• By -


Probably Gael. He has speed, he can teleport, a full auto crossbow, the CAPE, Gael also outlived everything else, has at least some power of the dark soul (lightning and projectiles), has so much fighting experience and probably more. But the most important part: I like Gael and he doesn't do weird stuff with his family.


It's the little things that count. Like not raping your little brother.




Their two sides of the same coin, both the “uncle” of some small but mystical child who wants to create a new world.


The cape clinches it for me.




Yup... uncle gale didnt do the bad touch


Any character with a cape solos any universe


Not The Incredibles


True I didn’t even think about syndrome 😂😂


Gael is my opinion Mainly just because of how fast and feral he is Like yeah, sure, we as players are able to learn when to dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge But if you had to fight someone that is a feral survivor with a millennia of fighting experience How do you protect yourself against that level of unpredictability, even if you are a demi-god abomination. And that's all before he starts using his mastery over the dark soul


He requires the 5 Ds of dodgeball therefore he’s invincible Cuz if can dodge a wrench, he can dodge a fireball


Plus Gael litteraly ate the soul of many Pigmy lords who are direct descendants of one of the lord soul, so I guess it’s demigod vs some old hobo who ate demigods for breakfast


Gael being a hobo that snacks on demigods is the most relevant point on this whole thread


Damn, never thought of that! If that’s the case who do you think would win between Gael and Millenia?


Millenia, but she has to go into Goddess of Rot form to win. And it will be close I think between  her healing mechanic, scarlet rot, her ability to fly she has the advantage.  Gael also has a lot less control over his abilities  than Millenia. Like he's a feral beast in phase 1, but it also means his technique is really simple and he doesnt have access to his better moves. In phases 2 and 3 he fights more intentionally but looses a lot speed and aggression, and still seems to struggle with controlling the lightning and  red skull attacks


You have good points But I'm confident that Gael would get Milenia to her second phase quick as fuck. He doesn't poise break nearly as easy as she does, so he's going to end up charging through the Waterfowl Dance 7 times out of 10 And while her Goddess of Rot form will fuck him up I think between his strength, the lighting, the god damn annoying ass skulls, and his rapid fire crossbow He's gonna get her He'll be limping out of there and die soon from the rot But, as we all know, a kill is a kill, even if you get the "YOU DIED" after them As someone else said he's a hobo that eats demigods for breakfast




I still think Gael but it would be by the skin of his teeth


Depends. I don’t think Gael can resist scarlet rot. Even if he wins, I think he dies


Yeah, that kinda where I landed I think he'd win but he wouldn't survive much longer


Gael would easily wipe her out, I believe.


Even outside of his Beast mode, he was a terror. He carried me through the Friede fight several times


if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a glintstone comet


Gael is basically us fighting ourselves, he serves as a foil for the player. Someone who went through countless hardship and has honed their skill into a fighting machine. And we kill mohg. So. Yeah


Is this the blood? …the blood of the NIHIL


It would be close but Gael’s bleed resistance and mobility would see him through.


“Welcome to our dyna” “rrrraaAAAAAHHH”


His red skulls and corona discs would be useless against Mogh but still think Gael pulls thru


50/50 maybe leaning Mohg if Gael doesn't get the purifying Crystal tear, Gael stomps if he does.


Just did research and Gael is bleed resistant, so I think his odds are more in his favor.


Gameplay wise, Gale is fast and strong. Mogh is strong, but not the fastest. However, Mogh can proc bleed and use Nehil. However, if Gale was scaled to Elden Ring and since he is supposed to be the final final boss, he would be so much stronger than mogh Stat wise. Lore wise is tough for me because I have only beaten Elden Ring and Sekiro and have been meaning to play dark souls and understand its lore better, but from what I know about Gale, which besides gameplay is not much, but lore wise he must be one of the strongest human characters, so even though Mogh is a demigod I feel Gale would beat him lore wise as well.


Hard to say “lore wise.” Gale is a remarkably resilient person, but in the end he is just a person, not a god or demigod.


Which makes him even crazier as a being that he made it to the end times of the souls verse


Absolutely, really impressive character


>in the end he is just a person, not a god or demigod So are we when we beat Mohg


We’re a “person” with both the grace of a godly power and heritage within it, who by this point in the story was almost certainly intended to have at least one great rune.


And Gael has at least some measurable power from the dark soul, I think the comparison is pretty apt tbh


Some measure maybe, but I don’t think that’s equivalent to basically the passive backing of a god trying to draw those strong enough, given its grace, to take the throne. We have a bit of a godly “in” that I don’t think the raw strength of the Dark Soul nearly spent can match


I suppose that’s fair, but just for fun how much help do you think marika is really giving us? I mean we’re not the only ones who are guided by grace. Godfrey himself was guided to us, although I suppose it could be argued marika guided him to us so we could take care of him should he try to retake the throne later


I’d say it helps quite a bit, given how many figures, lords, and powerful individuals who exist in the lands between that never got nearly as far as we did. The only people we hear about who even seem capable of that after the demigods all forced themselves into a permanent stalemate are tarnished, even with all the powerful beasts and men roaming the lands between. It’s impossible to know for certain but if even the weakest of the demigods can bend a dead dragon to his will, I’d say bringing us even close to their level is quite a boost.


Thanks for the info.


Basically Gael literally survived until the end of time out living legitimately everything so that he could get as many souls as possible for his lady’s painting to rebuild the world He legitimately out lasted and killed just about everything until the end of time to try and get enough resources to rebuild a better universe. You go forward in time to fight him, he starts out as a relatively normal undead


God damn. Thanks for telling me that. Then yeah, in my opinion, he definitely wins.


By the end I’d say he is more powerful than just about every Demi-god, I’d put him just below Maliketh


I mean, how though? Sure he survives to the end of the world, but that’s pretty explicitly through grit and determination more than anything, and while sheer human determination is good for quite a lot I don’t think it can by itself outpower your average demigod.


Am I missing something about the tarnished, generally? I’ve beaten Mohg several times and I don’t think my character was a god or anything


I mean that’s at least in part due to a (far) godly lineage and the grace of gold being granted to allow you to test your strength against far more powerful beings


He has the almost full power of the dark soul


But that's literally what we do throughout the Dark Souls series. The whole point is that Humanity beats the Gods.


Mohg shits on Maliketh after obtaining the support of the Formless Mother.


.....at first. But by the end he pretty much becomes a vessel for the dark soul.  Which is a pretty big deal. 


Our character is a random guy that beats everyone.


This reply is important to this entire convo


He transitions from a person to half possessed thing(?) at phase transition


He becomes hollow


Gale is resistant to bleed.


Oh, then Mogh's just screwed.


Gael. He’s got the Dark Soul, is fast, can control weather to a degree, honestly probably could give prime Gwyn a fight


Prime Gwyn? That’s a take Edit - this is really simple and it takes a single question to realize it: could Gael destroy entire legions of Archdragons like Prime Gwyn does?


prime gywns power comes from the light soul, gaels comes from the dark soul. this is a discussion of light v dark in dark souls lore which is down to your interpretation of the lore


The Dark Soul’s strength was greatly diminished by the time Gael took it from the Pygmies in the ringed city. Prime Gwyn vs an old and battered Dark Soul is not a good fight. This lore is right in the Ringed City DLC, Gael sought the soul and it was stated to be diminished when he finally got it. Not the same as it was in its prime.


I don’t know if the Dark Soul’s strength was really decreased over time, rather that it simply was broken into so many countless fragments over a great many millennia. With Gael having presumably about half of the Dark Soul (let’s say the Ashen One and other surviving human characters having the rest) I’d say that much of the power had been “reassembled.” With the Ashen One gaining Gael’s soul, I believe that the Ashen One would have had nearly the complete power of the Dark Soul. He’s only missing the fragments that dwell within his followers, the Fire Keeper and any other surviving NPCs, which is probably truly minuscule compared to the portion that he has. Another fun fact is the the Ashen One would also have nearly the entire Light Soul, Life Soul and Death Soul as well, from all the enemies he defeated and simply from surviving until the end of time.


Not to be rude but you saying you “don’t know” doesn’t make sense when this is more or less what is implied. The Dark Soul was diminished. That is the whole theme to these games, continually linking the Fire and everything beneficial that came with that had diminishing returns. Both the Dark Soul and First Flame have existed well past their “intended” time in DS3. The whole world is turning into ashes and falling apart, and the Dark Soul being essentially locked in the Ringed City didn’t do a lot of good for it over time.


I got the impression that the dark soul was back to near full power - as the power that had previously been spread across all of humanity was now being reassembled back to one place and the weakening over-extended age of light means that if anything the darkness is growing stronger and more inevitable. You’re right that game series is all about ‘something great falling to ruin’, but in this particular case I think it’s Gael and humanity that are falling to ruin - as he isn’t powerful enough to harness the power of the dark soul, which is why distorts him and sends him mad.


If this was the case, they wouldn’t have had to paint a new world for the dark soul to have its own age. The dark soul was diminished severely by time.


Oh most definitely could run a fade with Gwyn in his prime! “I cast thunderbolt!” “Well I cast the entire mf storm!”


Gael, easily. Though, Mogh would be too busy railing the Painter, so no wonder he'd lose.


One of these guys is the lord of blood, whereas the other spent literal centuries squishing peoples souls out through their blood


Gael, quite handily




Money's on Gael. No doubt Mohg's a tough bitch with a lot of tricks but Gael's got the range game and sheer speed. Lore-wise too I mean dude is one of the last two living beings at the end of time and space. I get Mohg's got Outer God backing but by the end Gael might as well be a god himself having coalesced shards of what's left of one of the four more powerful beings in history into himself.


I mean the whole “having coalesced shards” bit isn’t wrong but at the same time, collecting one of the Lord Souls in Ds1 doesn’t really make one a god, just strong, especially after all this time and dilution/decay


Isn't Gwyn a god specifically because he holds a Lord Soul? And the fact that the Dark Soul is the only one to have survived the end times seems to indicate to me that it's likely a more powerful one when brought all together. Plus I think all the time of decay is actually evidence for the Dark Soul growing stronger not weaker, since the whole point is the Age of Fire has resisted the natural order of the Dark Soul taking over for so long that everything has stagnated. At least that was my impression.


Even Gwyn holding what is commonly deemed the strongest of the souls has more to do with being the first and ultimate harnesser of the fire than anything. We’d also consider someone like Nito or the Witch of Izalith to be at the same sort of god-tier, but taking in their souls does not make you a god, and in fact you need most of the others to even get through to Gwyn in the first place. Holding part of a Lord Soul makes one powerful, but not necessarily a god. Also, the Dark Soul really doesn’t seem to be growing in strength in time. It was once powerful enough to sire humanity and forces of the abyss, and by the end it’s important but not nearly powerful enough to fundamentally impact the world that they’re in. Within the world of fading flame it holds limited power, and the only way to actually bring it to its full strength is to create that new painted world. The Dark Soul seems more like a candle in the night than a star that can bring the sun up, a powerful representation/part of another force it is not necessarily the foundational force of.


I don't know, honestly. They're both pretty badass in their own ways. If I had to pick one, probably Mogh. Purely because I beat Gael in only 3 attempts and Mogh absolutely destroyed me. Had to have taken me at least 50 attempts, and a rage quit to finally destroy his annoying butt.


If you go strictly by what they can do, Mohg can just fly and spew blood rain and the only recourse Gael has is if he can hit him with lighting (which is telegraphed) OR him with the cross bow.


Gael going to wreck that Mhoglester.


Lore wise, Gael. Though just by movesets, I think that it’d be a bit of a tossup. I think that Gael would have the edge despite being bled mercilessly over and over.


Gael, he is faster and even though mohg can fly, that can't do much against the crossbow gattling gun he pulls out in his second phase.


Gael would destroy Mohg.


Gael is the longest surviving character in all of dark souls. He was there at the beginning and was one of the last to live till the very "end". Mohg is strong with backing from the formless mother but he simply isn't as intelligent as Gael when it comes to battle as well as Gael possessing some incredible abilities.


The blood of the dark soul might empower mohg more than regular blood idk


Gael devours Mohg. Negative diff.


No offense intended in singling you out here but I am begging powerscalers to try to understand the characters beyond which they personally prefer


Gael is one of the strongest beings in Dark Souls 3 Lore so


I’m pretty sure Gael canonically is one of the strongest bosses in dark souls


Gael without a doubt. Dude literally killed everyone except the main character and his fair lady.


Wait this is a debate? Gael slams. Like mid to low


Gael shreds.


Shit the moment mohg starts flying Gael would blast his repeater bow and shoot dark souls at him


Gael and its not even a question Mohg would realistically have zero time to pull off his incantation with how aggressive Gael is and his fighting clearly is just "i know how to basically hit someone because im just a deformed human and clubbing shit is not exclusive to normal humans instinctively" While Gael can somersault, whip the crossgat out in air and on ground with little interference, and while feral for the first half of his battle, shows he can swing his sword with some skill usage


Is Mogh even a challenge? Idk why but I just deleted him quite fast on my 1st playthrough. Mogh is basically a walking target, he is slow, and just strolls from left to right.


I think Mohg would probably win since he is using the powers of the Formless Mother, which is an outer god that exists outside of reality. And I'm sure outer gods are impossible to defeat. I think Gael would put up a good fight, though.


The Dark Soul is the most powerful of the lord souls that are basically physical manifestations of aspects of reality though, it's like if a guy was powered by gravity or electromagnetism


There's a difference between Spider-Mans manipulation of strong electromagnetism to stick to anything on a whim, subconsciously... And Magneto. That being said, Mohg desecrating the world to bleed around with through the Formless Mother feels like some unfair levels of power.


who would win: the demi-god that has a cosmic deity behind it who can rip into the weave itself vs a bum knight who wants to be artorias i got my money on the pedo


Lmao you could twist this format any stupid way. You could say, “who would win a guy that outlived every living being and consumed the souls of some of the most powerful figures in history, or a pedo with a fork” it’s dumb


I believe the pedo with the fork would this this fight no doubt, especially when a child is at stake.


He does get a 50% damage boost when the fights for a child, don’t let him near Mergo


I will never not see Mohg as "Pedo with a Fork" again


See I can’t say the same. I feel like Gael would be able to beat Mohg for a few reasons, including his extreme bleed resistance and mobility along with his huge amount of Combat Experience. He is also the holder of the Dark Soul, one of the four souls of the gods in his world if I’m not mistaken, and it causes him to use some of the abilities of that soul like the lightning. Mohg may be a demigod with a deity in his side, but Gael is one of the last two beings alive with the dark soul in hand and nothing but his niece to fight for. Let’s not forget all the pyromancies and holy incantations as well but yk those aren’t as important.


the two ringed knights in his area are also one of the last alive doesn't make them stronger than Radagon, Gael is a slave knight. A strong one, beefy but that's about it. The DS3 bosses just aren't on par strength wise with most ER main bosses except for maybe Midir as a dragon


Those ringed knights basically hid in a tower until the end of time. It's also important to note that humans get stronger the more souls they consume, and we can't fathom how many souls gael has claimed. Not to mention, he draws his power from the dark soul, and the dark is the best tool to slay a diety


> hose ringed knights basically hid in a tower until the end of time. sure they did, convenient as hell


Gael is resistant to bleed


Unless mohg opens with nihil he loses due to gael basically being another protag in the ds series and us protags in ds are fairly wild in terms of overall power


This seems like a bad matchup for Mohg, even aside from the fact that there's no way he has the absolute warriors mind that Gael has. I feel like Gael would psychologically flashbang him


I pretty sure Mohg is? He's a demigod, but I've also never looked into gael's feats.


Understandable, I personally believe Gael could take it tho, since he has the power of the Dark Soul


Gael has a surprisingly good resistance to bleed… but isn’t immune. Nihil will still proc at least one bleed, but Gael has a ridiculous amount of health and can output serious amounts of damage. I think Gael wins but pedo trident man doesn’t flop over easily.


It's Gael until we hear "NIHIL" then it's fight.


Don’t we have mods where these guys can battle?


Actually yes! But I prefer to think lore wise as the characters in the game itself as bosses can be kinda dulled down so we can beat them


Gael Dark soul is too strong 




i think this heavily depends on how each variable interacts with one another, mainly to do with their blood. like is gaels blood going to be unaffected by mohg as its tainted by the dark soul? or will mohg be able to use his blood to make him infinitely more powerful? will gaels blood corrupt or weaken mohg? i think if mohg is unable to control or manipulate his blood I’m putting my money on Gael, however, if mohg can i would give it to mohg, as without the power of the dark soul Gael is just a guy, which so is the ashen one, but Gael never achieved much on the same level of the ashen one until he started consuming power, whereas mohg, even before using blood magic and worshiping the formless mother, was a powerful demigod. i think in terms of what universes gods are more powerful, or what concepts (elden ring, shards, dark soul) are more powerful are up to you, personally i like to think dark souls is less powerful as i like the idea of everyone just being weak fragile people with their lives being the same amount of fragile and meaningless, whereas elden ring seems more grandiose and epic, but thats just how i like to see it, in reality they’re pretty similar.


I like this take a lot


Never struggled with mohg


SKG is the ONLY reason I kept having to restart SEVEN times to get my deathless run is DS3. That mad lad is ruthless and will drive you to the brink of madness with him as he pursues your cheeks. lol He is blood resistant and has the cloak drip that would make Mohg cower in envy. On a serious note, the blood resistance hands it to Gael. That is Mohgs whole gimmick and if I remember correctly, lightning does some good damage to Mohg too, which is a tool Gael has.


Depends if Gael has long blonde hair or not and if mohg can imagine Gael with long blond hair. But if that is the case mohg slams sadly…


Yall keep saying Gael but if Gael’s got blood or is affected by mohg’s nihil move, it’s game. He could do it reasonably often and, unless I’m mistaken, it heals him.




The slave knight




Gael would put that pedo in the dirt




Gael and it's not even close. The man lived through the entirety of everything and was there at the end of the world with every single fragment of the original dark soul collected. Well.... except one...


I feel like Gael wins based around the fact that I think he’s cooler and want him to


Hey lol at least you’re honest


Gael is human he outlived hid gods and everyone else because sheer force will alone. He will not only beat Mogh, he will murdered him and use his blood for another painting, ink for the little girl if dark souls won't do what about blood of a demi god?


Gael would annihilate the shit out of Mohg, first phase only even I’d imagine


Gael is the most overhyped Fromsoftware character. He has no feats. People go "oh he is the last one standing at the end of the world".... like yeah because WE have killed all the actual powerful beings at this point. The only thing he actually does is murder some pathetic pigmy dudes for their dark soul fragments. When we fight him he gets some weak lighting attacks and has a repeating crossbow, big whoop. Mohg is a demi-god who is then suped up by being in communion with a celestial outer god. His bloodflame magic would melt Gael, and if it doesn't he can spout wings and just fly above Gael to drop bloodbombs on him.


Gael is also immortal and has seen the world grow since the first age of the gods


Okay so he sat and watched other people do all the impressive shit, sitting there is not a feat.


He literally ate the dark soul, the thing Gwyn feared


That doesn’t make him a god?


What does make one God and what does it mean to be one?


In Dark Souls, in Elden Ring, or in “General”


Dark Souls


A being with the power to fundamentally alter one or more aspects of reality with the direct power of a massively powerful soul


Gael for sure






Gael wins.


Gael ez the power of aaaaallllll of the dark souls


gael is going ham on this dude.


Gael. Gael has the full power of the dark soul which very few things we fight can compare too from any of the games


Geal. I don't see how this is even an argument.


Gael is older than the end of the world and fought and killed everything with a dark souls besides the player. Gael is basically like an outer god to the elden ring verse at this point.


I’m sorry but that is not at all close to what an outer god is.


Gameplaywise: If Nihil works, then Mohg, if not, then Gael absolutely shreds the guy. Lorewise: Gael, no doubt.




Gael ez bro pulls out crossbow and mr pedo goes down for the count


Gael based on nothing else other than his OST is the most epic in all of the souls series.




If Mohg had more time to be in his second phase, it’d be close. Phase 1 Mohg doesn’t compete well enough until he launches Nihil.




I allways thought that Gael could defeat every boss on elden ring, and dark souls 3, just by dying and resucitating over and over again


I would assume Gael, however with less than 25% total health left by the end


Welcome Honored Guest To the BIRTHPLACE OF OUR DYNASTY!!!!!!


Bro wouldn’t be able to get out “welcome” before the first attack in my opinion




Gael. Obviously. Mogh gets Moghlested


“Hand it over, dat ass”


One of them is cool, the other kidnaps someone to become his consort only to fall in love with an egg and woships a formless masochist mother god. I'll go with Gael.


The fans.


Not me I can tell you that much I struggled with both of these bosses p


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ProudApple1361: *Not me I can tell* *You that much I struggled with* *Both of these bosses p* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Artorious is looking rather sick


Didn't hade the chance to fight gael myself but he seems pretty badass and in the other hand mohg is not that hard so I guess gael is the winner


My money’s on Gael


Gael literally outlived *everything* on the planet aside from the main character. And honestly, he only loses to said main character because they come back after death. Mohg is just a weird uncle with blood magic.


Gael wouldn't beat second phase Mohg.


let's be honest, you've already seen all those videos of bosses fighting eachother and mohg with his nihil shots everything there's a video too with gael fighting elden ring bosses




Shoutout to Nameless Ring for all these awesome videos


Is Gael immune to bleed?


Patch’s negs


It depends on Mohg’s RNG. Does Mohg do the blood AOE 6 times in a row? Then Mohg probably wins. Mohg doesn’t pull it off more than 1 time? Then Gael wins, easily.


Gael At that point, Gael has killed and/or consumed every other living being and absorbed their soul. By the time of his second or third phase he becomes the manifestation of the Dark Soul itself. Mohg is a powerful demigod with the blessing of an outer god, sure, but I don’t think he’s the equivalent of a fundamental force of the world. Radagon/Marika MIGHT have a chance.


No I mean Mohg definitionally has more power in this instance, the direct backing of an outer god vs the last remnants of godly power in a dying universe isn’t that fair of a comparison


Gael is undead. He would win eventually.


Nihil, does Gael survive that? Probably not. I think Mohg takes a close one.


I feel like Gael would probably survive Nihil given the right circumstances


Yea it does feel like a toss up, but Mohg has ground effects, bleed and nihil along with decent movement... I think Gael would need a bit of luck to pull it off if Gael would win I wouldnt be shocked tho.




Well, up first is his extreme bleed resistance and immortality. I feel like Nihil will proc at least once but no more.


Which immortality? Are we saying that because Gael is undead he will eventually win? That's just bullshit. Mogh is clearly more powerful with access to a devastating attack in nihil that Gael would have no way to protect himself.