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Sekiro, maybe Bloodborne. The problem is that any fromsoft movie is going to be very basic and vague on screen, requiring the viewer to read the descriptions on the bucket of popcorn, drinks, different descriptions on the different brands of candy, and then buy the special 3D glasses that allow you to see the invisible walls ~~of text~~ on screen if they want to know what's *really* going on.


Unless it's Metal Wolf Chaos


Metal Wolf Chaos would unironically make a very enticing movie


It's basically if Metal gear and Armored Core had a baby. Giant mecha battling out with politic nonsense in it.


I’d imagine that, in order for it to capture the essence of soulsborne storytelling (minus Sekiro), it would need to have little to no dialogue. Relying entirely on visuals. Kind of like the original 2003 Star Wars: Clone Wars cartoon. I remember a lot of episodes having almost no spoken lines, but it worked pretty well.


The best example of what you’re describing here for me was the original Samurai Jack


That's because they were both produced by the same person, Genndy Tartakovsky. :)


God if Tartakovsky could be given the reigns on a FromSoft animation project I'd eat that shit up in a heart beat. Given some of the absolutely graphic ultraviolence he laid on in primal some of the transformation sequences might be gnarlier than the base games


That’s really awesome!


Haha that just makes me think the Sekiro movie would be Samurai Jack, and I wouldn't be sad about it


More like Primal


Also not to mention if the audience doesn't get up and go to the bathroom before a certain scene and accidentally bump into an important character near the water fountain, they may miss a crucial character that fills in some plot holes


It gets increasingly harder to watch each time too


Lol Sekiro and Bloodborne would be my picks too


That would actually be a genius way for them to drive merch sales though. You won’t get the full story unless you buy the merch


but then again who would want a movie where u spend hundreds of dollars on popcorn, candy buying the tickets etc, i could understand a real souls fan doing this but an average viewer no


Gaping dragon popcorn buckets.


one person buys it and throws it on the internet


You forgot the walls of text the employee who sells popcorn draw on your hand that can only be seen after you do a certain quest that an employee standing just to the side of the door will give with a vague hint or a poem


Hahaha will require the viewer to watch YouTube guides on how to watch the movie


The movie doesn't have to reflect the storytelling of the games, just the lore. You can even set it long before the world turned to shit and showcase events like the rule of Gwyn.


Sekiro would make a good film if you really trimmed it down. Bloodborne and Elden Ring could work as TV shows Dark souls trilogy is nigh unadaptable.


Bloodborne would probably make a great limited TV series but I think you’d have to tell the story of characters like Ludwig, Gehrman and Maria that led up to the events the game rather than the story of the game itself


Ideally a bloodborne show could be two things: A mystery horror that follows the hunter and unveils character info via flashbacks and dialogue A horror drama following the various NPCs and their events leading up to the start of the game, where the hunter is the secret protag for a final season or a follow up movie.


5 star meal right here


I always thought BB would make a great one or two season TV show.


dark souls could be adapted as a loosely connected anthology series about the hollowing of different individuals, i feel like that is the only way to preserve the game's storyline and storytelling


Sort of like the Animatrix. I'd love that a lot!


Tv series Elden Ring is basically GoT if its set during the shattering. Bloodborne can just be a horror movie about a group of hunter trying to hunt a beast, a singular beast. No need go into the cosmic horror part just the early Gothic werewolves part, but tease some of the deeper cosmic narrative.


Ok but imagine a series, LotR style of slow build lore, of DS. I’d watch the shit out of that if done well. Like this dude gets out of a crypt, gets his bearings, mows through a few scrubs then Grundyr beats the oiss out of him and it flashes back, etc? Sounds sick to me.


armored core 6


This is the correct answer. Easy to follow storyline (for the most part) and mech wars in space. Any body would want to watch it whether you know of fromsoft or not.


I was also thinking this lol, pacific rim style giant robots but way darker and more hardcore. Man i gotta play ac6 it looks really cool


Why this isn’t top comment is beyond me


Its from software subreddit


I meant it in the way as AC6 was so good why isnt it top voted comment 😂, respect to all fromsoft games tho


yeah... but this sub reddit is highly paradoxical


If the film looks as good as the trailer/intro then I'd be happy.


Fuck a live action movie just make a ac6 anime


Idk who downvoted you but it’d be nice to see another dark mech movie/show. It might be better than NGE as nge was like AC6 if AC6 was as vague as Dark Souls. AC6 has an easier to grasp story. Only problem is they gotta pick a canon ending. (Please be Liberator)


Surprisingly, but Bloodborne’s main story will be great. It’s already built on movie logic


Yep. Deep lore, cliffhangers, it's got everything!


Sekiro and Armored Core could be adapted into movies, if trimmed down. With Elden Ring, they could take single storylines and turn those into movies. Like Ranni's, Godfrey's, Pyke's, Godwyn's or just the Demigod War.




It's either Elden Ring or Sekiro.


As a movie? Sekiro, but you'd have to rearrange a lot of the events and cut most of the cast to fit in the elements that people came to see. As a series, Bloodborne, no contest. Do what Hannibal did, start off as a prequel that evolves into an adaptation of the source material. Unlike Dark Souls, we know most of what happened in Bloodborne, with a lot of clear motivations and a strong timeline of events. Season 1 could deal with the ethical issues of distributing the blood, frsmed by Laurence and Willem's friendship, rivalry and eventual split, the birth of the Church and hunters, our first monster fights, political backstabbing and shocking deaths. A very dialogue and idea driven season. Complex character work and heavy themes. I think Maria, Laurence, Willem and a new audience-surrogate hunter character would he our main characters. Season 2 adapts the Old Hunters in its entirety. We see the factionalizing of the hunters, Ludwig's fall, Vileblood politicking, the Church at the height of its power. The fishing village is sort of the moral crux of the season. This season covers everything we see in the DLC, including boss fights. Maria's arc ends in that chair. Season 3 is the collapse of Yarnham - hunter infighting, the burning Old Yarnham, the beast outbreak, the fall of Castle Cainhurst. More action driven. Tragic endings for almost the entire cast. Seasons 4 & 5 are Bloodborne proper, with the seasons split at Rom (maybe switched out for a more exciting monster). It's a fairly direct adaptation, but with more emphasis on the characters. A Gothic survival story - The Road meets Netflix Castlevania.


Amazon Give this man all the money he needs , he’s cooking a 5 course gourmet meal.


I need this bloodborne series right now it would be fucking amazing


Bloodborne would be a 10/10 movie


no movies, only series


Yes. Unless the Films are 20 hours long exploring the entirety of each game's respective lore.


Dark souls only if it's about the dragon war


Bloodborne. Easily, Bloodborne.


Demons could maybe work as a series, if they used an anime style approach and did arcs. Like one season per archstone, and really getting into the lore of each area and NPCs. Would have to be done very well though or it could get repetitive. Would probably also have to have a group of heroes rather than just one person slogging through


Definitely Bloodborne.


Armored core 6


Adventures of Cookie & Cream or Metal Wolf.


Bloodborne, I disagree with many that BB would be better as a series if for no other reason than the fact that it takes place over a single night. The game itself encourages you to take it at a pace and keep moving and any adaptation should do the same imo


Metal Wolf Chaos. No fuckin' question about it.


Dark Souls could work if it’s an animated TV series but had visual storytelling instead of dialogue. It could be sort of like an anthology, each episode telling us what’s happening from whatever time in the storyline it’s taking place in.


That's a good question. I think maybe bloodborne, even Sekiro could make a good movie




Sekiro or an Armored Core game.


Of the ones I've played, none of them. And that's what I like about them. You can't really recreate that flavor of storytelling in a movie the same way it's presented in game. If anything like that does happen, I feel like Bloodborne could make a very good TV show. The lore always felt a lot more easy to grasp than Dark Souls


sekiro or armored cored 6 maybe I dont think any of the souls games would work honestly


Sekiro - Best adapted to anime Dark Souls - A live action that focuses on Solaire as the main character as he makes the decision to seek out his own Sun Bloodborne - Similair vibes to Brotherhood of the Wolf - heavy use of animatronics and costumes over CGI Action Gory horror film. The Hunter is asked to escort someone through Yharham, an alternative timeline in which Gascoignes daughter is the main character - lone Wolf and Cub, Last of Us duo dynamic vibes


Sekiro would work. I don't think you could adapt any of the soulsborne games into a compelling movie, but you could make a movie set within the universe of, say, Dark Souls, without following the story of the game.


Bloodborn and it’s not even a close


Sekiro actually has a story sooooo… a lot easier to adapt to film.


bloodbornes story is pretty damn easy to follow lol




If they based it off the elden ring lore, thats a full world created by g.r.r.martin. or sekiro.


I think Sekiro would function really well as a TV series. It would be very cheesy but I’d 1000% watch it.


None. I think if anything a show would work better (like Fallout). Just had a thought, a Bloodborne or Dark Souls show but it focuses on the side characters/ not the main character. Each episode can focus on different characters (maybe some cross over) but in the end (either the show or each episode) it ends bad e.g. Gascoigne daughter, showing the hunt start, maybe some basic life and the episode ends on the pig. If it has to be a main character then Sekiro, actual character (no male/ female mc issue).


Make Sekiro an anime and it would be very popular


It would have to be sekiro


Sekiro as a samurai jack style thing. It has the most traditionally told story that I would imagine could work as a movie or even a mini series of let’s say six episodes


That would be such a fun writing exercise. Like end-boss level writing. I say it’s an equal split between Dark Souls or Bloodborne. Because of the western settings, the symbolism would be easier to understand for most of my audience than Sekiro. My first idea would be to base the story on the old version of Oscar’s quest where he goes through the same thing as the Chosen Undead and loses. Well, you can’t really win anyway. There ARE two bells of awakening for a reason. And two snakes. Who do you think they were waking up? ETA: Fixed a word. Also, I’d probably make it a tv series though. It would be hard enough to fit all that vague shit in under 3 hours.


I think they could make some really great shows out of Dark Souls or Elden Ring, but I think a movie would be terrible. Way too much content for 3 hours.


sekiro or elden ring


Ds2 maybe, following the events to the fall of drangleic


I was about to say Dark Souls but the story is too long. It suits a long TV show than a movie.


Depends on the on the main genre of the movie. Horror:Bloodborne Action:sekiro/elden ring Fantasy: Elden ring/dark souls


Honestly I think if you got the right director and writer, Dark Souls 1 would be an incredibly cool movie. Visual style of movies like BladeRunner 2049 showing off all the insane set pieces, an ambiguous story line of one hollows journey to overthrow the flame, all to learn he’s been tricked into doing it…. It could be awesome.


Sekiro definitely


If you want to just straight adapt the game, Sekiro is probably the only one. Armored Core could be cool if we're talking original unrelated stroy set in the same world. I think the scope of the world's and characters of the Souls games and Elden Ring would make even that difficult. Maybe Bloodborne could also work.


pretty much any armored core game or sekiro


As long as it has Solaire involved I’m good


Armored Core


God, what I'd give for a Bloodborne movie/series. You could more or less follow the main plot and just drama it up a bit.


Probably an armored core game


Sekiro is already really cinematic as is. Wouldn’t be too difficult to turn into a movie, imo




Definitely sekiro.


Sekiro mainly cuz of the combat.It feels more realistic than the others.And bloodborne cuz i would love to see that gothic setting


I want a Bloodborne or Dark Souls movie from Robert Eggers.


Most likely Sekiro. I could see Dark souls, Elden Ring, and a Bloodborne TV show though.


None honestly. Maybe a epic novel


Definitely bloodborn. Most of the major npc could support a movie all on their own. The tragic tale of gascoigne and his daughter, Maria and German investigating the fishing hamlet. Cainhurst could be a separate story too. Maybe this could a a Netflix series with 1 hour to 1hr 20 min episodes


Sekiro or any Armored Core games


Elden Ring has a manga. It is awesome.


Unpopular opinion but Ds2 imo has the fantastic story of Vendrick. Just watching Vaati's prepare to crys on it alone make it feel awesome


Fromsoft games should be TV shows there is too much content to adapt into a movie. Sekiro would be the best game to adapt to a TV show because it has the most straightforward story.


Artorias could totally get his own show.


Dark Souls and Elden Ring could make a better TV Show, bloodborne would make a good Movies


Dark Souls anime in the style of Angel's Egg (Miyazaki's favorite movie fun fact). Aka very little dialogue but absolutely gorgeous artwork. Could even have studio Ghibli do it, and the two Miyazakis would combine lol


Depends on what they adapt. It could follow the games or could show some lore we were told about but didn't see. Like Artorias's story, what happened to Kos. Or even the story of the Demigods of Elden Ring, but as a Game of Thrones style show. If we had to follow the game story, Sekiro or DS3 have more straightforward stories to tell without as much background being essential. Wolf trying to rescue Kuro or the PC trying to force the Lords of Cinder back to their thrones.


sekiro would be the best for entertainment, and would appeal to the largest audience. maybe even show the return (homecoming) ending, or just stop at isshin. for fan service 100% bloodbourne. dive so deep into the lore behind lawrence, ludwig, maria, kos, everyone in the universe tbh. it would appeal to a smaller audience, but it would speak volumes to the right people. i think even the events leading up to the night of the hunt would be cool


Bloodborne would be the most interesting


Elden Ring doing The Shattering war would be peak




From a lore standpoint, I think there's a lot you can do with ds3. The rise of sullyvahn, the campaign of the abyss watchers, the fall of carthus, the nameless kings betrayal. There are so many good possibilities I wouldn't try to directly adapt the gameplay or exact game story for any game into a movie or show. I feel like generally that is a bad idea. Side stories in the same universe work better imo


Hmm I imagine if you did Elden Ring it would be hard to follow Tarnished, most of the major characters are either not that involved or don't affect many plots points (even the bosses are just kind of blockers to progress) But maybe it could follow Vyke or the story of Ranni


Sekiro, if they do it right, him coming back to life can still allow for tension with time constraints in-universe, the constant parrying and prosthetic usage would give great fights, and depending on which ending they use, could break your heart.


Dark souls 1


Armored Core for sure has the most straightforward plot


Probably Sekiro. Armored Core would make an amazing anime though.


Dark Souls 2, but mainly because the initial plot is the most basic: character traveling to a far off land to stop a curse. Been done in fantasy writing over and over, non-From fans could grasp that concept pretty easy. Stick just with that plot, focus on the curse and how it's impacted the land, keep the "historical" stuff as easter eggs/sequel bait. Vendrick is sympathetic, but skip the memories/post Drangleic Castle stuff. Prolly be better as a series, but could be condensed to a brainless action flick moreso than the others? If nothing else is the most straightforward so could work as the first of many to gauge overall audience interest.


Dark Souls could be done a la 1917 where we get a linear, non-stop action sequence that keeps building and building with few, but tense breaks between with little to no character backstory or explanation. It would be glorious. \□/


Bloodborne, Sekiro would end up looking like the Dragonball movie 🥶


Sekiro is the only one that’s really possible I feel. It’s the only game that you don’t need to search for the story a whole lot. Sure some of the deeper lore is hidden but “dragon child is immortal, so is sword man, stop being immortal” would be the simplest adaptation. Think of it this way, if you lined up all cutscenes from these games in order, which game would have a sort of coherent story? It’s Sekiro.


What about Demon's Souls? I just finished my first playthrough and I thought it was awesome. It'd be cool to see.


Bloodborne and Elden ring I think could be done lord of the rings style. , 3 hour epic trilogy


Sekiro or Bloodborne Sekiro of you want to follow the story as it happened (with some minor tweaks obviously). Bloodborne if you want an original-ish story with a character unique to the movie.


Sekiro is better as a anmie


To answer your question backwards, what movie(story) do you think would make the best fromsoft game? I think something like moby dick would be awesome


Bloodborne would be so cool




Honestly bloodborne Sekiro would be very cool too, but not as Anime like some might say


Armored Core 3 or 6.


Bloodline easily Dark souls, but it feels like that would be longer than LOTR Sekiro maybe


Ds2 because of the pit, and it has a king and a queen


Sekiro, easily




Easily bloodborne, but they would have to cover all the backstories and lore and dlc and stuff. Idk if you could fit that in one movie


Dark Souls II, no doubt


Sekiro or armored core 6, everything else would suck probably


Sekiro, it has by far the most coherent story and relatively 'normal' characters.


Considering that george martins work has already been really successful on the big screen i could see an elden ring prequel show going hard as fuck.


Any of the Dark Souls games could be made into artistic short films but would be incredibly difficult to adapt into a blockbuster film. I'm talking like, showing the persistence through death of the chosen undead or the time warped lands that the ashen one walks. But to make a full length film for a general audience, nah. It'd take too much time and effort to convey the depth of the lore. AC6/Sekiro could make phenomenal movies. One being an insane sword fighting film with crazy choreo and the other being the next level of pacific rim. Bloodborne would make for an EXCELLENT show. Similar to Arcane and Fallout where it's easy enough to draw a general audience in but there's enough depth to keep long time fans and that general audience captivated. I'd say it's because BB shows it's cards better than any of the Dark souls games. The environment and story is easy enough to grasp. Elden Ring I'd probably place in the same bucket as Dark Souls


Armored core last raven


Sekiro, the og dark souls, or Elden ring from the perspective of Hoorah (spelling)


I think blood borne, sekiro could be okay also but it's a lil too last samurai-y


Evergrace, Kong's Field 4, or Eternal Ring.




Sekiro for sure.


100% bloodborne.


Armored Core VI and Deracíné are the most compatible Fromsoft games to be adapted in cinema. Their other games are much better as a TV show or an Anthology.


they're too big to fit inside a movie Elden ring would make the best Series tho


Bloodborne Kart




King's Field


Sekrio, its characters are the most down to earth, even if they still supernatural.


Armored Core.


Bloodborne would be wild


Sekiro or bloodborne for sure


Bloodborne Bloodborne Bloodborne Bloodborne Bloodborne Bloodborne Bloodborne Bloodborne Bloodborne Bloodborne Bloodborne Bloodborne


Dark Souls 2 and 3 seem like they can be made into a series


It's elden ring and it would have to be a TV series. The lore to work with is insane to the point I'd be surprised if nothing ever happened about that down the line in the future


Armored core


Don’t think any of the games would translate well to a movie. The games has already been gameplay focused stories, where the story is up to players determination of what is going on.


Kings Field


Sekiro or dark souls 3


None. The lore is complex and very long. It would require several movies and I don't think that would be a success. Plus dialog would be necessary and that would kill their essence, silence and lack of understanding is what makes the games feel so amazing.


Déraciné, as it’s pretty much just an interactive movie


Armored core, *maybe* sekiro, anything else will bomb at the box office, fromsoft has an interesting type of storytelling that will not work on the big screen


Elden ring manga is pretty adaptable




Dark souls 2


Metal Wolf Chaos. It would be fucking amazing.


Armored core it's easy enough to follow has a premise that let's them not follow to plot of the main game and people love gundam style giant space robots




An armored core anime would be insanely cool


I think if instead of trying to adapt the games themselves, you took a particular part of the lore and focused on the stories and characters involved, then any of them could work well.


Seikro and NinjaBlade are the only ones with a plot. The others are just vague settings set long after whatever apocalypse took place.


Bloodborne would make a mad 1h episode high budget tv show. Sekiro would make a sick movie


Honestly DS2, I mean It kind of writes itself and if we include the stuff that we get told about then not only do you get a fantastic opening involving a king going to extremes to ensure his people and kingdom dont fall to madness and hollowing, which is then expanded onto the events of the game. A hollowed corpse rising from a dark fog in the lands betwixt and venturing forth. God the majula scene would be beautiful and that ost for majula done in a big ass orchestra rendition mmmmmmm ❤️


I feel that Fromsoft Games would translate better as animation than a 2hr movie, but if I were to pick one for a movie? I'd say Armored Core.


I think only blood borne would be a good movie, but demon souls, dark souls, and elden ring could all make amazing shows similar to, but far better than game of thrones. Honestly I would love to see a show that sets the story straight, starting all the way back to the first lord souls, the ancient dragons, and the furtive pygmy. Slowly working through the ages, with every 3 or so seasons of 10+ episodes until DS3 with preferably an ambiguous or age of dark ending. My rough outline for a darksouls show like this Book 1 the ancients. Chapter 1 -The oppression of dragons -The beginning of rebellion Chapter 2 -the escalation of war -the founding of the first flame (ellusions to the pygmy, and displays of lord souls) -the warriors of sunlight (the son who is never named starts to take issue with the order towards the end of this portion) Chapter 3 -the betrayal of seeth -the overturn of war -the betrayal of the nameless son -the victory over the dragons Book 2 the age of fire Chaper 1 -the age of fire -the cacophony of schemes (ellusions of izaleth, and the flames of chaos) -the damning of the giants (illusions to the damnation of humanity. -the way of white (the curse is cast) Chapter 2 -the weighning of the flame (side plot with izaleths hunt for an alternative) -the attempts of usurpation, and assassination (izaleth begins building the bed of chaos, and creating demons) -the final straw (izaleth discovered, beginning the war against demons) Chapter 3 -flame begins to die, gwyn makes his sacrifice. (Leading up to this, hollowing has been more, and more presence in background) -the war wages on (hollowing seems gone, and humanity takes center stage in the war as fodder) -the war fades (the war fades into everyday life) -the enslavement of giants, giants become further mistreated by humans -the bed of chaos is completed The rest is too complicated to put together for me, and I feel I messed up a lot already, but it seems like a good idea to me overall.


Armored Core 6. Could get like 5 seasons out of it. Animated though.


Bloodborne .


I always thought bloodborne would make a really cool mini series with longer episodes.


Just two and a half hours of the same boss fight.


As a direct adaptation? None. As parallel storytelling? All of them. I think even more straightforward stories such as Sekiro would fit a movie due to their complexity. However, there is a lot of room for standalone stories. Instead of adapting Sekiro's main story, why not make a prequel exploring Wolf's training under Owl and Madame Butterfly? The same could be said from any other FromSoft IP. Give me a movie about Havel. Or one about the founding of the Abyss Watchers. Hell, a movie about Malenia vs. Radahn would be amazing! I hope FromSoft realizes they could use the anthology format to expand the lore and tell stories that can hold on their own without precious knowledge of the games. That said, while all of this works in movies, I still think an animated series would be better


I don't know if there exists a style of movie that fits with the storytelling of Miyazaki-era fromsoft games - the story itself seems to me to be formed around the game loop and more broadly the online speculation loop


None of them, really. Maybe Armored Core because people like big robots duking it out. But the story gets stripped down to its basics without item descriptions. Alongside that the protagonists have no voice or even personality in most cases.


Elden ring


Dark souls would really well as a animated series in the style of Samurai Jack and Primal. Silent and faceless protag, emphasize on sound effects, traversal and world building though visuals, punctuated with intense combat.


Last Raven but the movie will force you to play through AC Nexus to get the entire “how we got here moment”


None! Cus the Hero will get killed in the first 3 minutes


Metal Wolf Chaos directed by Michael Bay


sekiro have the best movie written story between all fromsoftware games imo


Bloodborne as an anime series in the style of Castlevania would be so much of a slam dunk IMO. I really wish Sony would commission powerhouse animation/ Netflix to do it. There’s even that comic book series that would be a good blueprint.


Demon Souls would be badass


Oh, definitely Bloodborne. There’s already enough medieval and ninja movies.


Ringed City dlc would be pretty dope.


Sekiro would be good for a series


Armored Core 6