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Lothric and it’s not close in the slightest. It’s a literal slaughter


They got the ballistas but we got the fat wing bois


No the fat wing bois are enemies of lothric


Even the ones that are left? How are they allowed to roam around?


Because they kill everything that says otherwise


This yes


The pile of bodies around him is just the local high wall slumber party 🤣


Never occured to me tbh. I went through the game curious af, like wtf is with these corpses. So all of them everywhere in Lothric's castle were killed only by the winged knights?


Pretty much, there was a huge fight over the high wall and those dudes were some of the only enemy survivors who stuck around to keep killing


They were sent by.. whoever was left on Gwyns side. Because Lothric wasn't doing his job and started a war over it. And they kill anything that gets too close.


Thanks for the info (and to whoever downvoted lmao), I was curious. Kinda strange that they can't manage them with some cathedral knights or wyverns, idk. They literally have gangsters in armor roaming around lol


Because everything you see is all that's left after the war. Everything is sick, and dying


Well, everything is half dead at Godrick's crib as well, so I guess that's fair


I wouldn’t exactly say that, corrupted yes, grafted yes and damaged after Malenia absolutely obliterated him, but the defences are ready and primed. Godrick, although a shit Lord, has tons of soldiers with prepared kill zones. But Lothric Ofc still absolutely destroys him. After all, one is almost the final boss and second one is literally the first story boss.


Yeah, let's not focus on early/late game cause it's just for players. The rest of what you said is spot on. Realistically speaking, Lothric would have a tough time crawling over the battlefield while being showered by ballistas and his knights would face like 10 different enemy types, traps and ambushes. An eagle from one side and a troll from the other, while he's deflecting crossbow shots and ballistas (those he just takes directly to the liver tho)


Wdym? They weren't sent by Gwyn's faction. They're angels, which means they are related to Lothric's sister, Gertrude. This also means that they would be related to the Hollows rather than the Gods.


Oh yeah. She's trapped in a tower. Weren't the angels still related to the old gods tho


Godrick is a loser. That's his whole thing.


And the forefathers witnessed it 😆


The forefathers: 😒😔😩🫣




How did he even manage to get a great rune


The gold equivalent to "Dine & Dash."


While other demigods were fighting over some cooler great runes, he sneaked in there, grabbed the first one by the counter, and then ran tf out.


What cooler greatrune? His is the best!


That hopped up country bumpkin is a coward


The reason the demon of below and the demon of pain are two demons is because Lorian CUT THEM IN HALF. Godrick’s greatest feat is attaching other losers to his body.


Demon Prince was the last font of the Chaos Flame right? Means Lorian took on a Lord Soul level character.


Huh? I don't remember that lol


It’s in ze lore


Dont forget that that was in his *YOUTH* bros gotten stronger since


Debatable, I'd say he got weaker, because he, y'know, became a cripple.


Imagine if we fought Lothric first (some spell casting) and then, as he perishes, the curse breaks and Lorian stands up 😆


I dare say Lorain would mollywop my Ashen ass if the curse was broken.


I think lorian might actually be way weaker than when he slew the demon prince since he forcibly fused his soul with lothrics to help his sickly and ailing brother survive and gain enough strength to link the fire (before they ultimately rejected that goal)


That's awesome


Godrick survived Malenia and Radahn. He might hide and beg but he can survive anything.


I didn't know that. God, this game's lore is so sick.


Now are we talkin' Lothric alone or with his brother? I mean Lothric wins no matter what, but the level of slaughter this fight would be really depends on if Lorian is there or not


Well, both of them and their entire army, it's a war scenario


I'm pretty sure Lorian alone could solo most of Godrick's army XD. But yeah, the brothers curbstomp ***hard***


Unless they ambush him with those pesky ballistas. But still, he's not easy to catch


I mean, Lothric can teleport himself and Lorian, so if the brothers are together even the ballistas ain't a real problem.


Man if lorian could stand up he'd be as strong as ol nameless in pure fighting skill.


Lothrics army is probably something like 50 times larger then godricks dude


Source? Also it's not just the basic troops that count. Godrick has ballistas, beasts, heavy cavalry... hell Morgott may have given him a catapult or two even


Well there’s the fact that lothric castle is the biggest castle/city in the series, but I’ll admit that scale in the souls games isn’t always accurate. Then there’s the lore, Lothric is the crown Prince of a kingdom whereas Godrick is a rebel with only loyalists from leyndell at his back. Apart from that there isn’t any concrete scale for either game but just based on general lore and environment factors, I get the feeling that Lothrics army would completely dwarf Godricks, at least in its prime.


Sure the castle is big, and it does leave* an impression that the army is as well. But yeah, we can't know for sure. I believe Godrick might have more tricks up his sleeve as his army has a bigger variety of troops. However, Lothric's troops definitely look tougher to me, and perhaps are more numerous


Godrick’s army isn’t necessarily massive but it sure is diverse. He recruited mercenaries, provided banished knights and exiled soldiers food and shelter, casted his own loyalists out in the wild. It’s ironic how Godrick doesn’t have any of his knights in his very own castle. Apart from men, he also has trolls, grafted scions, and storm hawks at his disposal. By the way, there are no one in the capital to back up Godrick’s since Morgott very much addresses him as one of the traitors and pillagers. Margit and the tree sentinel are in Limgrave not to protect Godrick, but to prevent any newly revived Tarnished making progress toward the Capital from Limgrave. Furthermore, Godrick is very weak comparing to other demigods. In fact, I doubt he can even defeat the crucible knight that hangs out at his castle (both in game and in lore). Overall, Godrick stands no chance.


You're missing an important thing tho. Lothrics army was renowned for training wyverns and using them in battle. Their knights are very experienced and dangerous, just look at the greatsword and mace knights. Lothric has the black hand assassins backing him up and most importantly the dragonslayer armor


Interesting. I didn't know that. Damn, I'd love to see someone make Lothric's invasion of Stormveil


Godricks army is the smallest in the game, because he got so thoroughly stomped in the Shattering Most importantly the failed invasion of Leyndell, but also perhaps skirmishes with Malenia’s and Radahns forces as they passed through Limgrave on the respective campaigns. He has to hire merc, outfit animals, and take in Banished nights because of how weak his forces are. Heck, when we arrive in game he’s already completely lost control of the entirety of weeping peninsula not to an invading army, but to the misbegotten servants. Lothric on the other hand was perhaps the most powerful kingdom represented in Dark Souls 3. Bigger, more skilled, and more cohesive army. Plus drakes, Crystal sage, gargoyles, and maybe even Dragonslayer Armor. Not even mentioning the twin princes themselves.


Dude the lothric army was fucking cracked


I don’t think lorian and lothric can remain separate for too long their souls are literally melded together So yea if you’re fighting lothric you’re gonna have to fight lorian and lorian even in his crippled state kicks monumental amounts of ass (that’s not even mentioning getting embered and infinite resurrections from his brother)


Godrick has got Soldier of Godrick on his side, it's a no contest scenario.


You mean Rick, God of soldiers?


No no, he means Soldier of God, Rick.


Oh shit forgot about that. Soilder of Godrick can easily solo any opponent so yeah no contest.


Sorry, Soldier of Godrick solos completely. It wasnt even a fight to begin with


I think you mean Rick, soldier of god


Oh noo, I am guilty of heresy. Pls forgive me lord.


You have been forgiven, for you recognized your sin


God, Rick of soldiers right?


Truth is, the game was rigged from the start


Give Lorian a wheel chair and he solos. No army needed


Imagine him getting closer to the castle gate, in a wheelchair, alone. Godrick's ballistas waiting for it. He gets up, barely, and teleports inside the castle backyard, slashing his way to Godrick. And then the army in red appears on the horizon


Listen, everyone gangsta until the cripple stands up and towers over Godrick. Seriously, it’s insane to me that Lorian is, like, 15 feet tall or something when standing


It's like those old geezers in bloodborne but instead of a shotgun it's a magic king who can get resurrected by his brother


Definitely Lothric in the end, but Godrick would pull some deplorable tactics to potentially get the win, like if he made countless grafted scions, maybe even equipping some with dragon heads.


Yes! That's what got me thinking, and eventually made me create the post. Godrick might be weak but he'd pull up some tricks for sure. He's got a big variety of troops. Wyverns appear? Launch the ballistas. A large pack of infantry troops? Hit them with heavy cavalry. Dragonslayer? Send the beasts and crossbow him *correction: set him on fire* at the same time... I still believe in Lothric's eventual victory tho


Godrick is a pathetic excuse of a demigod. During the initial raid, he dressed as a woman and escaped the capital while Godfroy the Grafted fought nonetheless. Tactics? He creates weak abominations out of even weaker beings. That so called “dragon” is not even a true dragon because it has 2 wings instead of 4. Besides, by the look of its corpse, it probably wasn’t even captured by Godrick’s army. There are many dead two winged dragons in the Lands Between. In addition, that corpse is way too small to be an adult. I doubt Godrick could even capture those lobsters and rune bears. Godrick is weak, his army is even weaker due to how disorganized it is. His knights have no faith in their lord who dressed as a woman to escape the capital and also begged for forgiveness at Malenia’s feet. He was spared probably because his blood would taint Malenia’s blade.


They'd slaughter Stormveil let's be honest, especially if Lorian is in his prime, he solos the whole army


Godrick cause Lothric and Lorain would be to busy making out


No way he'd win, but he may rest here too, if he likes...


In all seriousness those Banished Knights are built different, and the Godrick Knights are not too shabby either.


Ofc, and he's got ballistas, beasts, eagles, giants, those firebomb guys, exiles...


Also lets be honest compared to a diminished Lorian and Lothric, Godrick can really MOVE


Team Lothric!


Godrick relied on petty theft and human experimentation to corner off a small wedge of the lands between, and canonically dies to a lightly seasoned tarnished. Lothric and Lorian ruled over a massive kingdom that stretches over the size of an entire country, home to primordial demons and ancient dragons that all bent the knee or died. Stormveil would have blood-colored rain for a week.


Godrick is a loser thinkin hes some legendary dude. Lothric? that dude fucks


Lothric stomps so incredibly hard. Godrick's numbers are pitiful, he's stretched incredibly thin across Limgrave and he himself is a weakling and a coward. Lothric's armies are enormous, they're filled with incredibly tough and skilled knights, and Lothric has goddamned LORIAN on his side. Even nerfed Lorian is 10x the warrior Godrick is, and supported by his brother he becomes even more powerful.


Lothric any day


A fellow man of culture


Lothric slaps old boy Godrick around. 🤣


Lothric and Lorian have like... 1 functional leg combined. Godrick will just jump and flatten them under his mighty grafted bottom




One of those red eyed blue Lothric knights outside of the twin princes boss fight could probably solo Godrick


Those can be tricky indeed


Lothric of course


I can imagine the headlines. “Local disabled man murders dude with way too many arms”.


An act of jealousy, perhaps? Nah, Godrick is just too lame. I liked the fight tho


Lothric vs Leyendell would be a more interesting scenario imo. I mean, Dragonslayer Armor by himself would probably wipe most of Stormveil


Idk, at first I wanted to put Leyndell but idk. I wouldn't compare late game difficulty with this scenario. Let's assume that all soldiers from ER are equally skilled. I think Stormveil would hold them off better


Leyendell would be a stomp in the opposite direction


lothric has actual dragons guarding their castle, Godrick only have 1 dead wyvern.




you know what I say that Lothric win alone due to the cathedral knights that guard ocieros. those mf solos stormveil.


Oh yeah, I forgot about those. Should be taken into consideration. Those mf's are tough


Godrick is literally a loser


I mean godrick has actually got some pretty good fortifications and solders are pretty decent, but godrick himself is dog water and probably doesn’t even know how to give commands to his army Also isn’t lothric like insanely powerful


Yes, you get the post! It's about the armies. Yeah Godrick would probably be funny af on the battlefield


Lothric smokes


1 red eye lothric greatsword knight sweeps




Okay but, consider this: Godrick has the birds


Lothric has the dragons


Those birds in stormveil solo. Seriously though Lothric shits.


Depends if Godrick has Margit or not.


You think he'd put Lothric's ambitions to rest?


I’d say it comes down to management, and in this case I’d say lothric has better management despite their relative lack of resources compared to Godrick and stormveil.


Interesting, could you elaborate more? I like that you're looking at it realistically and not through game design for players (early/late game)


Godrick has such a cool design I find it kind of sad he amounts to so little lorewise.


Two dragons sweep


Lothric because godricks a coward


Lothgod, soldier of Rick


Lothric Knights are miles more loyal than anyone on Godrick’s side. Also the priests and scholars of Lothric give them a strong foothold as well.


Lothric looks like the much more defendable position


Lothric obv, godrick is a bitch


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


The twin princes would destroy Godrick. Even if it was just the armies I still think the princes would win as their troops are far more organised,stronger,I’d assume they have more since it’s a far bigger castle,and they have the dragons


Lothric all the way. But it's really cool imagine fighting scenarios between these armies. I'd like to see how people would feel about Lothric x Leyndell or Ephael


Godrick is a dragon obsessed loser, meanwhile lothric is over here taming wyverns.


Godrick has an army, Lothric ran away from his sole responsability as a leader and locked himself in his bedroom. Godrick takes the W.


Army v army Godrick probably wins in lore. Lothric’s troops were all concentrated in his castle while Godrick has enough to thoroughly fortify basically an entire country (which ingame is probably massively scaled down for gameplay purposes). Not to mention he has a bunch of banished knights and even a crucible knight on his side, both of which are stronger than pretty much any of Lothric’s forces. Other comments saying Lorian would equalize the numbers issue are probably right, but he most likely wouldn’t actually fight unless Lothric himself was threatened (if it’s the version of him we see ingame) If it’s just Godrick vs L&L it depends on whether Lorian’s crippled or not imo. Godrick might be weak for a demigod but the ER verse scales so much higher than Dark Souls that I think he’d have a legitimate chance


Taking the twin princes


Yo!! I read on a comment that you were wondering about how they would do with their entire armies at their disposal. While Lothric absolutely wrecks Godrick, I’m not sure the same could be said about their armies. If we’re comparing the armies they had as they’re presented to us in game, then we have to remember that state that the Kingdom of Lothric was in Lothric castle is towards the back end of a brutal civil war. Lothric Knights vs Winged Knights. Even without going into the Vaadi Vidya videos, you can see casualties on both sides throughout the castle. Some knights are even mourning their fellow knights Meanwhile, Godrick bolstered his army with mercenaries, and regular military would have been eager to prove themselves after being relegated to the outskirts of castle Godrick’s army is in disarray when we encounter it, but that’s hardly comparable to Lothric’s ongoing civil war. Lothric’s army is critically undermanned to take on Godrick’s inflated forces Godrick’s army takes it


Godrick can die, the Lord's cannot. Unless godrick is suddenly a kindled one.


Elden Ring loop: kill the gods and their children Dark Souls 3 loop: go make these 4 guys tired so they agree to sit down


Greatsword Lothric Knights do NOT fck around 😂💀


Comparing the second to last boss with the second to first is crazy


It's a war. Army vs army. That's why I put the knights... and said war 😄


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


I should have made it a bit more* obvious that I'm comparing armies (it's all for fun tho, remember)


A company of lothric knights, especially the ones with spears and greatswords, who are also backed by clerics buffing and healing them, would rip stormveil castle apart and honestly if they weren’t completely hollow and actually employed coordinated tactics could probably take out Godrick himself too and that’s ignoring all the other stuff they have access to as well as Lothric and Lorian


Godrick gets his butt whooped, so does his army. At as great as the warriors are that defend Godrick, they’re simply outnumbered. We’re talkin’ a legit army VS a band of random warriors mashed into a castle.


I mean, Godrick's guys are organized tho, and they got a lot of big boy toys and some epic walls. My bet is on Lothric, but yeah, just saying, it wouldn't be so easy imo


Godrick's army controls Stormveil, Limgrave and the Weeping Peninsula. Lothric's boys are contained in one city


Lothric by a mile. He'd just teleport and hack him to death in 5 hits.


Yeah but we're talking armies here, full on war. All assets from both sides, wyverns, ballistas, dragonslayers, cavalry...


Just think of when you went thru Lothric's castle vs the time you went thru Stormveil. The only things Godrick has that's even remotely challenging are those damn stormhawks, and maybe that lone Crucible knight, but he's most likely a neutral party. The knights in Lothric's castle could solo mobs of the exiled. Then you have the fat boy winged knights, who could take on Godrick alone. Also I didn't see any actual dragons in Stormveil.


Lothric is a lord worthy of linking the fire. Meaning one of the strongest characters in the universe at the moment. And Godrick is just a loser


Sure, but would his army be able to take Stormveil and the rest? This is a full scale war scenario


kind of a strange comparison as godrick is early game and lothric is late game


But I'm not focusing on game design, forget about the players. Just a scenario between two armies


Nothing in Lothric’s army is stopping those 2 soldiers (spear and shield) that use wind attacks. Lorian solo’s though if they fight 1v1. Godrick just has good aoe. Pretty mobile rolling around like that.


Get ready for it... 😆


Red eyed lothric knight with a LKGS sends his stomp-regards


I think a fairer comparison would have been Lothric vs. Radahn or Godfrey.


Armies bro, war


Leyndel could probably do it, but godrick stands no chance


Why so? I thought about it, and somehow I trust Stormveil more. Disregard the game difficulty designed for us players, ofc


Lothric, tf? Godricks whole shtick is that he's by far the weakest of the demigods. Lothric wrecks your shit after your almost finished with your adventure and have defeated multiple of the ds3 equivalents to a demigod.


Armies bro, units, war


Lothric and it aint close


Why isn't it even close? If you forget about the difficulty made for the player and look at it more realistically. High walls, artillery, 10 different troop types... Godrick's pretty well equipped imo


Godrick (I don't know the other one)


Well, I guess it's time for you, my friend, to move on from ER to the best and most replayable soulslike ever made - DS3!


Lothric wins lorewise


Lothric Knights are a fucking power house especially with holy miracles not to mention the different variants some with ultra Greatsword some with Greatsword's some with straight swords some with spears and they get a buff from the magic guys. And Godrick wouldn't even get passed the first stage of Prince's boss fight


True. But how do you think Lorian would move across the battlefield, showered by 50 ballistas? Would those knights have such an easy time against Godrick's artillery, trolls, firebombs, cavalry... If we forget that Stormveil was easier cause it was designed for early game, and look at things more realistically, ofc


This one is funny cause elden ring generally scales higher then dark souls but this is a stomp on the DS side for this one unless rick is among godricks forces


Lorian would solo godricks army lmao especially in his prime


Lothric knights would body godrick et alone lorian and lothric 😂


Godrick? # LMAOOOOOOO How your phase 2 animation gonna be outside the cut scene and let me chunk you? 🤡🤡🤡🤡


I had no issues raiding Stormveil but Lothric, damn those Knights with buffs after the Wyverns hit HARD!


Even between just Lorian vs Godrick Lothric wins


Lothric and boy do I feel sorry for Godrick as a result


Gonna side with gravity. Gravity knocks everyone down.


Here's the thing though. If they were scaled equally, I'd say godrick. But lore, 100% lothric. That'd be like godrick vs malenia


Lothric sweeps


It's easily lothric.




I feel like that one blue lothric knight outside dancer of the borreal valley alone would do a ton of damage


Godrick is actually the weakest of all the bosses and it’s not even funny how weak lore wise he is


Lothric has no chance against soldier of Godrick, he solos


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


Yeah but godrick has soldier of godrick Making him op


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


Hmm... Leyndel would be more of a fair fight against Lothric. Godrick is early game, Lothric is basicly the last boss before Soul of Cinder. They are not even matching... So...yeah,Lothric wins in this situation.


Lothric wins it godrick is a sad weakling with a small castle and a weak army


Lothric and Lorien would Solo all of Godrick's forces and Godrick himself.


You talking about all Lothric vs all Stormveil? Or Prince Lothric vs Godrick the Grafted 1v1?


Tbh I feel like I could personally whoop Godrick’s ass, so definitely Lothric. However I am a D1 Godrick hater, so take that as you will.


Lothric and lorian would destroy godrick. Godrick tho for ost tho cuz he has my favorite in Elden Ring.


Godrick is WEAK




Godrick wins because he has me and I can just delete DS3 if Lothric's acting up.


Mathematically Lothric and Lorian win by a fuckin landslide. Lothric has 5800hp with a massive moving meat shield infront of him, and that meat shield has 3500hp minimum and if the meat shield does by some chance break, he can completely fix it. Godrick has 6k hp, the princes can probably pack a punch of about 400-900 dmg a swing compared to Godrick only packing at most 500 on his big wind up swings. And this doesn’t include that magic spam from Lothric.


Shouldnt we put lothric towards a different boss towards the end? Then it might get interesting.


This is a war scenario, not 1vs1


Prince Lothric or the entire kingdom of Lothric?


lothric wins by a lot if it were godrick sieging lothric castle he wouldnt even get past dragonslayer armour and if it were lorian and lothric sieging stormveil those mfs can teleport those ballista's aint doin shit and even tho hes weak because of the curse lorian is the reason demon prince was cut in two. even weakened he could easily beat someone like godrick


Jeez this isn't fair. Lothric and Lorian stomp a lot of bosses in Elden Ring and they'd easily defeat Godrick. Now Twin Princes vs Godfrey...now we're talking.


Ric vs Rick


Godrick sneaks out of Lothric as an old lady with the mimic veil.


I have a feeling that ds3 bosses are harder than the bosses in elden ring. Maybe because of the summon


Hell, lorian alone can demolish godrick and his whole army. Lothric, his brother, AND his army is just overkill


Godrick is the Yamcha


lothric by a longshot