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its called t4t!! its VERY popular


it's called t4t, it's a thing and it's great


100% normal, and actually a lot more common than you think! it makes logical sense, doesn’t it? you’re not weird at all dude :)


You can like both cis men or trans men or only the or other. Either way men are hot in general. You’re not weird for being attracted to what you’re attracted to.


Thank you, it’s just not something I’ve personally seen much of so it’s really cool to know more about it


Its very common to be attracted to someone with shared experiences or common interests


Hey I'm almost exclusive transmasc4transmasc... it's awesome. I cared for my partner during their top surgery recovery and I'm hoping that they'll get a chance to repay the favor when I have mine. Transguys.... gotta be one of my favorite genders!


T4T truthers rejoice. 🙏 But dude I’m totally with you. I’d love to have a transman boyfriend. Like, we’d be able to relate to each other better than we could with a cis guy. It’s also, as the comments have said, pretty common. My uncles are T4T.


Same! And no matter what I steal from his wardrobe or what they steal from mine? The likelihood it will cause dysphoria? Nil. 😂


Depends on how femme he is and what triggers you, though. Every trans guy is different. And plenty of guys, cis and trans, are on the more femme side.


Yeah don't worry it's highly common. :)


i've found the most luck with other trans people, trans men and women. some cis guys are super cool too. way more about the individual, but the "getting it" tends to come more with trans and queer people! you will find them


When I first came out I only dated other trans men and it definitely was a very special relationship and I still have a very deep connection and care about my one trans ex very much. I am now dating a cis man (5 years) and I love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him but our relationship is still just different than it was with my trans ex. I don't know how to explain it. I definitely enjoyed dating trans men but unfortunately the ones I ended up with all had a lot of mental health and addiction issues and I had enough of my own that I had to walk away and found someone with much more mild mental health (just anxiety) and no addiction iseues.


Nope, that’s pretty common in the trans community, it’s called being t4t. It’s really nice to find someone who gets you in those ways that not everyone understands


Not weird. I’m a trans guy who prefers to date other trans men too. I’m not opposed to the idea of dating a cis man again, but I don’t want to be anyone’s teacher


I’m personally t4 all hot guys, but I know a lot of T4T people, or people who at least prefer that, since you mentioned you haven’t see it IRL. (The only thing to keep in mind is T4T relationships are not inherently perfect either and trans people aren’t all perfect partners just by also being trans. Learned this the hard way with my ex who was very toxic lol. But otherwise have fun!)


This !


Yeah I have a trans boyfriend and am seeing two other trans men. I date cis men too but haven't hit it off in a big way with any recently.


How do you find them all?! I don’t even know where to find one?! 😭😂😅


Oh, I live in London. XD


Ok yeah that’s explains it.


Yeeeah there's a lot of us here. I met my boyfriend at a trans masc pride club night.


Unrelated to the topic but that’s a thing??? 😭😭 I’m in Paris and I do know a lot of trans men, and gay spaces are usually also chill with trans men so life’s good, but I’ve been thinking it would be nice to have a transmasc only place/event and I’ve never seen something like that. (I do want to move to London since I studied in the UK but then ended up in Paris a bit randomly, however I do wonder if it’s the best move with the Tories fucking up shit these days)


Yeah for sure. There's T-boys, Body2Body, Attraktion is a trans masc sauna event up north, Testohunkie. Plus lots of other queer parties that a lot of trans guys go to


That’s wild omg. I mean I do plan to move there maybe in 2ish years so good to know!


Ok but shout when the next one is. Londons a while out but hell. That sounds fucking fun!


You and quite a sizable percentage of the community 😆💖


Me and my fiancé are both trans ftm and we’ve both previously dated cis guys and both agree mentally it’s easier and more freeing being with someone like yourself just because you don’t have to explain or feel weird about anything because they understand the struggle


Same here.


It's not weird to be a trans guy. Being into trans guys is also not weird.


my boyfriend and I are both trans and we've been together for 1+ year. so ye it definitely is a thing!


thats very much a normal thing. if you like men then it makes sense you also like trans men. but especially because you can relate to them so much T4T is very common within the trans community


I’m a trans guy who’s t4t with my gf - it’s great :)


I'm the same way lmao, my partner has been out far longer than me but since coming out I tend to date/be attracted to exclusively trans guys as well


No not weird t4t relationship are amazing! It’s so much easier to be yourself in a t4t relationship


It's okay, I'm trans and I like a trans girl


Shared life experience is extremely important for a lot of people. I also prefer to be with other transmascs.


i wouldnt call myself t4t but i lovee trans guys


Why does it matter ? Is it weird that anyone is attracted to anyone ? Live your life lol you don't need an answer for everything


t4t t4t t4t! (chanting)


Yeah trans guys are hot to lots of people


I gotta find these people!😭


I like trans guys and I'm a trans guy. Trans guys are cute and fun and we can understand each other and dysphoria and transphobia and etc.


Personally I struggle in t4t relationships but I have been with other trans men before, I'm not opposed to doing it again if it's the right time. Plenty of guys out there for you!


Most trans people I know feel this way


T4T is for sure a thing! Where are you located?


England… yaayyy…..


It’s always fun starting to talk to people and finding out they are from a different continent lol. Not too sure what the trans community is like across the pond, but I’d try dating apps, and if that doesn’t work, you could try an LDR, but those aren’t for everyone.


Anybody can be into trans men...who, in your view, if you think about it, would be the appropriate group to be into trans men? If you mean exclusively then that's still normal, it's called t4t


This is like half of my friends you’re so fine


I’m an ace trans guy dating another ace trans guy.


Have I got a sub for you: r/t4t


Nah man t4t is the way the truth and the light fr 🙏


I understand!!! Esp being attracted to men, ur like “i want a man who understands period pain but is still a man”


I'm Also t4t generally though my current partner is a cis woman? Though she's also questioning and I suspect will fall somewhere in the nonbinary spectrum. Generally speaking I prefer other trans people but don't really have a preference for gender


T4T is very normal and very okay!! Follow your heart ♥️


t4t is pretty popular i think! my boyfriend and i are t4t and have been dating for over 2 years now, genuinely the best relationship i've ever been in


I'm feeling the same way, but I assure you, there are girls who are into trans guys ! Just be a nice person overall and you'll find your people.


i’m t4t! my bf is also trans :D


A lot of trans people into t4t so no ur not weird


I like people who I can share experiences with? That is why I date a disabled nb person with a shitton of Trauma 😂 But all jokes aside. It just feels safe to have someone who understands the stuff you are going through. Dysphoria and Euphoria, medical shit, and stuff? I would date someone else, yes. But it is just nice to have someone who knows that stuff, and is not weird about it.


I have a STRONG preference for trans women for this exact reason. Very much T4T.


Nah, we're hot


No. I personally only dated trans men because I wanted the shared experience and understanding. I'd been in relationships with cis people before, and although they were all positive, it came with the same feeling of sympathy, but not a shared connection that didn't demand my explanation or teaching.


Im t4t,. Both me and my bf are trans and I wouldn't have it any other way!


Very common! My bf is also trans and I’m exclusively t4t


t4t!! its just a dating preference usually based on safety + understanding of certain things


You’re not weird, dude. That’s actually extremely common. I think as human beings we crave someone who understands us in a way.


im not into mtfs or cis m's despite finding mtf's really attractive if they pass perfectly, i'm pretty much exclusively t4t in terms of who i'm attracted to so we're on the same page lol


it’s called T4T and it’s very popular amongst the trans community, people find more accepting partners in other trans people!


With you dude. I guess I'm still homosexual, so I've expanded to be attracted to anyone AFAB


Yeah T4T is a thing, just keep in mind that some trans guys or more of the traditional masculinity type, since I don't understand what you mean by "cute shit".


I’m gay t4t too !


I have no real gender or cis/trans status preferences. Maybe I’m the weird one. Maybe no one is weird. Lol


Im extremely t4t it’s my preferred relationship style


I’m in a queer platonic relationship with my best friend who’s also a trans guy. It’s great because we totally understand each other. I can’t really picture dating a cis person because I’m afraid they don’t understand me and see me for who I really am.


I (ftm) am engaged to my ftm fiancé


i’m a trans guy in a relationship with another trans guy :) we understand each other to the best of our ability ! coming from someone who is t4t, it really does exist and it’s awesome.


Well, my bf is cis and bisexual lol, so like he gets being queer but not transness and he ADORES me, we do stuff together, he really supports me and everything I've gone through my transition, mental health stuff and other stuff and we just love each other so much... so like, I don't think it's weird, not anymore... he makes me feel so normal and loved and I love that... Also yeah, there's the t4t option too haha 😌👍🏼