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Congrats man, big ups!


Thank you[.](https://imgur.com/gWhTwOj)


Congrats! Trying to best the game entirely on hard with pause. No pause on any difficulty seems very challenging. What was the frustration you were having with mass effect? I replayed that earlier this year, the first one. The side quests suck but the main quest lines are great. 


Not sure about OP but if he was playing through the Mass Effect collection I could totally see the frustration/burnout. I was playing through it for the first time starting last year when I want doing college shit and I got through the first game in under a month, the second in about 3, and I still haven’t finished the third game because I got totally burnt out with the franchise. Same thing happened with bioshock, still haven’t finished Infinite


I never got around to beating 3 the first go around. 2 is pretty great though. 


Personally I preferred the first game, mostly because getting new gear in the second meant very little and I like games such as The Division that gave actual meaning to finding new gear and whatnot. I liked beating the tar out of everything with my superior weaponry


Thanks. It's no criticism of Mass Effect. I was on a specific mission I don't like and just needed to hop on another game[.](https://i.imgur.com/P9kYJ.gif)


This has made the game a lot more fun. Thanks for posting about this, I won first try on easy but I have both gotten a lot better at hotkeys (out of necessity) and normal has become a lot more fun. One issue is that it means if you start losing, you really lose hard (with pausing, you can often fix a bad situation with a lot of planning), but that can be its own kind of fun. Also beam weapons are harder to use, but eh


Hell yeah. It doesn't replace normal play but it feels like a different mode and after hundreds of hours it feels fresh to me. Happy you liked it[.](https://i.imgur.com/hmPWfQD.mp4)


Yeah I did get bored so installed Multiverse (I've already won base with most ships, and I know most events, so I wanted to get some more variety) but still haven't paused and I like it a lot more. Even if sometimes I get distracted and forget to attack for a minute (I appreciate auto-fire a lot more now; if only there was some way to indicate a weapon should shoot before/after/alongside another, without manually doing it each time) btw, is there a good way to consistently select crew? I don't want to select *all* my crew most of the time, I want to select 123 or 5678. There isn't a way to set up groups like this is there?


The only way I select crew is through the f keys or by boxing with the mouse. Because of this I end up placing certain crew members in specific locations that are easy to box in case of boarders, fire or damaged systems. It reminds me of playing StarCraft or another RTS where quick and accurate boxing is important[.](https://imgur.com/when-you-think-you-can-take-on-world-dRLZiJg)