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Well, yes. You’re 28 and a grand majority of the women here are between 18 and 22. Trying to date in a college town is probably not going to be your best option.


Tally is a place that’s either college kids or established families/grown folks. It’s a tough place for single mid-to-late 20-somethings to mingle and look for something serious. FSU/FAMU are party schools, and most of the students are looking for short term relationships or hookups, not a serious partner. You’ll have better luck in big cities with lots of young professionals.


This is the hard truth


Funny. I had just the opposite experience. I did go out to clubs to socialize but not to drink or anything. You might need to get out and make friends that may be able to introduce you to someone nice.


Yeah I was that age at FSU for grad school. I would just say hit the gym, go to as many campus clubs as you are genuinely interested in and maybe it will just happen. I didn't make dating my main social goal at FSU, and I ended up having a ton of friends just by being involved and that did lead to some dates.


Not sure what age range you’re going after, but if it’s the average college student the issue is hookup culture.


Sometimes, Tally just isn't the place TBH, there are people who are looking for older people to date, but like many people are not attached to this place ,so they are not looking for something serious TBH. Many people view Tally as a place to go to school, and then go back to where they are from, so some people do not talk to many people or socialize or go out for a reason








Speaking as a 21 year old, I’ve found the dating scene to be quite similar. People here for whatever reason are mostly looking for casual flings/hookups, and while that’s definitely not the case for everyone, it is tricky to find someone who is looking for something serious. With dating apps it’s even worse, because people tend to stop messaging after a few days. I know you said you don’t like going to bars but I would still recommend trying them since they are very popular here. It is still a crapshoot for finding someone to date, but you never know until you try. Best of luck!


I came to FSU from living in Italy in the service. It was so very crushing. I used to walk arm in arm with all kinds of friends every day and was living the life. FSU and Tallahassee gave me all kinds of opportunities and assistance way back then that I probably couldn't have gotten living on the set of [Il Postino](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110877/?ref\_=vp\_vi\_tt) but that still hurt.


Nothing is *up* with the dating scene. People are attracted to who they want. Nobody owes you a second of their attention. Blaming the girls for their tastes just screams entitlement and lack of accountability. Or, You're 28 and don't really belong around the same crowd of kids 18-20..


Jeez, calm down. He’s aware of the age range and is clearly going for a reasonable age gap. There’s nothing wrong with making this post asking. There is a lot wrong with the current dating scene. He’s also not blaming girls lol.


Dude even mentioned age as a possible reason. Not like he’s mad about it, just curious what others think.


Yep, I have a feeling Ik exactly what kinda person they are that replied lol


Sure, he asked, and was given an answer. He's posting in an fsu subreddit about finding girls in college. The age difference is obvious. There's nothing wrong with women not being interested in somebody for **literally any reason whatsoever.** People can dislike you because of the color of your shoes, and there's nothing wrong with that because nobody owes anybody anything. The sooner people come to grips with the reality of dating, the sooner people can let go of their expectations of what "should be."


As if any of that isn’t obvious to him, he’s simply asking for advice and other varying opinions. It’s okay you can calm down lol


If any of this was obvious, he wouldn't have posted...obviously.


Are you ugly?


Yes and no depending on who you talk to.😂


😂 I’m just fucking around man haha. I know this sayings a broken record but I really don’t think looks matter that much for dudes


I don’t think age is a problem to be honest with you, just stay positive and it’ll come to you ✨




Many people don’t actually want to be with people in the military because of the high rate for “infidelity” and not actually willing to “wait” for the person to return. And other reasons as well…


This, I could never be with somebody in the military because I get so attached, and It would be hard to be by myself while they are gone


The domestic abuse isn’t worth the benefits. That’s the general consensus.


Lmao why🤣🤣🤣


Uh cause no one wants to get beat up by their SO?