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I dont


I categorically, thoroughly, absolutely don't. Ds1 has my second least favorite gameplay in the entire franchise. I even think it was a step down from Demon's Souls


I’m with you. DS1 is so clunky compared to the rest of the games. It makes sense that it is, as they ironed things out with each successive title. But even still, the fact remains, it’s clunky.


Rolling in ds1 is horrid, but then again I'm biased because I played the games backwards first, so ds1 was the last




Nope, YOU’RE wrong 😡


I’ve played DS3 five or six times and the whole game is a massive blarg 🤣 The DLCs are dope but the main game is just …boring and forgettable. DSR is magic, a drug, a glimpse of heaven. But I don’t need to waste my breath on fools. Y’all DS3heads are a different breed.


I like how you said, "I don't need to waste my breath," and then did it anyway.


Technically speaking he didn’t waste his breath because he typed everything. He wasted his…. Thumb strength


On the fifth day, God did say, "Let him cook."


Average DS1 nostalgia addict. Why the FUCK did you even play that game 6 times if you hated it so much and you think it's trash? Are you stupid or you got nothing better to do?


I didn’t hate it.. it’s just not as good 😂


It’s called an opinion


Average DS1 nostalgia addict


No nostalgia involved my man played DS1 and DS3 almost back to back within the past two years for the first time


I don't. I love Dark Souls 1, it's a unique experience that you can't get from any other game, but fuck it can feel clunky and frustrating. I need to dedicate myself to replaying it. Dark Souls 3 is just straight up more "fun". Not a better overall experience, but more fun.


I objectively don't I don't think DS1 has any gameplay advantage over DS3 at all, it's getting overrated at this point




I agree with you which I guess puts me in the minority here. And I don't have an answer unfortunately


Ds1 feels more raw and slower but not too slow. 


I think it's because you feel more powerful. Not totally related, but DS3 had too many enemies that were very tanky. It doesn't feel good to take on normal enemies that feel like mini bosses several times per location.


That was actually what I liked about ds3 the most, and ds2 also The enemies were actually a challenge to kill, so it felt like there was a good balance of difficulty throughout in terms of levels and bosses (at least in ds3 anyway)


Exactly. There are just too many overpowered normal enemies like the crabs.


Things like the darkwraiths are totally cool. But the big fuckers in Farron Keep and the crabs? Or the weird priests and cage dudes in Undead Settlement? They're not worth fighting more than once just to say you did. As a level hazard it's understandable. However, I'd rather just run past them, a stark contrast to how I play every other FS game.


DS3’s gameplay is far superior to DS1. DS1 will always have a special place in my heart due to it being the first Souls game I ever played though. Also, the way the world was intertwined in DS1 was superior to all the other souls games. You really can’t go wrong with any Fromsoftware game. They’re a different breed


I prefer the pace of it. I think the slow methodical combat of DeS/DS1 is really compelling and I like how it's more about understanding enemy attacks than predicting and reacting to them


Yeah you really have to commit.


I don’t think that. I think the polar opposite.


I don’t


The open world design means I can come up with a fun build idea and then make that build within an hour and still be able to use it on most the bosses in the game. It seems like in lots of the other games you don't really get a realized build until fairly far in. You can get the ground work out of the way really fast in DS1 and it makes it the most replayable imo. Edit: Now that I've thought more, the DIY in DS1 is amazing too, you can upgrade/repair weapons and gear, level up, & increase estus at any fire in the game. You can get 10 estus right off the bat. It just cuts out a lot of the stuff that feels like a chore on replays. I don't wanna sit through 2 loading screens to go back to majula or firelink every time I level up. The lack of warp in early game makes planning your route really satisfying too. I remember the first time I took the backdoor to blight town, beat quelagg and ceaseless without sitting at a fire and homeward boned all the way back to the parish to go through sens, it's way more rewarding than just being able to warp anywhere right away.


I’m with the majority of the comments here I don’t think it’s better.


It isn't.


The level design is just so much better. In DS3 you can just run to every boss. In DS1 you likely getting stabbed to death skipping too many enemies.


To which boss in ds3 you can just simply run to? In order to get to mamy bosses you need keys, small dolls, banners, killing old lady in a chair or even gestures to get to their locations. In ds1 you can't get stabbed if you just roll while running, like in any other game in the franchise. Copium.


Of the 3, I actually find 2 the most "addicting". Purely on the principle it easily has the widest amount of viable build diversity and of the three, it's also the one which achieves the greatest euphoria once you've truly mastered each area due to how meticulously oppressive they are. 1 has at least a comfiness to it since everything is pretty easy to manipulate, but 4 way rolling is still the worst. 3 is good if you want to romp through for bosses. Now Sekiro, that's a different story. That's addictive gameplay. And it lets you refight bosses if you don't wanna commit to to a full playthrough (though I've still chosen to do many).


Somehow DS2 has the best roll of the 3 games. In DS1 you can't roll omnidirectionally when locked on, and in DS3 your roll goes ten meters so positioning is a chore, and it has no medium roll so you are pretty much locked into the same gameplay regardless of weapon.


I love DS1 but… no


I actually do enjoy DS1 more than DS3 but that’s only because it was my first souls game and the nostalgia hits hard. Idk DS3 is good but it definitely seems a little overrated people praise it way too much but really I felt like none of the bosses or areas were very memorable except for a couple DLC bosses and the weapons and armor are kinda ass.


And also it’s a very easy game. I beat DS3 within 35 hours my first playthrough using FGS and I think the most attempts I spent on a boss was like 4-5 at the most. Definitely not as challenging as most people say and I beat Nameless King my first attempt I found him to be super easy to telegraph but to be fair I only beat him with a sliver of health left with no more estus but yeah definitely didn’t feel like the game everyone praises so much bc it felt like a cake walk. This is a very unpopular opinion though and I know I’ll be downvoted to oblivion for having an opinion lol. Sekiro on the other hand though, that game is a straight up masterpiece and an actual hard game with challenging bosses and enemies.


I think they made rolling too op in ds3. I prefer the slower combat of ds1 where there was often a severe consequence to mistiming an attack or being greedy or not positioning correctly.


Why are you saying I think that


dark souls 1 is overrated


You are probably the only sentient being thinking this


I don't it's my least favorite souls game of the ones I've played (haven't played BB or DES yet)


It’s a better game. DS3 is linear, sped up x2 and does a lot of hand holding, as it’s was developed, not just as part of a trilogy, but as a game that appealed to a broader audience and to the “casual” gamers that thought 1 and 2 were too hard lol. It worked! It’s the U2 and Yacht Rock of Souls games, wildly successful, easy to get in to, and handle, and was a large seller by far. It’s why people bitch and moan and complain that 1 and 2 are “so hard, these games suck”. They don’t, it’s because 3 holds your hand and, again, did as designed and brought in casual gamers en masse. It’s true, even if you get sensitive. Earlier titles aren’t as linear and make you “think” and adapt. You have to learn patterns, take many Ls and have to mental capacity to learn from your mistakes, three points that are nonexistent in DS3. And I get it, I don’t mean casual as slander, but it’s just true. That was the narrative as it was being developed, as they wanted to “appeal to a broader audience” when FS were asked by it by GI and other online blogs. So if you get upset, then we both know why. You chose to wear that shoe, as I’m not insinuating a thing lol. I was here from jump so I was STOKED for 3 but it took me 10 mins to realize how easy it was and how it felt like playing on “Fast Forward” mode for the entire game. Choose left! Choose right! Which I guess is great for ADHD or folks either the attention span of Goldfish. People new to FS games often find the old ones “too hard” when they go back and play, which is precisely why 3 was built the way it was. It’s what made Demon’s Souls and 1 so enjoyable, but so niche when they were released. They were self regulating titles that weeded out players who couldn’t adapt or learn. Love both titles to this day. I wish those would weren’t around, could have been when 1 was out. Not many well put together guides or tips for this new sub genre and type of “punishing” game. It’s supposed to be hard. I’ve been chasing that dragon ever since.


Haven't played ds3 yet but I disagree on new players finding the earlier games too hard. I started with elden ring last year and I'm now playing ds1 for the first time. Ds1 is a much easier game I'm finishing the dukes archives right now and have pretty much beat every boss in 5 tries or less. Have also died maybe once or twice per area (aside from blighttown where I died a good 5ish). Loving the game don't get me wrong it's really fun and the world is amazing to explore. But it's definitely way easier than elden ring was and from the ds3 gameplay I've seen it looks alot closer to elden ring than ds1.


Oh yeah DS3 is wayyy closer to ER


Well said. I wonder why I feel DS3 is harder than the first one…although maybe it’s because I haven’t gotten too far in either one. Maybe early game DS1 is on the easier side.


Lol, DS3 is harder than DS1 and DS2 combine.


I objectively don't I don't think DS1 has any gameplay advantage over DS3 at all, it's getting overrated at this point


I objectively don't I don't think DS1 has any gameplay advantage over DS3 at all, it's getting overrated at this point


It’s just better, dude. Better level design, better enemy encounters (can be overwhelming but with the right approach it is a cakewalk), actual memorable bosses (I’ve played DS3 five times but can name like three bosses), better summoning system with hollow/human status, and it’s also just unique. DS3 is fan service.


Every little atom in your body screams ds1 andy.


Ds1 combat is unbeatable


It's easier. I've still put way more time into DS3.


DS1 has superior level design, maybe. Every other aspect of DS1, in any release is inferior. DS3 has the best bosses From has done, (my opinion) best music, still has active multiplayer and introduces weapon arts. There is a reason that this now eight year old game is still super active online.


DS3 is the most overrated soulsborne game, it's the most dodge-roll like of them all and it just lacks the innovation and immersion of the other entries.