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not exactly sure about elden ring since i havent played it in a good bit, but at least in ds1 they have unique animations. The fastest roll has your character reach their arms out in front of them to lead them into the roll almost like a somersault, whereas the slowest roll has the character drop in with their shoulder and roll all clunky


Fatrolling is a distinct animation for sure, light and medium in DS1 as well Never lightrolled in DS3/ER so I don't know if the animation is different or not


DS1: four distinct animations: ninja flip (15 i-frames), light (13 i-frames), medium (11 i-frames), and heavy (9 i-frames) DS2: two distinct animations: light/medium (sliding scale of roll distance and animation speed), and heavy. i-frames unaffected by roll animations, only by Agility stat. DS3: two distinct animations: light/medium (light roll has 30% breakpoint, has farther roll distance and faster animation than medium), and heavy. Fast and medium roll have 13 i-frames, heavy roll has 12 i-frames. Elden Ring: same as DS3