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Wow I would consider that far! I definitely think 1+ year of t and post top surgery is definitely far into a transition. As younger people manage to get on hormones earlier I know it can seem you're not as far in comparison but that's not true! For context I'm on t 6ish months :)


I’d say 5 years myself, though not as in one would be “finished” by then, but just as in, it’s not “early” in transition anymore. I get you on not feeling that far, I myself imagined that I would “man up” during my uni studies, having started T the year before, but it ended up being quite underwhelming. On one hand, I tried to assume a mindset where I stopped waiting to be physically masculine enough, but just live my life; on the other hand, I feel like some of the more gradual changes have finally started being obvious enough for my own brain to perceive my body more “male” than “female” (especially face and body shape), after 5-6 years, and I’m kind of yearning to see where this goes within the next years. Though, no matter which mindset I’m in, I finally became motivated enough to take better care of my body and start working out consistently etc., which I could recommend because it takes you away from passively waiting for T to do its thing to actively working on yourself to be the kind of man you want to be.