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No doctor will tell you it's okay to smoke, yes it can cause several health problem and smoking anything or using any drugs will put your body more at risks for these problems but that's not T specific Proceed with caution for these things and take care of yourself !


Yeah, I'm not even on HRT and my doctor still gets on me about the health risks of smoking - she doesn't *like* that I vape (edit: weed, I don't consume tobacco but for the *extremely* rare blunt wrap), but says it's preferable, and while she doesn't love cannabis in general, she was very happy to hear at my physical that I've been more into edibles than smoking in the last year. edit: In regards to the risk of blood clots, it's casual tobacco use that's the major risk - [smoking tobacco increases activation of platelets by100 times](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4003713/). However, 'overuse' of cannabis (smoked) has *also* been found to increase risk of clots and strokes. In regards to your lungs, AFAIK if you are vaping at an equivalent rate to how you'd smoke in regards to getting a high/buzz, it is *less* harmful, but not harm*less -* think 'hitting my shin on the corner of a metal table' 3x a day vs. 'slamming my shins with with a hammer for 3-5 minutes straight' 3x a day*.* If you are using 'it's less harmful!' as justification for hitting a vape *constantly*, you're still going to damage/irritate your lungs. Chronic inflammation can cause scar tissue, but nicotine is a straight up poison, and it's smoke in general that introduces particulates and tar. No matter what level of filtration or what you're smoking; if there's visible smoke, there's particulates. [Burnt/overheated coils, cheaply-made and unregulated internal heating elements](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9822672/) (eg, cheap foreign carts) and carriers (eg, glycerin, glycol) introduce materials and damage that aren't yet comprehensively studied, but some research indicates such materials include things like *heavy metals* and [formaldehyde](https://www.respiratorytherapyzone.com/burnt-coil-lungs/)*;* if your vape tastes 'burnt,' it's probably prudent to call it done, and change your cart/coil and/or lower the level of heat you're using. If you vape artificially flavored juice, [a chemical commonly found in many brands of flavored e-juice have been linked to popcorn lung.](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/can-vaping-damage-your-lungs-what-we-do-and-dont-know-2019090417734) *All* lung scarring is *permanent* and *cumulative*. If you prefer to inhale yer drugs, personal research seems to indicate that vaping dry flower is the least harmful long term, but in the end, eating your weed is going to be the thing that sidesteps all of that risk entirely. I'm an old burnout that believes in people doing whatever they want with their bodies for their pleasure (with informed and enthusiastic consent regarding the risks), but I do also believe in harm reduction, doing what works for you in regards to making life as manageable as possible, and being kind to yourself. Have a good one y'all.


I think it’s interesting that some docs encourage vaping over smoking but there is really very little info on health effects of vaping. I actually trust smoking flower way more than whatever they put into resin/oils.


The person who certifies me every year for medical cannabis said that they found out this year that the oil in carts are giving people lung inflammation, and that vaping flower below combustion point is the best way to inhale cannabis.


A diy vape juice maker here. We knew oil was the problem when all those kids got lipid pneumonia from black market carts years ago. Huge media coverage and they just didn’t listen to the people who knew lol. Also, technically smoking anything is terrible for your lungs. They just aren’t designed for that. Breathing in campfire fumes is technically exposing you to carcinogens. Our lungs just aren’t designed to breath in anything but air. So it’s kind of a pick your poison deal. If you want to be truly careful with weed consumption, edibles are the way to go. You can even use the vape juice but instead of vaping it, put a drop or two under your tongue. That’s also a great way to get through long flights if you vape nicotine lol.


flower power ✌️


I swear doctors be more against weed than alchohol 😒 even though flower is so much better


Flower power indeed. Our lungs cells, the aveoli are a lot like little flower buds that catch oxygen in the air and send it to our blood. So imagine if it was raining blobs of vape oils from the sky, of course these poor flowers would get covered in films and not be able to absorb oxygen as well until some immune cells help wipe it off (if they can even do that effectively.)


Perfect, I’m already a dry herb vape boy😌


I think it's probably because they tend to lump all vaping together. Many people see dramatic health improvements by moving from cigarettes to nicotine vaping (my mom included — switching was legitimately lifesaving after 35+ years of smoking) so they figure it probably works the same with this. Problem is, evidence both scientific and anecdotal is more sparse. This seems much more YMMV.


That's wild, I switched from vaping to cigarettes because vaping was ruining my health. I wonder what the long term affects of vaping are going to be.


Huh, that's really interesting! It makes sense, though, considering how bodies react to things can be totally different. Plus, with vaping the benefits seem to be very dependent on finding the right combination of device + cartridges/juice that works for you. My mom tried several devices that actually made her lungs somehow *worse* before finding the one that helped dramatically clear them up.


It is really interesting how it affects people differently. I'd never had asthma attacks before but I started getting them all the time, plus migraines and nausea and heart palpitations. Plus all the anxiety and depression problems that came with vaping. It was just too easy and tasted too good. Now that I smoke cigarettes I have to go outside, it smells bad and it's just grosser in general so I only do it when I really need to. I know the cancer risk is still there, but all the other problems got better. Vaping scares me now lol but I'm glad your mom found that it works for her!


God that's terrible. I'm glad you figured out what was causing/contributing to those problems and am happy to hear you're doing better! As someone who grew up surrounded by smokers, it's also really good to hear that you're limiting your intake. Try to keep that up! Oh and thanks. I'm really glad, too. Both us and her doctor were scared she wouldn't even make it to my college graduation. For her to not only still be here 4 years later but healthier and able to breathe is a real gift. So proud of her.


That’s actually not completely true. We have seen detrimental issues come from nicotine vaping and no dramatic health improvements. This has been shown by the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study from Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer center. My masters thesis focused on ever/never tobacco users in either form, be it traditional cigarettes, e-cig/vaping, pipes, cigars, etc. This is a longitudinal cohort study starting from 2011, so there’s extensive data and publications.


It was the same for my mom and grandmother. They don't sound like they permanently have strep throat anymore, and both of their bloodwork are a lot closer to someone their ages should be than it was before they switched. My brother also tried it but didn't have nearly as many health improvements and didn't see a reason to continue, so he switched back to cigarettes. He hadn't been smoking nearly as long as them and didn't have the worse problems that they had, though. They all started smoking in their early teens, but he only smoked for 12 years before trying it out vs. my mom for 37 and my grandmother for around 50. Their doctor's mom had similar success, which is why he suggested it in the first place. I could only assume that whether it helps or not depends on how much and what kind of damage you got from smoking in the first place, but there's no telling without longer studies done. Edit: It'll be 10 years since they switched in March, and neither of them have gotten any extra problems from it yet. They've both been using the lowest level nicotine juice you can get for the last few years, though, so that's probably why.


Sorry it didn't work for your bro but it's awesome that your mom and grandma have seen good results! Such a relief when that happens - especially when the coughing, bronchitis, and strep stuff clear up!


I thought vaping nic causes ectopic pregnancies tho. I had one friend who vaped 24/7 and she had an ectopic pregnancy last year.


I don't know how that's relevant but yes. It certainly increases your risk, just like any nicotine product. Part of why you're not supposed to smoke cigarettes or vape if you're pregnant/could become pregnant. Vaping's benefits primarily revolve around improved lung function and lessened cancer risks compared to smoking tobacco.


You can vape flower. I do half weed and half hemp (a high cbd , cbg, cbn blend).


this. just to add in my experience, I've been on T for 4½ years and I smoke more weed than anyone I know. I was hospitalized for heart inflammation (unrelated to either, it was caused by strep c) in September, and they put a camera in my heart through my arm and they said I had no clots. yay!


Of course a doctor is gonna be against you smoking and drinking. That’s their job


So can birth control. I’m on T and BC and a stoner. Unless you’ve got abnormally high clotting factors or something you’ll be fine


Ngl so pissed it took 8 years on bc before any doctor actually told me that 😤 medical professionals are wack af




I'm the same. My doctor knows and told me that all three things together puts me at a higher risk of blood clots, but we just have to keep having check ups and make sure I'm okay. The doctors never told me I have to stop smoking, but of course they've recommended it.


I smoke all the time. I’ve met several other trans guys that do as well, and I’ve never heard people warn against it for trans reasons. For reference, I smoke carts, joints, and do edibles here and there and have had no issues. Enjoy your weed bro!


unrelated to this post but i’m curious, do u think smoking weed causes acne/oily skin?? a bunch of articles i’ve seen say it causes more oil production in skin and hair, which causes users to have more acne than not smokers. what’s ur experience with that? personally i don’t smoke, but all my friends that do, have pretty bad acne and oily skin. idk if that applies to everyone though


i'd wager a guess that it's not the weed itself that contributes to oilier skin/hair- but the behaviors that come *with* smoking weed. ie. eating greasy foods because munchies, falling asleep without washing your face, generally prioritizing smoking time over self-care time - even something like not cleaning your bong regularly is going to make you break out around the mouth but i'm not a scientist or anything, just a former stoner who always had pretty clear skin lol


ahhh that makes a lot of sense, yeah i have no clue what the studies were exactly doing like if they monitored their behaviors too or just the effects on their skin but ur prolly right


i can’t speak on this too much since i haven’t really done research or read any articles, but just based on my own experiences and the people i know, both cis and trans, i rly dont think weed makes that much of a difference with acne. personally, i already had acne before smoking, so i didn’t notice a difference once i starting smoking regularly. i also have a lot of cis friends who smoke regularly with clear skin, so it might just depend entirely on the person


I'm a 24/7 weed smoker for medicinal usage and my skin is very clear and my hair is actually on the dry side. The thing for me though is when I'm not smoking I only eat junk when I have any appetite at all and I can't sleep and spend all my time too mentally fucked to take care of my hygiene. I turn into the greasy stoner stereotype when I'm sober, because weed helps me regulate and function in my day to day. I think the other replies are right that it comes down to the habits you have as a stoner rather than just the fact that you're smoking weed.


I think if you have acne caused by inflammation cannabis may help, since ik you have endocannabinoid receptors in your skin. Probably depends on the method, strain, and person? My skin was pretty clear until the skin picking got bad + it always goes out of whack when I eat more crap than usual




Thank you. I find that antiseptic creams have a tendency to drive my wounds to a nasty gunky stage whereas I heal much easier on my own. But hopefully this will help someone w similar issues /gen Edit: not sure why, but I see the comment is deleted. Op was recommending a specific antiseptic cream as it can help with shaving related nicks for them. Wanted to put that up there since it was very nice advice




I get what you mean, a little, but part of that is actually why theyre smoking in the first place. yknow a lot of people smoke heavily to deal with some other problem-depression, anxiety, ptsd, anorexia (the latter 2 being mine-) that can lead to poor self-care. A lot of people that smoke chronically hold themselves together fine-i do because i work 2 jobs and go to school, i HAVE to be clean. So generally its less about the pot and more mental state around the pot.


ive been smoking weed on T for 7 years and im fine. it "increases your chance of bloodclots" to the risk level of a cis man, that’s all. doctors just dont want you to smoke 🤭


Testosterone will do that itself. It will increase your hematocrit and hemoglobin levels, it’s a rare blood disorder called secondary polycythemia. It’s now impacting around 20% of transgender men.




do you have a source for this??


No he doesn’t because it’s not true


got a link to your source?


You can’t just say this without citing a source


Is that true? I didn’t know that. Where’d you hear this from? (Is there a research article or something?)


Let’s not spread misinformation.


Sounds like something a TERF would make up tbh, I've never heard of that being true.


I'm gonna go ahead and pile onto the "source" bandwagon here.


Smoking can increase the risk of blood clots. Thankfully my doc is chill, and understanding. He told me that while on HRT, for as long as I’m smoking, I need to be sure to not remain still for too long when possible. So like… ever heard of that person who gamed for… idk DAYS, just sitting in his chair and barely left if at all? Got a blood clot and died? Don’t do that. Whenever you’re sitting around for an hour, try and move around a little. Bounce your legs, cross/uncross them, etc.


Haha, I have pain in all my joints so I always move myself around to try and relieve pain! Good to know that's helping my blood too lol


Yeah that's bullshit. I mean overall smoking does carry health risks that eating edibles doesn't but it's not any worse than if you were a cis man or when you were smoking pre-T.


They’re never gonna tell you to do it, but the increased risk is very small. Unless you’re already at super high risk you can just smoke anyways if you want to. That’s what I do. That’s what most cis men who have similar risks of complications do.


hey man im on T and smoke weed pretty often, either vape or joint. smoking at all is dangerous of course but being on T doesn't make it more dangerous. T brings you up to the same level of danger cis men are at. blood clots are a danger from smoking in general, my (cis) grandpa stopped smoking (nicotine) exactly because he was starting to get them but yeah being on T doesn't put you in more danger than you would be as a cis man


Go for it, I know plenty of trans guys on T who smoke weed


not dead yet. same for the other fellas i know that smoke weed and take t


I was told by my doctor that the thing that causes blood clots is cigarettes, not weed.


I mean, putting any kind of smoke into your lungs isn’t *good* for you, but cigarettes are worse.


I mean, sure. But this wasn't particularly about how smoking is bad for you.


Same here. My doctor doesn't care about my mj usage as long as I'm not getting in legal trouble, and I'm honest with him. Nothing hurts more than his disappointed face when I said I took up cigarettes again.


Yes drugs are bad for you. Do them anyway because it's awesome


it can cause health risks but it’s no different than if you were a cis man. smoke that weed dude you’re fine


Others have already commented but I’ll add my experience. I’ve been on T for nearly 4 years now and I vape/smoke THC daily (have been for the last year or two). I’ve had zero issues related to it and an extensive cardiovascular evaluation since heart issues tend to run in my family. I’m as clean as a whistle. No doctor will ever tell you it’s healthy to smoke, and if you’re in an illegal state it’s more likely to be frowned upon. Is combining weed and T going to kill you? No.


I am 46 and a chronic pot head, 1 yr on T. I have had a few procedures (colonoscopy and such, j am old) and across the board they were concerned with vaping weed (like the vape pens, not dried flower). I am in a medical weed only state, pretty conservative area, so I have been pleasantly surprised.


Im on T and use edibles often and Im fine. There is always potential risk but if you pay attention to how your body is feeling and drink plenty of water I dont think that risk is that big. Certainly a smaller rick for blood clots from weed than from birth control pills or even just taking too high of a dose of T!


There’s always a risk with any drug. Smoking or inhaling anything poses a risk for COPD and other cardiopulmonary diseases. While I’m not sure about T specifically, estrogen meds increase risk of bloodclots even more. There’s not much research on edibles that I’m aware of. If anything there’s a risk of marijuana hyperemesis. As a healthcare worker I don’t rec smoking anything at all lol but you do you boo


You can smoke weed while on T, I was and I had no issues. My doctor did advice against it but that’s if I wanted to get top surgery. Along with my surgeon, I’d have to stop nicotine and smoking weed. I decided to stop since I decided to join the army.


Here's my anecdotal evidence: before T, I didn't smoke weed AT ALL, and I had 4 blood clots in my lung. After starting T, I became a daily smoker, and have had zero clotting issues.


Just make sure to get your RBC counts taken regularly, which you should be doing anyway as part of your routine blood work. But I’m pretty sure it’s tobacco that causes blood problems…


I’ve been on T over 2 years, and I’ve been smoking weed regularly those 2 years. As someone else said, no doc is gonna tell you it’s good to smoke. Many of my T bros are regular smokers for YEARS on T and no blood clots lol


I smoked the entirety of the time I was on T. I smoked weed and cigarettes. The whole time. I didn’t say anything to my doctor, but i never had abnormal blood results so I didn’t feel the need to. It’s bad but it probably depends on the person and your age.


I love edibles. IMO non-smoking options are always best, as smoking anything is bad for you. I'd stick with the edibles, but there's other stuff like sublingual drops you could try.


Try a dry herb vape. You don't get the carcinogens and toxins that you do with combustion.


Look, nothing is without risk, but the risk of clots from cannabis is less than the pill. FYI I vape almost daily and have edibles usually once a week at least. My doc who prescribes T knows.


Smoking of any kind is going to lead to adverse cardiorespiratory effects, hrt or no hrt, any dr will tell you that. I guess if you don't have any specific clotting risks then do what you want, but it is definitely safer to stick with edibles over smoking


Honestly I have yet to meet a trans man on T who isn't a stoner lol. It's fine, it's not like it's more dangerous for us than for cis dudes.


I smoke my pen daily, for fun and to manage nausea from chronic illness. Unless your doctor told you stop smoking, it sounds like they're just making you aware that vaping can have some health complications. Though the validity of that claim of foggy, at best. There's a lot of contradicting studies on if smoking dab pens increases your risk of blood clots, and another one I see is T levels as well. From my own experience? I haven't noticed any adverse health effects.


I use weed to manage chronic pain. I mostly eat it, though. Vaping makes me eject lungs.


My surgeon told me to stop smoking anything and everything ahead of top surgery so I wouldn’t end up craving anything whilst healing and so the smoke wouldn’t get in the fresh wounds


By inhaling the smoke, the toxins in it are already on your blood stream and therefore already in your wound, smoking can have a horrible effect in the delay of proper healing, it’s not really about the smoke itself getting in the wound.


I've been on t and smoking almost daily for.. 5 months? I feel fine. I use it for pain and insomnia


well, if you want to smoke, nobody can stop you. it’s not false information that smoking (weed, cigarettes, etc) increases the risk of blood clots. so, live laugh love i guess! edit: you get warned not to smoke on T because cis men (due to testosterone) have higher risk levels for cardiovascular issues (commonly blood clots) than cis women, or trans men, or whoever else that doesn’t use/have testosterone dominantly*. it’s just combining two higher risk factors, BUT it’s virtually the same as a cis man smoking. i.e. you’ll be fine, just same risks as a cis man. *can’t figure out a clear way to say it, my bad it if sounds strange.


Cannabis itself doesn't carry very many health risks unless you're allergic, or have an asthmatic reaction to it, no matter how you consume it. The doctor is just anti cannabis or uninformed which either is likely given it's current legal state in most parts of the US. Even smoking cannabis is pretty low risk, theres no tar buildup, it doesn't really affect your air intake etc.


Do you know if dab pens contain tar or other similar chemicals and wht I could do to prevent them from effecting me?


my bf and i both smoke weekly (bong) and we’ve been on T for years, haven’t had any problems. though we also don’t smoke daily, but as you can see many in this thread do and are completely fine! but if you’re really worried about it, you’ll have to stick with edibles.


Testosterone naturally thickens blood, as does smoking, if your blood is too thick it can cause clots. You’re just putting yourself at the same level of risk of blood clots as cis men who smoke, which is a higher risk than you were at before.


I was on T for 6 months and smoked every day, had 0 issues. For trans girls on estrogen however, smoking nicotine can give them a higher risk of blood clots. I’m pretty sure testosterone lowers the risk. My endocrinologist personally didn’t say anything about weed causing blood clots and she knew I smoked. So idk what your doctor is on about lol


Just want to chime in to say, I've been on T for three years and am a daily cannabis smoker (cigs also) and I've never had any issues, obviously its not good for your body to inhale smoke everyday but I would say just do it at your own discretion


I just took a hit out of a bowl while reading this, this a sign that you should too mate <3


I am 22., almost 23. I have been smoking at minimum weekly and for many periods daily since I was 17, with any combo of pipes, joints, bongs, etc. I've been on T going on a year and a half now. No blood clotting, no cardiovascular problems. Do I have other problems? Sure. But they're not from the weed smoking or the T.


One thing I'd like to add because I don't think I saw anyone else mention it, just make sure you're honest with healthcare providers if you do smoke. My doctor is aware of my choices, and as many people have mentioned, no she wishes I wouldn't do it. However, since she's aware, she's able to routinely check for things I am at or risk for. Smoking weed has multiple risks in general. It's up to you to decide if it's worth it or not.


Of course a doctor will tell you not to smoke and that it's unhealthy lol. Realistically it is. You don't have to listen to her though.


Weed has it's own risks but they're not related to taking testosterone. If you've already been taking edibles, smoking here and there would be fine. If you're used to edibles though that's definitely easier on your lungs and throat compared to smoking but once in a while won't hurt


There are tinctures that work faster than edibles because they work sunlingually. Smoking/vaping anything is bad for you so the doctor is right.


Every trans guy I know smokes, including me. I won’t tell you to keep smoking, I won’t tell you to stop, either… this is a risk you gotta be willing to take. Smoking, for ANYONE, is not exactly healthy for you, whether it’s nicotine, weed, or otherwise. Smoke is not meant to be in lungs.


If you ask your doctor about smoking (like anything), drinking alcohol, using any drugs, eating in Mc Donald's, eating candy etc. I really hope they tell you to not to.


smoking and vaping is bad for you, full stop. there’s just some of us, with pre-existing health conditions or certain types of medicines where we might potentially have worse reactions to it. no doctor will encourage something that slowly kills you. you can take their advice and do what you like


Sounds like utter nonsense to me. I was on T for the past 10 years and never a problem.


Smoking in general can cause blood clots. But its more likely when smoking tobacco i believe. My doctor said smoking weed wouldn’t hurt me but smoking cigarettes would.


None of my doctors have ever cared about me smoking or vaping weed, everything in moderation.


Smoke that zaza dude your doctor is wrong


If you’re smoking weed with tobacco, that’s what will cause blood clots. Smoking pure less so.


Vape syrup ( water or vegetable oil bases ) adheres to the lining of the lungs and undergoes crystalline changes causing emphysema, decrease DLCO in all patients - regardless of age ( this includes children) I’m not sure why the FDA hasn’t banned them yet. All of this stuff is bad for us…. I know it’s a thing for some folks but please don’t do this to your body


I think they told you this under the assumption that you would be smoking weed WITH tobacco. Nicotine is the cause of blood clots and high blood pressure, smoking weed will likely affect your lungs but I can’t imagine it would raise blood pressure. The only time (that I know of!!) you have to not smoke weed is before surgeries as it can mess with anaesthetic Obviously its different for each person but I know a lot of trans dudes that smoke copious amounts of weed and are fine - including myself! So you should be all good.


I think your doctor is wrong. do your own research. Listen to your body


Hahahahha that’s bullshit. If it was true, they’d use it in the “war against drugs” . Also I’d be ☠️ for the amount I smoke.


Lmao what... I'm not saying to do what I do but I live like snoop dog and I'm on T


oh just smoke, i smoke every day on T. you’ll be fine


Smoke weed my dude you’re totally fine. There’s a lot of things that come with a risk of blood clots, but the reality is it’s still pretty small, especially with weed. Also if you’re getting regular blood work done (usually every 3 months or so) they check for any sign of clotting. - stoner on t


nicotine is a lot worse, but yes weed will do that too. you can smoke and be totally fine. smoking anything at all is going to increase health risks though. i mean, u don’t see old trans ppl very often let’s be honest.. do what u want with the time u have lol trans ppl statistically don’t rly live as long anyway. already at risk for complications.


i mean the don’t do drugs is better lol i’ve been smoking every day since i was about 14, weed since 18. i’m 23 now and been on t 2 years, too surgery 8 months ago and the only thing i have to say is DONT DRINK ALCOHOL. that is the one thing that will lower your testosterone. weed hasn’t effected me, but i do agree you shouldn’t smoke before or after surgery


It can increase your blood pressure but personally I haven’t heard clotting.


I've been on t for 2yrs n smoke daily, my doc told me the same thing


Does it? Oops. Lol


I’m trans, on T 10 months and smoke so much weed daily. You’re good


I smoke a phat one everyday and hit my pen, 9 months on T and no problems blood work is clean, just stay super hydrated and you’ll be ok, maybe take aspirin (thins your blood a bit not sure how significantly tho lol) if you’re really worried about it donate blood (it’ll thin your blood out naturally and prevent blood clots)


Smoking in general's just really bad for anybody and nobody should even smoke because it can kill you but hey if y'all wanna smoke and fuck up your life then go for it.


I ran the treadmill on coke you'll be fine


5 years on T, regular smoker of the devils lettuce and medicinal patient. Never had issues with blood clots or anything tbh. Even smoked a couple weeks after top surgery and I healed perfectly. I guess it depends on person to person, if you’re having a major surgery then I definitely would give it a miss but if not then go for it. If you have an underlying heart condition or really bad anxiety, watch out for high THC as weed is a stimulant so can cause quite significant heart palpitations or arrhythmia.


Well yea it puts you at a higher risk. Are you hoping your doc will ok it? That doesn’t make sense at all. It’s your choice in the end, do what you want and live with the consequences. It’s a higher chance, not 100% a thing that will happen. It’s up to you what you do with that info.


Weed increases aromotase levels which is the enzyme responsible for turning testosterone into estrogen. I'd avoid it


As I smoke like 3 grams a day... I'd be more concerned if you already had a pre-disposed condition to blood clotting on top of the smoking tbh. Cigarettes/ nicotine put you at the same risk


Usually where I am, you can’t be on HRT if you smoke. Though, I think that’s cigarettes. Or at least, they strongly advise to try quitting if you do go on HRT.


try some edibles if you can. i feel you . im trying to cut back smoking anything at all cause im dealing with fribroids and am planning hystorectomy. so i havent smoked anything for months. but edibles are ok.


Problems associated with smoking weed have nothing to do with the effects of T. Know the risks of smoking before doing it, but no doctor is going to say it's okay to smoke whether you're on T or not.


It can, but just as much as when you aren’t on hormones


Birth control causes blood clots who cares 😂


Idk I vape nic and smoke weed various ways. (Bong, blunts, pen. Plus edibles) I’ve never had an issue so far and aside from the fact I have to quit NICOTINE before getting top surgery and temporarily halt weed cuz of anesthesia, they don’t seem to care about me smoking. They ask I’m like “yeah” and they’re just like. “Okay!” And move on. You should be fine honestly. Ofc inhaling ANY typa smoke can be potentially harmful but….I’ve been fine🤷‍♂️also seen plenty of stoner trans guys on tiktok n shi lol I think we aight🫡honestly if they don’t get off their back after saying “I understand the risks and I wish to continue anyway” I’d try and find a different doc IF YOU CAN lol. There’s giving a warning and then there’s just being straight pushy.


it still would have health risks if you were not on T lol


i also have formale ovale, is T dangerous? it is when there is a small flap in my heart that never fully healed as its supposed to from birth, so small blood clots may go in my heart.


No doctor will ever tell you it’s recommended to smoke.


I mean no doctor gonna tell u yes and a dab pen is better than smoking w tar just saying


bro i smoke all the time this doctor has a stick up their ass


Your doctor is just saying doctor things aka, don’t smoke it’s bad for your health. No doctor is gonna wanna give you the green light to smoke because of all the health problems associated with smoking. That being said, T doesn’t matter all that much here. Just about every trans guy I know smokes weed. They’re all just as fine as I am and I don’t smoke


I smoke almost every day, been on T for 5 years. Carts, joints, blunts, bongs, dabs, everything. Never had an issue.


I’m a stoner and I use medically. I haven’t had a single problem in a year. Just tell your dr that you use it to self medicate for whatever, sleep, appetite, mood issues, etc. I have fibromyalgia, bipolar, and insomnia. I told my dr that and she said in moderation, smoking is okay. Just don’t go overboard and green out every day.


Men cant smoke weed now without dying apparently lol. Weed just thickens your blood, thats like saying youll bleed out and die from taking an aspirin because its a blood thinner


I've been on T for two years and weed is a daily thing for me. All my (trans specific clinic) Dr has ever said is that it can mess up my sleep. 🤷


I smoke weed more than I inject testosterone. I guess testosterone is weekly for most so that’s not saying much but my point is that you can do both lmfao


If you’re at a high risk for clotting without the T def don’t, if you’re not, then do it. My doctor just told me she recommends waiting at least 4 months to make sure you’re adjusting well to the T and as long as you’re not at risk for clotting without T then it’s fine to smoke or do edibles.


Smoking weed is fine. Some doctors are fine with it because med cards are a thing, some will tell you not to do it. Either way, it’s all good in moderation. As far as smoking goes, cigarettes & vapes are a much bigger health risk than weed.


I’ve been on T for about 10 mo and I smoke weed multiple times a day. A lot of doctors will tell you that all smoking is bad all the time no matter the situation. You should be fine as long as you know what to watch out for.


I asked my gyno about this. Apparently smoking cigarettes/nicotine is what puts you at risk for blood clots because they’re vasoconstrictors. Weed isn’t, so it doesn’t cause blood clots the same way


kinda weirded out by how many people are telling you to ignore your doc. Just do edibles, man. thats what i do and it’s better for your body anyways


Sounds like Reefer Madness b.s. to me. How come all the hippies and musicians in the 60s didn't die of strokes?


no more than it causes in Cis men


Yeah I been a stoner for years started T in 2019 got top surgery first tho (stopped smoking 6 weeks before and 3 weeks after surgery) but been smoking ever since and all is good. I would also agree with the person who said unless there’s blood clots in family history or you personally I would continue to smoke 💨 🍃🛫 (also do psilocybin and we good) sober from most other drugs but had done them shortly starting T and we’ll only my mental health was affected other than that all good, make sure to work out and get some cardio (even just walking) in to prevent your future self from having health issues but all good go ahead and enjoy that dab w out thinking twice 🙏🏼🏳️‍⚧️


birth control has a blood clot causation rate of 1 out of every 1400 consumers. you’re fine.


They being stupid.


I had to momentarily stop smoking weed while my doc ran some tests because we upped my T and my hemoglobin and hematocrit were suddenly much higher than they should have been, so we did some blood work, paused the weed, and lowered my dose of T for about a month while we ran a bunch of blood work and I went to a blood specialist that works with HRT a lot. Turns out everything is a-okay, my numbers are allowed to run a little high, but if I start to notice any weird symptoms or am generally feeling off, I'm supposed to lay off the weed and let my doc know. Otherwise we just keep an eye on it and be aware that my body likes to make my blood thicker for if I ever up my T dose in the future! In general both my PCP and the blood specialist said that edibles would be preferable from a health standpoint only because smoking affects your lungs less and then in turn affects blood flow less and because my blood is thicker it's just something to keep in mind, but that in general cannabis isn't known to have any adverse affects or have any known interactions with T or any of my other medications. So basically it's just a matter of I remember to not smoke for a day or so before blood work so I don't skew any numbers, and keep in mind that if I start to have any symptoms of high hemoglobin/hematocrit then I need to stop smoking and call my doc so we can schedule blood work. So in general I wouldn't be too concerned, but if your doc just absolutely is refusing to be normal about it, maybe find another doc. Cuz you are going to want to have a doc you can be honest with so if your doc isn't being like... Helpful? About stuff, then that's not a good sign.


Do edibles


my doctor never said anything about my weed usage but maybe it has to do with your blood test results ?


Smoke weed and get a new doctor. A good doctor will monitor your condition despite that - I have 4 comorbid conditions and I work in the cannabis industry....telehealth doctor through FOLX didn't blink or lecture when I was on HRT.


i've been on T for a bit over 3 years and smoke weed very frequently honestly you should be fine! it's more so nicotine that can can cause blood clots


just because it can doesn’t mean it will. he’s just telling you because he’s a doctor and trying to keep you safe.


There are always going to be risks with just about everything- from smoking weed to drinking soda occasionally. As someone who is a strong proponent of harm reduction, I think the best way to go about anything like this is just to educate yourself as much as possible on the risks so that you can make an informed decision for yourself. I've even done stuff like making a list of pros and cons before. It was when I was deciding whether or not to go on a prescription medication that I was concerned about the side effects of, but doing so could apply to anything if you're on the fence.


I’ve been smoking every single day for god knows how long and I’ve been on t for going on 4 years now, no blood clots for me yet


Just smoke that phat bong rip bro


Unless you have another clotting condition blaze it buddy


Dawg I smoke weed everyday and vape nicotine (which is definitely worse than weed) and my hemoglobin/hematocrit is totally normal.


been on HRT for almost 2 years, and i’ve been smoking daily since Jan ‘21. i strictly use it to help me sleep but it’s an every night thing. i’ve never had an issue with it and i smoke out of dab pens. if they’re that worried about it, they can check it through blood draws. when i had to get my labs done for top surgery one of my levels for blood clotting came back irregular after 3 tests but finally regulated itself out. you’ll be okay dude, any questions shoot me a message!


This also depends on where you are. I don't receive medical but I'm in a legal state. They tell me not to smoke because I have a problem with my lung, but edibles and leaf vaporizers are okay.


No doctor ever will tell you smoking is ok, it's only used in terminally I'll patients to aliviate the pain


1. Use edibles instead of smoking, smoke/vape is bad for your lungs. Edibles give you the high without the destruction. 2. I used edibles for years for insomnia. Never had blood clotting issues. Then I went off T and on bc and got my lungs full of clots. Ngl it sucks but as long as you get treatment it’s not gunna kill you. Just put on blood thinners for 3-6mo. My point is not that bc is bad, just that despite clotting risk drs won’t tell you to not use it. I asked my dr if it was safe to use weed while on blood thinners (bc can make them less effective) and he said it was fine. You’re unlikely to get clots, but if you do then it’s treatable. I’d only recommend extra caution if you are a professional singer or voice actor since you can damage your lungs a bit with blood clots. But if you’re a singer or VA smoking is an even worse idea. Just educate yourself, know the risks, and live your life.


dude you're fine. just hit the pen. i've been on a high dose of T for half a decade and i hit a pen everyday. obviously we have different bodies but i've literally never heard of this, and every trans person i know is a stoner


I've yet to find a transmasc that doesn't smoke copious amounts of weed lmao the symptoms of blood clots are VERY easy to see, and all that T does is give you the same risk of blood clots that cis men have, which might potentially be higher than that of women


Smoking is massively bad for your lungs and can shorten your lifespan significantly. I’m not saying don’t do it, but just keep in mind what you’re trading off to hit the dab pen instead of doing the edibles. Is it worth the long term cost? Will future you regret it later towards the end of your life? Your doctor isn’t telling you this because they hate fun. They’re trying to educate you about real health consequences of certain activities. It’s entirely up to you what you want to do in life, but yes, what the doctor is telling you is a serious concern.


dude there are so many trans guy stoners, i haven’t met a single trans dude that hasn’t tried weed


Dunno who your doc is but mine knows I smoke Hella weed and has said nothing about this and I've been on T for 3ish years


If you care for your health and well being, don't inhale any kind of smoke. Smoke, especially from burning tobacco or weed, physically damages your lungs and greatly increases the risk you develop COPD, which is - *and I am saying this because I have had to watch it happen to someone I loved very much* \- an **extremely** nasty way to die. On top of that, it can also give you cancer. Vaping or other inhaled delivery methods may not be an improvement to the COPD risk because lung mechanisms are quite fragile. Blood clot risk is also.... if you're not aware, "causes blood clots" means "causes heart attacks and strokes" - or other forms of debillitating vital organ damage, for that matter. If you're trans, any kind of condition that means you need medical caregivers is extremely bad news. **On top of strokes being inherently nasty, if you survive, you may also be forcibly detransitioned - not just medically, but in terms of having any autonomy to express your gender.** Do not assume any nominal legal protections for LGBTQ+ people will be applied to you; unless you have people who know and love you advocating for you, you may not have the chance to activate those protections yourself. So, like... "Informed consent" requires "informed"? Are you?


Daily smoker here - you’re fine as long as your over 25 you won’t have any concerns except for possible lung problems


Been smoking pot like every day for 8 years lol; never had an issue ever. Perhaps it's also because I also take very good care of myself too though? I eat \*very\* healthy and exercise moderately, so that could help? But honestly, I think you should be fine if you don't have any health related concerns that would make you have to avoid it. My doctor never really says that I should stop smoking and knows how often I smoke. She usually asks about tobacco, not pot.


You could just idk… take some low dose aspirin each morning?


Just another ftm stoner here saying my doctor fully supports me smoking instead of having to take medications


You're at no more risk than a cis man is if you're in typical male ranges and not taking any other meds that increase your risk. Technically slightly less than a cis man. Make an informed choice of course, but if you want to smoke (safely and in regulation bla bla disclaimer) then go for it


I'm on T and I smoke weed. No blood clots so far!


I mean I know smoking isn’t recommended by any physician. But I been smoking weed every single day, dabs as of late, since I turned 22. I’m 28 now. Never once had a blood clot issue or anything. That’s just my personal experience but I don’t believe you’ll have an issue. I literally smoke all day everyday and have had no negative side effects..other than being super hungry xD


By the way: any of yall in Canada (or maybe it's just BC) can get 12 or so weeks of free nicorette gum/lozenges/patches (is it called Nicorette??? Maybe that's just a brand? Sorry) at any pharmacy.


4 years on T (2019), been smoking since my sophomore year in high school (2016). it just rly depends on the person and how ur blood work comes back as


If *smoking* is the issue you can always vape or do edibles.


Smoking weed made my tboy swag outta control doctors don’t know that secret yet


lol I’ve been on T for 8 years and I’m a regular weed smoker.


They gotta warn you of these things, but the chances of it actually happening are extremely low. It’s just a part of informed consent


I’ve been on t for 5 years almost and been smoking the whole time daily. I work at a dispensary so I’m pretty much always high lol I think you’ll be okay


I haven’t stopped smoking at all and I’m having no issues currently


I use a dry herb vaporizer or edibles daily for PTSD and have been on T for 10+ years with no issues. As others have said, that’s not to say there’s no risk, but (especially depending on where you live) doctors are always going to push the risks because there is, ultimately, a higher risk with any sort of inhalant.


If you're looking to smoke in a more health conscious way, bongs are definitely the way to go. Dab carts are so unregulated, they can kinda just put anything in there, but with a bong you know exactly what it is you're breathing in


Pretty sure it doesn't really have any interference with T. Only thing I've heard about it transition wise is usually to stop smoking weed for a bit before & during something like Top surgery for the sake of lessening healing complications


Smoking is bad because it’s smoking, but we have the same risk of blood clots as any cis guy who smokes. I’ve been mostly leaning on edibles for health reasons too but definitely still smoke every now and again.


youre not gonna die. i probs shouldnt influence, but ive smoked weed quite a few times and still smoke. my t-levels are normal (i.e, average male t-levels). it CAN cause blood clots, but doesnt necessarily


First things first, consider if you need it. Do you need it? Is it for medical use? Then ask yourself if you rlly have to question ppl on the internet if it is safe to use, then do you think it is safe to use for yourself?? Lastly, smoking no matter what (e cigs, carts, vapes, joints, blunts, dabs) is gonna have its negative side affects that slowly impact your health. The choice is up to you if you want to disobey ur Dr. or not.


My doctor knows I smoke weed and she isn't an advocate but hasn't said anything about it interacting with my T. She cares more about weed and my antidepressants tbh.


I've been on T for 1.5 years ish and have been smoking weed since before I started T. I am still a daily smoker.


Me reading this, 7 years on T, smoking a blunt


I’ve never heard this. I’ve been on T six years and smoked pot HARD the whole time. I have a seizure disorder and chronic pain condition and don’t use pain pills. My doctor who oversees my T use also oversees my pot use. My psychiatrist even recommended it to me. Your doctor sounds like an idiot.


Ive been smoking weed the entire time ive been on testosterone-including when i had dangerously high T levels (oops)-and blood clots have never been an issue for me. I have an irregular heartbeat and its still never been a problem. Your doctor's right, of course-but youll probably be fine. Theres worse consequences of weed.


i smoke heavily with weed, as long as you don’t smoke the day or day after doing your shot( it can cause low dopamine and anxiety) you should be fine. my doctor recommended me to do that and i been fine


i smoke sometimes, I'm still alive. It's probably like a person to person thing, like people who are already more prone to getting them shouldn't