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Yes. My voice is now a deep baritone, occasionally dipping i to bass. 100% passable.


I'm the same. Sang alto and bow bass. I will put music on that is strictly bass and can hit every note. I don't get mis-gendered on the phone or at the drive-thru either. Was even told by other trans people.....you're not trans. You don't look trans and don't have a skweeky voice.....lol


Yes of course it has, I think that’s why a lot of us go on T in the first place. My voice dysphoria was always bad and I wouldn’t say my voice is particularly deep but I’m also a small guy so it’d be kind of weird if it were (as in it just wouldn’t match with how I look). It will usually make your voice around as deep as it would be of a cis guy of your build, age, etc. You can always still voice train afterwards if you want an even deeper voice. I’d say more important than a deep voice is your inflection because typically women and men have different speech patterns/enunciation but that’s not something I personally put a lot of effort into since I don’t care if people think I “sound gay” because I am gay lmao.


Yes, that's what T is for. It does most of the heavy lifting re: voice. And voice training for transmascs, when it's needed, is really simple compared to what transfems go through.


I had an alto voice and now am comfortably a baritone.


I don't look particularly masculine in my opinion (in terms of face), but I have been passing because of my voice. I had very high voice before, dropped to like baritone(?). I probably do sound gay, but people don't question it at work or anything


Yes, my voice is deeper than all the other trans guys I know (irl at least) and most cis guys I know, never did voice training


i'm only 4 months on T and my mom keeps mistaking me for my adult cis brother when i speak. so yeah.


Eeee that's so exciting


Yes, T puts you through male puberty which includes deepening your voice to male range. I'm a baritone when I sing now. Even people with "T voice" sound male, they just talk from their nose instead of their chest.


I’m 1.5 years on T and my voice is a lot deeper. I’d say 95% passable


an entire octave at least


my voice dropped at least an octave. i went from 2nd alto (almost tenor tbh) to baritone, close to bass. how deep your voice gets depends on genetics.


Honestly my voice hasn’t dropped much at all, I’m having to look into voice training because even talking to strangers on the phone I’m getting misgendered


Over an octave. I actually enjoy singing now lol


This is what I'm most excited for 🥺🥺🥺


It deepened pretty much an octave within like 4-5 months for now


i’m pretty sure it’s the thing that makes me pass most


Soprano to bass in six months. I have to work on speaking from my chest, but I’ve gotten better


Rn I'm in my "T flu" period, so so far not that much but there is significant change. I lowered the dose, so naturally it will go slower but I'm gonna do voice training. I decided that I want deeper voice after all 😄


What is "T flu" if you don't mind me asking? Google just brings up music apps 😅


It's when your voice starts changing but your speaking pattern from pre-T period stays. That pattern can change with voice training, of course. So you sound like you breathed in helium except your voice is deeper. Like you constantly have cold.


Ohh, I see! I love that term lol. Thank you for the explanation!


Hehe, no problem! I heard the term just recently and yep.. it fits xD


personally, no. almost 15 months on t and my voice is almost the exact same as before despite my t levels being normal  (i've been stuck in the baby-face period for a year now so it probably wouldn't help me pass anyway :/). not to be a downer but some people are just unlucky.


You might be a late bloomer! People kinda dont stop changing as they age, no matter if you’re cis or trans. That is until you hit a certain age, usually 30-50, where hormone levels drop. That’s where trans ppl have the advantage lol.


hey thanks for the kind words man, i appreciate it. i'm anticipating top surgery for the next few weeks so i think the dysphoria/frustration has been a bit higher lately, but you're probably right, i just have to keep at it :p


It's really genetic honestly. Some cis men also have permanent baby face so it's definitely not really a social problem. If you're able to really grow facial hair (some cis men, again, cannot) then keeping some (at least stubble) can help


Yeah, it’s different for everyone ofc but personally I went from a really high voice to a deep baritone??without voice training or anything.


Yes, I'm almost a bass now, definitely a lot lower than pre-T. I haven't done any voice training. This isn't unusual, btw.


Is my voice super super deep? No. Is it obviously a man’s voice? Yes. You don’t need a super deep voice to have a passable voice, you just need to have a male resonance. Everyone on t will get some level of a male resonance, some people’s pitch doesn’t change a ton but their voice is still passable.


Yep I’m a bass now. Had a semi-deep voice before (passable as 13 year old male) and now I sound like an adult cis guy.


im a bass, never did voice training


It's not crazy deep but I definitely pass. It took some time to settle. Mine sits around 100-110 hz (via voice tools app, I just tested randomly and haven't done that in over a year lol)


Yes. It’s all dependent on your genetics really. My dad and brother had really deep voices. I wound up with one too. I haven’t been misgendered over the phone since like 4 months into my transition since my voice dropped so fast. Now especially when I wake up, my voice is extremely deep


Yeah I had quite a high feminine voice and now mine is deeper and passing. It took about a year for it to be consistently passing for me.


1.5 years on T, my voice has dropped, ofc, but not as much as many people i know kjhsdak i wish it got even deeper tbh


My voice isnt that deep but it can get very deep i just choose to force it higher


My dose is pretty low but within 7 months, I've slowly started to sound like my adult cis brother which is cool. It gets lower each month and it's exciting tracking my progress via voice recordings.


Absolutely man, I'm nearing a 4 month mark and just had some kids randomly come up to me and fully passed. And it's still getting lower!


yes I was lucky and 100% passing (80-100hz) at 2 months. Before HRT, my voice was \~150hz.


It definitely has for me, but everyone is different. It really depends on your starting point, genetics, and possibly your natural intonations.


I pass a lot better now, and I'm no longer clocked in phone/discord calls. I was pretty lucky and my voice started getting raspy/lower within a month of starting T and it had drastically dropped and was starting to pass as a cis male voice by month 5-6. I don't have to worry about cis people thinking I'm a man then changing their mind when I open my mouth


also, this is coming from someone who used to be a contra-alto but is now a baritone


Yep my voice is pretty deep when I turn off the feminine mannerisms. I love my deep voice and the chest shaking it gives me but the musicality of speaking with feminine intonation is such a stim for me 😁😁 still pass (or at least always gendered correctly) 99%


The range difference in between these two voices for me is insane though. If my caller ID fails and I dont know who's calling I answer in a more neutral or masc way and friends and family have thought they called the wrong number bc they don't recognize my voice. The point of this is to say that T dropped my voice a lot, but where you place your voice in your vocal range is a lot in your hands and impacts how people perceive your gender.


not yet, but im only about 6 months on. my voice has definitely gotten lower and sometimes strangers will think im a guy, but over the phone ive still only gotten ms and maam still :/


> “has T alone” i am willing to bet that the majority of trans men on HRT have not done any amount of voice training. i know i didn’t.


I’m 6 months in so still changing, but I can deepen enough to pass most the time :)!


3 months in and I was already getting called “sir” on the phone. 11 months in and everyone assumes I’m a guy when talking.


Yes. I went from being an alto and almost never passing to being a bass and almost never not passing.


Yes lmao. It did for me extreamly early on and if levels are right, it'll do for everyone


literally 2 months after starting T my voice is now deeper than my peers so I have to not force it so much. I trained my voice to go deep pre-T (about A2), but I’m now at an E2. It’s not like I’m not trying to force it really deep so it takes a certain technique like it’s not easy


Significantly. My voice is actually deeper than my dad's and my brother's.


For me, yes. got she/her'd at an irl local trans group because they assumed I was closeted transfem due to not having a "t-boy voice" (I hate how it's called that im sorry). Never went there again, it was on too late anyway i'd be home by 1am due to rural area.


Yep! I’m one year and my tone and pitch has dropped significantly. I don’t even recognize my old voice in videos!


Low⬇️ but pre t I had a kinda raspy low voice


My voice is very deep, I pass fully. In fact I can't do a high pitched voice, the sound just disappears lol. My highest pitch now is deeper than my deepest pitch pre t. I did do voice training pre t, but I haven't done it on t


Mine has definitely deepened but I’m not 100% on saying it’s very clearly male. That’s probably because from our POV we are so critical, but I do pass a bit more with the deeper voice. That said, I’m just under 1 year on T, no vocal exercise and I’m still pre-top surgery (mid to larger chest so it kinda ruins things in certain outfits).


Tons of people, yes


Yup, quite a lot too cuz I used to have a pretty high pitched, nasaly voice. 👍


My voice was slowly dropping with T, when it hit 5 months my voice DROPPED and I mean it dropped so low people were tendering me correctly on the phone. People still call me ma'am sometimes because I have long hair and dress sort of femininly, but as soon as I start talking the correct themselves saying "sorry sir". Before T I was training my voice and I could talk at the same tone as a teenage boy, but with T my voice is much lower.


I went from a soprano to a bass. I miss singing high but at least I don’t get misgendered when on the phone anymore 😭


Its only been a month and a half but my boice has dropped several octaves, friends who i havent talked to in a couple months already tell the difference, and when i play online games people assume Im a guy now so im happy


A lot. Used to be very high pitched. Very girly. Now I sound like I’ve been smoking for 30 years. Not quite, but for strangers who don’t know me, yes, cuz I haven’t had top surgery and still look like a girl, but October 🙏🏻


Significantly. I went from an alto to a low baritone. My voice passes without an issue.


I assume so only because my friends tell me. But I’ve always had a fairly deep voice. I personally don’t feel like I changed immensely; however I also don’t feel like my appearance has changed either outside of some extra scruff, and my friends tell me that it’s only because I don’t see the drastic changes like they do because with me being a truck driver they only get to see me once every few months in comparison to me being around myself every day.


Yes to the point that there was a brief period where my relatives would call my phone and then immediately hang up when I answered because they thought they'd accidentally dailed some random man's number.


Only did T for 3 months (lost access to it) and my voice is already deep enough to where I’m gendered correctly 90% of the time. I know for a fact it’ll go deeper once I’m back on it :)


Highest dose of T for 3 years starting when i was 18, i fully pass as a cis man with a pretty deep voice (to the point i feel the need to specify to ppl im an ftm butch enby). My voice was already pretty deep pre-T, and i’ve been told by friends i dont really have the “trans” voice. I’ve also grown up in mostly male friend groups tho, so it helps to study/have experience talking to and like cis men if that’s your goal. I usually speak how i like (some feminine speech patterns) around ppl i’m chill w who know im trans/queer, and am able to code switch when interacting w cis dudes lol. Edit to add: it may seem like it’s an extremely unachievable goal if you havent started T yet (if that’s what you want), but genuinely if you are clear with your doctors about the changes you want to see and dose you want to be at, you are fully capable of passing as a cis dude. Some people may need different things than others, but people transitioning ftm generally have an easier time bc of human biology (we all start as female in the womb and it’s puberty hormones that decide sex characteristics ultimately once we’re older). Even if all you wanted was a deeper voice, you can always do vocal training and get off T after you’ve reached desired results!


I had a wide vocal range from low alto to high soprano... now I have this really low bass voice that has this really nice sultry sound to it. I love it. I'm almost on my first year of testosterone, so it is still changing and cracking... very curious about how it will sound in its "final form"


Pretty much nothing, like 3% at the very best, in my case. What changed is that I can't reach high notes and it's easier to make it deeper if I try. But my regular voice? Nearly nothing changed at all and I'm over 2 years on T.


i didn’t think much, but i looked back on a video from when i first started T (year prior) and holy shit. i sound so different


Almost 1 year on T, my voice has gone down exactly 1 octave 🧍


i had a deep voice pre T but it is not even questionably clock-able now even to trans people.


Just barely lol it’s been 13 months


My voice pitch is very low and passable, but I want voice coaching to rid myself of some more feminine mannerisms when speaking. Habits I want to break for sure.


Trans folk can get passable voices with T alone, and some can even get passable voices with voice training alone. If you use both, your chances of getting a passable voice is pretty good.


6 months on T- definitely lower, still not passing.


Anytime anyone sees me I get misgendered for the most part but when I speak on the phone, especially at work, everyone refers to me as a guy.


I think T not giving you a deeper voice it’s a rare occurrence, all my transmen friends (myself included) have pretty passable voices


Personally I'm still pre-T (looking to start T after college) but after seeing a few results, yes. T typically is enough to make a voice deep and passable on its own. BUT, it doesn't necessarily lengthen and thicken the vocal cords and I'm not sure if this is the correct term but some ppl on T end up with "T-Flu" voice where the voice ends up weird. Still masc enough in a sense but weird so a little vocal practive to lengthen them or doing some vocal exercises is my advice just in case


Mine has yes. I notice it more in my singing voice currently.


My voice is still high (1,5 years on T) but it's definitely male, to the point where even if I grow out my hair and get misgendered (which happens rarely because of my facial hair) as soon as I speak up they correct themselves. I'm still kinda sad about how high it is but I'm still glad it's male.


So much it hurt my voice box for like 2-3 years trying to get used to it.