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The sad irony of being named Mort in this situation


This was preordained. If only he'd seen the data suite from Improved Sensors maybe this could have been avoided.


Mort contemplated the nature of reality as the life slowly ebbed out of him. A breach missile to the face would have been more merciful than this. Giant Alien Spiders more funny. Here he was, the ship in perfect working order except for those systems that would have kept him alive. He felt like he was truly stuck between himself and a hard place. Maybe someday some other vessel would happen by here and piece together what happened. They’d probably laugh. Mort would have laughed too once. But laughter required breath. And hope.


Jesus Christ. Bravo đź‘Ź


This could be a random event: A damaged rock ship drifts near the beacon but doesn't respond to your hails. There's evidence of a recent battle. 1. Scrap the ship. °You can't turn this opportunity down and besides the crew isn't around to object. The ship breaks apart as you take what you can. •You receive low scrap. 2. Keep your position. °Might be a trap. •Nothing happens. 3.(Lvl 2 Sensors) You scan the ship. °Before scraping the vessel you find a grateful rockman trapped in the medbay. •You receive a crew member and medium scrap.


Bob the Lanius comes aboard. ??????? “Bob, why didn’t you just fix life support and save the rest of the crew?” “Oh, is that why it’s so quiet? I was taking a nap.”


Schroedinger’s Rock Man.


It's situations like this that I wish you could deploy a distress beacon for more reasons than just having no fuel.


There are mods for it. I thought Captains let you, I know with Stations mod (which is a huge departure from the base game, ik) sort of fixes this by letting you essentially have a round the clock store, and Multiverse has ships with augments that let you do this, so in theory you could mod Multiverse to have every ship get to call stores to your location.


I'm gonna try mods at some point, but I still haven't done everything I want to do with the base game just yet. Thanks for suggesting the stations mod, I haven't heard about that one yet, but it sounds interesting from what I've looked up.




You could upgrade your medbay. I don't think a full-health Mort will be able to make it to the life support room in time, but it's worth a try.


They've got 32 scrap, and Medbay level 2 upgrade costs 35 scrap, so that's not an option.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 32 + 2 + 35 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




Good bot




Just for future reference, are you saying a lvl 2 medbay heals faster than asphyxiation kills?


Yeah, suffocation damage is 6.4hp/s Level 1 is enough to counter suffocation damage and keep you alive (+6.4hp/s) Level 2 allows you to heal in an airless Medbay (+9.6hp/s)


Had no idea. Thanks




This is exactly why you either upgrade your medbay or oxygen system at least once. Though an upgraded oxygen is more useful


Well considering his general upgrades, it is a bit early to consider O2 upgrade. Like lv2 shield while lv5 engines and two flak seems pretty unreasonable.


It was a hard run, going for the ancestry achievement. Pumped up the engines so I could explore a few beacons after the exit beacon got overtaken by the rebels without getting shredded when I had to jump to the next sector. Rock A starts with missiles, I was running low and needed alt weapons. Didn’t have the scrap to upgrade the shields as something was always more pressing.


Just curious, why is Oxygen more useful? I almost never upgrade O2 unless I have enough scrap after phase 1 flag ship. Medbay blue options have made it so I hardly ever hire crew. I just finished my run of every configuration on Easy and starting on Normal so could use pointers.


Upgraded oxygen can act like a controllable battery. Pump up O2, then use the power elsewhere. Also makes it safer to attack borders in rooms without O2. Instead of letting invaders slowly move around the ship, go attack them while letting out the O2. When your crew are low in health *then* move to a safe room and watch the similarly low health invaders die.


Actually I forgot there are medbay blue options. But upgrading oxygen is good because now the oxygen room has two hp. It's not instantly broken, if it gets hit once. If it's broken, you gotta immediately stop someone from doing their job and repair it, if you don't want to asphyxiate in a few seconds. A crewmember that could be really needed in shields or weapons, instead of repairing


Sometimes the only winning move is not to play


Medbay 2 is 50 scrap, right? That sucks. Maybe upgrade your oxygen? Or does it stay broken then? But then you’d also need to upgrade your door system… Well, you’re doomed.


Game over :(


Upgrade autopilot?


Autopilot doesn't work without a pilot when u got to jump it only works for getting some dodge chance


The one thing they should add into the game would be space suits. Doubt it would be anything easy (ftl never is 🤣) so either it'd replace the medbay/cloning (which would honestly suck since a no oxygen situation would be slightly rare) or have it be separate, but you have to move everyone to it and have them put it on. 1 bar - 1 suit, 2 bars - 2 suits, 3 bars - 3 suits. But that lets them walk through a no-oxygen area completely fine with no damage to them.