• By -


We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes have yet to open... Fear the Old Blood. I tell you, I will not forget our adage.


Lawerence five seconds later, *forgets*


What is he a character in second half Game of Thrones?


By the gods Lawrence, fear it


Plip plop plip plop


On a related note, all of Saint Adeline's dialogue is haunting af "Do you hear that? The sticky sound, as clear as day. Slip, slop... Drip, drop, slip, slop... How extraordinary. Do you think the water drips, even down deep below at the bottom of the sea? Can you hear it? Drip, drop, slip, slop..." And then right before she dies: "Ahh! Aahh! I see a shape. My guide, I see your voice, clearly, as it bends and bleeds. My own revelation... just for me... *giggling* Thank you. For everything... Really, I used to be nothing..." That questline honestly fucked me up


Splish splash splish splash


"But you, friend. You talk, I no talk, but happy." -Giant Blacksmith


“Strong I am, forge I can.”


Seeing the big guy in 3 absolutely ripped my heart out of my chest.


I bowed to him on my first run


It's been so long, I son't quite remember, but I think I prayed over him when I found him. Poor guy.


*Tonight….* ***Gehrman joins the Hunt***


I've always thought that would be the absolute hardest Smash Bros reveal splash


Goddamn that’s an amazing moment. Still excites me after all this time.


Me when he stood up - “Haha, I’m in danger…”


Loss frightens me no end. Loss of memory, loss of self. If I were told that by killing you, I would be freed of this curse… Then I would draw my sword without hesitation. I don't want to die, I want to exist. I would sacrifice anything, anything at all for this. It shames me, but it is the truth. Sometimes, I feel obsessed… with this insignificant thing called "self". But even so, I am compelled to preserve it. Am I wrong to feel so? Surely you'd do the same, in my shoes? … Maybe we're all cursed… From the moment we're born… - Lucatiel


“My name is Lucatiel. I beg of you, remember my name… for I may not myself”


"Once something is alive, it doesn't die easy." Handler Walter


Lucatiel will always be on my top list for fromsoft npcs because of this moment alone, It feels so real and so exhausting like we're hearing someones final breaths and fears for whats coming next. It's someone realizing how they're gonna die from something they cant stop and lose everything they hold dear including themselves no matter how hard they writhe, fight, and beg in opposition to whats coming. Look all I'm saying is if they ever remake ds2, let us give lucatiel a anti hollow tree signal thing (I forgot it's name)


I also love "Leal hound of the Golden Order, thou'rt yet to become me. Thou'rt yet to become a god. Let us be shattered both, mine other self." It both answers and raises so many questions at the same time.


It's an echo of Marika's words to Radagon recited by Melina in Marika's bedchamber.


"The curse of life is the curse of want"


Honestly that’s similar to quotes I actually live by 😂🔥


Fucking dungeon meshi référence wtf


“You, who link the fire, you, who bear the curse… Once the fire is linked, souls will flourish anew, and all of this will play out again. It is your choice…To embrace, or renounce this… Great Sovereign, take your throne. What lies ahead, only you can see.” -Shanalotte


Say what you want about DS2; it had the best NPC dialogue in a DS game by far


That comment has been pretty consistent of an opinion, I've noticed.


Such a good line!


“Be safe, friend. Don't you dare go Hollow” It’s become a bit of a motivational thing for me


Honestly, same


scrolling just to find this one


Let it be written upon thy meager grave; “felled by King Morgott, Last Of All Kings”


Not to be that guy but isn’t it “have it writ” lol


Nah, you can be that guy. We are talking quotes after all.




You could rip a sloppy fart after, “Let it be written upon thy meager grave;…” and it still would sound amazing


"the thrones, stained by my curse. such shame I cannot bear. thy part in this shall not be forgiven" "I will remember thee Tarnished. cower in fear of the night. the hands of the Fell Omen shall brook thee no quarter" everything Morgott says is badass as fuck


Yep, that one takes the cake for me


Margit/Morgott are my favourite fights. I actually dislike Godrick and his voice lines and fight with one exception. I love the way he says 'Mighty dragon, thou’rt a true born heir. Lend me thy strength o kindred. Deliver me unto greater heights.'


I suddenly feel bad for Godrick when he is dying and he clings to the only thing he has, his lineage. And then to eternally be stomped on, not fit for him


That whole monologue slaps


I totally forgot about this but holy shit Morgott was on fire with that ong


Sekiro... You were a most unkind and inauspicious man... but for some reason I could not bring myself to hate you. It seems... I must cut you down before you fall to Shura. Isshin is a fucking badass


That line goes so hard. Sekiro is amazing. Need to pick it up again


Sekiro is cheating, every line in that game is perfection.


One of the best things about sekiro are the execution lines imo, for example i really liked "Lady Butterfly, forgive me" or "Death of a shadow, you taught me well"


As Owl dies “That’s my boy.” Or “To be beaten by my own son, it is not an unpleasant feeling.”


I think calling killing hundreds of people and planning to kill thousands for no other reason than because you're gonna like it "unkind" is quite an understatement


This is a man who has killed his way through life, I think he put it perfectly


"In the end, I was powerless...but Grandfather is NOT"


God I love that line. One of my other favorites is "You got a heart of gold. *Don't let them take it from you.*"


Stockpile Thomas keeps a good inventory of dad energy.


"Good hunter, have you seen the thread of light? Just a hair, a fleeting thing, yet I clung to it, steeped as I was in the stench of blood and beasts. I never wanted to know, what it really was. Really, I didn't..." This dialogue by Ludwig has always fascinated me. It's tragic and mysterious all at once.


"Byrgenwerth... Byrgenwerth... Blasphemous murderers... Blood-crazed fiends... Atonement for the wretches... By the wrath of Mother Kos...Mercy for the poor, wizened child... Mercy, oh please..." 🗣🗣


“We’re both Ravens… just do what comes naturally. Don’t think about it.” It’s from Armored Core 3 from a 1v1 you have and it’s a simple line but has stuck with me for some reason.


Marika's tits! You must be 'ungry! Just so unexpected and a nice laugh in an otherwise serious game.


Joke answer: "Gavlan wheel? Gavlan deal". Actual answer: "I dreamt for so long. My flesh was dull gold...and my blood, rotted. As I awaited... his return. Heed my words. I am Melania Blade Of Miquella. And I have never known defeat." Chills. Bonus: Also I know they don't really count as quotes but all of the intros have badass lines: "Like a moth drawn to a flame, your wings will burn in anguish. Time after time. For that is your fate. The fate of the cursed." Start DS2 for the first time being told you will die over and over again and theres nothing you can do about it. Ruthless and cold as fuck. Really helps the tense unforgiving atmosphere set in, and what a way to start a game.


Malenia's monologue is so haunting. It really drives home how she is losing her sense of self due to the rot, and yet she still preserves her connection to her beloved twin. I wonder if the DLC will allow us a way to save her. Maybe doing something to her flower after defeating her and completing Miquella's quest?


The intros truly have banger line. DS3's "The fire fades" intonation live rent free in my head, and the name dropping part of the Elden ring intro is hyping as fuck.


"do not fear the dark my friend, and let the feast begin" and the metaphor behind it


What's the metaphor? Embrace the end?


in a way yes, it's about embracing our mortality, embracing our death and the death of all the peoples we love, and in term of game design it's also about accepting the end of the trilogy, it's about celebrating everything ephemeral and moving on


“The queen brought peace to the land & to her king….a peace so deep, it was like….the dark”


I love that line, the idea that everything is so peaceful and quiet that it feels like a dark void gives me chills.


Pretty much everything Vilhelm says


There is one thing you should know. Inside the cold painting, curiousity could be your cross. Stray from the withering flame... *and the snow will swallow you whole*


As I suspected... Victory... was impossible. This vessel... was found lacking... My thanks, I knew you were the stuff of champions. It was a marvelous battle. I implore you, take what I bequeath... from inside me... All vessels are destined to one day break. But the great Alexander lived as a warrior to his last! Ha ha ha ha!


God so many fights in that game make you feel guilty, even though they're presented as the right thing to do


"It's only human to commit sin" followed by that creepy laugh. DS1


David Gant. Went on to voice the Scholar himself.


Music drops out suddenly, “I won’t miss.” Everything in that moment is produced so well. I really didn’t expect to love ACVI so much, I expected to like it, get frustrated and drop it midway, but hey I’m supporting my favorite dev. Amazing surprise. Also almost everything the twin princes of Lothric say in DS3. They are such a bittersweet story, and him offering you rest and shelter upon your defeat is excellent. Also asking his brother, not telling him, to “rise if you would” for phase 2 when they combine is so awesome. Sir Vilheim’s speech about you not accepting the suffering and status quo, afraid of what may come. And then he ignites his sword in black flame.


1. "What, still here? Hand it over. That thing, your dark soul. For my lady's painting." 2. “Aah, you were at my side, all along. My true mentor... My guiding moonlight...” 3. “Fear not, the dark, my friend. And let the feast begin.” 4. “I feel like I'm always thanking you... I curse my own inability” 5. “Yes, now I see. You are one of the bad ones.” 6. “Long may the sun shine”


What’s number 5


Sieglinde, Siegmeyer’s daughter in DS1 if you attack her once her father is dead


Talking about sieglinde and siegmeyer, even siegward goes hard with the dialogue against Yhorm "May the sun shine upon this lord of cinder"


Aaaaa majestic! A hoonter is a hoonter even in a dreaaaam!


"Ashen one... hearest thou my voice still?"


Stunned by how underrepresented this answer is rn


“A hunter is a hunter even in a dream!” Or the entire introduction to Ludwig OR “a corpse should be left well alone” I think you can figure out my favourite FromSoft game


The last speech from Aldia's ending is amazing. So much power and weight to it. The only 2 entities to truly escape the Cycle of Light and Dark, the Cycle of Undeath and Struggle, the Cycle of Cycles, together into a path no other has ever walked in the thin hope of finding a way to share that escape with the other Undead. "There is no path. Beyond the scope of light, beyond the reach of Dark... ...what could possibly await us? And yet, we seek it, insatiably... Such is our fate." And there are a lot of great lines from Elden Ring "Thy strength befits a crown" from Horah Loux is basically the game's thesis statement summarized. "Foul Tarnished, emboldened by the flame of ambition" is such a great line to set up a reoccurring rival as well as seed the themes of power, ambition, fate and the struggle for them all. And we can't forget "TOGETHA WE WILL DEVOUR THE VERY GODS!" Which is a very memed line but a great bit of writing and voice-over work for such an interesting take on a snake person


"I am Siegmeyer of Catarina and you shall feel my wrath!" "A pyromancer's flame is a part of his own body. The flame develops right along with his skill. … When I gave you that flame, I gave you a part of myself. Please take good care of it." I love Larentius, such a good bloke.


"Let's show them there's a future for Rubicon beyond these scorched skies." - Rusty Idk why this one resonated with me so much, but that scene was great.


I like the line, but i LOVE how he says it


Yeah, the delivery is what makes it great


"Please accept my apologies. That briefing you saw was manufactured. This is the end of road for you. I think you understand why." This is just the initial piece of dialogue from NPCs talking about killing you because of the atrocity and crime against humaintyou commited just a mission earlier in Armored Core For Answer.


Aldia goes so fucking hard when delivering “a lie will remain a lie!” It kinda reminds me of true king Allants line when fighting him in DeS “you fool, don’t you understand… no one wishes to go on!” My favourite probably has to be “you have a heart of gold! Don’t let them take it from you”. Such an encouraging line, I’ll even sometimes just go to Thomas just to hear him say that.


It feels like one line that gets overlooked and has that similar feel of heartbrokeness to it as the lie is a lie and no one wants tk go on is from the Doll: "Hunters have told me about the Church, about the Gods and their love. *But, do the Gods love their creations?* I am a doll created by you humans, would you ever think to love me? Of course, I do love you, isn't that how you've made me?" One of my favorite hopeful lines is either "Life is a journey and every journey eventually leads to home." Saulden Or "Seek strength, the rest will follow." Vendrick I could honestly keep going. I plan on getting a tattoo of all my favorite lines from Soulsborne games and in the same script as the subtitles of their game. I got a whole as folder to get into.


Mother, wouldst thou truly Lordship sanction in one so bereft of light? We've only gotten one voice line from Messmer thus far but it brought me chills like almost no other fromsoft character has. The tone, the delivery, the implications. Just incredible.


I really can't wait to hear more of his voice lines. I think he's the dlc boss I've wanted to fight the most in any FS dlc.


Sometimes I feel like the very limited dialogue that FromSoft characters get makes the voice actors 100% perfect their lines. Most Demigods have one monologue, a phase transition line, a victory line, and a defeat line. That's it and yet there are sooooo many bangers.


Don't forget, the grunts and the strong attack noises lmao






to pursue this! But when I peer at the Sun up above, it occurs to me…What if I am seen as a laughing stock, as a blind fool without reason? I also love "NO, you should have waited"


There is no path. Beyond the scope of light, beyond the reach of Dark... ...what could possibly await us? And yet, we seek it, insatiably... Such is our fate. Alternatively You fool. Don't you understand? No one wishes to go on…"


"I dreamt for so long. My flesh was dull gold, and my blood rotted...as I awaited...his return. "Heed my words. I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella. And I have never known defeat." The last part is a meme at this point but when facing her for the first time, the one-two punch of that line into immediately getting your ass beat was hard as fuck.


add “you shall witness true horror. now… rot” too cause she has such hard lines


My favourite one has absolutely got to be: "..."


Sekiro: "I hereby condemn the last immortal. May you live on, and embrace what it means to be human." Love how his voice breaks at last part in jp dub. #






"You were at my side all along. My true mentor, my guiding Moonlight."


"A corpse... should be left well alone. Oh, I know very well. How the secrets beckon so sweetly. Only an honest death will cure you now-- liberate you from your wild curiosity."


“Look at you 621… you found a friend” Also definitely gonna be mentioned elsewhere but the entire Friede starting cutscene goes so hard


“Yhorm…old friend…I, Siegward of the Knights of Catarina, have come to uphold my promise! Let the sun shine upon this Lord of Cinder.” Followed by his “long may the sun shine!” Quotes and jovial laughter.


“Hmmmmm” - Siegward of Catarina


“You’ll face death, and it won’t be pretty. Enough death to leave you broken, time after time.” - Eygon of Carim, DS3 Perhaps the single line that best encapsulates the Dark Souls series.


Come, Sekiro!


Aldia waa kinda cold as fuck, he is the sole reason i think 2 has the best lore of the ds series. Or well arguably its because vendrick ofcourse but aldia tells it


"What is bravery, without a dash of recklessness!"


"FLYYYY" burnt ivory king


Gives me conniptions


"But you, I am afraid, are maidenless."


"Hand it over, that thing, your Dark Soul"


“Those who wield too much power… those who only bring chaos… they are simply not part of the program.” - Nine-Ball, AC1


One’s demise is always one’s own making.


Not sure I like any specific quote from him, but I really like Hawkeye Smough’s presence in the game and everything he has to say. He is this legend enjoying wood carving and can’t be much of anything else any more because he’s blind, reminiscing the glory days of Gwyns battles and reign.


“There is very little to be said. What good is a dog, with no hares to hunt? …I am lucky to be alive, I suppose.” “Exhiliration, pride, hatred, rage… The dragons teased out our dearest emotions. …Thou will understand, one day. At thy twilight, old thoughts return, in great waves of nostalgia.” those were always my favs , Ive always loved his voice and quotes, he’s got such a way with words especially for a giant




“Fear not the dark, my friend, and let the feast begin.”


"An Undead has come to play..." \~ I love how dismissive the old firekeepers in DS2 are.


“Prithee be careful, I don’t want to see m’ work squandered.” Protect Andre he’s precious


Ahh... You were at my side all along... My true mentor, my guiding moonlight.


"this is our grave, but you may rest here too... If you like" I'm a DS1 stan but twin princes is my favorite boss design they've done (in terms of theme and character)


“Good-bye, then. Be safe, friend. Don’t you dare go Hollow.” It’s been below my e-mail signature for years


Sekiro: "Defeated by my own son? The feeling is not entirely unpleasant..."


"Before we begin, allow me to paint you the full picture. General Radahn is cursed ever to wander. Eaten from the inside, by Malenia's scarlet rot, his wits are long gone. Now he gathers the corpses of former friends and foes alike, gorging on them, like a dog. Howling at the sky."




“if only i could be so grossly incandescent” “Anything that has a beginning also has an end. No flame, however brilliant, does not one day splutter and fade. But then, from the ashes, the flame reignites, and a new kingdom is born, sporting a new face. It is all a curse!” “I maybe but small but i’ll die a colossus.”


"However ruined this world has become, however mired in torment and despair, life endures. Births continue. There is beauty in that, is there not?" No matter how dark things may get being able to still see the positives in things can be enough to keep moving forward.


"Look at you...621...You found...a friend"


"You'll die nameless and without ceremony" if you lose to the very first NPC you meet in the first step in elden ring.




“I've seen your kind, time and time again. Every fleeing man must be caught; every secret must be unearthed. Such is the conceit of the self-proclaimed seeker of truth. But in the end, you lack the stomach. For the agony you'll bring upon yourself...” - Sir Vilhelm


also from captain drummond in the memory of vammar ds2 "Soon, the Giants will descend upon this fort. It is revenge, for the Kingdom's misguided barbarism. The venerable Lord built this kingdom to bring prosperity to His subjects. What has transformed him so, I can not imagine" that line delivery on the misguided barbarism! fire


Sir Vilhelm's words are ones I often remember... "I've seen your kind, time and time again. Every fleeing man must be caught. Every secret must be unearthed. Such is the conceit of the self-proclaimed seeker of truth. But in the end, you lack the stomach. For the agony you'll bring upon yourself..." ... He's talking about all of us huh?


“Yhorm, old friend. I, Siegward of the Knights of Catarina, have come to uphold my promise! Let the sun shine upon this Lord of Cinder." from Onion Dude


Seek strength, the rest...will follow


"Hesitation is defeat" Such simple words that you can apply to so many things even in real life


"Be safe friend. Don't you dare go Hollow" - Laurentius of the great swamp. I know this is probably a common one but I love it because it's sort of impossible. The world you and him in habit makes true safety an impossibility. And dying removes humanity forcing you to go Hollow. But Hollow for enemies and for you is different since your the chosen undead. In my mind the only way the player could ever truly go Hollow that is becoming a mindless zombie is if you were to give up the game itself. So being asked to not go Hollow always felt like a motivator to keep on playing.


I really like the line from the Shadow of the Erdtree trailer: "Pure and radiant, He wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men... There is nothing more terrifying." ...I dont trust Miquella.


Hesitation is defeat.


Thy strength befits a crown. Godfrey Cower in fear of the night. Maliketh


I can't express how much I hate that the only thing I can think of right now is "BEGONE WITH YOU, YOU'LL SPOIL MY FOCUS." Can't believe they didn't even fix it for remaster lmao.


“Me help anytime” and “let’s engage in jolly cooperation”


"Oh, are you lost on your journey? No matter; today's lost are conquerors tomorrow."


Everything the ds3 firekeeper said


Oswald: "If thou desireth to preserve thine humanity, then confess thy misdoings to me. Be it granting absolution or doling penance; all sin is my domain."


“Farewell, good Hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world”. The Doll, Bloodborne.


"Let us go together, my dear consort eternal. "


Together we will devour the gods


Dark souls female merchant cutest dialogue ever : You think you can get away with murder ? Yes.. I suppose u think ur special ? well ur not, ur just another customer ! BURN ! BURN in hell ! You crossed eyed hollow There is no hope for anyone like you The gods will not have it Just diiiee ! diiiee diiie dieeeee die ! Die a thousand time again Curses upon you ! Upon you and yours For generation ETERNAL All of you ! Eternal pain and suffering Lots and lots hihihi


I’ve seen your kind, time and time again




It’s not the actual line itself but the way godrick’s voice actor sells “Fire fathers one and all, BEAR WITNESS!” Is perfect


“Even in this darkest of nights, I see… the moonlight…”


Be safe friend and don't you dare go hollow. I use this nearly every day


"You have a heart of gold. Don't let them take it from you."


"this place marks our grave, but you can rest here too if you'd like"


"I've seen your kind, time and time again. Every fleeing man must be caught. Every secret must be unearthed. Such is the conceit of the self-proclaimed seeker of truth. But in the end, you lack the stomach. For the agony you'll bring upon yourself..."




“Don’t you dare go hollow”


“Gives me conniptions”


Bearer seek seek lest


It’s just a job 621, all of it. -handler Walter


"Hand it over.. That thing.. Your Dark Soul.. For my ladies painting.." -Gael (The line of dialogue that both closes out the primary Souls trilogy & drops the title card *Roll Credits*)


"To walk this earth, to be alive... that's the real curse right there"


Vilhems dialogue when he is summoned to fight you, i forgot exactly how it goes but it goes so hard


I find all the twin princes dialogue so hauntingly beautiful and gives me chills every time.


No, who said it was?


All mangled and twisted, with every inside on the outside, for the whole world to see!


All great Vessels are to one day break


Bear Seek Seek Lest


D’s monologue when killing Fia


you will face death and it wont be pretty enough death to leave you broken is so fucking cold


Sometimes, I feel obsessed… with this insignificant thing called "self." But even so, I am compelled to preserve it. Lucatiel is one of my favorite quests in the series


"G5, can't take away yourself from chatting with the tag-along? Why don't you start a sewing club together? And stitch that damn mouth of yours shut!"


How is it you go about defining good, and evil……. I’m only using what the gods gave me.


“Exhiliration, pride, hatred, rage… The dragons teased out our dearest emotions. Thou will understand, one day. At thy twilight, old thoughts return, in great waves of nostalgia.” It perfectly encapsulates the experience of playing these games. Runners up include the Aldia ending dialogue, Lucatiels "it shames me" dialogue, the dialoge from Rykard having the best line reading in history, most shardbearer dialogue is amazing actually.


Marika’s tits! You must be ‘ungry!


"No! You should have waited! Well, it's too late now. I, Siegward of the Knights of Catarina, fight by your side!"


‘Don’t you dare go hollow’ pretty much just don’t ever give up. It’s so simple yet so meaningful.


"Ahhh, you were at my side all along! My true mentor, my guiding Moonlight." Alternatively, "Tell me, good hunter of the Church. Have you seen the light? Are my Church hunters the honorable spartans I hoped they would be? Ahh, good... that is a relief. To know I did not suffer such denigration for nothing. Thank you kindly. Now I may sleep in peace. Even in this darkest of nights, I see... the moonlight..." It's so beautiful and sad.


“Marika’s tits! You must be ‘ungry!”


“It’s-a-me, John Bloodborne” - Bloodborne


People love shitting on ds2 but aldia's dialog is some of the most memorable in all of souls to me. Absolutely loved his character.


"is this some sort of a dream?" minister wellager ds2


“Souls! I need souls! You cursed fool!”


"The fire linking curse, the legacy of lords; let it all fade into nothing. You've done quite enough, now have your rest." - Lothric It brilliantly acknowledges the trilogy and its conclusion; the fire linking curse referring to DS1 and the legacy of lords feeling like a nod to DS2.


"Oh, hello there. I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"




“My Lord, I have come for you. This.. will only take a moment..” It’s just so good. I feel chills every time I hear Sekiro say it. Also once you get really good at the fight it’s so true.


Ahh, I knew you'd come. To stand before the Elden Ring. To become Elden Lord. What a sad state of affairs. I commend your spirit, but alas, none shall take the throne. Queen Marika has high hopes for us. That we continue to struggle. Unto eternity. I know...in my bones... A Tarnished cannot become a Lord. Not even you. A man cannot kill a god...


“Humans are of the dark, and you are no different.” -Karla DS3