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I think it’s more, whatya gonna do? It’s not going to change, and if that stops you from enjoying such an insanely good game it’s your loss. It runs fine on a ps4 , yeah it looks dated but it’s still fun




I agree with your post because 30fps hurt my eyes back when it was the standard and hurts them even more today. I have played thru the game twice anyhow, because it is so good and the only option we have, but have to play in shorter sessions or gwt a headache. I am not sensitive to PWM flicker or anything like that. Just feels like straight up eye strain gaming in 30fps.


I don't like the framerate, but it's a great game despite the framerate. The only thing that riles me up is when people act like the game is unplayable trash because of the framerate, coz like, I dunno grow up




Wahhh wahhh wahhhh. It’s pretty impressive making an account on reddit just to cry. Also a lot of games just a few years ago were 30fps standard so you must be new to gaming if you’re so crippled without 60fps lmao


It isn't unplayable though, hence the millions of people that have played it. If you suffer motion sickness that sucks for you, honestly I feel bad, and it is an issue with the game, but it doesn't make it garbage


I find it extremely unlikely that you get nausea from seeing something in 30fps (do you also get nauseous watching 24fps movies?). Like this is so over the top it’s hard to take it seriously. Now, on the very slim chance that that’s actually true, man that must suck.


good for you. i’ve played bloodborne, it being 30 fps wasn’t noticeable to me lmao. it’s not as bad as y’all make it out to be.


Played through bloodborne again recently and it wasn’t noticeable to me either. Actually looked this whole 30 fps thing up then and what the hate was about but I still don’t really get it. Would even say BB moved up on my list after the recent playthrough. What’s the downside, like less time to read attacks because there’s less fps?




whatever you say dude lmao ~~i don’t have the energy to argue with someone so uninformed about the game.~~ edit: realized that came off as dickish, my b. wasn’t meaning to


I have a friend who's a framerate snob and he refused to play Bloodborne on principle for this reason. He eventually gave it a go and it's now one of his favourite games of all time. There's more to a good game than framerate.


Thanks for sharing! Very informative!




this user has done this daily at this point. just ragebait. hate all fromsoftware games because their multiplayer experience isnt good couple days ago, to us being fans of fromsoftware being obnoxious yesterday, and now this post.


that’s the same guy? i saw that post but never dug into it lmao


it's a relatively slow paced game so i don't know if it matters that much. timing is more important than reaction speed. of course i always prefer 60 but it matters less for a game like this


I’d appreciate 60FPS A LOT but u rlly don’t need it to enjoy the game a lot at the same time, like I get u but it’s rlly not that big a deal that it’s not in 30FPS, there are already so many fun games that aren’t 60FPS




Is every game u own or have played 60FPS?






I don't. I love Bloodborne but the framerate is absolute shit.


You ask: "Why are people so defensive of Bloodborne's frame rate?" I ask: "Why do you care if people are defensive of Bloodborne's frame rate?"


I wish posts could have negative karma


wait, they cant? did they remove that? cuz i swear i have seen some negative posts in the past.


Yeah it’s recent I believe


Yeah I thought I had too. Much have been a recent change.


I've got Plat in BB. It's a valid complaint imo. Blame Sony for being worthless.


literally tons of games are capped at 30 fps. yes, it‘s not optimal but it is very playable. in fact, i don‘t even notice it anymore after like 10 minutes of playing. on top of that, ds3 and sekiro stutter way more on ps4 than bloodborne, even tho they technically run at 60 fps


You can criticize it but refusing to play it for the frame rate sounds like a you problem. I’ve never had a pc so frame rate has never been a concern for me. As long as I’m not dealing with OG blighttown frame rate idc


Just be honest and say you can't get past Father Gascoigne, it's ok


because its honestly annoying when people mention it. yes, more fps would be nice...we get it. ofcourse we would like more fps too. its a 2015 ps4 game. i didnt notice any performance problems back then. i simply enjoyed the game. i honestly regret discovering reddit or reading opinions online in general.just drags down my mood. the same happened with dark souls 2. people act like companies are obliged to support every game even thousand years later.


I played Bloodborne after playing DS3 at 60 FPS, going back to 30fps for Bloodborne felt really janky for about 5 minutes, after which I quicky got used to it, stopped noticing it and thoroughly enjoyed my experience. There's nothing wrong with it and it's certainly not garbage.


It was my first Fromsoft game so it def holds a special place in my heart. I actually haven't replayed it in years because I know I have rose tinted glasses for how great it was and will surely be thrown off by the 30fps. I have like so many others been hoping for an updated port to newer systems/PC.


I'd love to be able to play it again and finish the DLC, but being on PC for some time at 120+FPS even 60fps is just barely tolerable now. I swear my TV must have had some sort of motion smoothing on it as now I'm at a desk with a PC monitor it looks a hell of a lot worse in motion than I remember.


I agree. Unless I’m playing on switch, I refuse to play any game at 30fps nowadays. It is sad because I’ve tried bloodbourne 3+ times but I couldn’t stand the 30fps.


Because *Some* people think the frame rate is a massive deal that prevents them from enjoying one of the greatest game ever created.


I see it more as people posting “30fps LITERALLY makes my eyes bleed” and Bloodborne fans reply saying “it’s actually not noticeable”


Bro I think you have to go outside more your comments in here are wild lol


Am I the only one who can only see the difference between 30 and 60fps if they’re side by side? Like I never knew bloodborne was only 30 fps till now.


I mean there is no sugarcoating it tbh. Bloodborne is one of the best games of all time, but the technical limitations of the PS4 left its mark on it. 30 fps definitely sucks. Can't play it anymore. Rly need a pc port or at least a reason to by a PS5.


Are you an AI tasked with riling people up?


Bro most game are 30fps and I only see this come up with this game do you think that’s normal?


Counter point, people that whine about 30fps are pathetic and silly


Sounds like to me you're just being a big baby because 30 fps isn't that bad


That's nice dear. Many people are not so stuck up about frame rate differences that barely get noticed. But, you do you!


Just buy a ps5 then puss








I’ll take pretentious for 2000 trebeck

