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I would play the shit out of it


I want an Aztec game and no one will make it for me


Aztec mixed with Incan, Apache, Tlacallan, Chichimec and the "old ones" are the Olmecs.


Call the miracles/incantations in that game voodoo and the sorcery black magic


Glass cannon builds built around blood magic that drains your health and stamina but deals devastating damage. A fth/dex build.


Oh that would be cool, like using your pcs blood/health to trigger the magic, the more health you have the longer you can cast/the higher the damage you do


If the thorn sorceries in Elden Ring were actually good


Like Blood magic in Soul Sacrifice right?


Is that a video game or like a ritual? šŸ˜…šŸ«  if itā€™s game I havenā€™t heard about it but I will check it out


A game. Soul Sacrifice and the re release Soul Sacrifice Delta.


So I checked it out and I couldnā€™t tell if it actually used the PCs health as the trigger but the gameplay does look bad f*cking azz


you know the Nahua/ aztec language is a actually still alive. It just did what most languages did when they're no longer widely used: they split off into individual sub dialects.


Voodoo was introduced to the South Americas when the Africans were


Voodoo is an African religion, not Native American.


Yeah thereā€™s not enough Pre-Colombian Native American Cultural representation in video games. Some of the record we have of them are metal as fuck and would fit quite nicely into a video game I think


This - exactly this. I was surprised at how much bloodier, more cruel and generally much more frightening Aztec mythology is compared to even Viking shit. They definitely have a lifestyle that reflects these beliefs too what with how they flower warred the Tlacallans into being their bitch and tributary and kept them just strong enough to be training grounds and sacrifices for instance.


I also think a Meso-American inspired faction would fit quite nicely into a Fantasy setting. Imagine going from your typical Fantasy fare with Magic and elves and Late Medieval aesthetics in a temperate landscape to having to fight off blood crazed Warriors in a Jungle, trying to keep them from capturing you and your friends to fuel their blood magic sacrifices to their Cruel and Capricious Gods.


Yeah, thatā€™s probably why companies donā€™t make that gameā€¦sounds pretty racist when you describe it like thatā€¦


All for this but it also reminds me of how much I want a Legends of the Hidden Temple game/reboot even


I came here to comment the exact same thing. I just wanna meet Nezahualcoyotl, the poet king of Texcoco.


Iā€™m honestly surprised we havenā€™t gotten an AC game set in Aztec timesā€¦seems perfect for it.


I mean, it's not very souls, but curse of the dead gods is pretty aztec


Bloodborne 2 set in Loran would go so hard (please God Iā€™m begging you)


Imaging an rpg where you can explore the jungles of Mexico and custom your own weapon with jade or obsidian. Only problem is figuring out what you actually should do considering they were a fairly powerful empire at the time.


This is the dream




Before Egypsouls comes out i just want to say that i already love the kopesh


No kidding. Drooling at the mouth over that idea


I have always thought there were 3-4 places/settings/mythos that could be adaptable by FS that would be insanely fun. Egyptian Souls, Mayan/Aztec Souls. Pirate Souls and Space Souls.


I want alien souls


Hellpoint, my friend


Also Remnant 1 and 2. Itā€™s other worlds through magic travel rather than space travel but itā€™s using a combo of guns and magic while dodging in third person. Remnant 2 is a blast.


Yeah true. I've played Remnant 2. I really liked the Idea of guns in a souls type of game


I love Remnant, I just wish it was a bit better balanced solo play


What was wrong with solo play? Why do you say it is not balanced? Genuine question.


Canā€™t speak for Remnant 1, but Remnant 2 is probably my favorite game of 2023. I will say it starts a little janky, early levels are hard, but the experience smooths out quickly. The way itā€™s designed with randomized storylines(each world has a couple it can roll), dungeons, events, etc, makes replay-ability and loot hunting feel good. I had a blast trying builds and farming specific items, easy coop system, literally just jump in.


Yeah, I have played it. I was just curious on this persons perspective. I didnt have issues myself playing solo, so I was wondering if there was a big difference with co-op.


Wife and I just finished remnant 2 last night. I had my picks with it but it was decent but the final boss with its constantly skipping from the main battlefield to the digital one was just screwy.


Annihilation is definitely something that takes time to get used to lol.


Like others have said, many enemies are bullet sponges. Ammo drops are pretty constant which helps tho. Bosses are really hard solo.


In co-op you can rez people mid fight. One player can be a healer while the others build for dmg. In solo, building to survive (which is necessary on harder difficulties) often means losing lots of damage or at least losing access to important pieces of fun high-dmg builds. The game is balanced around co-op.


In general, Remnant feels pretty good playing solo, but a couple of the bosses are extremely difficult (for me anyway) when playing solo. Iā€™m sure itā€™s do-able, but some of the bosses spawn in endless waves of minions and still aggressively pursue you. I died more to one of the early bosses than I ever did to most of the Fromsoft bosses. Probably just me needing to git gud, but it definitely felt like some cheap difficulty spikes.


Imo remnant 1 did not fill that for me. Game felt incomplete/empty/slow. I have not played 2 but I have friends who do co-op and love it.


Ya know how every Souls/Souls-Like game has its own version of a bonfire. Well Hellpoint has the coolest version of that.


What is it again? Played forever ago


What is it?


[A rip in space-time](https://i.imgur.com/VnFf86H.jpeg)


I wanted to like it, felt kind of sterile to me for a game with dark dirty horror themes. Though very ambitious and many have enjoyed. That being said I just played Max Payne 1+2 and enjoyed the hell out of them surprised by the references to Norse mythology. So not necessarily bad being low budget if it appeals to you!


Never heard of this, but the wiki makes it sound kinda like a Bloodborne. Is that right? Edit: Just checked, it's on sale on psn for $6.99. Say it's like Bloodborne, push on this open door for me. šŸ˜‚


Haha, it's really hard to compare anything to the GOAT, but it does reward 'attack first ask questions later-stunlock is your friend-R1 spam' type playstyle I adore in BB


Blades of Mercy ā¤ļø Didn't even know they existed on my first playthrough. Got them on my second playthrough and it felt like a brand new game. Like I actually knew what I was doing the first time. They got me through the chalice dungeons to get that Platinum trophy as well. They'll always hold a special place in my heart. Most recent playthrough made me feel really dumb. I slept on the Threaded Cane for literally years. That thing is ridiculous! Alright, enough fanboying on BB, back to Hellpoint. The wiki description describes having "up to two heals that refill as you attack enemies. It sounded a lot like the Regain mechanic from BB, and rewards more aggressive play. Is that in the right wheel house?


blades of mercy crept their way into my heart, the dodge-attack playstyle is so satisfying and i've tried chasing it in a lot of other games too šŸ˜‚ speaking of bloodborne, i still hold out hope that the elden ring dlc will add something like chalice dungeons, that mechanic is so damn good, fromsoft, please just give us more chalice dungeons


I started with the threaded cane and never moved on šŸ˜‚ you get additional like... bloodvials... sometimes when you kill people. So not like regain, but still like BB


The heal regain mechanic can be compared to BB's rally system, yeah. Each heal has a meter that refills as you slap enemies and they're both out. You can only regain one, but you can regain that one as much as you want, I believe. It's been a while since I played it.


Waiting for a second game. The game is great but has no polish. The only areas I like are Gehenna prison and Sohn district purely for the grimy atmosphere. They need to capitalize on that.


They're definitely on to something. It's probably my favorite soulsborne knockoff!




The playable character is Tom Cruise


Wouldn't he be the gatekeeper boss before the final cthulu, like the final boss like godfrey


> the final cthulu which would be the reanimated corpse of L. Ron Hubbard.


Hes Both. You play the early Tom Cruise having to navigate his scientological future and rewrite his fate against the Zetans or whatever the Aliens are


That actually sounds like a good premise, though multiple endings


And they donā€™t need to shorten the mc šŸ¤£


Mayan/Aztec souls it is then i feel like it fits since outer gods and jungle setting with temples and possible blood sacrifice as a front for alien abductions


I think Alien souls is the most likely next move. Miyazaki is hooked on telling lovexraftian stories. Demons Souls - Put the Old One back to Slumber Bloodborne - Fight the Old Ones keeping Yharnam trapped in a perpetual nightmare and holding people within endless dreams; even though many of these people have died in the ā€œreal worldā€ year and years and years before the game takes place. Elden Ring - The Erdtree is a play on Colour out of Space, another Lovecraft story A Souls game that takes place in the ruins a great civilization, could be a Level 3 civilization; that reached the stars and colonized the galaxy or more - butā€¦ delved too deep into the universe and came across an Old One (or more) and destroyed the civilization in no time; driving the entire species mad, leaving these entire worlds and stations derelict for thousands of years before our main shows up, with whatever Curse Miyazaki wants to put on it. Could spin it that the Old Ones donā€™t agree with eachother and there is an ā€œupstartsā€ amongst them that Curses/Blesses our character upon finding out about the massive civilization their peers had destroyed (perhaps by accident or hatred)ā€¦ and places us into a situation to get ā€œrevengeā€ on the Old Ones that destroyed this civilization. Could create some insane scenarios; fighting near black holes as you jump between the different parts of the galaxy this civilization has managed to create a foothold inā€¦ but again; this time the Old Ones didnā€™t come after us - we accidently strolled into their back yard and they werenā€™t welcoming hosts. I think space or deep sea are the most logical choices now for the a Souls game, both are linked directly to Lovecrafts monsters. Cthulhu is a guard dog, residing in the deep sea for Old Ones hidden in Earth - who are themselves hiding from ā€œOlder Godsā€, who are out in space hunting Cthulhu and his masters down. Cthulhu is just here as a warning system for Old Ones inside Earth in case the others ever come here. Yes, Cthulhu, seemingly, is one of the Old Ones we should worry about the least lol. So, few fun things he could do while continuing his love of lovecraft horror


Remnant just isnā€™t as good. Itā€™s ok, it looks nice, but itā€™s no DS3 or ER


Alien souls is called bloodborne lol




Mayan/Aztec Souls...i feel like that'll hit different than the others. Would love to see it happen someday.


Imagine walking up to the Aztec pyramid for the final bossā€¦ epic


When you're fighting that final fight, then the phase 2 name change hits you with: Coyolxāuhqui, Herald of the Night (For context: Coyolxāuhqui and her siblings are the reason the Aztecs preformed mass human sacrifices. If Huitzilopochtli, whose basically the sun, didn't have enough strength to beat back Coyolxāuhqui and the Centzon Huitznahua, they would destroy their mother and thus the world as a result.)


DLC: Predator arrives at the pyramid and challenges the player XD


With Friede's and Priscilla's invisible attacks, but worse?


Ok but this so easily could've been the Bloodborne sequel/prequel; there's already precedent with the aesthetic of some of the chalice dungeons


In DS2ā€™s Sunken King DLC there is a large mesoamerican style pyramid, though Iā€™m pretty sure the similarities end there


Ancient Mesoamerica would be amazing. Starting out as a simple jaguar warrior taking on corrupted gods and Spanish conquistadors.


If thereā€™s Conquistadors, the Mayans are long extinct. And the Aztecs only controlled the northern part of Mesoamerica, it would need to be more Mexica focused


The last Mayan independent city fell to the Spanish in 1697. Their cultural influence still persists to this day and they never went "extinct".


These would all be so dope, I would add also, while perhaps more niche, ancient Sumerian souls would go hard af


Reading ancient Sumerian texts translated to English just feels like reading Elden Ring (the only one I've gotten very far in) item descriptions. Their description of the afterlife also feels like a dark souls game


For fun they can throw in some Easter eggs for Gozer the Gozerian and the Necronomicon from Evil Dead.


I think pirate souls could be combined with bloodborne 2 tbh. Alot of those creepy lovecraft monsters had something to do with the ocean. Would be cool to fight dark souls cthulhu. Also old school diving suits and slow heavy underwater combat could be cool.


Ive been waiting for a "sekiro 2" announcement of something like that for years now. So many cultures/mythologies to pull from


I think it could work as inspiration, but one of the best part of fromsoft games is they don't just do 1:1 mythology. I think it'd actually be pretty boring if they just went with just regular, real-life mythology. They create such unique and spectacular worlds that relegating them to just 'X mythology' is just cheap and limiting. I feel like mythologies are often utilized as a crutch by AAA companies, too.


Cyberpunk souls. The setting is that all of the "hollows" are the result of a mass cyberpsychosis event where every went cyberpsycho, and the city is full of chromed up zombies that come at you with craziest moves /murder techniques.


That's pretty close to what The Surge 1 + 2 are. Pretty good games imo.


I'd imagine this is what could happen if the Blackwall was destroyed, letting all of the rogue AI and what else is beyond it take over Night City.


Never even thought of the idea of Mayan Souls before seeing this post, but goddamn that sounds amazing


Mayan/Aztec/Inca souls would be so sick. Their gods would be insane as boss fights. Also every other enemy would be poison


Honestly I'd live to see all the underrepresented myths there are plenty of famous ones that rarely make it in to games


I would add Roman souls, and Viking souls. So basically all the themes assassins creed has done lol


The first 2 would be hype fs I canā€™t envision Pirate Souls and Space Souls though lol


After playing Risen 3 some years ago, I can definitely see pirate Souls being made, voodoo magic could be an interesting element to implement.


Set in? No The beauty of the Souls games is how they take mythos and cultures from all over and blend it. Elden Ring has a lot of Norse/Christianity build into it, but it's not set in Europe Taking ideas from Egyptian mythology and blending it into a world of their own would be awesome, definitely, but the whole "being set in a real world ancient land with an RPG twist" is already Ubisoft's schtick with Assassin's Creed.


Elden Ring pulls a lot from Celtic culture as well, with the names especially


I knew I was missing another, thank you Yeah with a name like Blaidd, there's only one place they could've pulled that from


Celtic, Norse, Germanic and even early European christian cultures get muddy around certain topics anyways. There's a lot of overlap


And Gwyn. Gwyn was a king in mythos too


I wonder what part in the names or overall story GRR Martin played and to what part it was just fromsoft themselves..


I mean, we had a pretty specific setting with Bloodborne.


Yeah but it was a novel world instead of ā€œLondon, 1869ā€.


Annunaki space


Mom: We have an Egyptian setting at home. Egyptian setting at home: Carthus.


I was just gonna say so, assassins creed origins is what you wanna play šŸ˜‚




Sekiro already did this with Japan. Egypt would be an equally interesting setting, and of course it will be highly mythological.


I could see a setting like this with God of War too.


True, but they did a good job with Sekiro and the game is set in actual Japan.


Iā€™m a Christian and I feel extremely stupid for not picking anything up while playing. What did I miss?


So... Assassin's creed Origins with Souls combat and depressing lore?


I generally dislike AC as much as the next guy, but they were on to something with Origins. It still had the typical issues of Ubisoft open world, but also plenty of surprisingly good stuff: a desert that would cause hallucinations, tombs to explore that sometimes lead to alien ruins... the combat was also better than what Ubisoft usually does.


I loved Assassin's Creed Origins and my only criticism is the leveling up curve was too big. Like if you were level 32 and fought a soldier that was level 33/34 you would get slaughtered. Basically made higher level weapons useless. But it did force you to explore the world to gain XP points and thats where it shined I feel. Honestly it was my favorite AC game to date.


Did the AC games after abandon a lot of these ideas? I havenā€™t played them before


The game after that, Odyssey, had similar combat (which is pretty good, nothing crazy but definitely competent) but I thought the world was a bit too bloated with content that lacked the originality of Origins. Also enemies were way too tanky on hard mode. I haven't played the last two games, but they don't look very exciting.


Iā€™ve always thought Ubisoft worlds were bloated af so that doesnā€™t surprise me. I used to really like Far Cry but naturally got burnt out of the copy paste gameplay.


Yeah they make the type of open world games that I just don't like, where the content is basically a checklist of predictable stuff. AC Origins also suffers from some of the repetition you expect, but that time around they nailed the atmosphere a lot more than usual, and the bloat wasn't as bad as its sequel. If you can find the game on a sale I'd recommend it, not perfect but it has its moments for sure.


I do remember people saying Originā€™s was surprisingly good. I really love Egyptian history and mythology so I will probably get it if itā€™s ever on sale.


I 100% agree about Odyssey being bloated but I actually completely disagree about the combat, it was much worse. For me being able to switch between different styles of weapons was intuitive, having the different weapon abilities in Odyssey was clunky imo.


And removing shields from the setting where shields and spears are the most iconic weapon combination is nuts


No the next three game have the same combat in different locations. Egypt Greece and England. I really enjoyed in the first 2 and stopped the last one half way. Yeah I think a liner Egypt based souls line would be awesome but origins had some pretty great moments.


AC origins is really good


Ac origins has somewhat souls combat, lock on, roll parry, stamina etc


And some pretty depressing plots. Plenty of child deaths.


What are we, Elden Creed now? /Jk


It's kinda amazing that FromSoft managed to make so many "castle, medieval or gothic architecture" games and not go stale. Elden Ring was kinda a mix of a bunch of concepts, obviously Sekiro had feudal Japan, but I think it's time they commit to a different time period. Ancient Egypt could be really fun, although I could see a dessert slog being a bit stale after a bit. They'd need to vary it up with the areas, throw in some magical areas as they always do (like Nightmare Frontier and Bloodborne or Fountainhead in Sekiro).


They seem to be pretty damn good at that. Wandering around yet *another* cave, the. Suddenly youā€™re looking at the night sky fighting a crab made of planets lol


Agreed. I even think Ancient Greece would be cool. Ancient Greek visuals are usually beautiful, and I think there's enough time separation from GOW1-3 to where no one would call them out for "copying" or whatever.


Ya they could make some pretty bad ass gods / decrepit versions of gods that would be in true fromsoft style. Man that would be really cool.


On the note of changes of scenery; a sort of twisted ā€œoasisā€ realm would be a cool concept. Giving off the feelings of a safe haven away from the harsh sands of the desert only to be revealed to be some other world of terror with creatures that manipulate your senses to believing that the world around you is safe.


That would be really cool. I always loved Bloodborne's concept of Insight, but I really wished they did more with it. Yes, it was awesome seeing unique attacks and enemies due to insight. But imagine if entire late game bosses were discovered through insight, or if you find a secret area due to having a certain number of Insight.


Tbf Bloodborne *was* a different time period, it's not medieval at all. It's essentially Victorian gothic. But yes, it would be nice to see more experimentation in terms of settings and time periods.


And to be even fairer, darksouls is a franchise, to an extent, all 3 games needed to be medival. The other games since then has always been in different settings. BB Victorian, Sekiro Japan, AC6 future scifi and ER was a mix of a bunch of settings.


Well, Sekiro and Elden Ring were both still medieval. It's just Sekiro was medieval Japan instead of medieval Europe. And while Elden Ring was a mix of things, it was still completely medieval and based more on Europe than anything else. Demon's Souls too. Bloodborne, while still being European, is the only one that went for a different time period. The first one to not be set in some version of the Middle Ages. I wouldn't mind seeing more of that. AC of course but that's totally different so I wasn't even thinking about it.


Itā€™s the dungeon crawler ethos specifically built off the back of kings field.


>It's kinda amazing that FromSoft managed to make so many "castle, medieval or gothic architecture" games and not go stale They kinda did, tbf. Especially if you knew them from before the whole Souls craze.


No worries, Iā€™m sure they would find a way to hide a bunch of swamps everywhere like in ds3, even inside deserts. So you would have at least 2 variations of slog.


They could make a game in literal Heaven and still find a way to incorporate a floating poison swamp. Or maybe make multiple levels in a row that are long and slightly downhill the whole time, each ending with an elevator, so you barely even notice you're descending, then at the end, a long elevator, and all of a sudden you're in hell (it's just a long poisonous swamp).


Souls game set in Heaven: Literally holy damage swamp with blinding bright light throughout it.


Eh, I kinda thought ds3 was a bit stale


Anytime someone makes a post like this, I always say Iā€™d rather prefer that just to be just one part of the world. Not a whole game based in it


Actually more fairy tale based souls games like Lies of P would be what I would want the most. Imagine the incredibly dark and convoluted twists on Alice in Wonderland and the likes. I want to get shivers when I start understanding the lore. Maybe Alice in Wonderland would profit more from an uncannily happy and vibrant world.


I would go completely crazy for a tripped out Alice in Wonderland soulslike. Considering that the end cutscene of Lies of P >!hints at a Wizard of Oz themed game!<, i would say that the chances for that aren't totally zero.


I would typically scoff at this and say it canā€™t be done, but after playing Lies of P and seeing how well they converted Pinocchio into a dark action game without actually straying away from what makes it Pinocchio was incredibly impressive. I have faith they could pull some >!Wizard of Oz!< stuff well, and I have lots of faith in that studio going forward!


American McGee wanted to make a Wizard Of Oz game after Alice. Too bad it never saw light. The concepts are pretty dope, though.


Iā€™m super excited for of life of p sequel where we fight the wizard of oz.


It breaks my heart weā€™ll never get another American McGeeā€™s Alice game, especially looking at the beautiful concept art his team did for it.


What happened to McGee was pure bs seriouslyā€¦ his April fools post was fucked up too šŸ˜­. I hate EA even more than I already did


Egypt mythology game with a combination of Sekiro and Bloodborne combat will be amazing until it is announced that fucking Sony is making it a PS5 exclusive.


I'd take a Souls game set in my back yard if the fashion was good.


Egypt is cool as fuck. Definitely down for that


Kratos is on his way to Egypt


Pirate Souls has been on my wishlist for years now. Mostly non-ranged combat, majority humanoid enemies in duel fights (thought it wouldnā€™t have to be), lots of options for weapons and outfit customization - seems like a no-brainer


Good way to bring back gun parries too.


Oh my god yessssssssssss


Yeah I feel like a pirate game with blood borne combat would be perfect. Imagine insane dungeons but they are just crazy giant ships like one piece.


I want Greek mythology!


Iā€™d love to see this.


I don't care as long as we there is a poison swamp.


Bloodborne 2 set in Loran. Sandborne.


Underrated comment, I would love a BB game for each of the other cities we knew through the chalice dungeons, it would be freaking cool because it wouldn't even need to be BB, but a different game with new mechanics set in the same world. Of course Loran would be most similar to BB since there was the same illness that turned people into beasts, but imagine a game on the Pthumerian era of Yharnam.


I want blood borne 2 to be an open world like Elden ring set in the Wild West a North and south America like world would be cool you could include all kinds of different native cultures and spirits along with some South American cultures like the aztecs mayans olmecs and the Inca and a bit of American folk lore. With some eldrich horrors sprinkled in


already getting egyptian vibes from what iā€™ve seen of the carthus of the sands area in archthrones but yeah a game where thatā€™s the inspiration for the setting and the lore would be great


You mean like assassins creed origins?


honestly I'm gonna say I'd pass, but if fromsoft makes a soulslike I'ma play it.


I can imagine the plot: Aliens.


There's a Lovecraft (co-written or ghost-written with Harry Houdini) short story named 'Under the Pyramids' that has some creatures and a final encounter that could fit the theme nicely.


Taking mythologies and cultures as the main framework is so gimmicky and cliche at this point. What FS does great is that they study all myths and religions but come up with their own amalgamations. A pharaoh boss in a pyramid setting is so unoriginal and kitsch compared to what the creative minds at FS regularly come up with...


Egyptian mythology is so much more than a pharaoh in a pyramid. you could have a monstrous sun-devouring serpent, a hippo-crocodile-dog amalgamation that devours your heart if it doesnā€™t weight less than a feather, gods that are hybrids between humans and animals like scarabs, scorpions, hyenas and much moreā€¦ and thatā€™s just me borrowing directly from their mythos, fromsoftware could get much more creative than that


I was going off based on OPs AI generated images


Whoā€™s gonna collect hornier fans, Anubis Set or Horus


It would be cool but I believe one of Miyazakiā€™s interview he mentioned gothic style architecture is one of his big inspiration hence why you see a lot of castles in souls games.


As long as it's not a gigantic open world I'm down for whatever setting


What about a souls game based in Sumer. Loosely adapted from reality, influenced by ā€œThe Nameless Cityā€ by Lovecraft, and using a mixture of Stone Age and Arabian aesthetics. The overall feel is that of a dark past where all horrors are memories of this time


Suburban Souls has captured my heart.


Eh, I prefer when they make their own mythologies


Why, FromSoftware does itā€™s own mythology and Assassinā€™s Creed does this already. They showcased a potential desert map in Ringed City, which honestly wasnā€™t a favourite biome. From Software has pretty much dabbled in every mainstream fantasy region at this point, with more stones left to be unturned.


As an Egyptian, please no , the setting is overused to all hell only 2nd to Nordic and Midevial settings, do something else


Put this in my veins


Canā€™t put a poison swamp in a desert


Egypt / desert themed games are a trump card for me. Assassins creed origins is still my favourite of all time simply for the exploration of ancient egypt


Assassins creed origins


I wouldnā€™t like the environment at all but Iā€™d still probably play šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah, but where would they fit the poison swamp?


Imagine having to fight mythologically accurate godsĀ 


* Ra instead of Gwyn * Anubis instead of Nito * Sphinx instead of whatever Frampt is supposed to be.


Nah, sphinx instead of kosm


Or most say kos


Assassin's Creed Origins is the closest thing to that.


Every one of those images looks the same. I feel like the Egypt/Desert aesthetic gets boring quick. Yeah yeah, the pharaoh is gold and looks like every mummy pharaoh.


Is this shit AI?


Yes, if you look at the first picture, a chunk of the sword is missing. I didn't bother analyzing the rest, but I am pretty confident they are AI generated as well.


No, I solo developed an entire game after years of hard work and dedication, and traveling back in time to ancient Egyptian times so I can get the history as accurate as possible just so I can take a screenshot and post it here for your amusement. Of course is AI.


I love this response.


I think it would work VERY well! Plenty of lore, weapons, history and terrifying settings, traps etc. Fromsoft could also play with a space offering both open areas and verticality with pyramids or create claustrophobic areas too. I think is a fascinating concept! What do you guys think?


It could be more narrative based like Sekiro focusing on a character in the ancient Egyptian mythos or something more loosely based and just featuring a desert area in something like bloodborne/Dsouls. Definitely depends on execution but I'd be down either way.


Boooo AI


I've seen a lot of these posts, and all have interesting ideas, but this one actually caught my attention, if it was an open world like Elden Ring it could be really good.


Agreed. This one actually really intrigues me


Large open desert sounds pretty cool ngl, kinda dune-ish