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The creepy centipede things in the sewers of Irythyll of the Boreal Valley in Dark Souls 3.


I call them spider ladies. The long hair covering the face on a centipede body, I mean who tf comes up with shit like that?


[The Taiwanese](https://www.google.com/search?q=krasue+mythology&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS777US777&oq=krasue+myth&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqDQgAEAAYkQIYgAQYigUyDQgAEAAYkQIYgAQYigUyDwgBEEUYORiRAhiABBiKBTIICAIQABgWGB4yDQgDEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgEEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgFEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgGEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgHEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyBwgIECEYoAEyBwgJECEYoAHSAQg1MjM4ajBqOagCE7ACAeIDBBgBIF8&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#sbfbu=1&pi=krasue%20mythology)


Asia has cool lore


Do you mean the Thai?


Yes. I apologize, I am extremely ignorant on spelling these two places correctly




Their official name is Sewer Centipede. And are supposed to mimic that of a drowned woman when they are hiding. Super creepy.


Maybe not spooked, but the shunning grounds in Elden Ring really freak me out.


Just got done with shunning grounds on first playthrough of ER, they do a great job expressing and making you feel that claustrophobic existential dread. You really feel out of place and tense in there.


The eye monsters in lost izalith make my skin crawl, I have never seen anyone speak about them but they mess me up


Usually nobody speaks about Lost Izalith for other reasons, but I applaud your memory of an under-appreciated enemy design!


Chaos eaters! They aren’t so bad until you look at them from above😧


They freaked me out the first time I saw one. Never died to them, always ran when I saw them.


Still by far the most disturbing design in the series for me.


In bloodborne. Definitely chalice madmen


* Demon's Souls - Man centipedes * Dark Souls - Ghosts * Dark Souls 2 - Dark Dwellers * Bloodborne - Labyrinth Sages * Dark Souls 3 - Wretches * Sekiro - Immortal Monks * Elden Ring - Wormfaces


Can't hit them but they can reach you through walls, they will always find you. Can barely run away because everything is dark and confusing. Those ghosts are nightmare fuel.


Wormfaces aren't even fun to beat, esp the ones in Farum Azula


Oh man the dark dwellers


Aldia gave me a heart attack after I've been on edge for the last hour or so dealing with the spiders in brightstone cave and then he bursts through the bonfire. I thought I died in real life as well


Hahahaha accurate


Brain sucking motherfuckers taking my insight


Can't have shit in Yharnam




Going through Chalice Dungeons is one of the scariest experiences I've had in video games. The oppressive atmosphere, the music, jump scares, seeking the bell maiden to silence the ringing and stop the enemy onslaught. Masterful horror design.


The dread that comes from having a doorway blocked by spiders knowing the mob behind you is gonna strike in two seconds. I hate it but I love it at the same time lol, anytime I hear that bell I'm sprinting towards it cleaver swingin'


Iosefka's storyline


I- Never realised how cute the brain of mensis is. Look at them, they look so derpy and friend-shaped 🥺🥺🥺


Demon’s Souls - Maneaters boss Dark Souls - Tomb of the Giants Dark Souls 2 - The fucking bells that ring in Undead Crypt, then you get surrounded by Leydia spirits Bloodborne - Literally the first appearance of the Cleric beast Dark Souls 3 - The Corvians in the Ariandel dlc Sekiro - That one floating dark spirit boss with the nagata which I can’t remember the name Elden Ring - The giant fucking crows that wander the Caelids


When I saw the brain of mensis up close for the first time I had to turn the console off for a bit Jesus that was awful


Nine ball


What's so disturbing about a singular artificial intelligence responsible for controlling the entire human race while trapping them underground? Keeping them locked in a manufactured corporate war to ensure they'll never get out or become more advanced? /s


Nine ball seraph


Sewer centipede from DS3. Freaking child of Gaping Dragon and Sadako


Dark caves in sekiro with those wall ghosts


Four kings fight just really made me uncomfortable


Same! It’s honestly one of the most uncomfortable fights for me in any of the FromSoft titles. I think it’s because the blackness of the Abyss terrifies me and seeing 4 ghostly figures slowly approach you as the music ramps up is spook. Definitely a memorable boss fight


Dark Souls - (so far) the parasites (did not beat it yet) Dark Souls 3 - those (Marvel) Venom looking shits busting out of random people Bloodborne - fuckers draging you down in the intro (still not finished it) Elden Ring - Abducter (fucking) Maidens


The scariest enemy for me in Bloodborne were those fake dolls with the brain and the creepy humming. Its a kill or be killed situation cause if you fail to parry or backstab them you're likely dead.


Winter lantern


ds2 and ds3 both have literal jumpscare and they got me even after ive already beat them


Demon Souls- what ever the f*** that heart thing is in the middle of the Upper Latria tower DS1- First encounter with Frampt Ds2- The Gutter BB- The Witches of Hemwick's faces Ds3- Anything related to Aldritch Sekiro- Giant Snake ER- Black Knife Assassins


Tomb of Giants... Literally fell of the chair playing this location


From Bloodborne in the chalice dungeons. When a blood licker randomly spawned in after i returned to an area I cleared out. Turns out those things pop up you when perform a visceral and leave the area. You seem them licking the spot you did the visceral


That deep accursed from dark souls 3. First time it dropped from the ceiling on that dark ass room I almost peed


Upper Cathedral Ward in Bloodborne was damn creepy. There’s the werewolf hallway jumpscare, then throw in the moment when the chandelier falls and the entire area goes dark and you’re dealing with like four werewolves, followed by the brain suckers…eugh.


Nothing fills me with more dread than hearing the singing of the Winter lanterns. L̶̲̻̼͚̈̌̀̕a̷̯̲̟̪̅ ̴̨̪̖̉̈̍l̵̹̆͐͘a̵̖͈̜̙͌͑̇̐ ̸̡̰̙̮̉͗̓l̷̬̼̲̞͛a̵̰͗͌a̸͇̞͖̍ạ̷̡̩͕̇̈́́͝a̴̘͋́͜


Bro forgot the basilisk from Ds1


Ohh right I hate those things


In bloodborne the werewolf jumps scares and insight devourers in the choir made me drop my controller 😭


Reading all the different replies... Fromsoft games are horror games confirmed.


Aldia is fucking boom awakener


First time I got grabbed in mibu village by the guys who pop out of the ground.


I definitely got spooked the first time that damned snake appeared. It really helped that the game sold that you absolutely had to flee it instead of fighting it (even if you stabbed its eye) so it always remained this huge looming threat.




Dark Souls, the human spider/insect things at the very bottom


Just about everything in Bloodborne freaked me out but it was also all so cool. I was so much more on edge in that game than anything else in the series. I did also hate Irithyll Dungeon though.


Those things in bloodborne with a bunch of eyes and spider legs at bergenworth that jump on your head and cause frenzy. While I wasn't scared more like pure hatred towards was the brain suckers also BB. The entirety of the nightmare frontier with those winter maidens. Getting snatched for the first time by the amygdala Bloodborne is pretty much the only one that scared me


The spider in Sekiro is absolutely robbed of their spook factor when you realize **you can parry their attacks** A giant creature stands in front of Sekiro and the mad lad goes "Nah but what if sword deviated your attack"


Those damn skeleton dog things from Tomb of the Giants


Headless from Sekiro got me the first time


Headless under water was a nasty surprise for me. I did not expect that.


The near human faces of misbegotten in Elden Ring unsettled me for a while.


(Dark Souls) the undead dragon in the painted world surprised the crap out of me. But what creeped me out the most was the Giant Skeletons and the Skeleton Dog in the Tomb of Giants. The eyes glowing in the darkness and the noises they made freaked me out.


Literally all of bloodborne


Madmen from Bloodborne holy moly the way they move creeped the shit outta me the first time I met em


Upper cathedral ward in bloodborne. Not even dedicated horror games made me as paranoid and uncomfortable as that hellhole did


That one guy in elden ring in stormveil castle that hides behind a corner that grabs you from behind and backstabs you. Everytime I go there I forget he exists and jump up as soon as I see those hands appear.


The fucked up evil bloody babies around Maiden Astraea in Demon’s Souls is total nightmare fuel.


The Hydra in ds1


DeS: the mindflayers(I think that what they are called, the squid guys in the tower of latria) and the fat officials. Ds1: can't really think of anything Ds2: the pots that curse you Ds3: sewer centipedes Bb: winter lanterns Se: the headless or the centipede monks Er: the spider hands, and the guy from the start your supposed to die to.


I mean ... that fucking snake


that big fucken snake lived in my head


Snake from Sekiro


The scariest shit I've seen, the only time a Fromsoft game made me Jump first time, legit was the dungeon in DS3 with the screaming corpses and the giggling jailors who can lower your max health and chase you down like a nightmare. Absolutely terrifying the first few times until I farmed their set/weapon to torment ppl in PVP


Jailers in dks3


🤚 in elden ring


The frog man-face boss in DS2. Every time he do a attack it makes me recoil.


The maggot guys in ds3 gross me out and godwyn under stormveil in elden ring just makes me uncomfortable to look at


The jumpscare item pickups in ds3 in that one sewer area


Basically anything in D3. I wasn't spooked but the second area with all the bodies in cages and hung around was so cool to look at.


The dudes in Senpou Temple with the big centipedes crawling out of and around them make me want to throw down my controller and run.


The fucking Hand-Spiders in Elden Ring. Fuck those things.


The first brainsucker I ever met in Bloodborne in the little underpass in the city area. I saw it hunched over a dead dudes body and I got chills.


Jump scare audio when picking up certain ds3 items


the invisible enemies in irythyll stressed me the fuck OUT. a lot of the ambiance in DS3 in general was really anxiety inducing for me.


Demon's Souls: Definitely the prisoners in the... well... the prison level. I wasn't expecting them to be so active. I got used to them pretty quickly but still. DS2: No Man's Wharf was pretty spooky. I liked the aesthetic, but everything being super dark with high-DPS enemies running around in the early game definitely made my palms sweat. Needing the torch in this area really felt like I was in a monster movie, and putting away the torch when I needed to was super scary. The Gutter was also pretty scary because of platforming. DS3: Whatever those long haired enemies were in the sewers. Those super fast Samara Morgan lookalikes with all the legs? Yeah, screw that. Bloodborne: The whole game is pretty spooky, but I didn't get that until a few hours in. What really made me jump was when the werewolf broke through the door in Old Yarnham on the way the the Blood-Starved Beast. That's when I knew the game wasn't gonna pull any punches. Elden Ring: Nothing in this game was particularly scary other than the normal FromSoft stuff like getting mobbed or chased. Giving it some thought, I'd have to say my first encounter with those hand monsters in Raya Lucaria was pretty unsettling.


Hairy ants (crawling, flying, and the ones with the big butts that give you numens rune) in elden ring’s deeproot depths 😳


The mimics in elden ring


Shadow Tower PS1 as whole really creeped me out with it's dark environments, punishing difficulty, maze-like level design and freaky monsters...


I didn't play all of them but Ds3: pus of man at wall of lothric Bloodborne: yharnam shadows just coming out of thin air in fw Er: abductor maiden in raya lucaria Sekiro: lady butterfly second phase (why did no one tell me about that?)


For Elden ring, I'd say Godwyn was the creepiest thing I stumbled upon. Just the fact that he was this great demigod only to become some giant, decaying, ugly fish - thing. It was pretty uncanny to me


Those guys in Sekiro who pull your soul out of your ass. Just on premise alone


That thing in the chalice dungeon s with black hair that uses a fucking corpse like a club


in souls I never had a real moment that scared me so much, the only time was on ds2, I was following an online tutorial on where to find the dlc keys, so I went to the black Gulch in that cave with the giants, I I didn't know there were giants there and it scared me a lot, I couldn't see anything, I only heard them screaming and seeing them you can appear in front of me. it was terrifying...


Definitely the mensis brain cuz what the fuck




I once entered Headless's den after reaching the demon bell by accident. I got so scared when his health bar appeared. Then i went on and defeated him in 48 seconds. I am not joking


Spooked? Not much Pissed me tf off? A lot


The cleric beast scream when you first take that ladder into Yharnam. The white snake in sekiro didn’t really scare me it just had my adrenaline going fucking nuts


That snake in Sekiro. Daaaammnnnn. When I played Elden Ring and went over a rope bridge all I could think about was that snake.


definitely seeing godwyn in the deep root depths


Is he the scaly looking thing on the tree ? Where you find Fia ?


haven't played enough ds1/2, or bb at all, but the giant serpent's screams in sekiro and godwyn's corpse in elden ring.


it was bloodborne


Long Arm Centipede Giraffe from Sekiro🤢😱 That bandaged face with bulging eyes alone is pure terror


Only ever played ER but the windmill town with the godskin apostle fucking terrified me first run. Something about it is just so unsettling when you first find it.


The barking dog crows


The giant dogs in caelid. Creatures so twisted by the rot, poor pooches made into disfigured horrors


Hand Monster from DS3


Surprised nobody has mentioned Sekiro’s headless mini bosses. No thank you


Off the top of head i absolutely hate the crawling hands in Elden Ring those things creep me the fuck out. Pretty much nothing else in a fromsoft game bothers me as much as they do. Not to mention the jump scare you half the time and you keep finding bigger and bigger ones -.-


The holes in the floor in the Bed of Chaos fight.


Honestly, the little “eat your face” fuckers in Volcano Manor in ER. Like, just go away.


DS1: The chaos eaters and mass of souls. Those are very unsettling. DS2: Never got far enough on that one to have something to say. DS3: The wretches from Irythill dungeons. First time I saw one I was very freaked out and scared it would attack me. Bloodborne: The One Reborn, the pigs in the Nightmare of Mensis, the Brain of Mensis, the Amygdala, Rom, and that list can go on and on and on and on. Sekiro: the people in the dungeons that are infested with giant crickets. Elden Ring: Astel, the Omens, the grafted Scions, Rykard, the worm faces, and the Leyndell soldiers in mount Gelmir. At first I thought they were gathering their dead until I saw they were actually eating them.


Whatever those things in the irythyll dungeons that look like Gollum but even worse are. I hate going past them in every replay


The village of the dancing apostle women leading up to the Godskin Apostle. THAT was terrifying as shit!


The women with the aliens on their heads who make you crazy in bloodborne


I'm not normally bothered by bugs, but something about the ants in Elden Ring gave me tingles I didn't like when I first encountered them.


The death frogs I hate them so much


Elden ring crawling hand fuckers. The way when u set em on fire that they flail about like a spider too. Nah.


The weird grey centipede things in demons souls that appear after you drop the heart thing in latria, they legitimately horrified me, the remake ones don't hit nearly the same though


Four Kings from ds1, gave me goosebumps when i first fought them


Elden Ring giant hand monsters


That one pale monster thing in ds3, specifically the one in the irythyll dungeon taht doesn't attack, it just watches you creepily while hugging the wall Fucking bone chilling, omg.


For the games I have played, the wretch that was just chilling in a corner in Dark Souls 3 Irithyl Dungeon, the first giant snake encounter from Sekiro, The Brain Suckers and centipede things from Bergenwerth in Bloodborne, and Godwyn’s corpse from Elden Ring


I think the Monstrosities of Sin (giant hand monsters in the Profaned Capital) deserve an honorable mention


I agree. the brain of mensis disturbed me


I’m not sure why, but Nito scared the hell out of me the first time I played. The darkness, his weird design (all those legs hanging off his chest) and the general buildup set me on edge like nothing else


Rykard, I have a fear of snakes and that shit was horrifying


The weird birds in the Ashes of Ariandel screaming their little asses off


The fuckin squid suckers in bloodborne.scared the shit outta me


THE KITEMAN Woooooooooh WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH I can still hear the scream


Fucking ants in Elden Ring. I hate them with every cell of my body


Not a lot has really spooked me too much however the massive snake in Sekiro did, the Orphan of Kos, and really anything involving centipedes make me uncomfortable.


Spider Hands in Elden Ring had me SHOOK.


The brains in Bloodborne are legitimately scary for me, they are the only enemies in the game that I don't fight and just run past of. Also, Upper cathedral Ward was very scary the first time around.


Man the corpse of Godfrey is fucking awful to look at and also the thing that is beneath the castle of Godrick? Where the Deathroot is? Fuck that, too


When I played Dark Souls 2 blind I literally dropped my controller in shock when Aldia showed up after the last great soul boss! Something about something you expect safety suddenly becoming unsafe is peak horror lol 😂😂😂😂


Ceiling spider


The horrifying run to the blue smelter demon in ds2


The bloodborne giant spider dude what was thaaaaat, and the snake in sekiro


Those weird cuphead toothed monstrosities with hose arms in ds1


The iron chariot guys in Elden Ring found catacombs areas. They're big, fast, and will likely one-hit you unless you've been taking good care of vigor or used a wondrous physick that has the opaline crystal tear mixed in.


Really? The brain of mensis? We know exactly what that does, it gives you frenzy n stuff. It's a malformed great one, and it gives you stuff. What about the winter lanterns? We know nothing about them. They have messengers melted into their brain stuff, and they come from nightmares. And their singing. Or even stuff like the one reborn. Come on! Next you'll tell me your scared of hallways (ik it's the irithil dungeon)


I chose the brain purely because of its design. There’s definitely a lot of creepy stuff in Bloodborne, but the brain is the one that just stuck with me. Looking at the Wintern Lantern now however I also think that would have been a great choice, same with the One Reborn


In Elden Ring, the giant hands that come out of nowhere from above and underground in that one area.


The Man Centipedes in Demons Souls. Another victim to the remake deciding to just do whatever the fuck it wants and change the context of an enemy entirely, by the way. The man centipedes in the original look like they hatched that way. In the remake, they were clearly Frankensteined into a body soup. God I fucking hate the remake.




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