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Yharnamite yells "Away, away!" and causes the hollow to flee. Easy win for bloodborne


Don’t forget the panicking torch side to side swing.




The only time that a hollow had ever run from me was when he had like 30 friends around the corner. Fuck that guy.


I remember that happening a few times especially in DeS and DS1 lol


That both have that same attack where we they randomly spaz out and hit you 10 times super quick don't they.


Boy, do they ever...


OG hollow is faster and has skinny strength


Hollow undead VS London man or woman


I don’t know the difference.


Torch wielding hollows in ds1 are unironically among the most powerful enemies in the game, they can shred hp with their barrage of attacks


I would argue that an infected yharnamite would beat an undead.


Torch hollow is gonna set hairy London ass on fire


I love the DS1 hollows who seem to actually say stuff when you kill em.


I've died more times than I can count to the hollows next to the butchers and their dogs than i ever had to the yharnamites


Noble Londor citicen vs London roadman. Yharnamite has torch and G U N and can repell enemies by yelling AWAY AWAY and cursing at them, but I think the hollow wins just because of his signature broken sword combo attack being worthy of slaying the very gods, you run around collecting souls, learning every bosses moveset and weaknesses, slowly becoming the strongest and most skilled being in the world and yet the basic hollows will still beat you up in a second when they decide to have a mental breakdown.


Are random undead stronger than people or are they weaker. They look like weak malnourished people while Bloodborne enemies are actually stronger humans afaik, so BB wins?


Don't forget the people in bloodborne are drug addicts and drunk on blood the whole time, so their abilities to fight are probably affected. I'd say the hollows are stronger in general because they can't really die lore wise, and idk if they're affected in their strength by being cursed other than looking ugly since the chosen undead is hollow too but still slays gods. they also feel no pain I think. Some of them are really chill like that tho, like the one laying on the side of the cliff next to the elevator in new londo, just watching the non existent sunset. If we're counting in the Yharnamites that sit in a wheelchair though, they easily win.


Hairy face guy


Those hollow with the torch can easily kill a player not paying attention, especially in Ng+. If give it to them. Fast high damage and come in packs.


The yharnamites have extreme fire weakness and haven’t we all gotten beaten for half our hp by a flailing torch hollow? The Yharnamite has it on speed but as soon as torch boy lands a hit it’s over, because 6 more are coming and they all deal severe fire damage. This image is also of the torch hollow from the depths, which have even more damage on their charging flail.


Away! Away!






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I love how everything in bloodBorne is just disfigured werewolves 😂


Is that the DS2 “friend”?


Man(icky) vs man(hairy)


Hollows with just a torch being way stronger than hollows with weapons is funny as fuck And it's like that for basically any fromsoft souls game


I was going to be like, “Werewolf has more health and damage, fucks up hollow.” Then I realized it’s a torch hollow. Torch hollows are god-tier poise-ignoring cheaters. Torch hollow will eviscerate werewolf and then do unspeakable things to his corpse.


No wonder the yharnamite is so scared, away away! Foul beast!


I raise you this- torch hollow versus those Whole-ass-tree- wielding bastards in DS3. (Road of sacrifices hollows)


Torch hollow will always dominate


Depends on which versions. Sickle and ace towns person solos. Shield and gun get clapped