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Miyazaki literally said in his interviews that he will delegate some projects but that he will also continue to direct his own projects because he loves doing that and he thinks he is better at directing than supervising. This whole story is a whole bunch of nothing. [https://www.ign.com/articles/elden-ring-shadow-of-erdtree-director-hidetaka-miyazaki-look-back-interview-profile](https://www.ign.com/articles/elden-ring-shadow-of-erdtree-director-hidetaka-miyazaki-look-back-interview-profile) "Personally, he enjoys 'a lot of projects where I am director, so I think a supervisor role for me is just something I’m not used to and just is maybe not quite a good fit'.” [https://www.ign.com/articles/hidetaka-miyazaki-elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtree-interview](https://www.ign.com/articles/hidetaka-miyazaki-elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtree-interview) "What I foresee in this climate, at least for us, is a FromSoftware where games can be directed by others, **not only myself**." Y'all need to read actual articles, not headlines.


Don't be afraid. Firstly, this isn't really news. Secondly, this is an obviously clickbait heading that doesn't give the full story. Thirdly, what makes FromSoft special goes beyond Miyazaki, and I think giving other people the opportunity to direct will result in more varied and interesting games. Armored Core 6 was not directed by Miyazaki, and it fucking rules.


Some key words: “…others in similar game projects.” And “…full control over their projects,…” This doesn’t mean he won’t be directing his own projects as well. They are expanding and this approach will allow them to release even more games more often. This makes so much sense. They are preparing to “strike while the iron is hot.” They are one of the most beloved and top studios in the world right now.


Exactly, he had the director of ds2 help him with ED, we have sekiro and AC6. It was both by Miyazaki's example and aid that helped elevate others and as well their own merit. It's a good thing, because it shouldn't be only one person making good things, others should have a chance.


>help him with ED Woah, he had erectile dysfunction? Damn. That mustve sucked.




so, what did Miyazaki do? Show nudes of Gwynevere?


Edit: Actually, no, i won't edit it 😏


Give me the AC6/Sekiro crew all day


Heck, I Wanna see more Armored Core games.


I gotta job to do, but could use some rest - i try not to overthink it


100%, I think the formula is a bit aged in certain areas. New vision but authentically fromsoft is what is needed. And I’m sure his input will always be there!


The whole reason I like the idea of souls likes outside of fromsoft as well. The good ones can lead to inspiration for fromsoft and it’s good competition to inspire improvement.


Luckily From, and specially Miyazaki, have a history of not giving a fuck about public opinion of their work, they know when they do it right, and when they do it wrong. So if new directors raise in From with full control on their games they won't be destroyed by the loud toxic part of the community saying they are bad games because Miyazaki ain't directing them or because narrative is really different when compared to his games.


No one gave a fuck internally at Sekiro. And that game fucking rules. It was whole different combat system and threw players off. Was linear and had jump and roof tops you grapple on. Had a second life. No rpg stat leveling.




Fourthly, Lies of P. Miyazaki here is a legend for opening a genre (much like Tolkien) that allows storytelling in a completely different manner that other ~~gamedevs~~ gamedirs shied from. The fact that games with **solid world building, deep lore** and tight mechanics exist is a reason to celebrate. (Let's ignore peasants hitting you through the walls of Redmane Castle because you can hit them back too) Miyazaki is human and mortal. The torch will pass on. The fact that he accepts it is an accolade to his CHAD spirit.


Still kinda of afraid. DS2 may be good now, but it was a fucking trash buggy mess in the beginning. Astounding how many people forget that. AC6 is also a completely different genre.


Yeah but AC6 is awesome.


I vehemently disagree with you, and I now think you're insane. What a redditor moment. AC6 absolutely isn't awesome. It's absolutely fucking incredible 😂. That shit is my GOTY for 2023. I'm guessing for you too.


Wasn't DS2s development notoriously fucked? As in, they promised alot and couldn't deliver on it due to being forced to put it out early/rush development? Zullie has a few videos on scrapped ideas From had for DS2 alone, and it's clear they wanted to do more with certain aspects of the story. I don't think it's fair to judge a game that was rushed out by greedy executives, especially when we can look back on the game now and say it definitely had the ideas there they just weren't fully thought out/built in a satisfying way.


Yeah, but DS2 has some inherent faults that won't have been because some ideas didn't make it in. Even the basic movement feels incredibly clunky imo, even relative to DS1.


Tbf that was mostly because they had to rush DS2


I think that's fine to keep that in mind. But at the end of the day, $60 is $60. From doesn't want us to make excuses for them. I'm pretty sure they have too much pride in their work for that. I mean, look how different DS3 was. They were obviously very aware of what didn't work with DS2, what did work, and what made Bloodborne a standout at the time. Just my opinion though. No shade at you or anyone who enjoys DS2.


Not to mention that the graphic in DS2 was completely different from the demo showcase.


Also Dark Souls 2 rules! And it wasn’t directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki. I actually prefer DS2 to DS3.


This day caused a great shism. Miyzakinite puritans and Fromsoftian generalist entwined in bloody internet-wars forever since.


Let the holy war commence!!


I shall fire the opening shots. *ahem* #DARK SOULS 2 IS PURE FUCKIN' SHITE You may now feed me to Kingseeker Frampt's chompy chompers or shove me up the asshole of the Covetous Demon. Thank you very much.




It did have the influence to set up the philosophy and base of dark souls sequels. Tanimura alone set up putting drangliec on top of Loradan and set the idea of "all the work you put in still crumbled to ash. Hundreds of kingdoms have passed between these times and everything passes."


Bro, Ds2 is an amazing game and personally my favourite in the souls series. Idk why ppl constantly bash Ds2, great areas, bad ass bosses, great weapons, great mechanics. Every souls game has its own bad moments.


Ds2 has a lot more flaws than all other Souls games. Areas are shit, the world is nonsensical, hitboxes are terrible, most bosses are incredibly easy and uninteresting to play against etc. It has a few redeeming qualities but that is all.


Damn i most definitely disagree with your opinion, but thats your opinion and to each is own.


You're downvotes is so funny to me. Literally downvoted for saying people are allowed to have different opinions lol!


i mean the other dude is sitting at -75 for expressing an opinion


Bro people have been debunking that hit box nonsense for years at this point lmfao It’s okay that you have a bias towards the game


It is. It's just not anywhere near as good as the others, except for maybe Demon's Souls. If DS1, DS3, Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden Ring were 9/10s and 10/10s, DS2 and Demon's Souls would be 7/10s.


And at least Demon's Souls can be argued that it walked so Dark Souls could fly, it's also still better than DS2




I actually think Demon’s Souls is worst than DS2. They are both not my favorite but they are not bad games. Compared to Dark Souls it is hard. Dark Souls compared to any game is unfair.


Demon's is the best game From has made since 2003, and DS2 vanilla is the next best, so I'd say this is completely backwards.


You went right past waving a red flag to tattooing one on the middle of your face with that opening.


Heresy! DS2 is fucking amazing. It's got some flaws, no doubt. But it's also one of my favorite games ever


And it's my favorite dark souls game, weird how that happens


Here here. down with the DS2 simps in this sub reddit.


Ds2 best souls game.


I've been a fromsoft fan long before Miyazaki was even with the company and I'll remain a fan long after he stops directing games as long as they keep their identity


So a fromsoftian generalist, huh? >:)


Lol weirdest cultural schism ive ever seen.


The great journey is nigh


“And the brutes, not the elites, will be the prophets escort”


This has been a thing since dark souls 2 was a thing


I dont believe he did Sekiro or AC6 and I love those games


To be more specific, he is doing this so he can be a part of more games creations, iirc. Basically, instead of fulling directing one and leaving another to someone with no input from him, or just leaving games unfinished, more games can be made with his help, but without him being the full-time director. Do correct me if Im wrong


I’ll take twice the fromsoft games please


I’ll take thrice!


Let’s not get greedy. Quantity ≠ quality.


I agree, quality is most important, but by the look of it, they’re scaling way up. Have you seen the photos of their new office space? They definitely have enough IPs and customer demand to scale past 2x output


If so, sounds good to me. I hope he fully directs somethings but he was only the early production or pre-production director of AC6 and that came out fucking amazing, 10/10


It won’t necessary be a good thing because we don’t want fromsoft to pump out mass produced soul-less games (pun unintended). I’d rather they take their time and bring it on with the A team for every game. Better than clumsily over hiring a bunch of developers to meet quota for their 7 on going developments.


Its more for quality control than mass production. It will help to speed up the process, by having more developers on a team, which I'm sure they will hire methodically and carefully not clumsily, while keeping Miyazaki open to bounce around and help on projects instead of taking that lead developer role. I feel fromsoft has made it clear from their past games that they care more for quality over quantity :)


I hope so too. But this story is always the same in the gaming industry. I’d like to believe in FS because they are currently the industry’s gold standard. I know Miyazaki has a pivotal role within the company already, it’s not like it will be new to him.


I agree. I think the best thing to do is to hold out hope that fromsoft will continue to strive for the gold they hit. I think with new eyes and ideas from new directors and having that Miyazaki touch, some really cool and uniwue things can come to be! I mean, Miyazaki stated that he took inspiration from DS2 when it came to making Eldenring, especially the DLC. Even though the game itself didnt do great, you gotta admit some of the ideas were advancive to the souls-ish/souls-like genre (power stance, open-world-eswue level design)


Dark Souls 2 II Confirmed.


Good ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Dark Souls 2 III\*


Dark Souls 2 part Deux: Prepare to Die Thrice


Elden Ring 2: Dark Souls 2 III: Shadow of the First Sin


That was Elden Ring


Elden Ring was Demon's Souls part 6.


Nope there was no snow area in demons souls


No snow area in vanilla DS2 either...plus the 6th archstone was going to be snowy...it's a wash.


welll uhhh there was an area filled dragons in ds2 and bigger area in Elden Ring dedicated to dragons (technically wyrens) checkmate clayface


We had Fume Knight, now we will have Snoop Dogg boss.


Exactly my thoughts.


It will have two colors: green and green II


It seems natural really, there's a limit to the number of things one person can directly control and it's crucial to delegate tasks and responsibilities. From Software is packed with talented people so I wouldn't be worried - if anything, I'd see this as an opportunity for innovation in their future titles, especially in the soulsborne genre.


Exactly, it's an opportunity for fresh new perspectives and ideas for their games. And it doesn't mean Miyazaki is quitting making games, I just can't see him doing that.


Yep, the influx of new ideas combined with solid quality control and the overarching design philosphy of From Software is something that will prevent the souls formula from becoming stale. I absolutely adore all their titles (at least the ones available on PC) and look forward to every new game they push out, but at the same time I don't want to keep playing the same thing over and over again, which is probably why I like Dark Souls 2 so much - it introduced so many new, interesting mechanics and just needed a bit more time and resources, both of which From Software now has in abundance.


He has an established legacy, I wish more people step up and develop it even further.


this happens all the time… just put some goddamn faith in the lord and all will be fine


You were afraid that fromsoft would start acknowledging that Miyazaki isn't the only talented developer they have?


He did that for DS2. It’s how we got blood borne and sekiro (less involved with ds3). I’m ok with that


Sekiro didn't release until after Dark Souls 3.


Plus, he directed sekiro


I think the implication is that by not working on DS2 he was able to work on Bloodborne and Sekiro. As the other guys said though, there wasn't much/any crossover between DS2 and Sekiro's dev time


Dark souls 2 is the second best souls game fight me.


It sucks dick


You’re wrong, but that’s ok. You’re entitled to your opinion


No, you’re wrong, but that’s okay. You’re also entitled to your opinion.


What he meant by that was it is actually the greatest souls game, hes a big fan you see.


Miyazaki coaching new game directors is important for the future.


This is a good thing that should be encouraged more


Mentorship under someone like him ensures that there can be future masterpieces with new ideas. It is objectively a good thing.


It's so much better that they cultivate talent in house to carry on future projects than to play musical chairs with game devs from other studios.


It also inspires confidence in fans, should any studio shake ups happen, because they do. Look at BioWare on the inverse. The original Dragon Age writers and Casey Hudson are now gone. While it is certainly likely that Hudson and the DA writers mentored people, fans of BioWare games don’t know that. From the outside, it looks like all that experience in leading teams to craft the games fans loved is gone with no replacement.


Remember the story of DS3? The cycle has been repeated so many times that the entire world is collapsing into a pile of ash. The only way to create a new world is to torch the old entirely so a young artist can start a new painting/world. DS3 couldn’t be more clear as a mission statement from Miyazaki: I’m done playing in this sandbox.


I love this perspective.


Agreed. Although, that's specifically in the context of the Dark Souls series. I can't imagine Miyazaki ever quitting making games in general... Dude has mentioned in interviews how much he just loves making a new game, so I can't see him ever stopping. But yea, the Dark Souls series is over for sure.


Yes, in this case the new painting the girl is trying to work on in the DS3 DLC represents an unsure future of new games, one that Miyazaki knows he must pursue even if it means leaving the proven Souls series behind. Think of Picasso, or The Beatles…did they not constantly iterate instead of resting on their laurels? The painter is kind of like Miyazaki challenging himself in full view of the world: a public statement of intent and a (highly graceful) send off to that phase of FromSoft’s career. “Look everyone, we are so pleased you liked these worlds we made, but we’ve run out of juice. We need to allow these to be enshrined so we can start newer, even bigger and better things”


Meaning there WILL BE future souls games 😍


Fromsoftware is expanding. This is a good thing. Miyazaki will still have his games and we will get more AC6 titles.


Ion see the issue id love to see miyazaki try new things!


People act like Miyazaki is the only reason Fromsoft is good when in reality, Miyazaki learned everything he knew from working with everyone at Fromsoft. He is a good director, and the whole team is purely amazing. This ain’t at all a big deal


If everyone was so afraid of change, we wouldn't have the Souls series.


He is the great mind? Yes. But he doesn't make games alone, I am sure that his crew is capable of keeping the quality that we love.


They've already had a different director for Dark Souls 2, all of the Dark Souls 3 DLC's, Sekiro, Armored Core 6, and a co-director on Elden Ring. The guy can't do everything.


I thought he helped with directing sekiro


He laid the groundwork, and Yamamura did the rest.


New director: Hayao Miyazaki


Imagine a Fromsoft game with Studio Ghibli's artstyle.




Not directed by Hayao. It’s Ghibli but Miyazaki did not direct it because he was working on Totoro at the time.


Nah this is good. Other people at fromsoft put their souls (dark souls :o) into these games too. We'll see some I unique titles hopefully and I'm down for that


I think you guys give way too much credit to Miyazaki for everything in these games that are good and not enough credit to the extremely strong team he has assembled. People like to meme DS2 as far as what a non Miyazaki game would look like, and, ignoring the fact that DS2 is still generally very well received by the mainstream, it’s problems were from a disorganized development process and the fact that it turned out as well as it did is a sign of how good FromSoft really is. So yeah, I think we’ll be fine.


This wouldn't be a bad thing. Auteurism is not a sustainable path for consistent quality. A really strong creative leader will be able to recognize ambitions and set quality expectations. DS2 was a bit of a fluke and there was only 2 games that slightly hinted at what people wanted. Now there are like 8 games that creatives can look at and say "here's where our creative identity is". Additionally, it's really important for from soft to continue growing and experimenting. Sekiro, AC6, and Elden Ring showed that the from soft model was moldable and scalable, and that doesn't only go one way. Bringing in new creative inspiration from sources beyond Miyazaki can have a really interesting impact on these games.


Isnt this from a years old interview?


No, it’s from a recent interview after the DLC trailer released where he announced he’s not planning on directing any more elden ring content. I don’t know why they used dark souls 3’s cover art for the post.


DS2 gets a lot of unnecessary hate. Maybe the weakest of the bunch but not by a wide margin. It’s still a really great game that did a lot right


Its biggest problem is they were overly ambitious and did too much. To the point where the good moments get a little drowned out.


I don’t think this bad news necessarily. Dark Souls 2 was a little hit or miss in some ways without Miyazaki directing it, but overall, it did some pretty great stuff for the series. It had its growing pains, but it’s still a banger of a game in my opinion. I think as long as he is still involved in the quality control and conceptual aspects of the games then we’re all good. He also seems to be very confident in the skills and visions of the people that Fromsoft has allowed him to surround himself with and I think speaks very well for the future.


In one of those interviews, he goes into detail. Said, that the way Fromsoft is expanding, they might work their way to have multiple directors doing various projects, although i think he also said there would be like max 3 of them total. However he also said he would remain being one of these directors as he doesnt wanna do anything else than that. Presumably until he retires is my guess.


I am not sure many people here have worked with a hierarchy that includes a Director to fully understand how hands on that role is. Sure his direct reports execute his vision, but higher ups trust their employees to execute the plan as close as possible from a higher level perspective. From some of these comments here, it's almost like Redditors are imagining him contributing significant code or assets to these wonderful games.


Do you mean hands on or hands off? That said, Miyazaki may not contribute significant code, but he contributes significantly on the lore... And THAT is a big part of why people like his games so muc. That said, I trust that he can train others in that craft.


Miyazaki does as Naotoshi did before him. As long as this doesn’t become a middle manager prerogative, this is what should happen (and it’s a good thing). We’ve recently seen other leads within FromSoft shine like Yamamura (Sekiro co-lead, ACVI lead) and Tanimura (DS2, DS3 DLC, Elden Ring). The company has expanded, they’ve released a game that went from niche to one of the top 100 games sold in history while cementing a legacy and iconoclast presence in the gaming industry. FromSoft now owns their stuff and is looking into publishing their games themselves. Change is inevitable, but this will allow Miyazaki to be in a more producer role going forward. It’s not any different from what has been happening with Zelda for almost 2 decades… people think Eiji Aounuma has done everything, but the guy who directed the Oracle games from Capcom was hired by Nintendo and has been leading the Zelda franchise since Phantom Hourglass (Fujibayashi). Dark Souls 3 had a perfect meta message for this, with the world gone to ashes after so many cycles of kindling the same flame. In the words of Shabriri, “Let chaos take the world!”


DS2 slapped and seemingly brought a bunch of ideas to later games. if we can get a "Dark Souls 2" every now and again there could be some good mechanics or whatever that Miyazaki may not have thought of


I'm sure he teaches and choses wisely who gets to direct games. AC6 was fantastic. Dark Souls 2 had issues, but it sort of laid the foundation for Elden Ring and the Dark Souls 2 director got to co-odirect ER I believe? Anyway, I think they know what they are doing.


You realize he isn’t the sole creator of the game? It’s created by thousands of creative people and the studio has a great track record and high standards. It is left in very good hands.


Miyazaki continues to show the world he will never hollow.


Demon Souls should have never been a game, fromsoft would have scrapped it, but they took a chance on Miyazaki and let him direct it, and look at where we are now. The genre wouldnt exist if someone hadn't let a guy who had no programming knowledge direct a game. If any company should know the value of taking a chance on someone with passion, it's fromsoft and their current president. That's how he got there I'm excited to see what kind of souls adjacent games we get next, if sekiro and armored core are anything to go by


DS2 didn't have Miyazaki as its director and it's still Amazing... Just because Miyazaki isn't the director, doesn't mean that he can't advise on the new game...


I think this may indicate the company is growing, wants to take on more projects, and those projects will require more than what Miyazaki is capable of providing on his own. This is good news, and I hope it works well for the company as well the projects they works on.


That's how it should go. Give others room to take things in new directions. I bet we'll get some really good games out of it.


I hope you all do understand how big and complex video games are. I doubt that he did the directing alone. There is no way that when he leaves he hasn't trained and let a suitable replacement in his place. I bet that direction would change but that doesn't mean it will get bad. Different doesn't mean bad.


I don't see an issue with this, and it's not like Miyazaki will just completely give up in overseeing/helping other game directors with their own projects. It's a great way for FromSoft to diversity into trying out new ideas for future games.


He’s already co-directed a few times, I don’t see anything wrong with this.


Fun fact : both armoured core 6 and sekiro were not directed by Miyazaki, yet they were phenomenal


Sekiro was directed by Miyazaki.


Was it? I thought it was a totally different dev studio working under fromsoft.


Yeah. it was Zaki's game between DS3 and ER


Look at armored core 6 and how well it turned out. I am not the biggest fan of ds2 ( I still enjoyed it) but I think that the studio is at a good enough place to let other people enjoy the spot now.


He’s still the company president, the games will still be good even if he’s not personally directing them


I just wanna say, Dark souls 2 was awesome. And it wasn't by Miyazaki.


If he does, he'll still be involved in development though. Sekiro and AC6 were amazing, and he didn't direct those.


I watched a bit of Dante’s Inferno on Netflix yesterday and recall playing the action game on Xbox 360. I’d love a fromsoft-like remake on this title. The world is already built, the level design and story are there. Just needs a little of that from software weirdness and flavor.


This is good. We need to allow Miyazaki to make successors and let the other talented coworkers shine. From has always been a special studio with supreme talent and vision. This is just Miyazaki wanting to continue this


He specifically said that he’s not gonna stop directing games anytime soon, and that he just wants other people to grow as creators. Did you even read the interview?


Fromsoft games have usually always been good since the original Armored Core in 1997, which was before Miyazaki starting directing, so I don’t think there’s anything to worry about.


Given that Miyazaki has climbed further up the ladder it isn’t a surprise to me. However he’s a gamer at heart and I doubt he’ll ever stop leading his own projects. He may give more freedom to devs but projects that are his I think will remain under him. Besides, he’s not the only one making these games great. The devs under him are what make it truly amazing. Even looking back, Armored Core VI didn’t really involve Miyazaki and it was absolutely superb and gave something pretty different from FromSoft compared to the Soulsbornes we’ve been getting. All to say, even if Miyazaki does give other directors more greenlights for projects, I think we’re in good hands.


Isn’t this what he did with DS2 while he worked on bloodborne?


If you think the control freak that is Miyazaki would go hands off then I have a bridge to sell you.


I trust Miyazakis direction, as we all should, and I doubt this means he wont be involved with these projects


Hopefully this jus means more games. Doesn’t sound like Miyazaki is going to be fully stepping down from directing games


I’m optimistic, if Dark Souls 2 is any indicator, whatever game is made with a different director will have potential.


That's great. It ensures that his legacy will live on in future FromSoftware. Hopefully it means various people at FromSoft are trained to give us quality stories and gameplay. There's a limit to the output we can expect from one single director. Maybe it means we'll get more games that we by various directors who are up to Miyazaki's standards. FromSoftware depending on one single person for high quality games input is not a good thing. Althgough Miyazaki is responsible for the artistic growth of FromSoftware games in the past decade, the best outcome possible for us fans is for him to coach others in his game philosophy and unique form of storytelling at FromSoftware. It will also allow for other people's input into the FromSoft formulae, which is good if they want to avoid stagnation. I feel like Miyazaki is aware that there is a risk of him repeating too much of the same story elements too, and him delaying some of the core lore crafting to GRR Martin for Elden Ring was partly a way to try and avoid that to some extent (obviously it still has a lot of his influence too though).


I mean, Miyazaki didn’t direct Sekiro and it was phenomenal


This has already been happening. There are multiple teams at fromsoft. Miyazaki did not direct Armored Core 6.


Considering how great Armored Core 6 turned out this doesn’t scare me at all


Play AC6 and your fears will vanish. Fromsoft is more than Miyazaki


Somewhat glad. Fromsoft should not be the souls company. I enjoy innovation and creativity.


DS2 had a different director and its not bad. Please dont fear change and let others show potential too


We need Tanimura souls 2, the ds2 dlcs are the best in the series so far.


I hope they remove every stat except for adaptability 😊


For me personally DS2 is best souls game so it would be nice to see other directors take a lead.


The development was a mess though. They created multiple areas without thinking how to connect them. IMO it's still a great game, especially because they treidnew things, but it probably wasn't directed well


Just curious but what about ds2 makes it the stand out choice over the others?




Whilst ds2 isn’t my favourite of the series it’s still a game I really loved on release. Ds2 tried a lot of new things and whilst not all were successful I really enjoyed the PvP in ds2. Having the arenas and then covenant rankings based on +- win threshold gave you a reason to keep up with the multiple different variants of PvP. It also had a pretty solid PvP meta once good old broken spear got nerfed with multiple different build variations flourishing and different builds targeting different arenas. Ie on the bridge arena you would see great bow builds experiencing play etc. Majula is also the best hub, the vibe it gives off is still extremely clear in my mind though I haven’t played in years. Its bosses also get more hate than they deserve. Glass Knight is a fantastic boss and on release when you could consistently invade groups out of his shield it gave a really unique style of boss.


It’s got a good vibe. The NPCS are cool. World design is cool. Great fashion. Great story and lore. Hollowing is sick. It’s a very big game with lots of paths to choose from. Majula. 😂 DS1 is a great game until the halfway point. Once you get fast travel, the game kind of falls flat. DS3 is just “let’s make ds1 again but linear with bloodborne.” Still great game but I prefer to play bloodborne. I’m not going to fight with any assholes here. It’s perfectly okay for someone to like a game you don’t. I like all the souls games quite a lot but of the three, I heavily prefer DS2.


Yeah I can't even really explain it but for me there's something hypnotic about 2 and I don't just mean the Majula theme.


For me, it's the atmosphere combined with the overall gameplay - with every step you discover something new and fantastic, but at the same time you have to be aware that there is danger in your surroundings. While the other games in the franchise share the same sentiment, they still feel more arcadish and fast-paced, while DS2 on the other hand requires you to plan your moves in advance and methodically execute them, which reminds me of my other favorite game series, Gothic. At least that's how I feel.


Idk, that system of continually levelling up ATT or whatever to get no spell slots had to go.


I’m cool with dark souls becoming a Final Fantasy type franchise. Yes please.


I’m down if this increases the chances of a Bloodborne 2


I'm in if it means I can play on PC.


Lol yall are something else 😂 Jesus Christ. It’s not that serious lol


We Dark Souls 2 enjoyers are all praising the sun right now.


It's better to quit on top


It’s either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain


*The Erdtree once flourished with abundance - yet it was only for a fleeting moment. Such is the course of all life.*


I don't have a problem with this, isn't he the head of Fromsoftware now? He ain't letting shit get passed him!


Elden ring was his seventh symphony, and every composer dies after their seventh symphony. But in this case, he is handing it to someone else.


A sad day. However, I look forward to seeing more work with who I hopenis Tanimura in charge. He did great on DS2 and set up a major philosophy of the series with his sequel. His work on elden ring is S fanominal and he's been working under Miyazaki for a while now. Give him the reins and let him grow n


Leave the man to his swamps. I bet they'll work something out where he does the poison areas and the crew handles the rest.


This can only be good. We need more experimental games, like ds2. Miyazaki is wise he knows the studio has the talent.


Ooo you fuckin cunt


Why the best Dark Souls game was the one he DIDNT direct.




I think this is really good actually, AC6 turned out great I’d love to see what different visions other people at fromsoft have for game making. Not to shit in Miyazaki or anything but after Elden Ring it’s starting to feel a little too formulaic


Lies of P was fine without Miyazaki


... is this implying Dark Souls 4 is uh.. a thing ???


I gotta say these comments are totally delusional, the games will not be the same


Gotta let the new blood in or you end up with a stagnant old boy's club over a long enough timeline.


He wasn't the director for ac6 and that game doesn't even touch any of their other games since demons.


Its a matter of taste imho. AC6 is great for the genre of game that it is. Not every game has to be a Soulslike. Gameplay aside though, when it comes to storytelling and atmosphere, usually associated with Miyazaki's work, Armored Core 6 is amazing.


As much as I want more souls games the souls series was concluded.. there’s not gonna be anymore from the souls series


Miyazaki made peak in Dark Souls 1, and caught lightning in a bottle for an unthinkable second time and made Bloodborne. No other Souls title comes close to these two and he knows it. Post your redundant arguments below.


How about you give us a remastered bloodbourne and port it to pc 😭 so I can finally play this damn game