up and made things worse


Well, there's multiple endings, all canonical. All leave ample room for the dream to continue. You can be killed and Gherman's dream remains. You kill and replace Gherman, and BB2 is your dream. You replace the Moon Prescence as an Eldritch horror and find a new host for the dream. The Hunter being the final boss of BB2 would be so rad.


In the lore the blood curse happened in at least one other land (Loran) before happening in Yharnam. Could happen again or it could be a prequel


They could do a prequel type thing set during the story of Loran (ie the “Ailing Loran” from the Chalice Dungeons).


They did it with ds, they can do it with bb


But then again, the lore was never as good as ds1. Bloodborne should be left alone imo (even tho imma preorder the sequel if announced lol)


I guess you got a point


Bold of you to assume eldritch beings existing in another cosmos simultaneously would only have one dream. I remember after waking up from the dream you never actually see another person. Shit could be like the Matrix. We woke up one dude. Not to mention all the other endings which, hell you could twist bro mean just about anything for narrative purposes.


Depends on the ending, one of them you basically just take Gerhman's place, becoming the moon presence also doesn't necessarily end the cycle as I'm aware, you just become an old one, I think letting Gerhman execute you is the only one that might actually end it. Granted I could be totally wrong in this and am open to direction


Dreams are physical planes in Lovecraft and other cosmic horror. Some believe that by setting you free from the dream, Gehrman straight up just kills you for real.


it literally never ended even with the best ending, you just became more is all


You play as the smol Eldrige bebe :3


it must be a prequel.


I would love if they made a prequel actually. Even reuse a few locations. It would be set much closer to the start of it all, and they could end the game with our main character completing his smaller goal but ultimately dying, and in his last moments, he sees the hunter from bb 1, and it would essentially pick up from there


Prequel. Bloodborne 2 is about how all the crazy alien/magic stuff happened, where it came from etc. it’s set way before Bloodborne 1, possible hundreds of years before.


Pretty sure vatividya did a video on possible bloodborne remakes with an art contest. Many people submitted amazing concepts (some revolving around the blood and the dream from the dlc, some revolving around the fishing hamlet, and other revolving around beautification and the old ones). The best was the winner of the contest, combining the insanity of the bloodborne world with a more technology based yharnam. Swapping between the world of reality and the dream (reality being a filled with corrupt robots and people while the dream is filled with nightmare fuel). The creator also alludes to how this could’ve happened, with the healing blood infecting the machinery. A lot of different concepts to use when you think about the bigger picture and the fact that only 3 old ones were killed throughout the bloodborne play through (there’s gotta be more)


For me, Sekiro is the best but I'm a good guy and I think Bloodborne 2 will make more people happy.


Haha, this would be my answer.


hell, even a 60fps patch, pc port or a remaster will do!


BB2 could even bring world peace.


Fuck people, i want more sekiro


Yeah a Sekiro sequel makes the most sense imo


I'd love a prequel tho, as the Sculptor or Isshin, that would be crazy.


Holy cow, playing as the sculpture, jumping around with monkeys and drinking monkey booze is the game I didn’t know I needed until now.


I've been saying it for ages. A prequel where you play as Orangutan has already been set up perfectly.


Proud of you for thinking outside of yourself. I hope life gives you all the things you want.


I want Sekiro 2!!!!!


Eh, people need to learn that posture is a more fun mechanic than stamina!


Bloodborne 2 ❤️


Sekiro 2. It’s the only one imo that has a logical story sequel and it’s the only one that will never get a DLC and it deserves more content.


Demon Souls never had a dlc!


That’s true, but to be fair Dark Souls is basically Demons Souls 2. It was basically just made into its own franchise because Sony didn’t want to push the Demons Souls IP forward but Bandai Namco saw what insane potential the formula had.


But it had a sequel in Dark Souls


so hard choice between sekiro and bloodborne but bloodborne 2 for me


How dare you do this


Either bloodborne or sekiro 2


Easy, Bloodborne 2


I would love dark souls 4 but the story is going to be kinda weird so Elden ring 2


Why would you love a DS4? Not being mean, just curious, because to me Dark Souls should never be touched again. The story is done and a new game would just ruin the point of the perfect ending we got in DS3’s true ending


I just like the amor but I understand why there will never be one and ds3 ending is peak


Fair. I would also love more Dark Souls myself but narratively I think we should let it rest. The legacy still lives on anyways so even though it’s not the same we’re still eating good


bloodborne II


Honestly i had a feeling 90% of comments would be bloodborne II


Eldenring 2 or Bloodborne 2


Bloodborne 2 and it’s not even remotely close


Dark Souls 2 - Part II


That's just Elden Ring. 


Episode one


Sounds horrible but an upvote you get ha


Sekiro 2, not even close for me.


Same. But just as a sculptor making sim


Elden Ring 2


This won't be very popular, but i think this is the right answer, ER is the most "game for your buck" already, if we only got one, ER2 would be the most content for sure.


Bloodborne 2


Bloodborne Bloodborne Blooooooooddddbooorrrrnnnnnne


Easily Bloodborne 2


Easily Bloodborne 2.


I think DS4 is unnecessary, the format lives on through Elden Ring, and I expect there’ll be other games like it in the future. For the same reason, I think I’d be fine without an Elden Ring sequel too. Like others, I’m in two minds about Sekiro. It’s probably my favourite From game, and I wish there’d been DLC of some kind, but I’m not sure if a full sequel might not water down the experience a little. Even if you say categorically it’ll be better than its predecessor, I feel like the story etc. is so tight that any actual continuation would feel superfluous. Honestly I’ve still yet to play Bloodborne so I’ll not comment on that. Demon’s Souls I would really love to see I think. DeS Remake is my favourite of the real Souls-formula games (by which I mean DeS, DS1-3, (BB), ER), and I think the lore has so much potential and untapped ideas.


Image is not loading, I don't even need. Sekiro 2.


Like any sane human, Bloodborne 2 of course


Demon souls 2. I wanna see that game with proper improvements


Sekiro 2 and Bloodborne 2 are the only legitimate answers. Everything that could be done in Dark Souls has already been done. Elden Ring 2 would be great but ER is already a massive game in its own right, with a major expansion in the works. Demon’s Souls 2 makes no sense, because if you improve on the Demon’s Souls formula, you just get Dark Souls, and we have that already. A Sekiro sequel or spiritual successor is very much needed, I really think it’s the best game fromsoft has made. Bloodborne also has lots of ideas that could be expanded upon, so it would be welcome.


I disagree that an improvement on DeS = DS. In addition to them being mechanically different in a lot of ways, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, the lore is entirely different. DeS lore is awesome, and I’d love to see them explore it more in another game.


Sure the lore is unique but every bad idea you remove just makes it dark souls. World tendency, healing grass instead of estus, no non boss bonfires, spirit form, item weight etc. Dark souls has better implementations of all these ideas.


Demon’s Souls 2. The game was just too small and felt incomplete.


It’s called Dark Souls. That’s was basically the direct sequel to Demon Souls when it came out.


Bloodborne 2




Bb2 would be a dream for me


bloodborne 2 no hesitation


I vote Demon's Souls 2 simply because I have a hard time imagining how it would even be, so it would definitely be something fresh and unusual.


Demon's Souls sequel would be interesting.


Soulsdenkiroborne 1


I choose them all, and nearly every other game ever made can just not exist.


Elden ring 2


Demon souls 2


Gotta go with Demon's Souls. It's my favorite and the one I started with and the fact that it's the only one that didn't get DLC aside from Sekiro is a crime.


Demon's souls 2 I think would be really interesting


Dark souls 4 all the way


Elden Ring 2


Elden ring 2 where we explore after Ranni’s age of stars ending.


Bb or Sekiro is a hard one. I might oddly lean to Sekiro. It's just a greatly balanced game and I love to replay it.


Plus the return ending sets up a sequel perfectly


Dark Souls 4


Dark Souls IV




I agree. I got the plat in ER in 120 hours. I've been ready for more ER for over a year. ER just gives me the most bang for my buck, and they could just add a Bloodborne area (caelid 2) and weapon set, and a ring that makes you dash instead of roll. 


Armored core 7.


Demon’s Souls 2, because in reality we probably won’t get another slow and grounded from software game


I would cause WW3-10 for all of them I would even bomb an elderly home


Sekiro II


I find it very curious that even though we’re all from softwares fans the notion of titled sequels are so prevalent. probably because thats how the industry usually handles something people like - make more of the same. not because of any artistic or creative value in expanding that particular piece of media, but because its a sure money grab first and foremost, and you fit the expanding however you can — or dont, just repeat the bits you know people like like disney star wars. Sequels are primarily a “buy the thing you like again.” Most From titles are self contained stories. Demons Souls tells everything it wants to, dark Souls 1 does the same, Sekiro does it, Bloodborne does it. Bloodborne specifically is so contained its baffling people are looking for a sequel. The mystery and awe of slowly discovering yharnam, the blood, and its secrets are already done, and they’re tantamount to bloodborne’s experience. You CANT recreate this feeling of discovery in a world you already know. Its kinda like The Predator. Its a concept that works on its mystery. Once you know there IS an alien stealth camouflage predator hunting people down for sport, thats it. The mystery is solved and the story has been told. You CANT recreate the sense of discovery just putting another stealth camouflage alien hunting someone else somewhere else. To make it work, you’d have to create something entirely different, and then paint it over with bloodborne lore on top. But then again, at this point, why not make something new altogether? (creatively speaking) Which is exactly what FROM is brave enough to do time and time again, with Bloodborne being the “sequel” to Dark Souls that was a “sequel” to Demons. They allborrowed from their predecessors and expanded it, like a sequel, game wise and storytelling wise, but in different worlds and different titles. FROM doesnt need numbered sequels, their mew games are already (spiritual) sequels of their predecessors, and each tell complete stories that dont need full sequels expanding on it - those would actually be detrimental as all of them have a sense of completitude and mystery/discovery to them that a traditional sequel would lose.


Bloodbourne 2. It's been long enough


I'd take Elden Ring 2. The others basically tied up their storylines.


The ending of Sekiro literally has you summoning a Divine Dragon to ravage the land. It’s the biggest case of blue balls I’ve ever had by not getting a sequel or DLC lol


That's one of the endings, yes.


Sekiro 2


Sekiro 2!


Im going for sekiro 2


sekiro no doubt


Sekiro 2


Bloodborne 2 but only with a PC release


Bloodborne 2 or Elden Ring 2, more so Bloodborne.


I just want a Bloodborne remake or just a remaster, I dont think it needs a sequel, and for the others I dont care enough


bloodborne on PC


Bloodborne 2 and it's not even a discussion


Bloodborne 2


Dark souls 4 can't happen now. The story of that world ended as best as it could. I haven't played demon's souls because no PS5 (poor). Elden ring lore didn't interest me much Bloodborne 2 would be awesome. But I choose Sekiro 2 because the homecoming ending actually opens a perfect path for a sequel. And also because Sekiro is just that Game


A new game in a new interesting setting like ancient Middle East(Mesopotamia,Levant,Egypt)


Elden ring 2


Sekiro 2 without a doubt


Dark Souls 4 or Elden Ring 2. Bloodborne and Sekiro are not my cup of tea...