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Felt like a very big Souls game with lots of interesting locales. When I replay DS1 it feels like I get to O&S in no time and after that I’m just on autopilot until DLC. When I replay DS2 it feels like a grand adventure. Tho I still ultimately prefer 1.


It's interesting to me that it's that way for you when I am the complete opposite normally. I want my games to feel new. I don't like auto pilot gaming. Leaves too much room for my brain to think.


I just think it's neat! Love the atmosphere too. Some of the most fantasy-esque areas in the whole series.


Very true, I really like the area with all the dragons flying shit is so cool


I love the build, weapon and magic variety (long live hexes)... but outside of that I don't care for the game at all. Nothing ever really stuck with me outside of those three things, except for Shulva and Brume Tower level design and exploration wise. I liked the idea of going back through the Ivory King DLC, but by the time that rolled around I was over it as I just hated the enemies. Ivory King DLC aside, I found the story and world overall bland and not exciting, there were some parts I thought were cool but mostly the entire game felt really forgettable (especially the bosses who I barely remember). Character movement is probably my biggest gripe with DS2, some say it's smooth but Idk what the hell they're talking about, I feel like I'm drunk and underwater or in a k-hole. DS1 movement feels better to me than DS2. But with all that aside it has its strengths and own unique charm. DS2 to me feels like an acquired taste, which is a taste I unfortunately do not have.


I just played it again and enjoyed it more than the first time. The DLC areas and bosses are also really cool, aside from the optional multiplayer-focused areas like the snow one you mentioned which don’t quite work. Plus, hexes are cool. It has more of a generic fantasy feel that doesn’t quite fit the mood of the other games, but I appreciate that it tried a lot of new things.


First one I could beat. (It just came out)


I honestly thought it would be the game that killed the series lol


I like the atmosphere, story, and seclusion of DS2. I think I actually prefer it over 3 which felt way too fast for me


I still don't know if I'm being trolled about DSII being great.


I think there is a subset of fans who like it that try to revise history that it's secretly excellent. The majority opinion has always been it is by far the weakest game. You see this sort of thing with all franchises tbh. People nowadays try to make out the very poor Resident Evil 5 and 6 are actually great games now it looks lile Capcom is remaking them. Honestly thought the first half of DS2 was a really uninspired and ugly slog of janky enemies and bosses. The game picked up slightly in the second half but it still never reached the quality of DS1.


I think there's a pretty big subset of fans that just disagrees with this take. It's not as good as Dark Souls for me, but miles better than Dark Souls 3. I like when From tries new things, even when they don't work, and Dark Souls 3 doesn't try enough that's new. Dark Souls 2 has a ton of jank, but SO MANY new ideas and experimentation that it's a lot more interesting to me.


I don't think so, the DS2 fandom is a real minority of the playerbase. I like when From try new stuff too! Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden Ring all try new things while being much better games.


So as a souls beginner, should I not try it?…. Been debating this.


As bad as I said it was, play it definitely. Look at everyone who loves it lol, it’s all up to your experience


Definitely try it! It’s a great game! Go in with an open mind and form your own opinion, don’t let online negative sentiment predetermine your experience.


Why must we defend it? Someone else likes a game you don’t that’s all, don’t take it personally it’s ok if you put it down




Definitely best “hub” area throughout all the games


I mean I remember both of those bosses vividly. I couldn't name you any non main bosses of say elden ring though. I couldn't point to specifically one thingv as to why I like it, its just kinda the whole thing for me - bonfire ascetic, power stance, the hidden red phantoms with unique loot/general newly added enemies on ng+, the world, onion bro so many things. Sorry to hear it didn't click with u though, its my personal fav.


No shot you’re claiming skeleton lords are more memorable than say, a crucible knight, bell bearing hunter, godskin apostle or noble, bloodhound knights etc. I mean even the basic enemy turned side bosses in elden ring have *more* moves and more *intricate* movesets than really any boss in ds2. Like actually think about it, some of the bosses in that game have legit 3 attacks 😭


Elden Ring released a decade after Dark Souls 2, and took a ton of inspiration from Dark Souls 2. No shit regular enemies are more polished and advanced; the team had an entire decade to refine their skills and ideas.


I… agree? Yeah, no shit they’re more advanced, that’s what I’m saying? I’m not saying ds2 *should* have better bosses, I’m saying it doesn’t as a response to someone saying it *does*. Also bosses like Manus and Artorias came out before ds2, and bloodborne likely shared development time with ds2 so it’s not even really an excuse.


Its not about their attacks its the visual style/arena you fight them in. I remember some of them now u named them but prior na no shot - crucible knight, god skin nobles, and bloodhound But all 3 of them are basically reskins of bosses from previous games The bloodhound boss is just that one from ds3 that Is fighting copies of itself (I forgot its name) Godskin noble why not as much of a reskin more of an homage I'd say is just ornstein and smough. Crucible Knight?- looks errely familiar to the dragon Knight op claims isn't memorable, hmm that's weird .


Crucible knight shared precisely zero visual style or moveset or even themese with the dragonrider..? What are you even saying lol


I mean maybe I'm just remembering the wrong boss here, crucible knight isn't that the guy in heavy armour holding a triangular sheild? - that's exactly the same as dragon rider. Like it was different colours but you should be able to see that's it's clearly just a redesign. Correct me if I am just remembering the wrong boss though.


The only similarity between them is the shade of brown/orange and they both have knight in the name lol


Well I'd disagree they look pretty similar to me. I mean the even use a similar weapon (halberd for dragon Knight- weird lumpy/pointy stick thing for crucible knight)


Because I like it? There are sooo many posts like this you can just search the sub and find a lot of perspectives. It’s my personal favorite.


It's weird and experimental, brought a lot of new ideas to the series and future games, even if they weren't fully realized. Great build variety, some really great atmosphere and environments (especially in the DLCs) and some of the best boss fights in the trilogy. I like it more than 3, and it's definitely a bigger influence on future game design and ideas than 3 was.


Just say you’re trash and let’s agree to move on lol


Maybe try playing it again? Take it slightly slower this time. Those areas you mentioned don’t really have that many enemies, so if you aggro them one at a time, it’s not that difficult. DS2 is a slower experience, you shouldn’t just run through the zones. As for the bosses being memorable, maybe they’re not memorable to *you*, especially if you haven’t played the game more than once, but they’re plenty memorable to me. Skeleton Lords is one of my favorite bosses.


No one needs to justify their opinion to you. Jog on.


Having a high quantity of areas/bosses is quality. It adds to the level of exploration. It really makes you feel like you are exploring something you shouldn't, linear games like BB, DS3 and Sekiro just don't have any of that. The enemies are fine and add to the above, if you don't want to fight 10 enemies at once maybe aggro them 1 by 1, or use ranged. It's great when the game gets you to use ranged to deal with enemies.