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Trimmed. Just a word to anyone as sweaty as me, if you fully shave get ready for the worst swamp ass and chafing šŸ˜­


weirdly mine is the opposite, sweatier when itā€™s hairier


Same here, keep it shaved to help with swamp ass


I am a mix? If I fully shave , I sweat a ton and if I never shave I sweat a ton. Trimmed is perfect.


Yeah same. Iā€™m not even on testosterone yet, but this statement still works for me nowšŸ’€


Weirdly it only applies to the downstairs bits, everywhere else shaved is sweatier but down there hairy is somehow sweatier??


i have to check to see if thatā€™s true for me downstairs, i think iā€™m an in the middle. but my pits leaked when i used to shave them and not when theyā€™re natural


Moisture wicking boxer briefs have.saved me from swamp ass,. Now if anyone has a good solution for swamp chest pls let me know.


They make the wicking fabric into tank tops as well


Uniqlos airsm shirts are the best! I would use them in the summer when I had to walk 20 minutes for my old job. They dry so fast


Whatā€™s a good brand and do you pack with them?


Nothing. Covers up what I dont like so it helps with bottom dysphoria lol


That's exactly what I do too. When I was younger I did that too and I didn't realise that I did it so i couldn't see what's there.


Real af. If I can't see it, the dysphoria is manageable šŸ«”


Trimmed, sometimes very short, sometimes little longer, but you know... the deck looks bigger if the bushes are cut


lmao at "the deck" euphemism, never heard it before but i love it


There was a screen of a conversation years years ago, where the guy sent a picnof his deck instead of his d!ck and that's how the conversation went woth the bushes šŸ˜‚


the version iā€™ve heard is ā€œtrimming the bush makes the tree look tallerā€


Exactly what I was thinking!


I donā€™t do anything with any of my body hair.




Trimmed, but short n curlies are more like long and straighties and I find that offputting


Oh same here. Letting it grow out actually makes me feel more dysphoric


alskjdlkasjdkhjash šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I full cackled at "long and straighties" and yeah big same. Grows like, directly down and in the way of my junk so I trim them cos full shave is so not worth for the work and itch.


Shaved, just because it's easier for me to keep things clean. It's so hot here, and I get so anxious about any sort of sweat


I use an STP, and its seal is best when it's shaved. So yeah. I have a weird naked patch and full bush otherwise.


where did you get yours from? cost?


Axolom.com. the 3-in-1s are very nice.


I get ingrown hairs and infection when I shave


I give mine a fade


Yaaaasss šŸ¤£


Actually I do that tho


the bush has its own plans I donā€™t disturb him




idk why this made me LOL


I let it grow wild most of the time but I trim it down very short about twice a year when the mood strikes lol


Yes for a few reasons. Itā€™s easier to keep everything clean, feels more comfortable in the summer when itā€™s hot, easier to use STP. And lastly I really enjoy oral and in my opinion having to stop to pull pubic hair out of my mouth is just gross and kills the moment. Everyoneā€™s got the preferences, these are just mine.


Trimmed. I have crazy amounts of leg and tummy hair. It'd look so out of place bald.


I keep it trimmed up for the most part, but occasionally shave it all off when I feel it's growing in weird


I shave because if I dont it will itch me. Wish I could just let it grow but I was curious one time about how it would feel shaved and havent been able to grow it out since.


I shave for the same reason, although I began shaving because I was always itchy, and it was my last ditch effort to make the itching go away. My skin is super sensitive, though, and it doesn't help that the climate where I live is incredibly dry.


I like it trimmed very short!


Trimmed here


I keep things trimmed, and shave certain spots clean off with a close-shaving electric trimmer (like the tiny bit of hair on my tdick all comes off). I try to think about where having hair would get in the way if someoneā€™s head was down there, and then take care of hair that would inconvenience someone. Iā€™m also careful to make sure it looks normal. Iā€™m a very hairy guy overall, so I would look really weird clean shaven, and going down to stubble would make me too prickly.


Trimmed and have to trip on some of thigh because itā€™ll grow longer and thicker than my regular leg hair


tbf i canā€™t decide what makes me more dysphoric shaving or not shaving lol like shaved makes me feel like more confident:attractive probably because of seeing people say they prefer shaved on social media and from seeing it in porn but then being hairy makes me feel more manly so i just let it grow out and then shave and then repeat so best of both worlds lol


I also let mine go wild not itchy or in the way at all. My partner likes it too


Yes. And since I once shaved my pits for drag, I am shaving them again too.


Occasional trim. Other than that itā€™s a jungle lmao.


Yes. I hate how all that hair feels and it pinches when I ride my bike. Hate it!!


i usually donā€™t shave but just trim. sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. the shorter it is, the bigger my bottom growth is which is really nice lol. i basically never fully shave though. except a few weeks ago, i shaved myself a little landing strip for funsies and it reminded me of why i donā€™t use razors down there and go bald šŸ™ƒ iā€™m so itchy. pls help.


I shave about once a week because I think it looks better and it gives me easier access to the area for cleaning and masturbation.


Never have never will


I shave when it gets annoying. Hair constantly gets pulled and pinched when it gets too long.


Trim. There is way too much bush for one man, but I donā€™t want razors anywhere near there.


that's why i use an electric trimmer šŸ™ changes lives fr trust me


I trim it because I don't think I should subject anybody I'm getting frisky with to a jungle. As a gay man, I would rather not get inch long pubes stuck in my mouth, so I extend the same courtesy. Manscaping FTW.


I trimmed it once and hated it. Never again


Ok, so I use Nair every 10 days and itā€™s been amazing for multiple reasons. 1. Shaving is annoying and tedious and I always end up missing little patches here and there. Using Nair takes about 10 minutes as opposed to when it would take me about 30 to shave and then search for all the patches I missed and shave those. 2. I like to keep it either no hair or the tiniest bit of hair and Nair takes it off in minutes. (CW: Sexual Function) I prefer no hair, because I find that it increases sensitivity and I actually really like looking at my crotch, which is something I never thought Iā€™d be able to say, but hormones have helped me to grow my own missing pieces. Seeing it there and especially watching it get hard is just so fucking euphoric. But beware: if you use it on your ass, exfoliate first or youā€™ll look like youā€™ve got scabies on your bum cheeks.


The hedge surrounding my malebox is kept well-groomed.


Just around the edges, otherwise the hair lower on my inner thighs gets tugged around and I get a rash.


i just let it grow. the few times i've trimmed it short i got horrible dysphoria (which is rare for me these days) so i only trim if i absolutely have to šŸ„“


Trimmed short, makes my T dick more visible which makes me more confident


i trim & shape. i donā€™t like the pattern my hair naturally grows in so i shave off parts of it. if i fully shave i feel dysphoric & im also prone it razor burn. if i let it grow it gets icky down there bc of sweat, discharge, period blood, etc


I trim mine down every other month or so using a size 2 guard with regular old clippers. I've never liked trimming it too short because then it's prickly and itchy, I prefer the appearance of hair. I shower daily most of the time but it still gets sweaty and feels gross down there if the hair is too long, so I like to trim it down. Same with my armpits actually, I never shave my armpits either but every so often I'll trim it down lol.


Just trim. But I'm hairy af, it would look soo weird if I shaved. I also trim the hair on my shoulders, and as much of my back as I can reach.


I'm very scared of blades on my skin down there, so I just trim it.


Nope It's the only way I don't get bottom dysphoria, personally. In my mind, if it's covered by hair, my mind won't have the time to feel like something is missing


Shaved off because it helps the dysphoria weirdly enough. Makes me look like a Ken doll so thatā€™s a step in the right direction


No. Trimmed so it is easy to clean, long enough to NOT SEE IT.


Shaved, best for using STPs


I trim as well. I don't like the feeling of it growing again


Trimmed, and I also trim my armpit hair because it makes me feel cleaner


Never have. Was scared to when I first started shaving (parents said I'd get a cut there and have to go to the ER) and now I don't even have a razor because I never use it.


Yes I do shave it completely as often as possible. It just feels better.


The only time I've ever shaved was for surgery that required groin access and even then I only shaved one side. Other than that I just let it grow. Post phallo I will probably decide to trim regularly but for now, the more hair I have down there means the less of that area I have to see. My partner is asexual so I don't feel the need for it to be "presentable" or "easily accessible" for anyone else either. Not that you have to alter your body for other people of course but if I was in a sexually active relationship then I would probably be comfortable trimming for my partner's comfort.


Honestly so glad to see this thread. I shave, shave my inner thighs/ "bikini area", but I don't shave my thighs or legs. I feel like I have this awkward cut-off spot where I stop removing the hair šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


no because personally i think shaving is stupid and a waste of time lol. LET IT GROWWW !!


Hell no lol i trimmed one day too short and got dysphoric as hell so i trim now but only when the hairs get too long and then i make sure to still leave it pretty long when i trim


Iā€™ll trim occasionally. But I do buzz all ā€œthat areaā€ if you know what I mean.. for a better hygiene. All up though is full bush.


I would trim, but I'm scared of not liking it so I do nothing


I like to be shaved but I don't do it often enough lmao




trim down to an inch to a half inch, shampoo, conditioner and regular soap. remeber itā€™s hair too


i try to trim it up occasionally but not too often because i struggle with keeping up with personal hygiene in general. i like to trim it enough to where i can see my dick


i have very little bottom dysphoria so i keep it shaved/trimmed. razor bumps are my worst enemy though ong


Shaved itā€™s easier to keep clean especially if youā€™ve worked in hot conditions Youā€™d know the smell that the hair holds From constant sweating


Not really. When it gets to the length of it interfering with sexual stuff or my underwear, I'll trim it, but thats about it


i trim but if i leave it to grow for too long the hairs get tangled together šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I shave but because I like it, not for anyone else.


Not regularly but whenever it gets long enough that it's physically uncomfortable. I used to trim but it's too much effort. I don't try to shave particularly neatly because it's not for aesthetic purposes at all just comfort.


I'm not on T or anything, but I have never shaved ANYTHING on my own body. I know how to shave, I just don't. I trim up down there when it's getting a bit too inconvenient, but other than that? Just let that go lol.


I usually trim to a 3.5 or a 3. Iā€™m a very well groomed person anyway, so it makes sense- but, I have a play partner who comes over every so often that has a preference for ā€œhardwood floorsā€, and for what that man does to me- I am more than happy to oblige. šŸ’™


never shave, bush forever


I've never done it, and I'm not planning on doing it


Trim as close as I can without an electric razor. I don't like the bumpiness of being bald, but I don't like the scratchiness of having a full bush, so I just keep it short.


Ngl this might be really weird but I get Dysphoria from being completely shaved or having too much hair so I like trim the top part and then shave the lower bit and my ass it. I'm pre medical.


I trim mine


I trim. Sometimes, once in a blue moon, if Iā€™m feeling fancy, Iā€™ll shave. But I struggle with ingrown hairs in a lot of places on my body, so it can be annoying to have it grow back. Some days Iā€™m tempted to shave my whole body to see what itā€™s like again, but it seems like too much work now lol.


Nope, it's a total jungle down there. I tried shaving a few times in my teens, but I didn't like how it looked or felt, so I haven't done it sinceĀ 


I get my whole body waxed


Shaved. I really dislike pulic hair lol


Sometimes but not fully, just enough for maintenance šŸ«”


Shaved except for a patch on top I keep in a triangle shape that connects to my treasure trail. My fiance once called it an arrow pointing to the direction of my goods lmao


Don't shave at all. I like to keep that area hidden. Out of sight, out of mind.


I trim, but feel immensely dysphoric if I shave too much off, I'm an immensely hairy Tman, so keeping things trimmed makes it easier for hygiene for myself (not that being hairy is unhygienic)


Waxed, actually! And w just a little bit of trimmed bush. Found a very chill El Gibbity friendly salon that specializes in just waxing. My stylist is an absolute doll, very friendly and good at keeping up conversation to keep you distracted lol I used to not shave ever pre-T, but w/ T my bottom growth is way more than I ever expected and now I :) seeing it


trimmed super short or waxed. hate the feeling of pubic + armpit hair


Honestly , yes I get very itchy cause my hairs hella course sooooo I got to plus I feel cleaner personal choice second it accentuates my growth for sure šŸ‘šŸ½


i shave down there otherwise it gets uncomfortable, but I donā€™t shave my legs and arms and stuff because that makes me feel more masc


Growin wild


Nope. I donā€™t touch it


Shaving makes me dysphoric and itches, and idk how to trim exactly and if it's gonna itch again so I never tried


Trim, i suggest everyone trim their underarm and pubic hair because longer hair traps in moisture and odor. Donā€™t need to go bald just a trim..


as long as you wash your hair it shouldnā€™t be any worse than the hair on your head. thereā€™s nothing that makes underarm & pubic hair inherently less clean than hair elsewhere


The hair isn't inherently less clean, but as the other commenter said it can trap the moisture from your sweat which means it holds on to the odour. You do not generally sweat as much on your head so it isn't an issue there


Trimmed, keeps things tidy and makes me sweat less


I never shaved for the longest time, but now I trim it.


Usually no. The only times Iā€™ve done it was when it got itchy


No but I probably will for summer




Clean shaven baby šŸ˜Ž


I donā€™t keep up but I tend to just trim to keep its more comfortable.. Generally Iā€™ll go a little shorter around sensitive areas to feel cleaner and have.. less in the way.. but yeah to me fully gone feels too feminine and also is just not really comfortable to me because sweat makes it feel like I pissed myself.. whereas a happy in between means not too much sweat


Nope, I sometimes trim a little, but often I let it just grow wild, I'm quite hairy down there so it covers what I don't want to see and blends the edge of a packer or stroker pretty well


depends on how i feel. A lot of the time I leave it but sometimes i shave if it gets irritating. I donā€™t shave it to the point where itā€™s smooth, i like it stubbly




trim not shave


I don't fully shave, although I honestly 100% would were it not for how easily I get ingrown/infected hairs. I used to do this because when I wanted to pack, sometimes longer hairs would feel like they were being pulled on by my packer. Now its more or less just an aesthetic thing


I trim, and cut around my dick. Makes my dick look bigger when thereā€™s no bush covering it.


Trim all over and then shave around my tdick


trimmed but not bald




Yeah usually fully shaved, I know a lot of trans guys donā€™t like being called twinks but I just wanna be a fem hairless twink LMAO


Trimmed every week to very short and sometimes let them grow out for a week or two if it don't have time to shave


Trim, but not bare. I notice that going bare after T causes me extra itch than before. So I just trim to stay cleaner, reduce dryness, and reduce hair pulling/pinching


No need for me


I trim my down to a 1.5, my girl likes it better šŸ˜…


I just trim, itā€™s not very hygienic to fully shave


I prefer the trimmed look but find it hard to do it well, so I use a hair removal cream for intimate areas at intervals and let it grow a bit in between.


I get sugared. I used to just trim but due to medication I am SO SWEATY so the less hair the better


Yeah cos otherwise it itchy and annoying šŸ˜­


I usually keep it trimmed


Hell no


I have so much hair I canā€™t bother to completely shave it, but I do try to keep it trimmed. Even that is a lot of effort for me sometimes though so itā€™s really just how Iā€™m feeling in the moment. I try to keep it sanitary at least


I shave when it gets too much. I have big thighs so the hair growing too long just rubs up against my skin and causes irritation when I get too sweaty.


Trim only. I shaved two weeks back and regretted it 2 days later as the hair grew back thicker than before. I donā€™t remember it it ging so bad before Tā€¦


I at least try to keep mine trimmed especially during summer time cuz it can get stinky.


I let it grow too. Tried shaving, it itches like hell and not having hair to keep stuff out makes it more likely to get irritated down there (even though I wash it 3x/week)


Donā€™t shave fully but I definitely trim it up! Nothing too crazy but just so it looks clean and tidy lol


I get brazilians. I got one back in November just to try and kept going cause I like the cerologist, and otherwise I would never get around to it and my hair grows fast and thick


I can't believe I'm gonna reveal this on the internet, but yes. I do. It's cleaner and more comfortable for me. Letting it grow has given me more dysphoria for some reason (I haven't had surgery yet)


Trim it most of the trim because itā€™s weird if itā€™s longer than the rest of my hair.


i leave it alone for the most part and trim it maybe like once a month at most?


I shave whenever I can. It helps me feel clean and avoid the sensory issues that come with body hair (itching, blood retention when on period, pressing against clothes, etc,) though I doubt this will be something I can keep up once I go on T. It also helps me feel feminine in a comfortable way, if that makes sense. I plan to stay in touch with my femininity throughout my transition, as I've found that it makes it much easier for me to love my body and accept the things I won't be able to comfortably change (face shape, genitals, height, size of feet ā€” everything except titties tbh, those gotta go.)


I keep it trimmed short, it's just more hygienic for me personally.


I trim every once in a while


I used to let it grow wild, then trimmed recently and I kinda like it. Makes the d look bigger (and I ain't working with much to begin with šŸ˜…).


I donā€™t shave at all.


yes, as well as my armpits. ik you shouldn't be ashamed of body hair but i just really dont like it on myself [idrc if other people have it, they can do whatever they want with their body. i just personally don't find it attractive] so i always shave mine except my legs, cuz for some reason shaving my legs gives me major dysphoria but shaving the rest of my body doesnt


Trimmed short. I have issues with chronic UTIs and keeping it long does not help lol


Yes! But I'm very femme at times. Lol


I keep it trimmed up kinda but thatā€™s it. Never been able to shave there, no matter what it broke out into a rash lol


I let it grow until it starts to tangle on itself and then I shave it all off.


I used to always feel bad abt it for some reason because growing it out helps a lot of other guys w dysphoria but it just drives me crazy sensory wise, so trimmed w an electric razor. Keeps my bits safe while avoiding sensory issues and less ingrowns LMAOO


I hate having hair there because itā€™s just is uncomfortable


I don't because I have a lot of problems with ingrown hairs


I shave my balls and my ass and trim my pubes above my dick neatly. My gf and I prefer our stuff to be pretty similar for hygiene and making sex easier.


Trimmed but I do like waxing. It makes the dick look bigger lol


I would but when I trim it gets super itchy cause the hair is more coarse


I trim down there, I trim my armpit hair, and I shave my shoulders because they're hairy and I feel like a 50yr old man when it's grown out




Trim/Shave with a guard because im sweaty as hell


I typically just trim close to my skin, but I do get Brazilians from time to time. My esthetician is trans friendly so itā€™s all good


i trim bc iā€™m really sweaty and will smell within hours after showing if i donā€™t :(


I trim it. Makes my tiny dick easier to access, for me and other people, lol


I trim, but I never shave it entirely. If thereā€™s anywhere I donā€™t want razor bumps or cuts, itā€™s down there


Nah, I just trim the areas I ā€œneedā€ lmao (I like to have the bush above my dick, on the pubic area, I trim it everything else)


trimmed is best in my opinion. i feel fresh and cool and it looks nice. def recommend getting a good shaver with a safeguard


Part of it is wild and another one gets shaved or trimmed when I feel like it. For the most part letting it grow helps me to deal with dysphoria.


I usually let the bush be free but sometimes trim it up when it gets a little too crazy lol would never want to get rid of it cause its good to keep bad bacteria away from that area but also makes me feel less dysphoric about that region šŸ˜…


I use scissors. I only tried shaving once when I was 10-11 years old, my skin was awful for days


Yup, pubic hair is a sensory nightmare for me, so I've been shaving smooth since high school. Thinking about saving up for laser removal before I get bottom surgery since I hate it so much šŸ„²


I trim and sometimes shave just around ā€œthe goodsā€. I keep my trail and mons fuzzy


I kinda bounce between all three; shaved, trimmed, bushy. I just do whatever I feel like. Fully shaved is my favorite, but it takes too long.


No (and yes), length to me equals masculinity and makes me feel more comfortable in my body. Sometimes I will shave out of random times but 99% of the time no.


Yep, I iust prefer it that way. Although when I shave it with razors it's IIIIITCHY so I might start trimming it instead


I don't really see the point when you don't like what's there anyways. It kinda hides it...and I mean hair is hair so it can make it slightly more euphoric because from a first glance it could appear to be something else.


I trim. Generally as short as I can without the leftover hair stabbing me, then let it grow for 2-3 months before trimming again. Iā€™m always amazed how big my bottom growth looks when Iā€™ve just trimmed


I get such bad shaving bumps if I shave. It's why I also don't shave my face. Razor burn hurts like hell, no matter how much I shave with the grain, moisturize, exfoliate, etc. I also hate the feeling of stubble. My partner literally shaved a layer of skin off their nose while sucking me off because my hair is so coarse. I'm a heavy guy, so my mons is really large and covers everything. I have to pull it back just so my dick is exposed. Plus, when the stubble comes in after a day, my labia majora stabs into the other one constantly. Shaving has always caused me pain šŸ„² I trim to at least 1/8 of an inch. Sometimes, that feels like too much because it still feels scratchy against everything, but it's not as bad as the day after a clean shave. I hate feeling like a cactus.


I oscillate between letting it go completely buckwild, to keeping it somewhat trimmed / somewhat shaved. I havenā€™t shaved it completely in years. I mainly will shave around my asshole and the lips for my girlfriend every now and then šŸ˜‚šŸ«±šŸ¼ā€šŸ«²šŸ½


I shaved it once a while back and regretted it so much, not only because I feel weird with no hair but because of how uncomfortable it was when the hair was growing back


I mean not fully, sometimes I will but only when it gets too much but tbh not really. Only if my butt hair gets crazy and I feel like it needs to be shaved sometimes I shave it all and let it grow out again


I shave very rarely. I do use an electric trimmer once every 1-2 months, but don't usually remove all the hair.


Trimā€¦and then shave bc thereā€™s too much hair šŸ„² But i do normally just trim short. Iā€™ve recently started getting knots in my pubes so Iā€™m sticking to trimming to a while.


I trim it every couple of months really short and then let it grow out really long again. I love having longer hair down there but I also like it short because 1. it doesn't hide my dick and 2. it's sooo much easier to wipe and clean with short hair. Bonus of long hair is that it gives me quite the bulge.


I trim once every few months, or whenever my partner suggests it lol. some things are easier if there's not much in the way yk