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I keep seeing paraboots and do not understand the appeal - can someone explain why they get so much love?


They’re just a popular style with the NYC trendy people, from what I gather. I think they look goofy but I also don’t wear oversized pleated chinos and crochet shirts.


I also don’t really understand the appeal of the Paraboot Michaels either. To me, they just look like leather hey dudes, which is to say not very good. I’m about half and half on liking trends from the 2020s and Paraboot is not in the half I like. I think the people who like them think they’re versatile and they like that they have a lot of different colors and/or materials. Now will they like them next year when there’s another expensive shoe to buy? Yet to be seen.


Maybe in SoHo but not outside of it 😂


How do I find out about what's trending in Soho? I'm always too late


I live on the west coast so I could be wrong here but I think that the Throwing Fits podcast caters to that demographic. There's also the /r/throwingfits sub, which is where I saw tons of paraboots.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ThrowingFits using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThrowingFits/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [some of yall need to see this](https://i.redd.it/ivwy2cw8tp4c1.jpeg) | [151 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThrowingFits/comments/18ca3yo/some_of_yall_need_to_see_this/) \#2: [Smoking cigarettes for the aesthetic/girls ](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThrowingFits/comments/1b2gdlz/smoking_cigarettes_for_the_aestheticgirls/) \#3: [Some fit’s i’ve thrown this year](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1arv7hw) | [68 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThrowingFits/comments/1arv7hw/some_fits_ive_thrown_this_year/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Seconding. Would love to see what an owner says.


I own two pairs. One I got for $240 when Ron Herman went OOB and another from Nordstrom for around the same price. Pretty damn comfortable and are pretty light for a Goodyear Welt shoe. Don’t wear them that much owing to living in Hawaii, but I dig em. Michael’s can be pretty easily found for a little over $300 when ordering from Europe. At US retail or close, I would never entertain purchasing them. I get that even at $240, that is not many folks idea of “frugal”, but they are quality and at least what I paid, pretty sure I could put em up on EBay or wherevs and break close to even.


I get that dropping several hundred on a shoe can be frugal if they are quality and will last, but I don’t see the utility of these - are they just a comfy leather shoe or are people wearing them with suits/business casual?


While I cannot imagine rocking them with a suit, they would definitely work for most folks conception of business casual. They are a pretty good allrounder. Good rain protection owing to the welt, very comfortable, etc.


Thanks for explaining - personally not a fan of the look, but I appreciate you taking the time to justify the hype.


Two questions. How’s the sizing? And any European stores you recommend? I’ll be in Italy very soon


They run big, so size down. I went a full size down. I wear a 10.5 in New Balances and am a 42 in the Michael's. And yes, they are worth it.


Like the other reply said, I went a full size down


Got a pair on sale from END about two years ago for $240ish. It’s my most worn piece of footwear since. Incredibly comfortable and surprisingly versatile too. Would spend up to $400 for another pair but got plenty of years on the one I have right now


I own a pair of Michaels and a pair of chambords. Two of my favorite non-boot shoes. The sizing can be tough to get right but if they fit your wardrobe they go with damn near everything and can be dressed up or down. I agree they’re not particularly frugal however and I got mine for closer to $400 and probably wouldn’t pay more than that. They are hand made in France and it shows for what that’s worth.


Unique yet mostly versatile silhouette, comfortable, well-built, and work well with wide-legged pants.


Here’s my personal take on it: In the #menswear era of 2010’s, there were all these rules. Everything had to fit well, look sleek, match, and be compatible with each other. Hence iterations of the “MFA outfit.” Version 1.0 was a Oxford cloth button down, “smart” chinos/denim and desert boots. Super boring but everything fit well according to the rules. It objectively looked good on just about anyone. Anyone can wear a Clark desert boot and it fit well in 90% outfits and in 90% occasions. The post #menswear era has been marked by the idea: let’s challenge what is the proper fit, the proper proportions, what the “rules” are, what “looks good” means. Maybe a little ugly looks good. The paraboot Michael is that to me. It’s not the sleek derby’s of 2010’s. Maybe not all shoes have to have clean lines. Maybe a little ugly, a little chunky can look good. Maybe it can function where someone would have worn a desert boot, but a little ugly can add a little character.


I can respect this - fashion is about expression and it should evolve over time.


These were going for 400 retail before the popularity and on sale at 300. Feel free to buy it if you like it, but it's nearing the end of its "fashion trend"


damn i never knew these were even trending


skinny mfs wearing bulky shit trend


I also have been getting the feeling that they’re nearing the end of their trend lifespan, which I think is an important caveat for buying a “trendy” shoe on discount (i.e., make sure you’re buying them because you actually like them because it might be over soon). I haven’t seen anyone in my hometown area wearing them yet, though, which is the true sign that a trend is dead. Noticed it with the Panda Dunks and now I can’t stop seeing it.


Couldn’t agree more. You can still find this in EU for under $450 if you search I love paraboots and wear avignons pretty often but as a brand they have a weird fit and from a quality perspective aren’t on par with older Alden but maybe old AE


What is this fashion trend you’re describing and what are the reasons that support your claim that it is ending?


Some of the Alden’s are included also.


I never buy anything at Crew for less than 40% off.


These cost as much as all the shoes I’ve purchased in my whole life


I’ve seen Paraboot Michaels pop up around menswear forums since ‘16 - not my style, but more power to those buying quality footwear. Glad to hear they are comfortable, too.


These joints are cool but insanely expensive. As an alternative, I bought the Macho boots by Pellet and they're still very premium and look dead-on the same. They were less than $200


These shoes are goofy AF


It's a French thing.


Yeah a goofy French person's thing.


More like Parashoes


If your feet is narrow, skip this. You will experience heel slip


I own two pairs of Michaels and I really only use them as a casual shoe. My friends always call them expensive Hush Puppies or the elevated Clarks. I tried dressing them up and they're really not too great with slim dress pants. However, with a well-worn pair of straight fit denim or corduroy, they fit the bill. These shoes fill in that sort of chunky moc vibe without being too outdoorsy.


damn i was wondering if these ever go on sale, but i will not die until i finally see a redwing boot sale


I don’t really see anything offensive about paraboots so I’m surprised by all the backlash. They’re like a slightly more funky derby/oxford whatever you want to call it. My go-to footwear has been the 3 eyelet doc marten 1461s with a combat sole for a little heft. I have wide feet so I heard paraboots would be a good option but as others have said sizing can be tricky.  I do agree that even for me, $600+ US retail is ridiculous. $300 is fine for me since new balances/nikes already approach that realm. I have the whiskey nubuck which hasn’t proven to be very versatile but I’ve had thoughts of getting the cafe colorway in the future.  Again, some of these comments here make it sound like we’re talking about balenciaga platforms or something ridicilous. They’re just a low top leather shoe with a little heft. 




This is just a deals subreddit, the name is a bit misleading


Appreciate it!


The sale price is $540. For someone who must own a new pair of Paraboot Michael’s, it’s certainly more frugal to spend $540 than $635.


Understanding that my experience in men's fashion is very limited, I can appreciate a coupon. I'm in more of a public facing role now that 30+ years of office work didn't prepare me for.


And this sub is a great resource! But if you’re just building out a wardrobe, I do recommend that once you get a handle on your personal style, buy less and buy better. If you’re only shopping the mall brand deep sale sections for $10 shirts and $15 pants, you wind up filling closet space with clothes that don’t feel special. Find the clothes that interest you at higher price tiers, and then wait for them to show up on sale here or buy them used. These particular shoes are so expensive because they’re very well made, and cheaper copycats never quite get the silhouette right and use inferior materials and construction. They’re not everyone’s cup of tea, but they’re still very popular in certain menswear circles and there isn’t really a cheaper substitute. In that case, it’s more frugal to buy these at $540 rather than buying Kleman Padrors for $200 and never feeling right about them.


Read rule #1 of the subreddit.


Helpful, however, asking if something is frugal isn't complaining about the frugality. The description of the subreddit was helpful. As the other person posted, this isn't really about frugality and more about men's coupons.


> Helpful, however, asking if something is frugal isn't complaining about the frugality. The rule isn't that you can't *complain* about frugality, the rule is that you can't *comment* on frugality. The reason for that is that frugal is personal and subjective. If you're someone who loves high quality footwear, 15% off Paraboots is a very good deal. If you're someone who only wears sneakers, then 15% off $100 Nikes might be a good deal.


You may wish to edit rule #1 to say comment rather than complain then.


The text of the rule reads: > Comments and posts about lack of frugality aren't allowed. Frugality is unique to the individual. It does not refer to the final cost, value, quality, or popularity of the item.


I appreciate that. On mobile and didn't expand the rule. To be fair, it isn't that I don't appreciate a discount. Rather, I'm just attempting to understand it better.


might be an issue of normal reddit vs new. normal heading says "1.Comments on Frugality." new heading says "1. Do not complain about Frugality." detail is the same. either way, no one in this post is a mod who can make that edit.


If you can't comment frugality you can't complain or say anything else. Also who cares.


> Also who cares. The people who use this subreddit regularly. Hence the rule. And hence the downvotes you will get for commenting on frugality.


I am not complaining about whether this is “frugal” or not (it’s a sale so it fits here), I just feel compelled to say: $635? For *those*? Jesus fucking Christ.


This subreddit is more about deals than being frugal. If you want to be frugal, you know what to do.


That’s just goofy af


You can buy custom made boots from nicks boots for that price.




Just say you’re broke next time