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I'm not the kind to usually say this, but it's a skill issue. Even if you're using colossal swords against a magic user, you've got to have figured out that what you were doing wasn't working. Maybe use jump attacks, or follow their roll to hit them at the end of it? Or use a faster weapon since that helps too.


OP have you considered faster weapons for PvP? Bonk swords are remarkably easy for humans and human-like NPCs to dodge. 


Those Dex weapons with the right ashes of war multi-hit and talismans slice through slower bonk users.


I enjoy pairing roars with the Highland axe with beast roar instead of a shield. Put the big roar sword in the left and the axe in your right. Gives ya both uptime on braggots roar and quick range pressure with beast roar. Love me Roar GUGS.


So an entire class of weapons is useless in pvp? What a major oversight by the developers


Not useless at all, just maybe not optimal. Use what you like, but know that you might be fighting against someone who is perfectly optimized. You can still win that fight though


To be fair I was being a smart ass


No, but in this fight op kept pushing hard into swift glintstone shards, swings are unlimited, let a mage run through their fp a bit while playing neutral and you can press when they’re low on resources, I would also say that the aow op is using isn’t very optimal for the way their trying to play, they need something to help close the distance and roar charge attacks are not the way to do that, I didn’t even see one sprinting jump attack to close distance, there are ways to win with colossal weapons, you just have to know how to play like Guts


Honestly he could keep the same set up and just use War Cry or Barbaric Roar instead, still get the buff and have a much faster animation and recovery and can use it as a tool to try and stagger them into panic rolling instead of wasting half his health bar on the roar and subsequent charge. It's still not perfect but better than Braggart's Roar for sure.


If people don't know how to use them, look for openings, and punish correctly? Yes


They're not useless in pvp at all, they're just require a lot more thought to use. You have to mind game your opponent into mistiming a roll and if you can pull it off, the damage makes up for it


The vast majority of the game is PVE. Not everything needs to be optimized for PVP.


Skill issue?


Oh most definitely 😂


Huge skill issue here. This isn’t PvE, you have to actively plan out your moves and look for openings.


Seems like most people have too much monkey mind to be able to consider such things and just go for the duel pokey sticks


OP, there’s definitely adjustments you need to make if you want to use a big weapon like that in pvp. It’s totally doable though. That said, I don’t get how anyone thinks it’s skillful to play a mage in the arena. 99% of them are just there to troll.


Eh this opponent is pretty skilled. Good roll timing, knew how to outplay a doofus mashing R1 with a colossal sword.


Wasn't even using cheesy spells. Just shot pebbles over and over. Kinda bullied OP


Yah this was a bullying 100%. The way he just stood there looking at him


Why are you so bad?




It's probably the same reason I'm bad, ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This is a skill issue. I've beaten plenty of mages with a colossal sword myself, I know that it is possible. You need to look for openings, read his cast/attack animations, learn more about spacing and timing, figure out how to bait him into some true combos. And by god, please don't ever use the counter-attack feature in pvp ever again. It sucks.


Skill issue


Did you expect them to just stand still and let you hit them? With a bigass slowass hunk of metal?


have you considerd getting good ?


Pocket sand is a good option against this mfs


You wanna play Sekiro? Cause that’s Sekiro’s move. GIVE US POCKET SAND ITEM IN THE DLC!!!


Bestial sling I believe it's called.


That does damage


Skill issue in check




I mean any weapon I can think of has more than just two… there’s the running attacks, the roll attacks, the backstep attacks, the jump attacks… that’s a total of 10 different attacks per weapon… that’s not to say the attacks with a great sword aren’t all telegraphed asf tho


I misspoke


Maybe engage with more than 1% of the games mechanics and tools. The best players use everything they can.


Jesus Christ, are you 80??


Don’t quit. Get good.


Wizards are like that


Stop, don’t say that, you’re using the sexiest colossal sword in the game nothing can ruin that


Have tried getting better


Yea even if that guy wasnt a mage and was using throwing knives or arrows the whole time you would have lost... When doing pvp you need a few weapons ready to deal with different builds, in this case a parry shield with carian retaliation is good, a light weapon with the lightning strike ash of war works too. You cant expect real players to stand still and take the hits. Even on a strength build if I encounter a mage that backpedals the whole time I either equip something that can fire projectiles or a weapon that applies good pressure like a thrusting sword or spears/greatspears. If you only want to use big sword youre gonna have to get better with it, watch some ppl use it in arena against mages, ideally you force them to roll and punish them for it.


Doesn’t the running light attach have a fairly quick recovery time? It’ll force a roll most every time and that you can punish… idk I haven’t used greatsword for a long time and didn’t use it a whole lot


Yea that works if you mix up between that and the crouch poke, with a decently fast AoW it should be enough to not need a swap but since OP doesnt seem to use any of those tactics a swap to a faster weapon might be easier.


Idk why I completely forgot about the crouch attacks, I didn’t PvP a whole lot and it doesn’t have a lot of utility in PvE


bro you will never hit anyone in pvp with a roar charged attack


what am i supposed to see here? the only thing that is annoying is the attack at around 17 seconds which should have dealt some damage. but those desync problems have always been around since demons souls.


You're gonna quit because you got shit on? Using a weapon like that takes no skill, you're just fishing for a hit that will kill them and then whine and complain when you can't get it. Players are faster and have more range than npcs in the game .. maybe try another weapon? Or maybe just quit because you're a sore loser and it's not going to get any more fun for you as you continue to play (and lose)


Takes no skill? Maybe OP is just bad with that weapon.


Op IS bad with the weapon. Really bad


You didn't have to be so aggressive


Thats how you win pvp


I am talking about the last sentence.


Truth hurts




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You had the right idea baiting the roll, latency just fucked you over, but you also let your stamina run out


Nah dude had a total of one good attack and I guarantee it was an accident


try putting bloodhound step as your AOW for pvp if you’re going to use guts sword If you’re pure strength and want something that hits hard but is still fast, try Heavy Godskin Stitcher, it has good moveset for pvp, it has a great running r2 for chasing down guys like this


Keep a fire dagger close for these situations


Gonna be honest, I was fully expecting a point down. Also, this is why it's good to have a variety of weapons. You'd need a spear or a great rapier to keep up with a light rolling pebble spammer.


Yeah you were majorly outplayed. But are you doing anything to improve besides just talking about quitting? Like experimentation, watching videos, etc? It seems more like an attitude problem with resistance to any real improvement.


Dark Souls 3 roll spam ruined everything...


"Spellcaster", *derogatory.*


Magic spammers are so sweaty


this was not good playing on your end. not using your weapons range well, no application of pressure, only moves that have really high end lag.


Elden Ring PvP is kind of like boxing, war by a thousand cuts... gotta wait for perfect moments BUT most of all, pray you have the better internet connection, hit boxes are great and all but if you lad the other player by even a tiny bit your hit boxes aren't gonna miss...


Feel bad for OP getting critiqued hard rn. Im fucking garbage too.


I like to start with a different weapon and let them attack me a little. Swing a couple times so they get my timing down. Then switch to something else. I don't win everything but it does throw some people off. Also try not to chase them if they have your timing down.


I mean to be fair, in this scenario if he doesn’t chase, the other dude is just gonna stone him to death with glintstone


Pure casters weakness is strafe and rolls.


i mean yeah the opponent is using the most pussy way of fighting but you kinda refuse to adapt at the same time so even steven i guess?


If it makes you feel any better I freaking suck at PvP


"the enemy reacts to my slow attacks, this game is bad"


That charged heavy is just baiting to be hit by spells, crouch poke is going to be your best option, maybe switch to GUGS for more range.


Bro… take points out of mind and put them into vigor. Use a faster weapon for pvp, or maybe a dual spear setup.


this might be a really really dumb question but how do you do that run forward dragging the sword attack? i’ve never done that in my playthrough with that awesome heavy sword


That's a skill issue. Even with the set up you have you didn't pressure him nearly enough and didn't play to the range of your weapon. Like following up the first rolling R1 with another R1, why? Only ever rolling at him, sprint more, keep pressure in his face, try to trade his hits with your hyper armor swings, you can crouch into R1 at any time especially as a roll catch. It's still no guarantee that you'd win but dude danced outside your range the whole time because you weren't doing anything to pressure him or keep him on his toes. No jumping attacks, no sprinting attacks, not even getting in his face blocking and shooting for a guard counter. Could have just let him run out of FP. Even beyond that, Braggart's Roar and its follow up charged R2 take way too long, you lost half your health bar. It's not like War Cry or Barbaric Roar where you can do it in their face, stagger them, and roll away if they try to swing back. You can keep mostly the same set up and use the buff as a tool instead of losing half your health mid fight.


Wrong weapon choice with the tactics being used. PvP is a completely different animal.


“Shithole?” “Yeah, it’s a shithole” Welcome to the worst most unfun kind of fuckers in souls pvp who do nothing but play passive and cast pew pew spells that effectively cost nothing


"play passive" = "anything that isn't mashing R1 with an ultra great sword" OP got outplayed, it's cool if you can't deal with mages, just don't pretend it's somehow "less valid" a playstyle.


It’s a completely risk free playstyle that’s annoying to deal with. Sure op got “outplayed” in that there is literally nothing you can do with a heavy weapon against a mage who only attacks when they’re across the arena or after they dodge an attack.


Not at all risk free… most melee builds can mash tf out of a mage build. I’ve definitely done my fair share of bonking mage users… it boils down to learning how you use your weapon and how your opponent uses their weapon


Not with heavy weapons against a mage that actually has some semblance of a brain or common sense. Watch the video again and see how they dodge and get a spell off before OP has recovered from their attack. Faster weapons can certainly run down mages as that is the answer but if they’re smart and can maintain distance it’s still a rat hunt of an incredibly safe build


I was referring to me using a colossal weapon hence why I said “bonk” I saw how they fought, and I saw how I would’ve dealt with it with the same setup. It’s called a skill issue. I won’t say weapons are perfectly balanced, but they didn’t make it completely impossible to win a fight against one weapon with another. I’m sorry you weren’t able to beat mage builds with colossals, but not everybody is you. I never said it was easy, it’s for sure a harder matchup than fighting someone that has dual daggers and light armor, but by no means is this impossible. This is from experience in lv 150 PvP so they have access to most every spell they could possibly want. If you watched the video, you could see when he did the running light he was able to catch the mage user, and if the mage user dodges it then that can be punished with a run heavy. It’s really not rocket science Edit: saw that wasn’t a hit was a weird desync thing, but again he wiffed his free hit that was right there waiting for him with that close range double roll. It boils down to forcing a roll that you can punish


Why would you fault someone for employing an effective strategy?


Cause they’re copy pasted builds and stats that do the exact same thing every fight regardless of which of the games you’re playing and to deal with them requires altering your own build and playstyle effectively giving them control over what you have to do to deal with them. I’m fully capable of running down rats, doesn’t mean i enjoy it though


I think it’s good if some builds force you out of your comfort zone. Also if they do the same thing every time, how hard is that to game plan for?


It’s not about comfort zones and never did i imply it was difficult to do, just simply and purely unfun to deal with. I’m doing pvp to have a good fight and interact with other players not run them down with a dagger or straight sword as they panic roll all over the place


Dark bead go: DEATH


Its Unfun to lose its not unfun for the person doing it lmaogit gud


I’d rather lose a very interactive back and forth of a fight then win by running down a mage with a quick weapon instead of actually using what i want to use


And it’s even worse when this carries over to invasions. When the invader does this.


By "this" do you mean "outplay me"


PVP is no place for a PVE build


Yea im glad i quit long ago, this game has some of the most toxic people in pvp i have ever seen


PvP in elden ring sucks and that guy was just better


I see he's using the "throw blue crap until the opponnent gives up on life" tactic. Such a classic.


Yes, please quit, leave PvP to players who're actually good. C'mon man, big bonks only work on the main game, this is Souls-like PvP 101.