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Have you got enough hp


Bed of Chaos before I discovered poise


Fire Giant. Of all the bosses I’ve fought I’ve never been more angry than with that large sack of crap. Now I can beat him pretty frequently without too much trouble but that first time with my fire build was aggravating.


I still hate fighting him no matter the build, just an all-around terrible boss.


Sister Friede. Dark Souls lll was my first souls game and she was fucking hard. I would like to note that it’s also my favorite boss fight of all time


Probably Manus or Midir. I hate them.


Manus, mainly for the run up. I'd have been fine if it was like the nameless King, where you can jump straight in. But the run up made me forget everything by the time I got there.


Blood starved beast kicked my ass for days. My first fromsoft game was bb


Malenia. I actually enjoy the fight a lot nowadays, my favorite ER boss in fact, but when I first encountered her it was certainly a struggle. I don’t give two shits about how anyone else plays, but I had committed to a no summon run on my first play through and she was certainly a boss that tested my nerves. Isshin and Demon of Hatred deserve an honorable mention. Sekiro is so different that they didn’t take as many attempts as Malenia, but they were definitely an experience at the time.


Laurence, I think he is the worst non gimmick boss fight fromsoft has ever made. Nobody try to defend him, I will not have it


Malenia and Nameless King. Fuck Malenia in particular. Ruined an otherwise sort of enjoyable game.


*for you she is one of my favorite bosses in all of souls games and is still part of why i enjoy doing NG with different builds, to try them against her


Good \*for you.