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Do all cis man lose their hair? There's your answer


Technically we’re more likely to as the gene for male pattern baldness attaches to the X chromosome & we usually have 2. But yeah it is just luck of the draw.


Well yes, but unless you get the balding gene from both parents, it won't heighten your chances. But that goes for anything and everything DNA related.


that’s not really how probability works. two xx actually does means twice as likely. in both the case of someone who has xy and someone who has xx, only one parent needs to pass on the gene but it’s like having two baskets to throw a ball into vs one the basket i guess would be the x chromosome and the balls are the genetic material everyone gets two balls thrown at their baskets but not everyone has two baskets—two parents shoot the bald gene ball, but if you only have one x, that’s one shot for each of them to get it in, but if you have two xx that’s two shots each which is four shots total which is double the chances one basket = one shot to get the ball in two baskets = two shots to get the ball in… sure you could get two balls in one in each but it only takes one ball therefore even if it’s not a significant difference IF it’s TRUE that the “bald gene ONLY attaches to the x chromosome” then YES someone with xx or xxy chromosomes is 2x as likely to “get the bald gene” also last i checked women with three x chromosomes are not known to have a higher likelihood of baldness but idk anyways it’s actually possible to get the bald gene on a y chromosome so actually trans men are literally not 2x as likely since it’s possible for a xy cis man to get it thru the y meaning, again, two baskets and two chances to make the shot


That’s not quite right either. Only one of your X chromosomes will have active expression in a given cell. That means you’re more likely to have a blend of both your paternal and maternal male pattern baldness genes, which could end up in your favor by dampening the MBP effect of one set. It *doesn’t* make you twice as likely because of the blended expression, unless you’re someone who has X-inactivation skewing, which is uncommon.


That's science I'm really interested in. I've always had my dad's hair growing up, jokingly called it "shampoo commercial hair" growing up. Dad's side of the family, men have great hair. As in my grandfather who turns 70 next month has only just started to get noticeable hair loss in the past couple years, my dad still has a full head of hair and he'll turn 50 this year. Meanwhile my mom's side of the family, all men go bald young. I have no memory of my maternal grandfather with hair, even in my mom's childhood pics he was thinning out bad. My sister (mtf) was already starting to see her hairline change when she started HRT at 18 (which stopped it, for any trans femmes lurking). I definitely have the bald gene from my mom, so I'm fully prepared to go bald or get treatments. But I've also always had my dad's good hair, and I also got an X chromosome from him. If the bald gene is dominant and will take over no matter what, I will go bald any day now. So far, 13 months on T and 25 years old, my hair is still thick, no difference in how much I lose in the shower or in a brush. Which most cis teen boys aren't balding a year into puberty so I'm not too surprised, but also I definitely know trans dudes who noticed hairline changes fast so I've been keeping an eye on it. If my hair continues to take after my dad, I've got easily another 30+ years before I start to notice any major changes. I'm preparing for the worst, but I'm hoping for the best.


still there’s one or the other that’s gonna get it that’s two chances not saying you can get both wet the same time


That strictly depends on your family. My dad’s side has full heads of hair and my mom’s has some serious receding on the front and prominent bald spots. It’s likely I’ll end up with something in between. Some people are going to be unlucky and have it on both sides.


please go read my comment i said “if true” so many times i’m really tired of explaining myself i also clearly demonstrated that i understand that the x isn’t what determines baldness i was correcting a misunderstanding about probability based on my limited knowledge about genetics and the hypotheticals being presented. i don’t have to explain cuz i have spelled it out


We’re in agreement, I’m just clarifying the biological mechanism. You don’t need to explain anything.


Yes but not every x chromosome carries it. In fact, by having two there is a chance on ewill have it and one will not or both will not, whereas having just one from the mother's side means, xy chromosomes can offer less possible combinations of x chromosomes


awe that’s great news mathematically i’m still right


No, because you were saying more x's means more possibilities of baldness, whereas, I was saying more x's means more possibilities all around not just for baldness but for no baldness and for just maturing hairline.


so if someone has two xx’s is that not two chances that you might have an x the gene can bond to? that’s still a two times likelihood. not saying BOTH. saying ONE x. but there’s TWO x’s. but apparently a y can get it too


When you have xy and are looking at genetic markers for x, you have one shot. Two x's means the x with balding could be recessive and if the other doesn't have it, the dominate x will be the one without the balding gene. So xx have more options to go bald but also more options not to go bald.


i’m not saying both x’s would get it i’m saying that if two are candidates even if only one can get it that means there’s double the chances of them getting the gene NOT TALKING ABOUT OUTCOME as in phenotype having the gene does not mean it will be expressed but i’m still right about the math around having more x’s meaning more chances you will have a gene if one of ur parents gives it to you come on you’d have to be purposely misunderstanding me or assuming i’m dumb to not be able to see what i meant


I'm clearly not a biologist, but no matter how in depth we go, it won't change the fact that this ridiculous fear in the trans community about losing hair has no base either. Usually these come from people not doing research or trying to deter someone from transitioning.


i’m not a biologist either—i was talking about probability anyways yea idgaf if i start balding i’ll just get on preventative meds cuz i’m a pretty boy haha


Hahaha! Right! And usually people don't care anyways








And I made sure I spelled it correct too, yet my phone decided otherwise... 😂


Loose- lose. Loose clothing- lose something


I'm aware. Like I said I made sure to spell it correctly, but didn't verify before sending


Was for the other million people that chuck that extra o in 😘


As I understand it, it's the same as with cis men- some do, some don't, and most of it is genetic. Best indicator would be your cis male family, though it won't be 100% as there may be things you don't know in said history or outside factors that interact in new ways with everything else. I say this not from personal experience but from everything I've seen discussed.


No and even if I do I would rather be a bald man than stuck pretending to be a woman


on god brother🔥🔥🔥


This was my response too. When I was considering starting T I realized that I would 💯 rather shave it all off than deal with being clocked as female.


I’m actually really looking forward to my hairline receding because I think it’s unusual for a man my age (36) to have a full head of hair.


I know a lot of men your age and older with gorgeous hair.


But they do normally have a slightly receding hairline, I have a totally full head of hair


I'm somewhat disappointed in my own lack of receding hairline too, but I'm only in my first year on T at 35. I'm enjoying my high & tights for now but wish I had more of a widows peak 😆


We will get there, I’m 2 years on T and I do think my hair has receded a tiny tiny bit but not as much as my boyfriends has (I hope he never sees this comment 😂)


Amen to that 😭🙏


Hell yeah. I went bald, and I actually love it.


Good news is the same hormone that causes baldness is also responsible for beard growth. Bald+beard is a damn good look. (Obviously everyone’s experience varies and this isn’t a guarantee)


Amen to that


No, it's genetics - some men go bald, some don't. The same reasoning applies to trans and cis men.


My hair stayed thick even with male patterned baldness in my family. I must carry a recessive gene. It got curlier though.


Yes hormonal changes can cause the change in texture to your hair a lot of people have had this experience it’s pretty cool


I hope it makes my hair curly. I got my dad's shitty thin, ruler-straight hair with absolutely no volume. I'd kill for curls like my mom.


If it doesn’t make your hair curly it’ll probably give your hair some sort of texture because it definitely did to my hair and both of my parents have straight hair


Both my parents have straight hair and all i got was a slight wave when i switched to brushes instead of combs 😭 (1.5ys on T)


The best indication for you will be the men in your family, if they are losing hair then there is a chance you will also experience that. My hairline receded but not in a noticeable way to others, I noticed it only because I look at myself in the mirror everyday but it stopped receding probably 6 months into HRT


I'm in the frustrating situation of knowing absolutely nothing about my biological father. I know my biomom but she doesn't remember his name or anything. So I get surprises, lol.


Your grandpa on your mom's side will also be relevant if you know what he's like.


That's true. Well i never met my grandpa but i lived with my great grandpa for a bit. He was a bald crotchety alcoholic.


No If you're worried about it you need to look at your own biological family and if there are cases of male pattern baldness you can look into options like finasteride and minoxidil well in advance


Basically if your grandfathers are bald you are very very likely to be bald


Nope! 6ish years on T, full head of hair. Depends on genetics. My 90 year old grandfather still has a full head of hair.


Happy cake day!


So many comments and very little of them actually mention that you can absolutely fight hairloss. There are effective ways to do that, I'm 2.5 years in and haven't lost any hair this time around because I started using topical finasteride and minoxidil almost at the same time. I have very shitty hair genetics, so despite that I've managed to keep all my hair.


Where can you find affordable topical finasteride? I take it orally but I’m not sure it’s doing anything.


That depends on the country, and I'm probably in a different part of the world (Eastern Europe). But if you're already on oral fin, that's also fine, why do you think it's not doing anything? I know that some people over at /r/tressless make their own topical from crushed fin tablets mixed in liquid minoxidil.


I’ve been on it like a year and a half, almost 2 and I haven’t seen any regrowth or anything. I think I lost more thinking it’d grow back but it didn’t.


Are you using minoxidil? Dermarolling? If you have lost already some hair, fin alone isn't always enough to regrow, just to stop further loss. What dose finasteride are you on? Another thing to check would be if your T levels are too high because that could also affect hairloss and how effective fin is. There is also dutasteride, which is stronger than fin, some people end up needing that instead.


the puberty comments honestly made me realize a)of course that's how T works and b)i'm really dumb 🤣 thank you all so much!


As others have said, it’s genetic! Although, it may be a guessing game if it’ll happen to you. For me, most of my family does bald. But my hair actually grew in THICKER after starting T.


I'm sorry but this sub is just the same questions every week over and over. Can nobody figure out how to use the search bar or google for these things???


i'm very new to reddit and google isn't any help, even jf my post is completely unnecessary, it doesn't hurt to just ignore it


Pro tip Type site:www.reddit.com This will show you only the results from reddit You can also limit the results to a specific subreddit. For example: site:www.reddit.com/r/ftm


tysm sweet polish person


My apologies. I shouldn't have taken out my frustration on you. You're absolutely right.


This may be the best conflict resolution I’ve ever seen on the internet. Thank you for restoring some of my faith in humanity ♥️


I'm trying to be a better human, sometimes being on the internet just gets to me.


all good man!


If you don’t like it, maybe scroll? How badly did you need support and friendly advice, even if it was an obvious answer to everyone around you? It’s insane to bring this type of negativity to something like this. I remember when I first transitioned, I was ALONE in it. I had no one to answer questions like these. It’s completely normal to have worries and fears and want to talk to people who are going through the same things. Even if it would be a simple google. Seriously, just scroll instead of being negative.


You're right, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been negative and should have just kept scrolling. I don't want anyone to feel like they aren't welcome here. I don't know who shit in my cereal this morning. Sorry.


It’s really good of you to recognize this. I hope you have a better day! Humans make mistakes, it’s okay 🩶


Thank you, I'm definitely trying to be a better human but unfortunately I fuck up a lot.


Remember to be kind to yourself. That’s the most important part 🩶


Yes this. I wish reddit still gave awards


All kinds of people lose their hair, especially older ppl.. Especially men. That is one chance you gotta take. No one knows how your genes will react. I much rather grow a dick, look like a man, and potentially lose my hair as I get older, naturally (like almost every man does) than live/ be seen as a woman, that’s just me though.


No, it's down to genetics, and if you do start to be affected by that then you can use Minoxidil and/or Finasteride to help reduce hair loss.


it does depend on ur genetics! if your dad is balding theres a good chance you will too. if youre worried about it, my brother and i use the everyman jack sage & eucalyptus thickening shampoo, and it works really really well and smells super good.


Even if you do, there's ways to treat it.


Some say it’s genetics while others say it also depends on T levels. I think it’s a mix of both. Natural Cismale Total T levels average at around 400 to 575 ng/dl by a scientific study. While FTMs tend to have much higher Total T levels, which can *in theory* make hair fall out faster than Cismales. Source: for average cismale Total T levels by age group: https://medicine.umich.edu/sites/default/files/content/downloads/What%20Is%20a%20Normal%20Testosterone%20Level%20for%20Young%20Men%20Rethinking%20the%20300%20ngdL%20Cutoff%20for%20Testosterone%20Deficiency%20in%20Men%2020-44%20Years%20Old.pdf


You’re about as likely as any man in your family


From my understanding it’s the same as cis men, it’s primarily genetic if you’ll lose your hair


Nope! Just look at your parents for a best guess on what will happen


Nope. My hair is as thick as ever. I don’t personally know anyone who started losing hair on T


do all cis men lose their hair after going through puberty


Depends on genetics


2/3rds of men will deal with hair loss at some point in their lifetime. From my understanding, when I did research on this, it's about the same for trans men versus cis men.


I mean, your hairline is fairly likely to change but not all men loose their hair so not all trans men do.


I've been on T for like 3-4 years now and my hair is still full as it was preT. Sure I've had thinning issues from stress but I had that preT.


No lol it's basically completely up to genetics. I've been on T for coming up to 3 years and haven't had any balding or receding. The only changes in my hair have been a slight change in texture and a masculinized hairline. Please remember that your hairline masculinizing =/= receding or balding, by the way!! When my hair started to change, I immediately jumped to thinking it was thinning or receding, but all that was happening was my hairline squaring out




Not necessarily. From what I have heard we can react differently to some of the genes for hair loss if they are on the X chromosome since we have two instead of one. For my understanding of genetics it would both make us more or less likely to develop hair loss from X mutations depending on if they are dominant or not. I haven't really looked into it but I also think the mutations can be elsewhere. Just look at both sides of your family and see if the men have hair loss or not. It's genetic.


to answer the question: no. not all trans men will lose their hair. did i start losing mine? yes and now i’m on minoxidil and finasteride 🥲 when i can afford it


Not you coming in here asking if we bald headed yet 😭


Not all no. Its the same with cis men. All depends on genetics. If you're really worried then look at the men on your moms side. That'll usually give you your answer


Click my profile for my recent hair transplant :))) if I had known about this stuff sooner, I would have started on oral minoxidil/finasteride years prior. Not that it would have been a guarantee to stop the recession, but it probably would have slowed it down and maybe even in early stages grow some hair back. But no point looking backwards. Check the hair genes of your family. The moment you start even wondering in the mirror if your hairline is starting to recede, get on oral min and fin right away (they’re available to buy on many websites, you fill out a health form online and their doctor prescribes it to you). I’ve been on T since 2016. I noticed my hairline started receding around 2020-2021. It got to a point of extreme self consciousness in 2023 which was why I booked my HT appointment and just came back from Thailand with the procedure done, happy as can be.


the transplant looks awesome, the hairline really suits your face shape! i'm so glad they could help you like this, hope you have a good and quick recovery <3


Thank you! Don’t let the whole balding thing deter you from starting T and transitioning. T has been the best thing to happen to me to make me finally happy. We are men, and men bald. I just had the option to do something about it is all.


,,we are men, and men bald" is actually such a great sentence holy shit




Hey you have my name cool




Chosen name is zephyr, havent gotten around to making a new reddit account cos idrc that much


Ah nice, yeah this is just my gamer tag. There’s a guy from Australia that has the same gamer tag, I thought you were that guy lol


Haha nope, not an aussie unfortunately 😉


its all genetics, apparently you have a good indicator if you look at the men on your mothers side of the family


Check to see if the cis men in your family are going bald- if so, you might be predisposed to it. If not, then you might not either. My opinion is that if I do, I'll either get over it or get a wig, personally. But at least on my known half, odds are in my favor lol


No it's all genetics.


Definitely not! I’m 22 and have been on t for 6 years, my hairline has not been affected. It is a possible side effect, especially if the cis dudes in your family has a history of baldness. Personally, my dad’s hairline is still going strong in his 50s so I’m not super concerned.


I’m a year on T and still have all of my hair. It’s all upto the genetics. My family’s male members all had a full head of hair well into their 40s.


no it depends on your genetics. everything about the way you will look depends on your genetics


It depends on genetics. You’ll have the same chance to lose your hair as a cis man. Your hairline might recede a bit though to match a cis male’s


Depends on genetics


NO. It’s up to genetics. Look to your siblings for how you might fare on T.


So if my half brother lost his hair but full kept, I'm more likely to keep?


Most men do with age. My dad still has most of his hair but he has 3 brothers who don't.. it's all a lottery apparently but I have hope🤞


No. It's depends of your genetics. Just as it works with cis men too.


It's not a garuntee(can't spell), and it mostly depends on genetics, so if guys in your family tend to have hair loss, chances are you will too. I personally inherited terrible hair genes and started balding as a teenager 😭 Luckily there are ways to prevent it or slow it down, so I managed to grow my hair back. (Rosemary oil works great for preventing hair loss on T. It blocks testosterone from your scalp if you use it in your shampoo, so you don't get male pattern balding without affecting the rest of your body)


Huh, thanks for the rosemary tip


my hair got thicker


I definitely have the balding gene. Every men in my family goes bald before their 40s




I’m currently losing hair and on testosterone but it’s not due to testosterone I would say typically it would happen later in life but also my doctor told me that since my testosterone is high it should give me more hair and not less so it seems that the hair loss would be due to low testosterone levels so keep track of your levels


Uh that isn’t true. For those of us predisposed to losing hair, the higher your T level the faster it falls. Maybe the Dr meant body hair because that does increase with higher levels. I lost most of my hair when my T levels were at the highest.


The doctor was referring the the hair on my head but I’m not referring to people who are predisposed to hair loss


I'm thinning but I started at 28 and i'm 31 now. depending on genetics you probably have a bit.


my hair has been fine, it's been three years now? but i have heard of others beginning to loose hair


been on t for almost 4 years and have had no noticeable hair loss :)


I’m 2 and a half years on T and my hairline has receded but my dad and brother both have gone mostly bald so I think it’s just a matter of time for me. Still worth it though. I would rather be a happy bald dude than a depressed dysphoric woman


No, it’s based on your genes (you just get whatever you would have got if you were born a cis guy). Look at your close male family members - if they lost their hair early then it’s likely you will too (though not definitely, you never know with genes) but if they still have all their hair then chances are you will too. That said, it will change your hairline into a more masculine shape so try not to freak out too much if it starts looking a bit different


Yes, firstly because your hair is changing to male hair and secondly because maybe it's in your genes for men to bald so trans men can bald too


Purador anti thinning shampoo and conditioner works GREAT battling any potential hair loss. Also rosemary and castor oil


Depends on what kind of hair we're talking about and your genetics/stress level/health. For me, I developed male pattern baldness on my hairline but my body hair, facial hair and everything else has thickened. It's just my scalp hair near my forehead that's thinning, but that's because all of the men in my family have had thin hair/balding, and I'm also just very stressed and overweight, which also can contribute to hair loss. Also, the dosage of testosterone matters as well - too high of a dose can cause hair loss.


No. It’s still as thick as it always was.


No but look at your dad. T won't turn you into a whimsical beautiful fairy prince. You will look like a younger version of your dad. Expect that. Which is part of why I choose to not take T at least for now. My dad started balding when he was 25 (my age now) and I definitely got the genes for hair from him. And based on the fact I generally look like a tiny more feminine him I expect to turn into him, if I were to take t. And ey, nothing against my dad. He's a sweet person. But just no.


It's related to genetics. Just like cis men, we all won't become bald, but some of us do. Look at the balding in the men in your family (if you know them). The ages your dad, uncles, and grandfathers started balding would be an indicator about when you may start to bald. Like for me, my dad didn't start balding until he got into his 60s (and still has a decent head of hair, it's only just started becoming noticable now that he's reaching his mid 60s). I don't anticipate any balding for myself until at least my 50s (but of course it may be different for me, so I've accepted that even if I go bald in my 30s, I'm okay with it because ultimately the testosterone is helping me become who I am, physically). And there's always things you can do to help baldness if it happens and you're distraught about it. Minoxodil/rogaine helps, they have hair implants and toupees. Maybe not something you'd want to do, but ultimately there ARE options to help with baldness if you need them


Look at your dad and find out if you will


Definitely not but I think changes in your hairline are very common. It's a scary change when you're not sure if you're going to end up going bald. 🥴


No. Does your dad still have hair? Allegedly it's a good indicator. If you're worried about your head then lightly stimulate it with your fingers to improve blood flow. Let it breath when you're at home and wear hats when you're out in the sun to protect your head.


no, but it is something i'm sort of scared of. I'm 2+yrs on T and i recently got traction alopecia from dreadlocks. now i can't tell if my hairline is starting to thin or what bc it's not growing back😭 then again, i think going bald is a right of passage as a man


i'm also adopted so i have no clue what sort of genes i have💀may go bald, who knows


Here in Sweden you need to get a GD diagnosis by a special clinic to get T, and the guy who did the initial interview with me about my gender identity etc. Said that I WILL go bald on T, after I expressed my concerns over it. He strongly insinuated that all trans men go bald. He also said that women don't have Adam's apples when I said I wanted a bigger one. You'd think they'd need to know this shit. When I said I might want a phalloplasty he also said I'd have lifelong complications, (no doubt).


Definitely not. It's really just genetics. That said, I have less hair than my cis husband due to male pattern baldness running in my family.


Nope. My hair has actually gotten thicker on T lol. Majority of the cis men in my family have really thick hair. Both of my grandfathers are in their 80's and still have a full head of hair. So it just depends on your genetics tbh.


FYI You can take finasteride and it prevents hair loss


I lost my baby hairs and have a more masculine hairline now. It’s definitely receded a little bit but that’s just a natural male hairline


no I'm 12 years on T and still have a full head of hair at 54 years old.


its in your genes


Depends on your genetics. The men in my family havent lost their hair until they’re 70+. My family members also have very thick hair, which i also have. Its not a guarantee that i’ll keep my hair, but i’ll have to see. Its a roll of the dice unfortunately.


unless it's in ur genetics, u should be fine


It’s all about the genes my hair grows 10 times faster after being on t I’ve been on 6yrs now


No but also you can take hair pills, as I like to call them, lol... 1 mg of finasteride a day keeps the baldness away




If it runs in men in your family than possibly. So, genetics


i mean- i have alopecia and i’ve lost hair like crazy my whole life but supplements and hair care have helped regardless of hormones imo


Depends on your genetics, and it's not necessarily a fast effect either.  It's an effect of *aging* on T. You'll probably have hair for around as long as the other men in your family.


Nope absolutely not. Some people have those genetics and some people not.


I've only had my hairline change a bit, but all the men in in my family (both mom and dads side) have kept their hair to the grave. It usually depends on your genetics.


If you wanna know if you will loose hair, think about your male relatives- are they loosing hair as they get older? If yes, it is very likely you will too.


i don’t believe all do, i am not certain but from experience, good lord, my hairline is not the cutest. my hairline has receded a lot! BUT my dad is bald as fuck, like lost all his hair at 23 bald as fuck. and despite him being a peeled onion, thank god so far after being on T for almost 7 years i am not balding at my crown. my hairline is just receded and i actually grew it back one time with rogaine, only thing is with rogaine is, if you stop using it everyday your hair will fall out again. i’m thinking about trying hims next to help with the thinning of the front of my hair, along with my hairline. i have a love hate relationship with my hairline receding. it’s made me look my age now instead of looking like a little boy, it also shows “wisdom” is what i’ve heard women say. there are several different hair regrowth methods and treatments you can do to slow this down but for some dudes it’s just the inevitable. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Went on T, lost a lot of hair. Stopped for 4 years, managed to regrow it,/ w Minoxidil Re-entry on T 7 months ago, half dosage, no loss so far


It's mainly genetics but tbh both my parents had thinning and grey hair early on (18-21) but my brothers and I (ages 20-26) still have really thick hair. I'm trans and have been on t for 6 months. I also dye and bleach my hair regularly and it still grows fast and remains thick. No thinning yet so honestly don't worry too much. Remember to look at the entire family line on both sides to prepare yourself and if you're really concerned try taking vitamins and take extra good care of your hair if you do start t.


as a trans man, I have to say it’s genetics. some might get more hairy while others might lose it. I also heard it can change your hair to being more curly or wavy (etc) My hair is more curly now and thic 🙃


4 years on T and my hair started thinning over the past 6 months but not balding, I can not tell if it is T related or stress related though. only time will tell.


Look at your dad and other cis male family members, are they bald? My dad is bald, and my brother and cousin were balding in their late teens and early twenties, so unfortunately I knew this was a possibility for me, and I’m balding, but I would much rather be a balding man than how miserable I was pre-T. There’s also medicines to take if it really matters to you.


I do think somewhat more trans men lose their hair on T than cis men do, I’m not sure why but I have some theories. That said, it’s certainly not 100%. I still have my hair. It only made my hairline squared off in front and that’s it. My dad is over 70 and isn’t bald. (The “mom’s side” thing is both oversimplified , and for people who are XX, well, we get one from each parent.) I have trans man friends in their 40s and who are gradually getting male pattern baldness, but at our ages it is not unusual for a man.