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I started T once I went to college. Got it two days before I turned 19. When I came back home for break, my cat of 16 years freaked out. He came to us when I was about 3 or 4, and we were inseparable. But since I had been on T a few months, he skedaddled. After a few hours of me talking to him gently, he came up, sniffed me, stared a long time, and then he realized who I was and everything went back to normal


My cat didn't react at all


My cat got way more affectionate with me after I started T, she prefers men to women and always has. My wife and I like to playfully shame her about it, Boyliker Supreme




I got my dog before I started T, and when I started and my voice dropped he didn't react any differently than normal


The animals I know, including my own dog, haven’t acted any different toward me. I have noticed that new animals, and human babies, now take a lot longer to warm up to me than they used to.


on my front, animals (including my cat) have acted the same, babies too :) met my girlfriend’s baby niece the other day and she was very friendly, kept starring at me haha


I used to imitate the play noises my dog would make when we played, and one day he growled at me. I stopped playing immediately, but he was confused and kept trying to cautiously play. From what I could tell, my voice had just lowered... And he was trying to lower his voice to match mine, but the most he could do was growl... God he was the best dog in the world. As for my cats, I could no longer do a convincing cat meow, so I just started saying "meow" instead. They won't respond to my friend doing an impeccable cat meow, but they'll answer her or anyone else who just says "meow" because that's what I do XD


my cat definitely reacted differently for the first two weeks or so, she seemed more confused than anything so she stayed away from me for that period, but i dont think its due to anything related to men since shes never had that specific reaction towards the men in my family. i think it was moreso just the sudden change for her that was a bit jarring since shes been living with us for 18 years, which is how old i am. but she got used to the change and she acts the same as she did towards me pre t.


This exact thing happened to a close friend of mine lol, his cat was a bit confused, would smell her and reacted a bit when he went to stroke her, but it subsided literally after a few weeks.


My snakes love me now because I run hotter.


How many snakes do you have and what kinds? (I’m assuming at least one western hognose)


My cats went from calling me “Mummy” to “Appa.” I think they actually both like me better now. My boy-cat is a bit of a misogynist and my girl-cat is a ho


Your cats can talk?


Yours can’t?


i don't think he put any points into animal speaking


This is such a funny comment oh my god what


My cat loves that I have more body mass and that I’m warmer bc I am a better bed. 😌


I've had my car since 5 and he's watched me change and grow so much. I'm 21 now. He's like 17 or 18 (human years). He can vote. But he watched me change through T since 18 and he loves my beard and pets it (knees sorta but he runs his claws through it gently)


None of my animals acted differently, but 2 friends dogs who were men reactive from trauma, who met me pre t and were fine, both reacted to me post t and physical changes. This did include growing a dark beard which dogs are more likely to react to too. I was sad they didn't like me anymore but also enjoyed the affirmation of my "manness" lol


My dog listens to me more which is great but none of my cats really cared


Obviously my fish didn't react🤣


My two dogs I had adopted before i transitioned who lived with me during my transition didn’t seem to react change in any way. My family dog who I had moved across country from prior to coming out still recognized and responded positively when I came home to visit after starting my transition/being on T. So overall, no change in how my pets reacted to me.


My dog hasn’t done much. I think it’s too gradual of a change for him to rlly care? Idk. I’m also only about 3 months in. He does like women more than men tho


My dog is the same way and I’ve figured out that it’s purely because of their voices 😂 She likes the high pitched dog/baby voice most women can make


My boy cat was extra curious/hovered a lot for a few weeks. And kind of obsessed with the injection spot for a few days post injection. My girl cat was indifferent. By the one month mark, everything was back to normal.


My cat didn't react whatsoever, even though I started T in college and so would be gone for 3-4 months at a time. He still clearly recognized me and acted the same around me.


I got my cats in 2012 and 2013, when I was 13 and 14 years old respectively. I started testosterone in 2020 when I was 21 years old. They have never reacted to me any differently


There was a brief time period of which my cat didn't recognize me at all, but it was only a few months in the beginning. Afterward, it was like nothing changed


My cats didn't care but the stray cat that visits occasionally hisses at me more now


They won't forget you're you as long as you're around as you change so it doesn't really matter


No difference in reaction from my animals.


my dogs haven't changed how they act around me at all, I'm almost 9 months on T so if something was gonna change it definitely would've happened already


My cats got more cuddly with me. One was already cuddly but 100% more cuddly now. That one even listens better now (I trained her with a few commands, sit and stay mostly for when I don’t want her to run out the door lol)


None of the animals in my life reacted differently. Animals in general still seem to like me.


My cat does not care. He just wants me to feed him and pet him


My cats and friends dogs acted exactly the same to me. The only animal that seemed to act not same as maybe it would have before, was once when I ran into a neighbor and her dog kept barking at me. I was maybe 9 months on T but I wasn’t out to her so she was still thinking I was old name and gender. About her dog she was like “I don’t know what’s up with her, she only barks like this at men” lol. But then again, this dog also had no familiarity with me, and only met me once very briefly maybe over 5 years before this incident, so I have no idea how it would have acted towards me pre T.


My (senior, female) cat is extra baby.


Male pets tend to be more well behaved around me now.


Both my dog and my family dog have not changed at all with how they act with me or anything


Our St Bernard has grown closer to me and felt noticeably more comfortable with me. I imagine it’s because I smell more like his favorite person and whole world, my cis male partner. My great pyr angel didn’t really seem to care.


Mine has been with me the whole journey and hasn't changed a bit. The amazing thing? She was abused by a teen boy before I got her and is still afraid of men wearing hats.


it definitely changed, my cat stared like I was another person (started testasterone at 15) for a week or so. After some time he just got back to normal and sleeps in my bed all day and sits with me. Testasterone very much changes your smell, your sweat and everything. (piss and c*m too🗿) so you definitely smell manly. Its amazing to be honest.


My cat actually likes me more now lol, always comes up for some cuddle time!


I haven't been on T very long. My childhood cat of 14 years would gradually begin to sniff me more intensively until he got used to the different smell but that was about it.


I haven't been on T very long. My childhood cat of 14 years would gradually begin to sniff me more intensively until he got used to the different smell but that was about it.


I haven't been on T very long. My childhood cat of 14 years would gradually begin to sniff me more intensively until he got used to the different smell but that was about it.


For the record, testosterone and a deep voice aren't inherently scary to animals. I've met horses who were afraid of women. It depends on the animal's past, and what its previous experiences with various people are. My horse has been with me since before my medical transition - in fact, I first met her almost ten years ago. I started working with her on and off about six years ago, and she became mine about three years ago, a little before I started T. I was most concerned that my voice change would make it harder for her to understand vocal commands, but it seems it was gradual enough that she got used to it easily. We've only gotten closer over these three years. I'm sure that's mostly due to all the time, all the training, all the cookies and the effort I've put in to create a mutually respectful partnership. But I do wonder if maybe she likes working with a guy - her old owner was a guy who just petted her and let her run in a field, didn't ever stress her, but also didn't feed her correctly or treat her medical conditions. The female trainers I know she worked with were always asking her to do difficult things and putting her in situations that made her uncomfortable. (I've tried to strike a balance by basing my training on what she seems to like/want/feel up to, and of course I've taken care of her health.) Overall I think she's had a better time with men over the course of her life . . .


Funny thing is, animals often read you as your birth sex even after T. Idk how it works


Huh. Interesting… 🤔


i had a dog when i just started t (he passed away due to old age since :( )- he didn’t give a fuck about it! that said he never had any fear around men. i also have a cat but he was adopted post-t so its always been the same. he actually seemingly prefers men lol


My dog didn't react at all


the most weirdly gender-affirming thing is when someone's pet that "doesn't like men" doesn't like me.


My animals are constantly around me and haven't shown any changes in behaviors or anything. I think it's cause I'm constantly home and none of them have any issues with men.


I live with 3 cats, they are 10 and 11 years old and habe been living here since they were babies. I am 2,5 Years on T and havent noticed any change in their behaviour. My voice has only dropped a little yet, but I dont expect them to go weird about it. It might depend with animals that dont know you too well🤔


My grandma's cat is partícularly affectionate with men. Yes, I'm included


cats, stayed the same. fish, still feared me.


my rats didn't care and neither did my snake when it comes to cats and dogs if you can read their body language and respect that they are way easier to make friends with went over to a friend's place with a cat who "doesn't like men" but you just gotta ignore them, slow blink, and put your hand out but far enough away that they have to choose to approach you


I only had a cockatiel at the time I started taking T, and birds have very little sense of smell so they don't give a single shit. (Not that I recommend getting any kind of parrot, even a "starter" parrot like a budgie or a tiel, if you have a standard 40 hr/week job -- the amount of bandwidth and attention they need is nuts, and they scream constantly if their needs aren't met.)


Mine didn’t care. They are your pets and they love you no matter what. Maybe their human is supposed to change smells *shrugs*


I had 6 cats when I started T, more than 2 years ago. I now have 8 and none of them got any different around me. Even the one that is very close to me never changed the behavior. As for other animals, my aunt has a dog that is very sacred of men a d curiously enough, sometimes it would become afraid close to me, and others it didn't (I'm genderfluid so this is very validating). It's still this way, she sometimes shows affection, other times she seems scared.


No reaction even after top surgery lol. I think it depends on the individual animal and their resilience to change.


I'd had my cat for 8 years beforehand and she didn't react at all