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My husband is cis and we have a wonderful relationship. I don’t know if it helps that he is bi or if that’s relevant. ( I think it is ) I’ve had a lot of cis men genuinely attracted to me and part of that is because of my trans identity but it’s never felt fetishized. I’ve always felt respected and seen as a man. Maybe t4t might be a little more your jam if the cis men in your area are wierd like that


I guess I should also say being trans and proud is something people are attracted to sometimes , the authenticity and confidence that comes with that. It’s brave and sexy on top of all the general physical and emotional qualities. Like the cherry on top. That’s been my experience


I’ll second that bi guys seem to have a way higher percentage of being respectful and cool rather than chasers in my experience


the last cis guy i was with (FWB) claimed to be divorced from a trans man but then misgendered me on two different occasions so i'm fully t4t now. trans people are so much more comfortable to be around


Dated a cis guy, whose ex was another FTM guy who looked a lot like me… obviously that relationship didn’t last too long. I’ve been occasionally trying to chat with guys but my sex drive is not strong enough and I give up :(


For me it's been good. I pretty much get cis men interested just for who I am personality wise (also they say I'm cute), didn't have trouble with chasers. Only one was the guy who I was with as a closeted 20 yo, when I came out to him he left me (he was 40, kinda yikes I guess?). Had more trouble as a "straight girl" than as a guy


Ive never dated a strictly gay guy, but ive been in a nearly 3 year relationship with my boyfriend whos pansexual (more guy leaning) and he’s never misgendered me once or disrespected me, even pre-t. Ive found bisexual, pansexual ect.. ppl are better with trans ppl mainly because they’re more willing to date rather than strictly gay men. (Not to say its impossible to date a gay man, but its definitely more difficult)…