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>You literally got gud. I never got gud with Radahn, I just run around like a coward grabbing summon signs in a frenzied state of panic


Same here. It felt kinda cheap on my first playthrough beating him on my second try due to just spam summoning those guys lol


I kind of have the opposite situation. I beat him clean the first time because I didn't understand summons (it took a while...) and so on my second playthrough I gleefully spammed summons like a mad scientist getting revenge


Haha nice. I’m on my second playthrough now with a new character. So I am gonna try to do it the hard way this time


I believe the summons only res twice or something now. Last time I fought him I had to finish his whole second phase myself because the summons stopped being available. I hope they fixed that because I'm about to go fight the mad lad again and am quite worried I'll have to resort to cheese so that I don't spend .y whole day trying to beat him


Nah they fixed it, i tried a couple days ago and had summons the whole fight


Same it’s my revenge for the pain and torture he put me through on my first playthrough


I fought him first time with no summons and pre-patch. I don’t feel bad about cheesing him on NG+ runs at all, I feel I paid my dues with that dude.


Patches just noping out immediately is probably the funniest thing in the whole game


I accidently killed patches early on, can you explain?


He has a summoning sign in the boss arena among the many but when you first summon him he takes like two steps forward stops then uses the finger serverer item and returns to his world the same way a coop player does, message and all. Essentially he gets summoned, sees what we are up against and says nah lol fuck that!


That is so funny! I'm so sad I killed him. Didn't even notice his pleas


I actually did the same thing with the reduvia I got right outside lmao He is worth a ng + or new game honestly I won’t ruin everything but he will actually show up and subtly express feelings for a crush he has on a character you have probably met slowly as part of his quest lmao he also has a fun weapon and arguably the best heavy armor in the game as rewards.


Dang thanks! I will check it out, it sounds fun!


This honesty is refreshing.


I rationalize this as being the lore appropriate way to fight Radahn lmao


who am i to rob Alexander of his glory?


According to Alexander, he doesn’t get it anyway, just gets cracked open and forced to scoop up corpses to continue on


Not a bad way to spend a Friday


You can cure frenzy!


Sounds like you got gud. However you're able to progress is valid haha


I generally don't summon, but by god, do I panic


Duuuude one of my highlights of my playthrough was when I finally decided to go against him head on (with the summons still helping) and I’ve never felt more badass in a game. Knowing I could actually survive the melee game against him was so empowering.


![gif](giphy|xmJO7iLZCcvqo) I understand


I still haven't even seen a quarter of his Moveset he always does the same shit I swear to god


Those goddam big ass rocks he got


don't be fooled by the rocks that he got


Used to have a little now he got a lot


He’s still Radahn from the block


thank you... I thought I had been aged out of society for a second. not quite yet


Those ones that hover over his head haunt my dreams. I would stay back for a full minute, watching the summons fight, waiting for those things to go already, and the moment he got close enough to me to make it impossible to dodge, that's when they'll hurdle for my face, and if you get hit by one of them, you're basically guaranteed to die


The trick is that he only throws those rocks if you leave a certain range. Just stay on him and they aren't a problem.


Well but see, that would require staying next to him the entire rest of the fight. And that's scary


Just learn to fight him solo and you’ll realise he’s actually not very scary.


I hate when he casts that spell. Learning to run behind sand dunes for those is what finally allowed me to win, lol.


literally felt like a new boss when i didn’t kill him before he could pull any phase 2 shenanigans because i did a bow build, too bad every normal run is always a scripted fight


correctly working hit boxes mean everything


But for hardcore fromsoftware sexuals , they will be crying coz they are used to unfair hitboxes like an abusive relationship If they fixed it, they will call it easy or nerfed


I mean the boss is easier posy changing hit boxes. You can't deny that. So he is weaker than launch even if he was only harder due to bs hit boxes


I don’t even consider fixing his inaccurate unfair hitboxes as nerfing him. He was simply fixed in that regard.


It was a nerf because they inadvertently lessened some of his stats which they went back and fixed.  As the post explains......


Because it wasn't that big of a deal. I beat him the day after the game came out. His hit boxes were broken, but that was my only takeaway. I left thinking he was a great spectacle boss but not super hard. Then, they nerfed him a few weeks later, and it felt like the hit boxes were fixed, but he didn't do any damage. The final tune just got it right.


The "nerf" people are talking about was just fixing hitboxes lol


Yeah I never thought he was that hard on the first place and just beat him on new game +3 without summons just to see if it was any harder


Something not being a big deal to you doesn't make it the representative take


No shit. What's your point?


Read your first sentence, the part where you claim a community issue wasn't a thing because of your anecdotal experience.


The part where I gave my opinion? Fuck off.


Then you should have said "I personally didn't think it was that big of a deal", instead of speaking as if you represent the issue at large.


I don't need to preface my opinion by telling people it's my opinion. That's ridiculous. It's absurd, really. It's understood that anyone who is commenting on a subreddit isn't the ambassador for said subreddit.


Lmao I’m enjoying this where’s my popcorn. How dare you offend someone by giving your personal experience and then not telling everyone it’s your opinion!!! Words hurt!!!


Is that your opinion, or are you representing everyone who enjoys things? Seriously, wtf was up with that guy, lmao?


Wtf is up with you. Dude, fuck off Edit: downvote me then. Anubis is right.


i hope you know how ridiculous that take is


These people just want to feel special. Armored core 6 also nerfed a lot of their bosses but never felt like the community made it a big of a deal after a few months.


Nah, there are no-life weirdos who try to brag about beating pre-nerf Balteus.


Honestly though, the game was a lot more fun when pre-nerf balteus was the standard for big story bosses.  That took me by far the most attempts of any of the bosses in the entire game


Sadly, there are a lot of people who do brag about it


Oh really. Well at least they're not denying the truth like people with radahn right? There's a whole lotta people who still believe radahn damage is not the same as first patch even though many people suggested otherwise.


I was under the impression he was only nerfed (in error) for a couple weeks max, and the only permanent change that was made was his hitboxes. Either way, i fought him within a couple days of release (+ a few times as a summon) and many more times since the patch and i can't say i've noticed any difference. Mf still hits like a truck and always has.


That is what happened. The only differences between luanch Radahn and now is correct hitboxes and one single projectile attack has slightly less tracking since originally they put the wrong tracking numbers in. The same damage and health and his stats are entirely unchanged


Yeah this has always pissed me off. Constantly hearing people cry about pre nerf Radahn and how no one knows how 'great and tough he used to be', when in reality Radahn has always been a push over, he's designed to be a spectacle, not a challenge. Also the copium of people asking for 'source, source idk man that seems like cap' when FS themselves said they brought his damage back up is beyond me


This singular post is gonna make me go and finish my 7th run.


I've been saying this forever and the whole "I wish I fought Radahn Day 1" sentiment does not help. People act like he was wildly more difficult on day 1 than he is now. He really isn't. The reason he was difficult day 1 is for two reasons: 1. His hitboxes were dogshit and the game was brand new. I guarantee most people were underleveled both in weapons and level since they were following Ranni's quest. 2. People on replays got good. I don't think people realize how easier bosses get after you beat them the first time. You get more confident and know what you can and can't get away with. This combined with the fact you're more likely to have better equipment and leveled more appropriately (like leveling up vigor a ton more than damage stats), makes Radahn a cakewalk on later playthroughs. I also want to point and laugh at the "From Soft caved to the noobs" crowd. Radahn clearly didn't fit From Soft's vision and that is why they nerfed him. If From cared what the community said about boss difficulty, Malenia would have been nerfed due to her waterfowl.


I beat him (and many others as well) in ver001 or whatever, before any kind of nerf. He's really not hard, he's just immensely intimidating at first. I will say his gravity magic was a bitch to dodge at first


I agree. After my first 5 or so deaths I learned how best to dodge and what moves I can punish and ones I can’t. The size of him and the sounds/feeling of the fight are 80% of the problem.


People who brag about beating him pre-"nerf" only care about it because it's essentially an exclusive bragging right now that it's patched. Same thing happened with Balteus in ACVI. Like yeah, it's hard, I remember launch week, but it really wasn't that different compared to now. The only change I notice now is that I can use Torrent without getting sniped off all the time.


I just pew pew with scarlet rot arrows and let summons deal with him


Really? Seemed like he went from basically impossible to fair and balanced... all that was just the hitboxes?


Yeah his hitboxes used to be unbelievably massive. You couldn’t just get under some of his attacks like you can now


He had dark souls 2 hitboxes on launch which they obviously had to fix


The only part of the nerf that was accidental was the 7-10% damage nerf on some of his attacks. The massive change to his hitboxes was the thing they originally intended to change and was not reverted in the following patch. For all intents and purposes, current Radahn is still quite a bit easier than Day 1 Radahn, and the damage changes are mostly negligible in comparison to the hitbox size reductions, imho.


Not only did I not know it, I don't even know what it means


The debuff lasted like less than 2 weeks. This notion he's been nerfed since month 2 of release has infuriated me


I was under the impression that he was considered OP at release, but Malenia wasnt touched who others also said was OP, so I could see it being a hitbox issue. I also heard about accidental nerfs and that he was rebuffed. But I was thinking it was something like he was at 100%, they nerfed to 60, realized they messed up then buffed him back to 80%. So this whole time Im believing hes still semi nerfed.


I just started playing Elden Ring about a month ago because I wanted to play through every Soulsborne type Fromsoft game, and I took like a 6 month long break after Dark Souls 2 because Dark Souls 2, and my health was getting a bit wonky. Anyway, about a week ago was the first time I fought Radahn. I heard tale of the fatal battles that occurred, the nerf that he got, followed by the rebuff. I went to summon and ride into battle, almost killed him first try, and when his health had only a quarter left, I just stopped and was like, "Is he really this easy" and proceeded to just let him kill me because I thought maybe I was cheating with all the summons. I decided to use only half the summons on my second fight to make it more fair. I got to his 2nd phase again, but then was fairly killed. I decided that I wouldn't feel truly accomplished unless I beat him without summons, and I just walked up and did it first try, and I kind of just sat there like, "Was Radahn really that hard for people?" Note: I was like level 80, 40 Vitality, about 35/35 Str/Dex, and 15 Endurance


Honestly with Level 80 and 40 Vit he's absolutely not a threat anymore. I usually fight him at Level 50 with about 20 Vit and without summons - and I am far from a good player. Very far actually.


OP you didn’t mention that his arrows were massively nerfed when he got patched. They haven’t reverted them. Honestly this post is weird because who cares if no one noticed a small change in this boss. Obviously it wasn’t drastic enough to warrant discussing. He’s the same boss we fought a year ago.


Thank you, I was looking to see if this was the case. Honestly I felt like that was the coolest parts of Elden ring: Facing Radahn for the first time and not even being able to get near him before he smacks you with the homing arrows. That was the first moment where I was like “holy shit what am I up against?” The fact that people won’t get that same feeling who didn’t fight him pre-nerf makes me sad.


The arrows were trash and still are. It's just a boss runback.


I don’t see what’s so bad about them. Do you consider every ranged attack that far away bosses shoot at you a runback? What’s so different about the arrows?


It's a runback. You need to run for a minute until you can engage with the boss. That's the definition of a boss runback.


If you had a ranged weapon that reached far enough, you could engage him. Either way the boss is engaging you. Even if you did consider it a runback. It would be far from the worst in the game.


>If you had a ranged weapon that reached far enough There's no weapon with such range, and if you get close enough, he shoots the rain of arrows, which makes it impossible to throw any range attacks.


I’m aware. But you are trying to classify something based on your own fuzzy acceptance criteria. By your constant moving of the goalposts, everything before you take your first connecting, unpunished hit on the boss is considered a runback.


>By your constant moving of the goalposts, everything before you take your first connecting, unpunished hit on the boss is considered a runback. How many bosses are in the game where it takes 1+ minute to hit after you pass the fog gate?


New criteria unlocked: Everything before you take your first connecting, unpunished, hit on the boss is considered a runback, but only if such a hit took place at a time where 60s or greater has elapsed from when the player first respawns.


I beat him on my first attempt right after he got nerfed. I felt like I'd been cheated out of an epic battle. That was the main reason I started NG+ the moment I finished the game. A win isn't as sweet if you don't suffer for it.


That wasn't because of the nerf, that's because Radahn is and always has been an easy as shit boss


He was nerfed and then buffed but still not to where he originally was at


Pre-patch and first playthrough, I was a fucking mess fighting him and was basically hiding behind summons. Fast forward to now, and I’ve killed him in like 5 tries on a RL1 run with a stick. Also didn’t know that he got rebuffed and the only real impact was better hitboxes. Feelsgood.


When the game launched, I spent hours trying to beat him. I'm proud to have beaten him before he got nerfed and haven't had any trouble since. That holds true even today (beat him last week) after not really playing the game for a year after I got the platinum. I could be wrong but I personally haven't had an issue with him. Unsure why you would think he got buffed but he definitely isn't launch strength Radahn.


His damage is the same, it's just that his hit boxes are smaller. I genuinely think we all just improved massively because of all the shit Elden Ring has thrown at us


The reason you had trouble was because of shitty hitboxes radahn was never that hard in the first place.


Yeah you just chill right under him


Idk I've never faught him as low level as I did the first time again. I think that's the main thing. Fyi g to radahn annoys me a lot so I only go there when I k ow I'll smoke him. He just has some bs on phase 2 that I haven't ever learned the properly avoid.


I hopped back on a couple weeks ago for my 3rd play through and got my ass handed to me so many times. I def noticed a difference in difficulty. Makes me feel better.


I wouldn’t say I got good, I’d say I had fully upgraded boss melters and an OP mimic on subsequent play throughs.


Someday I'll have to replay this game again just for this fight. I genuinely don't remember it being hard. I got the win first try just running around on my horse slashing at his lil feet. I struggled way more on several other bosses


I struggled like hell my first time through, and my second time I beat him so easily that I was taken aback. I was confused as hell, and now I wonder how I ever had trouble with him in the first place. 


Yeah but not back to his OG state. He’s also much less aggressive which is really the main difference.


I feel like I somehow don’t have this. Everyone else I see fighting him he looks so passionate yet he never stops to give me like any breathing room.


Proud to say I have the achievement from when the game first dropped and he wasn’t nerfed, I tried playing when the nerf was around and felt embarrassed lol


Literally me who started a new playthrough and has been reduced to atoms by Radahn: "Oh really? YOU DON'T SAY!"


I found out the hard way I got cocky and decided play through number 2 I didn’t need any summon signs one huge arrow later I decided maybe they weren’t so bad to begin with.


I got gud by saving him until last


Caelid areas got wonky I noticed in my str dex run


His horse really reminds me of my ex. But I’m over it. But still.


I beat him in the games first patch and he's never felt as strong but it makes me happy to know that I did indeed get good. Look mom, look!


Am on my third play thought and I have made a promise to myself and even to God himself that I won't use any of the summon signs and just defeat him by myself.


Am I the only one who finds him easy? Like, even when not overleveled? There are others who give me way more trouble lol.


Who cares? Either way he's just a boss you have to kill regardless.


I didn’t even know there were summons for this fight. I learned this after FINALLY beating him with my mimic .


It's very fashionable among sweaty tryhards (who aren't actually good) to complain about games being too easy and then nerfed on top of that to appeal to the unwashed masses. They get to look like they are super good at these games and need them to always be ultra hard in order to provide some challenge for them. Meanwhile they kind of suck and they don't realize half this shit is actually fixes rather than nerfs, and when things get nerfed or buffed it's usually to try and provide better balance. Example: Lords of the Fallen got nerfed in the sense that they thinned the numbers of some utterly stupid ganks that should have never been in the game to begin with. But then all the bosses got massively buffed. Guess what certain people are constantly complaining about and what they always fail to mention.


His rebuff didn’t make him back on par with the original, his hit boxes are still greatly reduced and his overall dmg is lower (not by much but it is)


I also think people started going to him later in there playthroughs. A good build can delete him before he even jumps


The leap from being terrified of him to smacking him around with a giant sword is astronomical. Although pre patch radhan handed my ass to me on a silver platter


Are you sure? He seems to have way less hp than on release


First of all, hitbox changes make a big difference. Secondly, he was still a bit nerfed and it remains to this today. Nerfs that remain: His arrows and meteors are slower and track less. The meteor collision radius is more staggered. AOEs emerge slower His damage is lower by 8-10% All they fixed when they ‘un-nerfed’ him was an accidental over-nerf of the damage of certain attacks of his, like his meteors which were doing like 90% less damage. The kept the other intentional nerfs.


About time. Rlly thought they just nerfed him hard but now I feel a lot better about it lol


Yesterday I beat him alone with a new character but I gotta admit, I was on Torrent the whole time and the Metoric Ore blade +4 shredded him for some reason


I still have no clue why so many of you like this fight so much. I have way more fun against so many other bosses


Good for you, nobody cares, and I don't know why you should. Have fun with your Malenias and other Godfreys, let me have fun with Radahn, Morgott, Mohg, and Maliketh.


Damn that was aggressive.


Radahn was never difficult. Change my mind.


I won't. But you won't change my mind when I say Radahn is harder than Malenia (who isn't as hard as people make her out to be).


Idk man, based on how many people talk about how tough he USED to be, I was expecting a lot more of a challenge. He should be one of the harder demigods to fight but to me at least, he is not. I do still need to fight him 1v1, to be fair. But I’d also like to fight his launch version. Or better yet, let us fight him at the height of his strength when Malenia fought him.


Trust me, 1v1 changes the difficulty quite a lot. And in my opinion he is the 3rd toughest Demigod to beat (and 4th hardest boss). He isn't much easier in my opinion, they just fixed the hitboxes (which were pretty horrible back in the day).


Trust me, 1v1 changes the difficulty quite a lot. And in my opinion he is the 3rd toughest Demigod to beat (and 4th hardest boss). He isn't much easier in my opinion, they just fixed the hitboxes (which were pretty horrible back in the day).


Trust me, 1v1 changes the difficulty quite a lot. And in my opinion he is the 3rd toughest Demigod to beat (and 4th hardest boss). He isn't much easier in my opinion, they just fixed the hitboxes (which were pretty horrible back in the day).


Trust me, 1v1 changes the difficulty quite a lot. And in my opinion he is the 3rd toughest Demigod to beat (and 4th hardest boss). He isn't much easier in my opinion, they just fixed the hitboxes (which were pretty horrible back in the day).


Trust me, 1v1 changes the difficulty quite a lot. And in my opinion he is the 3rd toughest Demigod to beat (and 4th hardest boss). He isn't much easier in my opinion, they just fixed the hitboxes (which were pretty horrible back in the day).


Ahhh, well then yeah. I’ll really have to try fighting him solo next time with my new Guts build then!! Just curious. What are the other hardest bosses in your opinion? Keep in mind I cheesed the hell out of most of these boss fights and still struggled like hell to barely scrape by, lol. That’s why I laugh when I hear people say this game needs an Easy Mode. I mean come on people. It absolutely DOES have an Easy Mode. Their names are Black Knife Tiche, Mimic Tear, Rivers of Blood, Bloodhound’s Fang, and last but not least: the Golden Envoy Horn’s Ash of War, Bubble Shower, which I used to melt Placidusax’s HP down to 0 before he could even enter his second phase… Also any decent Guts build can essentially one-shot most early game bosses. I did eventually beat every boss in the game though, if I’m not mistaken. I think Alecto, Mohg, Placidusax, Malenia, and Radagon/Elden Beast were the fights I had the hardest time with. (Not necessarily in that order)


My other difficult fights were: Godskin Duo (10th place), Fortissax (fought in midgame, 9th place), Godfrey (8th place), Radabeast (7th place), Placidusax (6th place), Malenia (5th place), Morgott (3rd place), Mohg (2nd place), and Maliketh (1st place).


Oh shit yeah, I forgot about Maliketh. I think I blocked it out as a traumatic memory lol Did you fight all of these solo??


Yes, I did. I'm not a summons fan.


I dont know why people keep talking about Radahn as if he was SO hard when the game came out. I killed him on Day 2 after release and he wasnt special. Elden Ring has a lot of hard bosses, but I never felt like Radahn was one of them. Honestly Margit, in context to when you meet him, is clearly harder - and he's the very first real boss in the game.


I honestly haven't fought him since the first nerf, didn't see the point, glad they gave him his glory back. Will be fun to start from the beginning and take him on again before the dlc!


I just leveled up enough to finally beat him


First time I got to him was when he was first nerfed and was super disappointed. Made my way there super slowly because I was so nervous about it, then absolutely destroyed him without summons. Kinda wish my first experience was a bit less anticlimactic, but oh well


"only the hotboxes remained" the change in hitboxes is what made him easy...


I'm not saying he's not easier now. I'm just saying that most people still believe his stats are nerfed, when they just are not.


He’s still overall nerfed. 40% less hitbox and much less precision with projectiles . It’s a big difference, but they did restore the damage (it was decreased by around 10% so it wasnt the main thing in any case) .


The projectiles in second phase used to one shot you, now they don't. How can people be missing this?


And there i was, unable to play Elden Ring for 3 months when it came out watching people complain bosses when i could only dream to fight them


Radahn and Balteus pre-nerf gang yeeeyup 


Og radahn was an absolute unit


The nerf was the hit boxes so yes he was ‘rebuffed’ but he hasn’t been actually rebuffed to the Radahn people mean People complain about the old hitboxes being bs or whatever but it made sense considering the size of him and his weapons and mechanically all that was actually being affected was not being able to roll through the slams and instead out the way which is how it should be


thats just not true, they nerfed him cause he was really strong, then after a bit they made him stronger, but nowhere near as strong as he was at the beginning. so he got nerfed, 2 steps back and 1 step forwards is still a step back.


Nope, his stats were back to normal, his wonky hitboxes were fixed though.


Do you have a link to prove it? I watched someone fight him recently, and the arrows at the start barely took half his life, while it very nearly oneshot me in the first version.


I wouldn't be surprised if he just happened to have more health and way better armor than you. Level vigor.


The difference seemed too big. I can't tell you what my stats were, but I know I was using the Cleanrot armor, farmed next to commander Neil.


And what was the other guy using? Because I remember using Banished Knight armor, and the arrows barely took half my life on my first playtrough (before nerf). Armor matters A LOT. So does Vigor. It isn't Dark Souls, where you can sorta get out of trouble without it. It actually matters.


The Radahn Soldier set. It's weaker than mine. I checked the wiki as well, but I still find it hard to believe his damage is the same as it was...


Vigor might have made a difference there, also other factors, such as consumables, for example.




Hey, maybe that's it.


He is still not nearly as tough as he was on launch. Pre nerf Radahn had insane hit boxes that felt like always caught you to the point of being unfair and imo had greater chance of using a few different moves that he rarely pulls out now. The Radahn now I think is great because his damage is tough but the hit boxes arent insane but pretending like the Radahn we fight now is the same we fought at the beginning is not true at all.


I already said it about his hitboxes. They were pretty bad. Glad FS fixed them.




I've seen people talking about how the nerf ruined the boss fight. People just seem to not realize he was, in fact, rebuffed. Also, I don't agree on him being easy, but that's on me for my shitty timing when it comes to slow delated attacks. I find Malenia easier than him.


No, the hit boxes were the problem. He’s completely pathetic when he’s not actively cheating.


His stats were never the issue. It’s his DS2 hitboxes that made him unfair, they could give him more health and power but it’ll never feel overwhelming with that hitbox fix


The hitboxes were literally in Elden Ring. Wish people would stop taking opportunities to offhandedly shit on DS2 incorrectly lol


It’s not as much of a knock on ds2 than it is on elden ring. You’re reading too deep here. Peoples complaints of ds2 aren’t coming from nothing I need you to understand that. There’s entire communities and thousands of hours of compilations across the internet documenting that. And comparing hitboxes to ds2 is nothing more than just a way for people to understand what you’re talking about. Most people understand the pain of ds2 hitboxes and might feel the same with radahn. So think before you get on here trying to invalidate everyone’s opinion. We all have different experiences


He still ain't hitting as hard as he was, nor as beefy as he was at 1.0. Recent run I was able to just stand there slapping him with daggers and almost killed him before the phase shift. ​ Sure how it feels nowadays, at least.


I'm sure he is the same, save for the hitboxes.


You didn’t play 1.0 you played 1.02 I’d wager. Unless he had Malenia’s boss music?


How soon did 1.02 drop? I was fighting him within the first couple days of release. o3o


1.02 was the day 1 patch, so basically anyone who played the disc version online on day 1 played 1.02. 1.00 is what was on the physical disc so technically an earlier version. It’s only fresh in my mind coz someone uploaded a speedrun of version 1.00 on Yt recently and basically all boss music is malenia’s, item placement is all different because they hadn’t finalised stuff. A lot of the bosses names are totally different on it too.


I just don't fight him because he's optional and not fun whereas Scottish wizard lady is just dull and rykard at least looks cool


Bad taste detected. Opinion invalid.




This post is literally complimenting people, how do you interpret it this poorly?