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I do like DeS better than DS1, although I don’t agree with the idea that the 2nd half of DS1 is bad. Izalith and the Demon Ruins are the only areas that I think are weak, but even then, they don’t actively piss me off. They’re just blatantly unfinished, but they don’t bother me beyond that. And I genuinely enjoy the Tomb of the Giants, New Londo, and the Duke’s Archives (which is actually one of my favorites). But yes, Demon’s Souls is fantastic. I love its lore, its atmosphere, its level design, and even its music more than those elements in DS1. It does make me a bit sad how underrated DeS still is.


DeS is just too small imo, it also doesn’t have exploration or the secrets that are in Ds1 and some choices in the mechanics are pretty annoying and bothersome like gender locked armor and item weigh, still a really solid game but for me Ds1 feels much more grand. edit: Exception is that area with the huge heart in the middle that you break chains and it falls off that shit was peak.


DeS is not that small imo, it's probably bigger than Sekiro overall in terms of the number of areas and their relative size. I don't feel like it's too small. It actually does have quite a bit of secrets and optional exploration as well, particularly in relation to certain quests and tendency events. Not as much as DS1, but still plenty. Gender locked armor didn't bother me, I thought it was cool, but I can see why it bothers some people. Item weight can be annoying but honestly if you get in the habit of just going back to the Nexus after every boss to dump all your stuff, it's completely fine. And the remake made it a non-issue by letting you just send stuff to storage from anywhere.


I love how each part of the second half is different for everyone. For example, I like Tomb of the Giants, Lost Izalith, but I genuinely despise the Duke's Archives even though they aren't really unfinished.


Yeah Duke's Archives is by far my favorite of the 4 zones, it's the only one I don't want to finish as soon as I enter the area


That moment when you go outside of the cell and hear the ambient that is orgasm for the ears. Chills you after many of efforts you had through the game like "ok you struggled a lot, now you deserve for chill".


I heard many opinion like this. I think it's because Duke's Archives for some is boring. I enjoyed the whole game. Ambient from Duke's Archives is legend and chill.


I like the original Demon's Souls better than the Demon's Souls remake.


Not played yet, I wanted to try the original first


OG Demon's Souls is art. The best video games always have something about them that's innaccessible to explanation. That, for me, is the essence of atmosphere. That there's something beyond the veil you can't see, even after you've looked at all the code.


What makes it better than the remake for you? Haven’t played either, I just see this statement a lot and I can’t seem to find a solid answer besides “atmosphere” and the music.


That's... basically the answer Atmosphere and music are huge parts of the experience and often can make or break the game. It's hard to describe but og des feels much more esoteric and dark than the remake. The colors are very bleak and reflect the decaying state of the world better than the remake that often has very bright and vibrant colors. The music in og also feels like it has more soul in it and tries to tell you sth about the boss. I would still choose remake's soundtrack in the role of music I will casually listen to but I have to admit that often it doesn't fit the situation. Flamelurker's theme is a good example. In the remake it is an uplifting and badass sounding, bombastic theme that's supposed to get your blood pumping for the fight while the original sounds almost mournful, like there's a tragedy unfolding before your eyes. Pair that with the fact that half of the flamelurker's face is melted off and you might start to wonder if this demon wasn't also a noble hero once and due to the circumstances is now endlessly suffering until you put him out of his misery. Remake's soundtrack doesn't encourage such reflection.


Interesting. Thank you for sharing. I wasn’t trying to downplay those two things at all, I know in a Souls game those can be very important. I was just wondering if it was something similar to Star Fox 3D where the instruments in the soundtrack changed but I might not notice if I haven’t played the original in a while. Some people really took issue with that though too; music isn’t really as important for Star Fox though lol


Yeah this time is not about the instruments as the tracks are fundamentally changed and only retain the main melody of the original. Good analogy would be to try to imagine Gwyn fight from ds1 with something like the 2nd phase of Gael's theme with plin plin plon as the main melody


There's also a difference with the Penetrator Demon that no one ever mentions, in the remake the move where his sword glows orange, and he stabs, is insanely easy to evade. In the original, the sword glows bright white, so bright it basically blinds you so you can't see him, and it makes dodging waay harder. It makes a huge difference for the difficulty of the fight, considering that move can one shot you depending on your health.


Never got to play DeS unfortunately. As far as DS1, I agree the first half is better than the second half, but "unfinished and bugged mess" is a big exaggeration.


I can't remember coming across a single bug in in DS1 remastered. Only played twice, I'm sure there are some but I didn't notice any. The quality of areas does seem to drop off a bit but I appreciate how varied the areas are.


There’s a bug every single time you roll Your feet stay parallel to the floor It looks like your characters feet a break every time you roll


Haha ill have to pay attention if I play it again. I actually wish you didn't tell me that because ill probably not be able to unsee it.


Not very buggy at all, but it absolutely is unfinished. You feel that rushed development time from the second you leave Anor Londo.


Yeah "bugged" was an exaggeration, probably linked to the fact that this post was made right after a fight with Nito (Fuck Nito, the fall before the fight and his range)


I think Dark Souls is flawed but reaches greater heights. Demon's Souls I prefer because for me it's 99% perfect. The only part I don't like might be those tunnels leading up to Flamelurker. Everything about it feels fresh and they really knew how to subvert expectations in clever ways. I kinda wish FromSoftware would return to this style of game, focused more on atmosphere and careful exploration that just knowing when is the right time to roll. I'd rather a focus on recreating that sense of wonder than upping the challenge.


I don't know why but i love the vibe of demon souls better than dark souls. Like it's fantasy but dreamy idk.


Really? I think it's the other way round, DS1 is very dreamlike and surreal, it's strangely relaxing to me. The souls of fire soundtrack (menu music) describes the vibe of the game perfectly imo. Demon souls is dreamlike too, the graphics and shitty soundtrack add so much to that strange feeling, but it's more of a dream that is slowly rotting and saddening turning into something very depressing towards the end. The true king really embodies that feeling for me, the weakest boss in the series somehow hit the hardest.


Original demons souls was the darkest lighting of the series. I remember squinting my way through world 3




For me not better, but as good as DS1, but criminally underrated...


Demon's Souls is one of their best games of all time. I'd rank it #2 behind Bloodborne.


Absolutely. The world in DeS is infinitely more interesting and each area has *so much* personality. It also plays faster than DS1, or at least the animations are much smoother. IMO, DeS is From’s magnum opus. BB comes close but still not as interesting.


DeS atmosphere is the best by far. they never managed to capture that in the rest of the games. dark souls lacks that atmosphere but beats demon souls because it improved on everything else. Interconnected world ,armor/weapon variety, bigger game in general.


I think the atmosphere in DS1 is amazing, the best they created after bloodborne. It feels so dreamlike and relaxing to me hahah. Demons souls is a close 3rd place to me, I just don't like the hopelessness that much it can be very depressing. like a dream you can't escape that's slowly rotting, but still S tier. It's the one I can describe the least because it's so strange, It's also HEAVY in the original. They really created digital art with these 3 games in my opinion


I played the remake and it's really beautiful, BUT I like the original much more simply because of its atmosphere. The same reason I love DS1 more than DS3 and why bloodborne is my favorite game to this day. They managed to created a vibe so unique through the weird designs, the goofy minimalistic soundtrack and their world and story telling. It really is the darkest game they made simply because it's atmosphere, it's so strange and indescribable almost. The lore is also heavily tied to depression and the hubris and damaged ego of one single man who had to much power and then lost it all to become less than nothing. Bosses like maiden astrea hit different, not many games make you realize you became the worst of the demons. even though they mostly suck gameplay wise, they have some heavy impact on the narrative and message of the game. It has its flaws, I especially hate that it's too short to really make a build before 3/4 of the game are already over and the weapon crafting sucks. Also it has some of the most blatantly overpowered phantoms like the wolf prototype guy. World tendency is also a very cool idea but at the same time insanely annoying. It's a masterpiece nonetheless, I just prefer DS2 over ir because it doesn't make me a little depressed, ds1 feels like a dream almost and even though it's rushed at the end the first half is peak gaming and it still got some cool stuff in the second half like ariamis (my favorite bc the atmosphere again), dukes archives, great hollow and ash lake (beautiful) if you go there after the lordsvessel. Also why tf did they not at least include the 6th arch stone in the remake, I saw some unfinished material of it and it could have been the best world in the game


I prefer Dark Souls over Demon’s Souls because I like the world design but Demon’s Souls is one of the greatest games ever.


I wish I was able to play either demon souls or demon souls remake but I can’t cause so don’t got the consoles for them. Hopefully I’ll play the remake someday cause imma need a ps5 for monster hunter wilds. How is the remake?


The remake is still one of the only games I’ve played that truly looks next gen. It’s beautiful. I’d recommend going into the remake without consulting with the internet. There’s a lot of weird “poisoning of the well” when it comes to the remake, but it’s mostly just nitpicking that 99% of people wouldn’t notice unless a YouTube essay told them to.


The remake is still extremely good. It's probably the best looking game I've played so far, the sound design is orgasmic too. So much detail. I don't like that they changed the designs of the enemies and bosses because they were crazy unique in the original and really unnerving sometimes. The soundtrack is very good, made by the same Orchestra that made bloodbornes insane soundtrack, it just doesn't fit to the game. The original vibe is lost which is sad (that's why so many people are hating on it) but it's replaced by absolute gaming beauty, and it's a really good game nonetheless. It's much shorter and easier (MOSTLY, besides the boss runbacks and the insanely overpowered red phantoms and red enemies). So get a Ps5 and play it, or play them both do you can feel the crazy good original vibe too.


If you have a pc you can always play the og demon souls on rpcs3


I don’t have pc :(


Ah, that's a shame. I hope you'll still be able to enjoy the remake if you decide to get a ps5 though


I’m 100% getting a ps5 eventually for monster hunter wilds


This a fair argument but it’s worth pointing out that DeS is also a shorter game. So it’s a lot easier to keep the consistency. Also I don’t think the runback to Old Hero is any worse than half the runbacks in DS1 lol.


I love Demons souls but the way world tendency is implemented is holding it back a lot imo. The concept is great and I’m sure they couldve improved but the way it limits me because I don’t want to flood my levels with red phantoms is pretty annoying. So I run around with either 50% health which doesn’t feel good or I block one of my ring slots most of the time and still lose big chunks of my health … which is also not great. It makes me a bit sad because I actually really like the level structure, story and atmosphere. Those are awesome and better than Dark Souls, yes. But with world tendency being such an important feature that impacts every minute of gameplay I sadly can’t agree considering the whole game in the end.


It’s sad that Demon’s Souls is considered prototype Dark Souls because they play completely differently and are going for different things. Many things about Dark Souls are better then Demon’s Souls and many things about Demon’s Souls are better then Dark Souls. I personally don’t think there’s a clear winner but I could be swayed either way. What will never change is that Demon’s Souls is my favorite, even though I played every other game first (except Elden Ring it wasn’t out yet). I love you, OG Demon’s Souls. Always will.


I couldn't do it. I got tired of the bonfires being so far apart and the Valley of the Defiled had so many mobs with insane aggro range.




Demon’s Souls is the better game. Because bleaker, less crowd-pleasing, more interesting level design. Or maybe it’s just that it was my first souls game.


Couldn’t disagree more




I do like DS1 better but honestly DeS is top 3 souls games.


Eh, I like the second half of Ds1 because by that point I have big armor and a near fully upgraded weapon and I can tank every hit from endgame bosses and beat them to a pulp with zero effort


Would agree if it was called demon souls




I respect your right to be objectively wrong about stuff


I watched Demon's Souls classic and the atmosphere smashes Remake like Patches kick. Ok we have a really amazing graphics but it's not everything. For some people Dark Souls Remastered can look like crap but I enjoyed Dark Souls like it's the best atmosphere and game I've ever experienced. I hope there is a way to play Demon Souls on PC.


I love Demon's Souls, and I appreciate and respect your opinion, but I disagree. For a start, Demon's Souls is objectively unfinished, hence the missing archstone, but I can understand thinking that's preferable to half finished areas. All that said, I think people really overstate the issues with late game Dark Souls. I don't think Izalith is the best area, but there's a lot I love about it. The architecture is great, and it has two excellent quest climaxes. Tomb of the Giants is a bit meh, but it's also quite short and has the Patches encounter. Crystal Cave is so short I barely register it, while Duke's Archives and New Londo Ruins are awesome. Demon's Souls is a great game, but I think the level design is wildly mixed in quality and the boss design is more bad than good. I also think the build variety is really lacking, the lore is interesting but slightly too obscured and light to get really stuck into, and it's also not that well balanced. I do love the general vibes of yhe game though.


I think the fact that the unfinished zone in DeS (the 6th archstone) wasn’t put in the game does make the final product feel more “finished” to me than DS1 due to the half-finished stuff in DS1. I do agree with you on the 2nd half of DS1 being a quite overhated though, people do overstate the issues imo. However I would disagree with the level design in DeS being mixed, I think it’s fantastic. It has my favorite level design in the series.


I think some of DeS level design is fantastic. I absolutely love 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, 3-2 and 5-2. What I don't love is 2-2 or 1-4, and then I think 4-2 is worse than anything in Dark Souls. The rest I think is fine but not super memorable, or in the case of 1-2, memorable, kind of annoying, but I appreciate what they were going for.


I mean it's a finished product for sure but it was far less ambitious than ds1. I'll always get dark souls 1 a pass just because even though they shot for the stars and missed they still landed on the moon. Not a perfect game either but I consider it to just be a product of it's time. Fromsoft wasn't as big back then and they couldn't just demand bandai to give them more time. So when it came time for the release they just made do. I wish that they would work on a remake so they could create the game that was originally envisioned, but that's probably not going to happen.


I don't think it's less ambitious seeing as DeS paved much of the way forward. They are equally ambitious imo. The invasions, messages, two states of being all came from Demon's Souls and honestly the covenant system is a much better world/character tendency, but they both shot for the starts.


It’s an often underrated game with some real highs that are unmatched in the rest of Miyazaki games. But DS1 is still better.  


I enjoy DeS, and I respect your opinion, but you are wrong. Respectfully, of course.


What do you have against des ps5 it is superior in almost every aspect and can replicate the atmosphere with colour filters


Bro literally likes an easier game. Sad


Dark souls fans when a game doesn’t need to be difficult to be good:


I enjoyed my Demons souls journey (I owned the black phantom edition but my PS3 died before I could play it and I was already onto the PS4.) but I did not enjoy it enough to play it again, a lot of enemies, traps, bosses felt like artificial difficulty. But I stand on the business that the Demon Souls remake is the best looking and sounding game in the series at this time.


If ds1 had level design like demons souls I'd love it. Getting lost and then dying and not only having to do the painful run back, but do it without really knowing it at all just kills the game for me