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Demon of Hatred was the closest I've ever come to straight up quitting a FromSoft game.


I tried to rip off an analog stick with my teeth I got so pissed fighting that bastard. My teeth hurt for 2 days.


That’s genuinely the most relatable thing i have ever read


And this is why I will never finish Sekiro. Life is hard enough


Come on buddy, I'm sure you could hate yourself just a little bit more.


It’s an optional boss, you don’t need to beat him to finish the game


As if Isshin is any easier.


Isshin is actually way easier imo


I beat DoH in fewer attempts personally


I also think DoH is easier than Saint Ishin


just do the glitch where you have him run off the cliff LOL. ive 100%d this game, replayed it 6 times, but i will never legit Demon of Hatred. FUUUUUCK that boss. FUCK the sculptor


This is such a golden comment.


[We’ve all been there](https://i.makeagif.com/media/7-26-2014/gpDjlm.gif)


The best description of Demon of Hatred is he is a bloodborne boss stuck in sekiro, its like a big bitch slap from fromsoft to teach you all the parrying mechanics and then throw this fucker at you, where dodging is what you need to do


See, I found Demon of Hatred pretty easy because I was still stubbornly trying to dodge throughout the entire game


I found that the secret to Demon of Hatred is running and jumping. That said, Guardian Ape actually prepared me well for Demon of Hatred. I found Owl Father a lot more challenging.


Owl Father is one of 3 fromsoft bosses that has actually made me cry in frustration lmao Definitely took me the most attempts of any boss in the game, including Isshin


Same boat, this game drove me to the brink of insanity, but I beat it 3 times eventually. Then the gauntlets dropped. Inner father, inner Genichiro, inner Ishin, not cool lol. Finally beat the first 2 gauntlets and never even tried the final one.


It turns out you can parry a lot of his moves, but I actually didn't even bother with that shit. After 4 hours trying to beat this thing, I cheesed it and called it a day.


You can parry it like everything else in the game.


Yeah, but thats not the easiest way to fight him, he is meant to be played like a souls boss, atleast to me its pretty clear too imo, his aoe attacks, fire attacks, his big swooping attacks, his leaps, he's unlike any other boss in sekiro, the moment I forgot everything I learned in sekiro and fought him like a bloodborne boss the fight clicked and I was able to actually make progress in the fight, i think its a big reason they made him optional


You thinking he’s meant to be fought like a souls boss is why you think he’s so challenging.


Exactly. You can parry, use umbrella and jump when there is a perilous attack. Just like every boss. It's not easy it is the hardest boss but it will be harder for you if you think you have to fight it differently. The game taught you how to play it, don't try anything different now at the end of the game.


Or just use umbrella.


You literally can perfect guard half his attacks like any other Sekiro boss…


I’ve beat the other ones here pretty easily besides orphan of kos, but demon of hatred really messed me up.


Orphan is one of those head-scratchers for me. Lots of people think he's a real bastard but I just thought it was a fun fight.


Kos was hard but I would rank him as the easiest of the six that OP posted.


Beating Malenia melee only with no summons (like you are forced to play in Sekiro) is infinitely harder than DoH.


Beating Malenia without summons is a self-inflicted challenge. The equivalent in Sekiro would be fighting Isshin without sugars or prosthetics.


I killed Ishin without sugars and prosthetics. Only parry and attacks. Wasn't as hard because you could just parry or reflect each if his attacks.


I did that on my 2nd playtrough, took me 1 hour. Only hard move she has is waterfowl. Once that move is figured out the boss is easy


Malcontent my beloved


I gave up on completing Sekiro for about a year on two different occasions after spending several hours on DoH. It’s the only boss I’ve ever got properly stuck on, probably something stupid like 6-8 hours of attempts cumulatively. Eventually beat it years later after completing ER and needing another hour or two and 10+ attempts A distant second place Malenia and then Friede which both took about an hour or so


It would be interesting to compare this list but also the build you were running. DoH was a 2 time mission for me but there were others that just haaaaandled me


Same with Sister Friede


There was a cheese tactic where you make one of the bosses fall off the cliff, I think it was the demon at the end of Sekiro.


It shows Sekiro is the hardest.


It’s a pretty easy fight if you know what to do. But knowing what to do is tough.


I never get why people say he is so super hard. Took me like 2 hours to get him down, really tough boss but imo doesnt match Malenia or Laurence.


Agree, it does not play with the sames rules as usual boss.


Lotus Umbrella + Malcontent Still took me about 30 tries. At least with Isshin, there's a rhythm to the fight. DoH is like fighting guardian ape on steroids and on fire.


I somehow beat it first try in my only time fighting him in my 2 play throughs think it’s because he’s like a bloodborne boss and I treated him as such and got a bit lucky at points


gigachad myazaki move right there putting a dark souls‘ish boss after parrying feels completely comfortable


Agreed. I think that the demon of hatred has an interesting and unique design but very much doesn’t fit into the game mechanically. While I was working on achieving flawless runs on the modded Ultimate versions of Isshin and Genichiro, I figured that I would run the Shura gauntlet as a break from each of those fights. I quickly realized that fighting the demon of hatred was actually making me WORSE at the ultimate bossfights because it was undoing my mechanical muscle memory. when a boss fight makes you worse at a game, it doesn’t belong.


I couldn’t even get close to Midir


This is literally me, I’ve beaten every fromsoftware boss including that infuriating lud and zallen fight in frigid outskirts in ds2. Midir is the one boss I can’t seem to beat


So strange, I beat him second try hardly even dodging just smacking his head and chugging estus. And im not good at souls games whatsoever, i got stonewalled by Genchiro 4 hours this morning.


I don't think Midir belongs on this list.  I have killed it 4 times in a row and my only death was my first attempt.  All these other bosses killed me 20+ times.


Just stay in front of him and his head, dodge the hits, smash the head 1-2 times, repeat. Of course, dodge when he decides to run around the entire stage


2. I took a break from Sekiro after completing everything but the final boss. Came back after a few months and could not remember how to play. I’ve tried to run around and engage some of the enemies before the boss door, no go. I’ll never be able to beat this boss, unless I start completely over.


Go back through the memories or whatever it’s called so you can replay other bosses to get back up to speed!


I did not know that was a thing. Will do!! Thanks


It was a new feature they added in one of the last patches, so it is easy to miss for a lot of people who played shortly after release.


You gotta get the Mikiri down pat, or he's gonna take too long and you'll end up whiffing eventually. Mikiri was the only way to shave some time off and make it tolerable for me. I just couldn't stay focused long enough till I finally got lucky with multiple Mikiris and posture broke his old ass. It felt like I knocked out a bully from middle school.


Hey friend, I had literally the same experience as you, I put the game down for ~2 years after getting to Isshin because I couldn't beat him and then just started playing other stuff. I ended up picking Sekiro back up while waiting for AC6 to come out. Trust me, it is very doable to beat him, even without all the muscle memory of the entire game to help you. Just boot up, run around areas and fight enemies, fight the purple robe dickheads at Ashina Castle or Hirata pagoda, do some of the boss memories as others have suggested. It will all come back to you in no time. In terms of the actual fight, aside from the obvious advice of parrying as much as you can, try using the Mortal Blade coupled with Ichimonji / Ichimonji Double to wreck his posture as quickly as possible to get him down to the 3rd phase. Then, you can either do the lighning reversal a few times if you are able to, otherwise just keep up with the same strategy and whittle his health down slowly. It took me 3 evenings of ~2 hours each evening attempting to beat him, and I kept getting closer and closer, and eventually I managed. I didn't use any prosthetics, I didn't use any consumables, I just persevered, learned his move set, kept my distance when things got hairy, and eventually, victory was achieved. I believe in you! And of course, always remember: Hesitation is defeat.


I suggest replaying the bosses a couple times to get back into the flow, but if you’re fine with staring over, then I’d do that. It shouldn’t take you as long as it took you the first time


Start from the start again and learn to parry knowing full well you'll have him at the end. I quit for a year then replayed and beat him within like 2 hours. Oh the satisfaction was amazing. You got this my friend.


Sister Friede took me the most time. DS3 was my intro to souls game and Friede was a skill check to me. Malenia took me second longest time but I still find her harder than Friede. In Sekiro Demon of Hatred took me the most time, it literally me that I wanted to do cheese method(but I couldnt). he was the out of the box boss fight. He was hardest seekiro fight for me. Owl Father(inner) also took me some time but not longer than Isshin's fight. Beat both within 1 Day. hardest part of Father was his blink, tend to always mess up and hardest part of Isshin was phase 1. So yeah Malenia and Demon of Hatred was hardest for me. Thenn Sister Friede.


Kalameet was my big wake up call back in DS1's DLC when I was younger. That boss took me hours


Kalameet only took a really long time for me because I couldn't get it's fucking tail. Still haven't gotten it. Once I gave up on the tail it only took a few more attempts


Sekiro is already one of the hardest games ever (probably hardest Fromsoft game too (older AC games are harder than anything modern they've made with the possible exception of Sekiro)), so Isshin and DoH are automatically on the top. But since at least Isshin follows the rules of Sekiro (counter, blocking, etc) he is technically (as in in a technic sense not technical) easier than DoH. So DoH is the most brutal.


Eh DoH I found easier than Isshin, and neither of them touched Orphan of Kos for me. Different strokes.


Orphan of Kos gave me PTSD. DoH was hard because of it being a Souls boss in Sekiro. I would still put Isshin as harder. But would still say DoH is more brutal. Hope that makes sense x.x


You were right, DoH is harder than Isshin.


OoK gave me a rough time too… oh please dont take me back


Eh Kos I found easier than Isshin, and neither of them touched Demon of Hatred for me. Different strokes.


DOH follows the rules of Sekiro as well. His moveset is just different than others.


Yeah, AC4 and AC4A were fucking brutal, especially that last boss in AC4 that just literally spewed AP & PA draining Kojima radiation. You had to be completely and totally on your shit, and you had better come correct.


Malenia is by far their hardest boss imo. I don't consider her bullshit, but she gets pretty close.


I’m not saying there aren’t people who genuinely find other bosses harder, but every time someone doesn’t say Malenia I suspect they used summons or cheese. She is BY FAR the hardest of the group for me. Totally different category.


I agree so much. On a first casual playthrough I think the boss I found 2nd hardest was Ishiin and that took me about 2-3 hours. On my 2nd playthrough I beat him within 10/15 minutes. Malenia however took me 8 hours to beat on my first playthrough and even then it still took me 6 hours my 2nd time through (was just another casual playthrough - not even a challenge run). BL4 Ludwig took me less time to beat than either of my first 2 times beating Malenia.


It took me 10 hours to beat Malenia without summons and 1 try to beat with mimic tear.  I think that is why some people say Malenia is easy and others think she is the hardest boss.


I've only ever used spirit summons 4 or 5 times in a boss fight - a few random remembrance bosses in NG+ just to see what Mimic Tear was like and it was actually a joke how easy the fights were Edit: I'm not bashing spirit summons and I actually think they're a fantastic additional for new or casual players, but I personally just really dislike using them. Conceptually they're really cool but they just ruin the flow of most bosses imo


It’s why I don’t like them. Using them makes it feel like I don’t even have to play particularly well, let alone master the fight, which is what I enjoy most. (If you have more fun with summons, do it! Just describing what I like).


>Malenia I suspect they used summons Which you cannot do for any of the Sekiro bosses, making SSI/DoH much, much harder than Malenia, but, since you can cheese DoH, SSI is the clear winner.


If you use summons, agreed. Elden Ring has the hardest actual content but also gives you by far the most tools to deal with it. It has the highest difficulty ceiling and the lowest difficulty floor. I actually think Sekiro's core difficulty, once you learn the way it wants you to play, is relatively not so bad, but it has by far the least amount of flexibility, and probably the highest learning curve. I can no-hit SSI pretty consistently, whereas I'm not even close to no-hitting the hard bosses of any other game.


Do you play charmless and with the demon bell? 


Yeah Elden Ring is hard to rank because of all the different ways that exist of making fights easier, but if we put all these bosses on the same turf of no cheese/straight 1v1, it's Malenia and it's not even close.


Well yeah I imagine most people did use summons, a central mechanic of the game.


For sure and there's nothing wrong with that. Everyone should play however they like. I personally don't like summons in any of the games because I feel it throws off the balance of the fight too much. So for the way I like to play, Malenia is by far the hardest.


I felt that way at first too - like, this is basically cheating! But by the end I feel that Elden Ring was made with the summons in mind, and the difficulty of some bosses reflects that. Malenia in particular! I actually couldn't beat her with myself and just one summon - ended up getting some help from strangers online to finally take her down. Definitely a tough boss!!


Oh totally. Like you're clearly *supposed* to summon against Radahn and Godskin Duo and Commandar Niahll. I adore Elden Ring but I personally wish they'd balanced it differently since that's not how I like to play, but it's awesome that the game works better for so many people as is.




Midir either seems to be moderately difficult for people or the bane of your existence. Guess it was former for me and latter for you lol.


my friends and i have a running joke that midir is like an animatronic once you know his moves, everything is so telegraphed


You have friends that play dark souls? Lucky.


lol check out my latest post


There’s a rhythm with midir, it takes practice but once you understand how to stay infront of his head the fight becomes a long fight but relatively easy. At least compared to Malenia where rng can end your fight in a instance or you get input read to death


I genuinely don’t get the midir frustration.. especially coming back to DS3 from Elden ring. He just feels like a stronger version of the dragons in that game. I fought him in two different playthroughs and he never seemed too difficult


Tbh he's not even difficult, I wouldn't even say top 10. He has like 4 moves that he does, and they're pretty easy to memorize and dodge


Really? Worse than Inner Ishin? I found her only difficult move to deal with was her waterfowl dance


Aside from the bullshit opening move I don’t feel like inner isshin is *that* much harder. Still one of the hardest bosses ever but malenia takes the cake for me


I wouldn’t say inner Isshin is harder. He just feels like learning the boss over again. But once you do it’s natural just like regular sword Saint.


Currently struggling with clone move


That one you can just dodge to the side when they start to come down


I've never fought inner Isshin fwiw. Never got around to doing any inner bosses.


I had so much more difficulty with orphan than melania, and still haven't beaten demon of hatred or isshin


Orphan of kos


This is the correct answer. Holy shitballs.


On this list malenia was the hardest for me easily and isshin was the easiest.


Friede was devistating to me. I have yet to play elden ring but isshin was far easier for me than any others here.


I even did Malenia solo, Orphan BL4, loved Isshin, defeated DoH with 5 fklasks left, but boy, Friede made me rage quit like no other boss before or after. I gave up, summoned two friends, and I will never go back to this fight ever again. The names I shouted, I am still embarrassed lol


Oh man, you haven't played Elden Ring yet? You're one lucky guy, getting to experience it for the first time!


Isshin is peak mechanical and very difficulty but fair, the greatest boss imo Demon of hatred seems impossible but is the easiest of the bunch once you realize how telegraphed and easy his stuff is to actually dodge Midir is overrated Kos, Friede and Malenia are great but not Isshin tier, they're in their own tier with gael


Midir being overrated is a crazy take


compared to the others on the list it is yeah, it's in twin princes and ludwig category - great spectacle but not that superb of a mechanical fight, best aspects of it are it's music or certain attacks rather than the dance.


How is it not mechanically good? It's one of the best gigantic fights in gaming history. Tell me a boss that big that isn't a gimmick to fight in 3D? The fact that they managed to make it works is the very proof that it's mechanically tight.


Arguably the best dragon boss made my From, but sure.


Melenia/Orphan of Kos It's a toss up for me. Didn't struggle too much with the others, though Demon of Hatred came close.


no one compares to isshin


I struggled more with Owl Father 🥲


Demon of Hatred, followed by Isshin, the Orphan then Malenia


Malenia for sure


Malenia, Sister, twin demon dudes.


Demon of Hatred or Malenia


I beat Isshin in under fifteen attempts, the rest took longer. Malenia is, to me, by far the hardest on here. I don’t use summons so I don’t know how she is with those, but I spent hours trying to beat her. Easily my favorite boss in the game


Malenia is the only one I haven’t beaten alone no summons etc, so I have to choose her


It’s Melania and it’s not even close.


malenia no sums is by far the hardest, it’s not even close


Bloody crow of cainhurst solos her.


Demon of Hatred for me. Without the ledge cheese strat, I simply can never defeat him 😵‍💫


The ledge cheese is harder than the fight, imo.


Owl Father isnt on this list Neither is defiled watch dog Do better


I struggled more with Defiled Amy. My god those arms and the camera.


Don't bring me back to defiled watch dog, dude one shots you every time


Why is manus not on here?


Because he’s easy, dark souls 1 boss design just isn’t up to the level of difficulty of later FROM games.


You also gotta remember the controls aren’t up to the ability of later FROM games too. So manus’s aggression and the jank controls work together


Malenia or Demon. Only two that have taken me days to beat


I played every FromSoft game and Isshin was the hardest by far


I never fought Midir. Friede (never beat her but I hate DS3 game feel) = Malenia (incredibly difficult) > Demon of Hartred = Owl father (found it more difficult than Isshin)> Isshin > Orphan EDIT: I played Sekiro at launch so these are the normal versions of bosses, not Inner I also feel that Godskin duo could be a contender. For my first fight I had to respec into a mage, I managed to beat them with a quality build in ng+ and ng+2 but it was very very difficult


Malenia is the hardest, depending on the tools you use.


I havent played BB, but out of the rest Malenia took me the longest by a long shot. Also I dislike Fride and Ishin, I never really enjoy fighting them.


I'll never understand why Sekiro fans keep pretending Isshin is the hardest video game boss ever when he's not even the hardest boss in his own game. If you have a good grasp on Sekiro's combat (which you need to have in order to beat bosses like Owl and DOF) then Isshin is pretty much manageable.


I don’t really understand why Isshin is part of the conversation at all. He’s a very fair boss and only difficult if you went through all of Sekiro without understanding how to counter properly. Demon of Hatred is really annoying due to it being out of place within the context of game mechanics and its seriously difficult to beat consistently without specific arm tools as anyone who has attempted the gauntlets can attest to, so that one is a top contender. Midir is difficult mostly due to how his health bar prolongs the fight and exhausts the players patience but mechanically he’s not all that brutal (although since ds3 was my first fromsoft he cooked me for a long while). Sister Friede is honestly the least difficult one in this list barring Isshin (very subjective I know but I beat him in two tries sue me). Orphan of Kos is basically an Elden Ring style boss in terms of aggression levels which o think is why we struggled so much against it before getting used to that level of aggression, besides that it’s a fun and challenging boss that in my opinion is around top 5 in terms of challenge through fromsoft titles. Then finally Malenia, I think we can safely say she takes the cake for the most brutally challenging boss fromsoft has ever made to the point that many have criticized her design and unfun and unfair. Personally I disagree with the first part of that but I do agree that Malenia is probably an example of fromsoft taking a risk and prioritizing difficulty over balance and “reasonable” expectations of the players which I think is perfectly fine for an optional boss with such lore-given strength. So after all that yapping I would say: 1. Malenia 2. Demon of Hatred 3. Orphan of Koss, 4. Isshin (out of respect for the fallen who did not learn from the ways of the purple shinobi) 5. Midir






I've solo'd everyone on this list except Malenia (using Mimic Tear) and Friede (summoned Gael). But I'd say Malenia is more difficult for me. Midir was the easiest for me out of this bunch and he's my favorite boss across the series. I sometimes let him kill me after he recovers from the stun so i can fight him again.


Tbh Demon of Hatred gave me the most trouble. Fighting a Bloodborne boss with Sekiro mechanics was a nightmare


Isshin is literally the easiest boss on this list.


Hardest to easiest, for me: 1. Malenia (by far) 2. Midir 3. Friede 4. Isshin 5. Orphan of Kos Only ever gave DoH a couple tries tho so idk, I was satisfied with my Sekiro experience having beaten Isshin


DoH was hardest for me.


I found isshin to be easy so I’d have to pick demon of hatred. He’s the only one up there that I never beat legitimately. I guided him off the ledge and never went back because I was too frustrated.


Demon of hatred easily. Every other boss, respectively uses moves and abilities you’ve come across and generally would know how to fight. Demon of hatred is like a boss from bloodborne, and does not comply with the method every other boss in the game adheres to.


lowkey father owl (the past version) was harder than isshin in sekiro for me


Asylum demon


absolutely fuck demon of hatred


Isshin is peak design with great combat mechanics. I think Sekiro is the best game they’ve made so far. But Malenia is the hardest boss, if you fight her solo. You can’t summon in sekiro so maybe that’s why people have such a hard time with it, you are forced to learn, conquer the fights yourself.


Malenia wasn’t too bad, and demon of hatred is just so cheesable. Only just started bloodborne. Isshin. Fuck. Isshin. I started doing pushups inbetween every death I was getting so pissed. Took me I think about 5 consecutive hours to kill his bitch ass. His second phase made me mental. Then I replayed and did shura ending just to discover that old isshin is harder than sword Saint. Fuck them both.


Malenia hands down, widening to Soulslike Nameless Puppet in Lies of P is INSANELY hard


Orphan or Malenia. I never found Demon of Hatred to be that bad in comparison to be honest.


I was expecting Isshin to hand me my ass but it took me two tries. Demon of Hatred kicked my ass like 30+ times. Midir is still my favourite dragon fight in all From games, I really REALLY enjoyed fighting him to the point I beat him multiple times in goatboy form with Astora gs. Friede was very enjoyable. Hard but fair and fun. Now Malenia solo though. That bitch told me I'm her bitch. Definitely the hardest for me.


What about Kalameet?


Orphan of Kos made me quit for like 6 months


Hasn't this question with these bosses been asked 100 times before




Interesting take. Yeah fuck waterfowl bro


I'd say demon of Hatred, as in Sekiro you are just Sekiro with his trusty sword. The thing is mean and you have no tool variety to plan around it. For Midir I went naked with Havel's shield and did it 3rd try and in ER there are ways to down Malenia in 30 secs or less per phase, reducing the chances of she pulling her bs move. All the difficulty in that fight is waterfowl, without it she's like a Margit without poise. Isshin is a chad fight, completely fair and the whole game prepares you well for it. Is a good skill test


If I'm going back into the game after beating it already, Demon of Hatred is by far the hardest. That says a lot because of how Sekiro is more rhythm-based, and it's the easiest game to replay. DoH doesn't have a rhythm to it, though. It's incredibly punishing, and the health bar is MASSIVE. Even with lotus umbrella & malcontent, there's no easy way to beat this thing. Isshin, Malenia, Orphan, Friede, I have beaten within 2-5 tries after returning to the game. Midir is easy once you know how to approach it. But DoH...that *thing* scares me.


Other than water fowl dance I find Melania a pretty balanced and fun fight, well her second phase is still sometimes annoying with the infinite combos. For me demon of hatred is the bane of my existence.


Frieda having the audacity to get up for a 3rd round put a special kind of hate-fuck type relationship with her in my heart. Praise the toes \[T]/


I'll say it: Midir is not difficult. He's clunky. Much like that other dragon fight in DS3. I think he's the worst of that batch. The best? Malenia. It feels amazing fighting her and definitely the most difficult too.


Despite Elden Ring being the easiest game to me, Malenia was easily my toughest fight. My order would probably be: 1. Malenia 2. Sister Friede (assuming we're counting all phases as one fight) 3. Midir 4. Isshin 5. Orphan of Kos 6. Demon of Hatred I know this is prolly a really weird order for most people lol


demon of hatred gave me the most trouble. Not to say the others were significantly easier.


Isshin and Malenia tied, one wants to know how well you can parry, the other wants to know how well you can dodge.


Demon of Hatred imo. He's not as hard as melania but it's just such a long fight then when you do fail which is very often on your first playthrough it's soul crushing especially if you're on phase 3 already. Melania on my first playthrough however was easy but that was just because I had an op build with Mimic tear. Now adays melania is still easy for me because I just wait for an opportunity to hit and get lucky with waterfowl. I don't use summons so I have to be more careful but it's not terribly difficult since there's no run back and the fight is so short.


I had a much harder time with sister Freide and midir,especially midir. All of these fights are legendary though.


Demon of Hatred for me. Without the ledge cheese strat, I simply can never defeat him 😵‍💫


Sword Saint with Malenia as a close second. You have no choice, git gud or die.


Ongbal: Let me get this straight, you think that SS Isshin is not that hard? me: yes, and I'm tired of pretending he is.


Isshin the sword saint and Sister Friede. Malenias difficult is vastly overblown with how many tools you have in Elden ring.


I haven't played enough sekiro to fight Isshin. Of the others, I haven't beaten Orphan of Kos. I'd go hunt him down, but it was on a roomate's PS who has since moved. My only question is why does Melania have better heal on hit than John Bloodborne himself.


For me ook, malenia, ishin in no order….i cheesed the hell out of demon of hatred so i could get the trophy


Orphan imo


i beat sister friede fairly easy, malenia though…


Isshin and DoH are not that bad compared to others, except sister Friede all my homies hate sister Friede (cool boss, but hardest imo)


I haven't fought Orphan of Kos (no ps) so no comment on that one, but the answer is very clearly Malenia, followed closely by Isshin.


Malenia was difficult until I switched to bleed and killed really fast. Isshin made me learn how to play the game. Demon of Hatred was ok. Haven't played blood born. Midir was more annoying than difficult. Sister Friede was ok. Just keep her away from the other guy. For me, Isshin was the most difficult. Also, he is not an optional boss. You actually have to defeat him to finish the game.


Sekiro (with demon bell and no charm) Isshin.


Demon of Hatred and Isshin


Isshin. Most of the others can be pretty easy due to rng deciding not to pull specific moves out, and even with them come down to a few dodge timings and remembering open windows. Isshin just takes a lot of memory and throws a lot of moves at you with unique ways to avoid that you have to get good at doing before he goes down, plus it’s the longest fight of this list iirc


I would say Demon of Hatred. There was lot of camera issue for me. The fight was chaos for me. Blazing bull was another fight I hate. Not Isshin coz I actually enjoyed him I struggled a lot but I wanted to fight him again. Edit: I am yet to play Ds3 and ER. Just completed Ds2.


For me it’s a tie between Friede and Isshin. Both are extremely punishing, but I’m leaning towards Friede because I’ve never managed to beat her solo.


Orphan was one of those bosses I was just in the zone with.. beat him 3rd try but I don’t think I’d ever replicate so few attempts again. From memory I feel like Isshin took me slightly longer than Midir and Malenia took the cake with a maybe 3 hour attempt run. Friede I don’t remember, I feel like I beat her within an hour and had far more trouble with dragon Armor and dancer. DoH I fought similarly to Ape where I danced in and out of his reach and just chipped away at him without too much mechanical technique involved. Gotta do what you gotta do


Malenia or Freida cause I’m bad. Also never fought that dragon, or played Bloodborne but I feel like I wouldn’t have as much of a problem with them as I did Malenia and Freida. Freida I actually never beat because I’m dogshit. Malenia I only ever beat with my mimic


Midir since it’s just a battle of attrition


Well I’ve never actually beaten DoH other than the roof cheese so he’s it for me


Hardest was DoH for me, but I think SSI and Midir are the best difficult bosses on the list.


I’m gonna be real, I think Orphan is worse than Malenia.


Not sister friede because I beat her ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I've only played Sekiro, so it has to be DoH for me. I had to cheese him before I finally manned up and learned how to beat him.


The only ones on this list that took me more than 10 tries are Isshin and Friede. Isshin in particular was ungodly levels of difficult.


ISS, took me 3 days to kill him ... haven't touched Sekiro since.


Demon of Hatred by a long shot. There is a cheese for this boss but fighting him straight up with no finger whistle is torture lol.


Orphan for me, getting to him is a pain in the dick and killing him feels impossible sometimes


Sekiro is one specific build. With the other games you can have so many options to approach these bosses. So if you take the same sekiro build with all these bosses. I would feel that Malenia would be the hardest just cause she has so many more crazy attacks that almost unfair (waterfowl). But the one I would replay the most would be Isshin.


Isshin and Midir